I'd like to run a squad for randoms and left overs. Anyone with a mic is welcome to join. People can join the squad before each map. We can be a utility/support squad...Run logistics, repairs and bridges if needed. Whatever is necessary.
@PissBlitz @Xenalite @Ryan.TT @Doc_Moon @Spartanish @Knifer @JCLA3114
3 hours til start.
please be on TS 1/2 hour ahead of start time.
TS: (same as game server)
TMWRKMICINF is updated ready to roll:
SL. HaterOneActual
2IC. PissBlitz
Medic. Ryan TT.
Medic 2. Doc.Moon
AT. JCLA3114
CE. Spartanish
AR. Xenalite
RM. Knifer
If any of my guys bail I'll replace them on a first come first serve basis, open to anyone in the server.
As of right now my squad is: PissBlitz (on all but one map), Xenalite, JCLA3114, Ryan TT, and SoggySpartan. Looking for at least two more to commit to all maps and one to fill in gaps as needed. Thank you all in advance.
@zero_tolerance_s This kind of gaming has been proven to help with war related PTSD symptoms. There are articles all over the web that talk about the usefulness of games like PR. I wouldn't be surprised if there were members of VG that us it for this purpose. That being said, I believe this forum is a great place for this conversation.