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=VG= HaterOneActual

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= HaterOneActual

  1. New update today. Is this going to fuck up the event tomorrow? Again?
  2. I will update battle plans to include Iron Ridge and send you emplacement locations asap.
  3. Martin is correct!!! I got into a round of Jabal at the end. They were stuck on the West Al-Burj flag and taking mortar rounds. I got bored sooo...
  4. you got it! get a partner to roll with you, preferably a medic. Also check your messages for a link to the battle plans.
  5. I would like all of you to crew the APC's as well. Armor squad report back asap!!!
  7. You got it and Jersans would like to crew it with you.
  8. I will have 2x T-72 B tanks I can deploy. I would like a dedicated tank squad on the map we use them. Anyone want to SL that squad?
  9. Thanks guys! I'm happy to do it. Battle plans will be ready ASAP. They also will be kept private and available to SL's only. Ted I will send you maps with the emplacement positions ASAP as well.
  10. I would be proud to go Commander on all maps if possible!
  11. I know I need to be better about my comms protocol....and so do some of you. Here are some basics if you want to brush up or you are a new player looking to get your lingo down. Radio communication – basic rules While exchanging the messages over the radio you should follow some basic rules to comply with international standards, both in the civil and military conditions alike. Below you will find the basic, fixed radio phraseology used for the purpose of radio transmissions along with some military procedures to follow. Universal rules of radio communication 1) Before you press the transmission button, gather your thoughts about what you are going to say. Many people with radios have a tendency to talk and/or repeat too much. Say what you need to say without unnecessary repeats. Keep in mind that your message should go through the first time – you may not have any opportunity to repeat it. 2) Give the call sign of the unit you are calling first. It will alert the addressee to focus on the incoming message. There might be more listeners and radio network users so you must let them know that this time there will be a message for them, not a usual background noise. 3) Introduce yourself by your call sign. Do not use real names or nicknames. 4) Don’t speak too fast especially if the message needs to be written down. Pause after logical phrases. High voice does not guarantee that you will be more readable. 5) Use “CLEAR”, “OVER”, “OUT” when you finish your message. It notifies the addressee that you finished your portion of information and wait for the response or just ended the transmission (“OUT” word). 6) When you have understood the message, acknowledge the receipt with the words “COPY“, “RECEIVED“, “ROGER” or “ACKNOWLEDGED.” The word “COPY” is preferred. 7) If the caller requires some actions you may use “WILCO” instead of “ROGER” to notify that you WILL COMPLY (=”WILCO”). 8) Use “BREAK, BREAK” whenever there is a radio traffic and you want to get through with your emergency message. 9) Answer each call to confirm reception. Use “RECEIVED”, “COPY”, “ROMEO” or “ACKNOWLEDGED.” 10) If you do not comprehend the message, do not confirm it. Use “SAY AGAIN”, “REPEAT”, “STAND BY” instead. 11) Whenever a word must be spelled use NATO code words for each letter. Do not invent your own words – they might be misleading and not comprehensive. 12) Use single, cardinal numbers, do not combine them into bigger numbers. Call out When you want to initiate radio exchange, first you must call out the addressee of your message. To notify the addressee about incoming message call him/her twice, giving his/her call sign. First address who you are calling: Example: White Chicken 07, White Chicken 07… Then give your call sign: Example: this is COYOTE, OVER. Then you patiently await a reply - if no reply comes, you repeat your call. Remember they may be in the middle of a communication you cannot hear on a different radio! The reply for the above example should be: Example: COYOTE, this is White Chicken 07 - go ahead... When you expect the other party to answer, finish your portion of message with a word “OVER”, like in the example above. If there is a traffic on the air, use “BREAK, BREAK” to cut into the network. Only in case of higher priority of your message! Quality of transmission In case of some interference or just to confirm how your message was received you may need to ask about the reception. In this instance we use “HOW DO YOU COPY?” or even shorter “HOW COPY?” To ask about general quality of the reception you may also ask “HOW DO YOU READ?” There are two ways of responding to such questions. You may simply answer “COPY LOUD AND CLEAR” (=”LIMA CHARLIE”) or give the answerer the notion of the signal quality by giving the note from 1 to 5. Example: COPY 3 out of 5 The meaning of numbers used in assessment over the radio: 1 = Bad (unreadable); 2 = Poor (readable now and then); 3 = Fair (readable but with difficulty); 4 = Good (readable); 5 = Excellent (perfectly readable). When repeat is needed It may happen that due to poor transmission or distracting factors some pieces of information should be repeated to avoid misunderstandings. In that case you may request repeat by saying “SAY AGAIN.” Likewise, when you want to stress the importance of the message or simply make sure that important data get through, you say your message and then use “I SAY AGAIN” and repeat the message. EXAMPLE: I need five more minutes, I SAY AGAIN, five more minutes… Learn the NATO Phonetic Alphabet A Alpha B Bravo O Oscar C Charlie P Papa D Delta Q Quebec E Echo R Romeo F Foxtrot S Sierra G Golf T Tango H Hotel U Uniform I India V Victor J Juliet W Whiskey K Kilo X X-ray L Lima Y Yankee M Mike Z Zulu N November Enunciate Numbers in radio transmission It is a common practice to say numbers with each digit separately. For instance we say “CHARLIE TWO-THREE” instead of “CHARLIE TWENTY THREE.” Additionally, to avoid misunderstandings two particular numerals are pronounced differently: 4 = [foer] 9 = [niner] 0 = [zeerow]
  12. Thank you Ted and Double that was fun! For the record, my SL's were more than competent, followed orders as best they could, took initiative when they needed to and as far as I'm concerned did an outstanding job today. Iron Ridge was tough as hell. I screwed the pooch and didn't realize my mumble was muted til the end of the round. We lost our logi in the first 3 minutes and both of our troop trucks ended up abandoned behind enemy lines. They rushed faster than I expected and their artillery fire destroyed both of our ATGMs. But like Double said, BluFor was supposed to lose. I'm happy with 2/3! Thank you again to all involved. HaterOneActual is Oscar Mike!
  13. There have been some changes to today's battle plans. Info will be relayed to SL's only in a TS brifeing prior to the event. Remember..."loose lips sink ships". Get Some!
  14. Battle Plans are almost finalized and will be posted over the weekend. I would like to gather a list of the people committed to crewing heavy assets and Infantry squads so I can do a more specific battle plan. Please message me or reply to this post with that info. Thanks!
  15. Any one else getting the server connection error today? Seems I can't log into main server...HELP!!!
  16. When there is low server population I like to use wire to defend a flag so the squad can move up... We'll see how well 15 noobs do on Muttrah at the docks without wire on the gates.
  17. Ok I hope this works out for us.. Fools Road: Jamming Tower A2 KP9 TOW B2 KP5 (road junction, facing East), Stinger A2 KP3 (on top of bunker) Dragon Fly: Stinger D6 KP8 TOW E6 KP7 (facing East) Iron Ridge: Milan J5 KP5 (on rooftop facing South) Milan I3 KP8 (on road facing south)
  18. Ok. I'm pretty busy today. Can I have til 5pm my time (its 9:37 am now) to figure it out?
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