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About Yasutoki

  • Birthday 05/27/2000

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  1. Hallo there, Im Yasu or J.Dawson, im a old player of VG used play here around 2015. Born in 2000 in small little EU country called Estonia. I love flying in any game i get on and on PR i like to transport people and crates around the hellzone we call map. MilSim's are nothing new since i spent 2-3 years straight playing Arma 2. You will know me by my weird accent and the stupid jokes i make while taking a hike with the squad to next point. Discord if ya want to chat with me: J.Dawson#5913
  2. Thanks guys, I am pretty active on teamspeak lately too and im following rule. :)
  3. Hey cause i didnt find the PR COOP application for admin topic so i will put this here but if its not in right please then can you tell me where should i post it :) Name: Oliver Ingame Name: Locuz Age: 15 almost 16 Where i live?: Estonia (europe) Languages: English,Estonian,Little bit Russian too How long i have played: about 2 months now Why should i be the admin?: I should be a admin because i live in a timezone when there is a 13 players and not admins on so i see lots of teamkilling and asset stealing etc. Lots of players are reporting them on that time and theres no admins on teamspeak too. I would like to help them but i cant maybe i can post reports of them in the forum but they respond always in 2-4 hours and most of the time they get banned or just warned but it doesnt matter anymore because what happened happened already and it pisses me off i just want that all players could actually play peacefully in the server. Thank you for reading this post :)
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