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=VG= chickenjason123

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= chickenjason123

  1. Blitz 2 pls. Also only one medic for the whole team? And please use a even lower res image with maximum JPEG compression image next time /s
  2. This might be a strange request, but can I be a observer on the zeus/actor side? I want to learn how an op is run, and maybe practice how to start one in the future? If not able to, please just put me in as a team lead, thanks.
  3. According to the PR rules page on soloing AA vehicles: I would like to know what counts as "direct combat", is driving it to the frontline acting as anti infantry/light vehicle weapon only, or is parking it at the backline (e.g., near a already capped and secured flag) only shooting at enemy CAS also count as "direct combat"? Thanks for the clarification.
  4. Could you put me into any of the medic slot? thanks. Also gimme arsenal with the HALO drop, me want big caliber guns and 100 liters of blood with me.
  5. Could you put me in reserve/standby? I will jump in to fill any slot.
  6. Could you add an Engineer slot in Delta please? Or else I will be sitting in the standby slot to fill in anyone missing on the day of the event.
  7. Please just put me in some sort of medic or standby slot, thank you.
  8. Sorry I might not be able to make it in time, someone else can take my spot. I might try to join in late.
  9. Would like to join in as Spicey Specialist in Sq3, thanks.
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