Good grief stop trying to nit pick everything, we were testing out if there was a DOD around there or not, Stormhawk was there and that was what we're trying to do, we wanted to look at the frequency the bots spawned there this was also before an admin online ran next because we had 3 crashes before and played Muttrah 3 times in the span of a short time.
It's criminal to have fun now? feel free to report me and get my admin removed for trying to test something out then.
I don't see the point of your post other than being nitpicky provocative, at least that's what it is to me, might aswell have admins that handle other admins and so on eh? I know the rules perfectly, no need for you to recite them to me bud while we messed about checking out a bug, who said we base raped? The bots don't use the AAVPs and there's a one cobra at least an hour and we were there for 10 minutes.
If you want to have an Orwellian world where everybody is controlled to perfection go for it man.
Bah whatever who cares, we're here to have fun. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯