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VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= DEEPINYOO

  1. Hey Savage, HELL YA GO KINGS GO!!!
  2. (in the voice of Gomer Pyle) Su-prise, su-prise, su-prise!
  3. Ya I agree Yoda, fun is the most important part, and one thing that kills the fun quicker than anything is over adminning. Sometimes you have to just feel how the gameplay is going and admin or not according to the style of the gamers that are on at that time. Yes we have rules for a reason but the key to good adminning is knowing when and how to enforce them to keep the game fun for the most players at the time, cuz ya can't please them all. Just use your best judgement, cuz the style you use to admin will change from map to map depending who or how many players are on at any given time. Remember we're gamers that like to have fun too, we just happen to be admins also. So remember if you're not having fun you may be over adminning.
  4. Blud is that domain name for sale because if you go to that site it says its for sale from go daddy.com
  5. You weren't saying that tonight when you rage quit cuz ya kept gettin powned. Lol
  6. VG.com, Hell he should give it to you their looking for Veterans Gaming anyway.
  7. Haha that's awsome and its probably more profitable than the stock market (unless you have stock in Apple)
  8. Integrity: Doing the right thing, even when no one is watching; most players have none.
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