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=VG= Renainn

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Renainn

  1. Castor, I play mainly on Monday or Tuesday nights after 8 pm PST. Role: Armor (M1A1) or Sniper. Ren
  2. Thanks Savage, I shall read it. Sam, I want to play around with. The screen I posted is what I get. I have never played with it before so do not know expect.
  3. For map testing and a small server for those of us that want to play ad hoc maps.
  4. Ok, so I now have a copy of the arma2oaserver.exe program. I am not sure that I am setting us correctly. I would post this or research this on the [Sticky] ARMA2:OA server FAQ's and general FAQ's forum, but I am receiving an error when I attempt to visit the page. Fatal error: Call to a member function toHTML() on a non-object in /home/veterans/public_html/vg-handlers/shortcode_handler.php(173) : eval()'d code on line 15 So this is what I get when I launch the arma2oaserver.exe: Is this what is supposed to appear? I do have a starter server.cfg file as well. Maybe someone can walk me through this when I am on TS next time or post here. Thanks! Renainn
  5. The issue with KVM switches is that they are too expensive for what I need and those that use USB have the same issue of straight USB switches. Windows will re-detech the hardware everytime it is switched on and want to reinstall drivers.
  6. Savage, If you guys are still playing after 8 pm PST I will certainly join ya!
  7. I would love to join, the problem is I will be asleep at 11 am. I work grave shifts on the weekends. :(
  8. Actually, the second computer idea was a way to use parts that I had upgraded from. The computer was set up so I could use TS and research r when I played Everquest. EQ had a nasty habit of being brought down by TS. Plus for the quests I could look them up and have the help easily ready. So I just keep it going for the ease of use with TS.
  9. Ok so I use TS on my 2nd computer and play on my main computer. My 2nd computer is the hand me down computer made from the parts that I upgraded from for the main computer. I have used teamspeak on the 2nd computer for many many years. I have always wanted to make it so I can play with my friends while in TS and then be able to voice chat in game. I found a USB switch, but whenever I switched between the two computers, Windows wanted to re-install the USB headset. So I made my own work-a-round. The Headset Switch Box. It is nothing fancy, just 2 switches, 6 - 1/8 inch stereo jacks, some wire, and a project box. Here is the picture of it:
  10. The Clafgan server is the BEST! Semler and the others working on it have done a great job! And then you guys made the 2nd server for I44! What a dream! Get to choose between modern warfare or older warfare! As to the suggestion of yet again, another zombie server, forget it. Zombie killing is for the younger crowd, you know the type, shoot everything in sight faster than the next guy playing, 0 teamwork, 0 skill improvement, 0 comradeship. I have been playing with VG for a number of years now, and honestly, I enjoy the teamwork and mature game play offered. That's my two cents worth. :) Renainn
  11. Ok, can someone please explain to me how you respawn on this server?\ I click on ESC, and end up looking at a spectating screen with an incredible wait timer! 1040 seconds? When I double click ESC and then get the respawn button, I then get a msg stating that I am now being penalized for respawning and have to wait another 1040 seconds. So no respawn ability on I44? Very frustrating.
  12. Thanks Savage. I installed CBA and now redownloading I44 both from the VG site.
  13. Ok the error msg starts after I hit Join and it begins to load the server. The beginning starts: Files: C:\program files\ and then a huge list of file names. At the end it states this: are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys.
  14. Ok guys. I am having troubles getting onto the I44 server. It gives me a long list of errors ending with the server keys are not recognized. Hopefully I can catch Semler or one of the other more knowledgeable guys on TS. Thanks, Renainn
  15. Does anyone know if when you start the game solo for the solo campaign if you can run mods at the same time?
  16. Semler and Pitn, So now we need the following mods for clafgan? @CBA @Clafghan @LEA @BV @JSRS1.4 @mb_objects @opx_objects @okt_noBlur (optional) My command line with the updated JSRS 1.4: -skipIntro -nosplash -mod=@CBA;@Clafghan;@LEA;@BV;@mb_objects;@opx_objects;@JSRS1.4;@okt_noBlur Yes a new JSRS was released, so far it has worked well with clafgan. Renainn aka davestrike
  17. Semler, I know you have been hard at work on the mission, I had a thought about spawning last night. When I had logged onto the clafgan server last night, the mission was messed up. The helo used to transport to Camp Branca and do HALO jumps from was not in the correct place and the pilot was out of the helo. Thus it could not be used for transport. My thought is this. Is it possible to make a sign post that can be clicked on the get the transport to places like Camp Branca and the FOB? I can understand why the HALO jump stays with the helo, but the others are kind of static places. This map is great and loads of fun by the way! Dave
  18. How to setup Mods for Arma2 and Arma2 OA when using Steam Versions After you purchase and install the Steam Versions of Arma2, Arma2 Operation Arrowhead and you are wanting to use Modified versions of the game, you will need to follow these steps. There are many mods for Arma2 available, choose what you would like to download and install. For Veterans-Gaming, there are a few to install so you can play on the VG Arma2 servers. To make it easier to install and control mods, there is a program available, Six Updater. This can be found at: http://www.six-updater.net/. Download the latest version and install it. [EDITORS NOTE: Six Updater may download a more recent version of a Mod than other download sites hosting the same Mod.] The folder you will need to point Six Updater to: harddrive(C, D, etc):/program files(x86)/steam/steamapps/common/arma2 operation arrowhead Once you have Six Updater installed, now choose which mods you want. For the VG servers, you can use mods, but for the current map of Clafgan, all you need is arma2 played under Combined Operations mode. These include: CBA (Community Base Addons) (found thru 6 updater) @CBA Clafgan (VG Downloads, Arma2 Maps) @Clafgan JSRS (J.S.R.S. Soundmod, found thru 6 updater) @JSRS-E, @JSRS-V, @JSRS-VW, and @JSRS-W WarFX : Blastcore (thru 6 updater) @BV [EDITORS NOTE: The Original WarFX Blastcore Mod Folder can be re-named to the much shorter @BV as shown above with no problems] For Steam versions, mods are handled differently than the DVD-ROM Box version of the game. Follow these step by step instructions: Step 1: Open Steam, click on Games and View Game Library. Right click Arma2 Operation Arrowhead, click Properties at the bottom of the menu box. Click on Set Launch Options button. Enter the following line: For Clafgan mod: -skipIntro -nosplash -mod=@CBA;@Clafghan;@BV;@JSRS-E;@JSRS-V;@JSRS-VW;@JSRS-W Explanation:  -skipIntro :(This command stops the arma2 Intro)<br /><br /> -nosplash :(This stops the arma2 splash screens)<br /> Be mindful of the case setting, mods must have the correct case to work, if you saved the mod as upper case, then set the command line at uppercase. Step 2: Click OK. Step 3: Click on the Create Desktop Shortcut button. (This creates an icon to start the game with that command line for you.) You can also start the game from: Open Steam, click on Games and View Game Library. Right click Arma2 Operation Arrowhead, then click Launch Arma2: Combined Operations. A much better way to play the game. The method outlined here works for any mod you want to setup for the game. Keep in mind, once you set the launch options, the game will always use them. So if you wanted to use a different mod you will need to change that option. For example, I like to play the World War 2 mod, I44. So I need to change the Set launch Options line to: -skipintro -nosplash -mod=@I44CO;@CBA;@SLX SLX is another mod you can use. I highly suggest making a txt file (Windows Notepad) with the command lines saved, this makes it much quicker for changing the command line. Save it to your desktop. For example: For Clafgan mod: -skipIntro -nosplash -mod=@CBA;@Clafghan;@BV;@JSRS-E;@JSRS-V;@JSRS-VW;@JSRS-W For Invasion 1944 (I44) Mod: -skipintro -nosplash -mod=@I44CO;@CBA;@SLX
  19. I can attempt a step by step for the steam version. Won't be tonight though. Limited time before work and would rather play a little first. :)
  20. Ok Semler, I just attempted to log onto the VG Arma2 Clafgan server. I received the following error: missing a deleted file: caweapons_ammoboxes. I remember you saying something about this last night, but I cannot recall what. So as it stands, i cannot get on the server. And you are afk on the TS server at the time of writing this. Cheers!
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