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=VG= Renainn

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Renainn

  1. I have done the beefing up of defenses. I will make a bed. I have plenty of gear now, so that is not an issue. :)
  2. Actualy I have died several times. The fact that usually when I spawn back in is near many mobs and having nothing to defend myself with is rather tiresome.
  3. I would like to request a change made on the MC mod server, maybe the vanilla as well. Can the settings be changed so when a character dies all the equipment is not lost? Lost levels are not as hard to take as the gear is. Brings back memories of Ever Quest and death and equipment recovery! Sometimes, impossible! Thanks, Renainn
  4. So I have a question for the MC gurus. My brother has many mods running for his server, what will happen if I add the mods used for the VG server? He has set up a Forge server so all the mods are actually on the client side, well most of them I think. Many are different than those used by VG. Any thoughts?
  5. I recently started playing Minecraft. Loads of fun! Last night Tedf gave me a copy of the mods used on the server. Can I please get white listed so I can join the server? Thanks, Renainn
  6. For those of you that play Borderlands 2, there is a Loot Hunt event happening. If you want to be part of it, then follow this link: http://www.borderlands2loothunt.com/ In game loot and out of game loot. Happy Gaming! Renainn
  7. Hey Wolfe, Ever hear of a place online called Deviant Art? A great place to get know as an artist and to learn more of the craft. My daughter posts on it and learns as well. And very good pictures!
  8. Hey All, To all three of you that play GW2, get on as we will have a Guild Mission available on Monday 8 pm. It is the training mission to learn how to play guild missions. PITN this means YOU!! Renainn
  9. I was able to get the game going. Using 6 updater I made a shortcut. I tested it and got on the server. All is working. Should be on on Saturday.
  10. Guys, I was attempting to setup all the mods for the Saturday Arma event, when steam hosed it all. When I launched Steam it made modifications to Arma 2. No clue what it did, but now the game will not launch, and it will not play the mod jayarma2Lib_new. Heck the game will not play. Anyone encounter this?
  11. Guys, Sorry but my time will be limited until the end of November. I am at the finishing stages of my Masters program and need to concentrate on it. I would like to graduate after 3 years of work! Cheers.
  12. I installed all the mods and now arma crashes when started. no error messages. I use the steam version.
  13. To Whom took the Civillain Ural on NE side of the NW Airfield, please return it to that location. I know I saved it so it should not have moved elsewhere, which means someone took it. Thank you.
  14. Found the civillian Ural at the NW airfield. Needed some work and is now at my little camp north of the NW airfield. This on Thursday evening. :)
  15. News Flash News Flash!! I seen the helicopter this morning!! On the server we have been playing the last couple of nights. It was flying north bound at 006/065. I did a little scouting of that area, but only found an empty tent. I will scout more tonight when the server is in night time. This server is the one in which we have 2 bicycles, 2 atvs, a 4x4 truck, and a destroyed S104 van. :) Renainn
  16. It is funny because I play with a bunch of trigger happy knuckle heads!
  17. Server is back and the vehicles are there! They are missing all the NVG, gillie suits and GPS. I found a couple of each elsewhere and resuppilied them. Please do not move the trucks again. Thanks!
  18. Ok all I found a helo wreck. Time: 1:43 am PST Server: DE 351 Grid: 077031 (NNE of Devil's Castle) I found a M-14 AIM w/2 mags. They are in the Ural and car.
  19. Managed to get most of my gear back. I ran across a motorcycle south of Sober. By the time I returned with a jerry can, someone had destroyed it. About that time I thought I heard a car in my alleyway. I turned down my sound and the car noise faded, so I turned it up. There was a guy driving around in one of those beat up 4 person cars. He was halling ass and running over zombies! Got a M16A2 w/M203 out of the tents at Soboy or what ever the spelling is. :) Cya later!
  20. I got on for a bit this morning and managed to sneak into and out of the NW airbase. Only 1 other player on at the time. I totally lucked out! A pair of NVG!!!!
  21. So last night I log on for a bit to find Pig having a great many issues! Apparently he found an ATV, when he got in it, it exploded! So he lost many nice items. When I logged on he was attempting to find gear at Devils Castle. I had plenty of extra medical equipment so I met up with him and gave him first aid. So he is now on the road to recovery. e did find a crashed helo. All it had was a M107 with 2 mags. Too much for us to carry. Both are logged north of devils castle.
  22. Lets see. I have a FN FAL, would appreciate any ammo for it. It only spawns at crashed helo sites. Have a coyote back pack (24 space). Nice :) I have 2 blood bags, 5 morphine, 1 antibiotic, 3 pain killers. Requests: FN FAL ammo G17 Ammo Renainn
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