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VG Immemorium
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Everything posted by Bottom86

  1. For those of you who knew my father you would of known he had progressive cancer, a tough persistence disease which claimed my fathers life last Friday at 5am GMT+10. He went peacefully in his sleep, he didn't suffer and he had all of his family and friends with him for the last two weeks of his life majority if not all the time. His funeral was on the Tuesday and a total of 50 people showed up to his funeral. Well before his passing he asked me to let you all know if something were to happen to him, that is why I am doing this now. He also wanted to let you know that out of all the gaming clubs he has been with that Veterans Gaming was one of the best and I thank those of you who knew my father for giving him such excellent gaming experiences in the last bit of his life. Lee Livesey - 21/06/68 - 15/11/2013 -Bottom's son, Jamie.
  2. Only a soldier would be that brave, for telling it like it is.lol
  3. I couldn't find anyone on all day. Bummed out big time. Do i really have to play ARMA and give up PR. Looks like it.
  4. Bottom86

    PR CO OP

    Has the COOP been played from the non US/GERMAN/UK/CANADIAN etc perspective, ie play as Taliban/MEC/HAMAS team. Maybe every 3rd or fourth map perhaps. Or does this promote team switching on the regular maps? Just a thought. I play COOP Local sometimes, and an AK is a nice change of pace sometimes. Bottom out.
  5. Geez, i can spend 20 bucks and not even know it, so a small donation once a month is easy. Try it, God has a special place for donators..lol
  6. Will be there. I miss the good days on PR.
  7. I thought i was the only lunatic that did ground up rebuilds. The satisfaction you will get when she is on the road will be huge. Keep at it and never lose site of the big picture......you and ya girl cruising in a car that you rebuilt.....magic!!
  8. I haven't been getting kicked for that md5tool thingy since i reinstalled and no longer run the sound mod.
  9. When the server is populated it attracts the more serious pr players. That is when it is second to none. I have a STEAM account with some games we do not play anymore, perhaps you could use them as prizes, or incentives to other STEAM account holders who play here. Bottom out.
  10. Gaming with others on a server like VG is not an inalienable right. It is a privilege. All asshats should be removed in my opinion. Try giving to the server in some way instead of being an ass, and taking from the server. Others pay for your gaming here and you should respect the server rules and the others playing with you. If ya wanna asshat, create your own server.
  11. Condolences. He will obviously be remembered fondly.
  12. Fantastic news. All fart enclosed envelopes have been destroyed. Will donate regular 50 each month. Am off work at present (throat surgery on Tuesday 24th) but that donation will increase when i return to work. See ya in there .
  13. Vote yes, or i will fart in a sealed envelope and send it to everyone.
  14. Bottom86


    You guys run a lot of servers, and having run an LFS( CAR RACING SIM) server called DUI, I know it is a financial and time consuming excercise. I see a few guys here willing to help in any way possible to keep PR COOP going. I am one of them. If i can help in any other way, just let me know. Bottom.
  15. Bottom86


    Here is another Fifty. Hope it helps. I get a lot of satisfaction from this server, thank you. Bottom.
  16. It has lost a lot of guys in our Aussie game time slot, i must admit. I have a question though, and i am not being rude in any way. Is it possible to change the server to a more midway ground for all. Say Texas, or somewhere a bit more central to all. The necessary donations should not be hard to raise. Just a thought. Bottom.
  17. Bottom86


    My old ping 180 ish, new ping 400+
  18. I am available to help mate, financially or any other way.
  19. Result!! Reinstalled PR (as suggested by Melon Muncher) and it seems to have fixed it. Note; my son reinstalled pr and punkbuster at same time, could've been either one that fixed it. Go, the youth..lol Bottom.
  20. Sound mod off. Getting kicked every time i enter. Hate to say it, but i have to play elsewhere by the looks of it. SHIT! Bottom86 out.
  21. Can only play for a few minutes then get kicked by pb. Message reads; MD5Tool Mismatch:mods\pr\server.con(lens=2048) It may be my ping perhaps. It has gone from 180 to 360 since the server reset. Bummed out big time. Any ideas? Bottom.
  22. That is good news. I too was wondering where the best pr server had gone. I agree Yoda, the other servers are a bit weak and easy.
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