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About -WCC-sparky

  • Birthday 06/16/1992

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  1. PBAsydney LAN_WROTE ... GG with blowing up our chopper on Kokan. Just as I was landing I saw an enemy go into cover prone, and I thought "hang on, bots don't dive for cover" and then the chopper blows up :D That was pretty lucky to be honest! I just finished placing and IED and here comes a blackhawk. It was too good to not kill myself over!
  2. GG boys. I had lots of fun and i hope everyone else did as well!
  3. I demand that DOTA be removed from the list..
  4. You may notice how my mic was active while i was on the dirt bike. Just to clarify i was making dirt bike noises while riding said dirt bike.
  5. If you have played a game with sir duke, or even sat in a channel with him, you know what this post is about (if you haven't do it). Its about how we the people of the veterans gaming teamspeak server get an insight into a young man's life. We hear all that goes on in the dukes life some of it we laugh at some we cry at but most of it we just get plain annoyed at. From his yelling at his girlfriend Tiffany to him walking about his house bitching and complaining about how he has to do something or even to the clacking of bottles together and he downs another beer on the weekend its all a problem. This problem can be solved by a simple solution...a push to talk. Yes folks a push to talk...just a single button that is set up to queue up his mic so that he may speak his mind. I'm hoping that sometime in the near future there will be a petition that many will sign to get him a push to talk...but until that day ill just have to plot ways to sneak into his house and set one up for him.
  6. anybody know why the insurgency server is locked?
  7. no im actually ordnance and im reserves. and i know ingo it is huh?
  8. after 4 months of ait training in Fort Gordon Georgia...i have become mos qualified and i am now home till i deploy. cant wait to get on the servers and start kickin in doors again!
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