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About Tops1

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  1. Hello to the community! I'm based in Australia (Straya!) and want to jump on the veterans gaming discord for some BMS. I'm well set up to play HOTAS/Trackir/desk mounts, and keen to have a fly and some fun. I know how to play BMS quite well but would like to improve with people as an AI Campaign doesn't suit me anymore. I was a member of Vet Gaming last year but it was on the same day as my regular hockey games and that's a commitment I wasn't able to let the team down for. Can play outside of hockey season though. I can mk point bombs, ccrp, a2a BVR etc. I recently read Vipers in the Storm and Inside the Turn Circle, enjoyed those books a lot. Anyway that's it. Are things starting up in the New Year for a rolling fire Korea campaign? Cheers, Tops
  2. Hello! I joined the discord server for vet gaming - to play BMS, work commitments and other activities kept me busy so I backed off and left the discord server. I'd like to reconnect with the group as I've actually time to play now. I'm sorry I had to leave really, but want to get back in asap. Could someone send me an invite to the discord server @kavelenko or @Mokum or whoever? Cheers, Gravy1
  3. @Kavelenko Yep that was me. I'm "Snipe" on there.
  4. Just joined discord channel - unfortunately nobody is on the BMS voice channels. When are people usually online, is it casual timing generally and/or is there a period when people tend to play more, scheduled meets at regular times? Thanks Gravy
  5. Thanks for the welcome! Will check out the discord. Cheers
  6. Also... looking for a timezone that fits with Australian timezone roughly - I'm GMT+10 Sydney.
  7. Hello =VG= Air Force I'm Gravy1 from NSW Australia. I enjoy a variety of flight sims DCS, IL-2 BoX. I started playing BMS single player as I heard it was a "Big War" Dynamic campaign, I reckon that multi player is where its at though so found out about this group through a discord channel. I like a mix of A/A or A/G mishes. Enjoy the TGP and LGB CCRP runs. Can do a ramp start etc. I play field hockey on weekends, and enjoy martial arts; reading military history and general history and literature. Love flight sims since I got into them about two three years back. BTW is there a discord server for VG? Cheers, Gravy
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