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About chrisi123

  • Birthday 11/20/1995

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    Lower Saxony

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  1. I will also try to be there. Sounds like lots of fun!
  2. whiztler LAN_WROTE ... If you want the civs the be independent/friendly at first and become hostile when the trigger activates then create a group of civs and create 1 opfor. Set the trigger in combination with a waypoint join and lead for the opfor and sync with the civs. The trigger will make the opfor (with 0% presence) join the civs as leader and make the civs become hostile. works like a charm for me! Thank you
  3. @Castor. I need 2 triggers: one for civ becoming enemy and a seperate one for the spawn. @Sav but i need to let him join the group from beginning of the mission or not?
  4. So I get stuck on something. I need some Civilians to get shoot at me if I activate a trigger. Can't really find a good solution on the Internet. Then I need a single Enemy spawn after I activate a trigger(without any addons). Already tried to use the "BIS_fnc_spawnGroup" but it didn't help. Any Ideas?
  5. Nah I don't have so many Objectives! They're just spread over the whole map giving me the option to add some side missions and have it all dynamic like aiding another squad by flying in another and so on
  6. PITN LAN_WROTE ... Pvt. Charry LAN_WROTE ... ... But I like to share my new idea about the process on how we complete our Tasks and wich one is in the row. Let's say we've got 7 Objectives. The objects are not numbered like 1, 2, 3 etc.. Each objectiv has it's own "requirments". I take objectiv 1 for example. It says "Take the Hill A-872". Requirments: 2 FT's minimum, Airsupport aviable, Mortarsupport aviable, Medevac aviable. If we fulfill those critereas we are able to go to that objectiv. It's still an idea and I don't know if this is going to work properly so changes could be still taken. And please feel free to add YOUR ideas about this concept. That's a very kewl idea. Basically you can do something like side missions based on the difficulty of the objective. So you could request a dynamic mission based on the size and makeup of the forces you command. One way would be to have a gui where you can fill in your assets and it spits out a custom mission. Two man recon team? Get small recon/sniper missions. Small squad. Patrol or ambush mission. Platoon mission. Get to capture town/crossroad/fob mission. As Semler said it is very hard to implement this concept. @PITN. I already have 2 SF Teams and they will definiteley have some special operations to do. I added some side missions wich will provide us intel and stuff. So it's our choice wether we take the chance and capture some intel ( but also risk that we get into an ambush) or not. BTW: those intels will have additional information and will effect on the mission, for example a new patrol route of the enemy and stuff.
  7. Thank you Semler for your work! I want to do a complete new mission and forget my old one due to performance problems. Soon I will post the list of scripts needed wich I didn't find in the internet. But I like to share my new idea about the process on how we complete our Tasks and wich one is in the row. Let's say we've got 7 Objectives. The objects are not numbered like 1, 2, 3 etc.. Each objectiv has it's own "requirments". I take objectiv 1 for example. It says "Take the Hill A-872". Requirments: 2 FT's minimum, Airsupport aviable, Mortarsupport aviable, Medevac aviable. If we fulfill those critereas we are able to go to that objectiv. It's still an idea and I don't know if this is going to work properly so changes could be still taken. And please feel free to add YOUR ideas about this concept.
  8. Prophet 2-1 JTAC please :) and Confused Master as Spotter. Now we've got a full sniper team
  9. I put bots in the gunner seat so you can change to manual fire and everything is fully working. But thanks for your notice, I will add the gunner seat and if we are few players we can just move.
  10. @ Wooz. I thought about that 'cause I expected few sign ups... If it's possible invite them tomorrow @Nvram. I changed it to 1900 GMT. But I have to think about others and you can just join in progress. I think that's a good compromiss. But I'm still ready to change the time. Let's see who is going to sign up. Will decide later..
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