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Posts posted by DrJohn

  1. 10 hours ago, douglag said:

    Sup dudes, I'm Douglag (also called Doug by everyone) and I'm a young fellow who enjoys playing PR and other teamwork-based games. You'll usually find me stressing my only braincell as a Squad Leader or flying in Transport/CAS.

    Also lately I've been getting into flight sims such as Falcon BMS so I'll be around the VG Falcon server soon!

    Willing to meet everyone on the battlefield ;)




    Welcome Doug, glad you made it.

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  2. 11 hours ago, =VG= 0100011000101 said:

    on the other hand i have the whole week the problem that i have to wait to get on our server because it is full... In addition, it makes more sense to have bots on both sides, especially with low-pop.

    we could just try it out... let both run for a week or two... and then see if you only do it on weekends or leave it like that for the week.


    3 hours ago, =VG= Kavelenko said:

     It seems like BLUFOR has all the heavy assets on a map like Muttrah STD for example but I saw enough determined people on the REDFOR sides win quite easily.

    Kashan Desert LRG is what I call "balanced" because both sides have lots of heavy armor, AAV, and aircraft (ssssh @=VG= Melon Muncher, we know you love this map lol).

    I agree with both of the above.

    The game play feels fresh, different maps, dynamic gameplay, I think this is more than a novelty. Player volume changes throughout the day but when CET Evening comes around, the COOP server is consistently full, in the morning however, bots can help smooth out some of those lulls.

    Perhaps we could change the BluFor/OpFor ratio without too much effort?

    Regardless, could I ask we consider running the new server during the week at some point? The Player demographic changes wildly at the weekends, lots of new players abandoning assets, with no mic or communication, not listening to admins, makes it difficult get a good gaming going.

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  3. 21 hours ago, =VG= The_Polish_Guy said:

    There's I think that's sadly not possible. The Vietnam maps didn't really change.

    I could be wrong but, I believe melon once experimented with the bot sight/engagement distance on La Drang. This change alone would prevent the inevitable Sherman bush-snipe.

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  4. 5 hours ago, R-CON LangMaster said:

    Also i have been given permission to make an unintended annoucement that mortar smoke might be working against bots by Arab [R-Dev] which could make life on many maps like these much more easier.

    Lang you are the gift that keeps on giving.

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  5. Hello all,

    Could I ask we re-evaluate the map Kassel? Much like the Vietnam maps of old, Kassel works well in Deployment but is limited in Co-op. The foliage, bot engagement distance and lack of vehicles turns the map into somewhat of a grind relatively quickly. I'm not sure what you did to the Vietnam maps to increase playability but, could I ask that we consider trialling the same for Kassel?


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  6. Hello,

    I've played PR on-and-off, under numerous aliases since 2017. Each time I return I'm both pleased and equally surprised to see members new and old still playing. Over to you @bskm, @Store-DK, @asko___, @Rica, @cherry, @SimoTheGreat, Simo? Are you there? Why don't you have an account yet?

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