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=VG= 1Sg.Morrison

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Everything posted by =VG= 1Sg.Morrison

  1. Dont forget, it is today !!! I will be there later, have to watch James Bond first... See you later on the Battlefield, my Guns is ready for duty !gundown Yeeeehaw
  2. @ Tortia, it will not be real, we just use paintbal Ak?s (no plood, just red paint) and we are the good ones too but with enemy clothing... will be more like a training game you know ... no Yankee, Tommy ore Kraut will die... it is just a game !crazy
  3. Yea, i wanna play the bad boys too, not yet but in any PR event ... i would like it .. but i dont know wich maps would makes sense, like Muthrah, are US bots are able to go by chopper and land on the coast ?
  4. @ Savage .... thats the last warning ... dont even think the bad word ! Read rule number 2. again and again till you understand it 100%
  5. Letz lock and load ! I like your rules TED and accept them ! Letz have a blast like in the good old days !gundown Yeeeehaw !
  6. @The End You have some really good ideas ... i like a lot of them, i like the idea of the save zone ore trading zone...sounds good. Im sorry, i would like to take care more about the DayZ Server but i dont have so much time the last weeks. But maybe i find some other people who are interesting on changes too... See ya
  7. @ Savage ..dont have to be a "german" squad for me ... a Dixie squad would be fine hehe !gundown
  8. It was a good event Savage... i just have to get use to Arma/Ace ... and i should go with a SL who i can understand, im sorry Ciro but i dont understand a single word you say.... i have bad time problems with britsh accents, when y?all talking.... but it was nice to play with you guys, like all the time !
  9. If you add a shotgun, pls add the AA12 ... i can talk with austrian accent if i use it ...lol
  10. Check it out... FB VG statistics.... https://www.facebook.com/VGPage?sk=page_insights My FH2 event was a blast on the FB side also.... we need more events... like i say !thx
  11. Yep, will try to make it like FH2. no bot?s on Human side. And when the Server is up i will organize some events to get more People on the Server!
  12. Seek and destroy sounds good..wanna be MG gunner who wanna be my buddy / leader ?
  13. Ok guys 1945 is over and we win the battle and the WWII is over .... but there is a new enemy! Veterans Gaming will present soon a Vietnam Coop Server !!! @ SolarFlame - there are 3 links in that treat to install the mod on our Server. I guess it will not be that mess like FH2 Server install http://www.bf-games.net/download/1958/eve_of_destruction_v2_0_server_full.html @ Blud - I need a extra thread option for Eve of Destruction ... you know like we have for FH2 and some other games .... i dont wanna post at "other games" @ i dont know who - we need a TS3 chanel for Eve of Destruction ! DONE @ Myselve - Make screenshots and Videos, post it on =VG= and Facebook, talk to people about it, force them to download the game, play the Game and make it popular @ everybody else - DOWNLOAD THE GAME AND PLAY IT ON VETERANS GAMING !!!
  14. It will still like a bit of coop, Coop-Bandits, Coop-Surviver...and it will not be the mass like on normal Servers, like sniper just shoot you... i will make the rules soon as i can. But i can just doing one think by time... first the FH2 event then DayZ....
  15. One of my faforite songs, i have a 22min long version...much better. Look at the Video, it is in HD, i think you can see the different to normal videos !lolol
  16. english isnt my native language also but i talk like that because i am a mean crazy fucking german! but right - back to topic ! Who can restart the DayZ server... and i mean complety ..i wanna loose my Colt 1911, my Riflles my car, my boat,my bike, my ammo, just everythink. If you loose everythink, you are free to do what you want - Tyler Durdon
  17. @ everybody who wanna keep Day Z I guess we keep DayZ and restart it. Now we should talk about the Details. I wanna know how we should play now and why you think so. Critic should be constructiv, thats the only way to move on and get people on the Servers. I will post my idea soon, let me know what you want.
  18. mhh looks clear for me... i saw here 7 votes for DayZ and 10 in my treat for Server restart and Bandits.
  19. Not only Bandits, we should install the mod, that Jack imagine, make rules and then bring it on... i dont want that mess like on other online Servers ...but like everybody sayd..its getting boring, if you have everything and 20 Tents full of more shit....that will never happpen with bandits! If you like it better, we will make it official who is a bendit and who wanna play surviver...maybe we add Sherrifs too :)
  20. You dont have to play Bandit, you can play Surviver and when a bandit wanna rob you, just drop your weapon and do what he say... then run and hide.
  21. Poll and write ideas when you miss something in the poll.. Bandit rules: Not just kill other players. You can steal from Tents and you can steal Cars, if you see sombody say Stop and steal stuff out of the backpack. Just shoot for selfe defence ore last case !
  22. Here my faforite one !thankyou http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c65i4ONGdlQ&feature=youtu.be
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