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=VG= 1Sg.Morrison

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Everything posted by =VG= 1Sg.Morrison

  1. Thats a pretty good idea Robot.. you should do that. It would be good, if they know about our Server, becasue there aren?t a lot of Servers....
  2. Yeeehaw letz hunt some gooks today.... letz go ore do you wanna live forever ?
  3. My new Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=R5DRXTRUUoE
  4. 13 EoD - 2 Fh looks clear so far.... i guess its time to make some porno for Friday
  5. I wanna start an event on Friday 7pm German time (GMT +1) Vote, wich game you wanna play. Of curse no Bots on Human side for the Event... EoD download link is on Teamspeak (Eod - Coop) You need the Game, the Mappack and then download the Patch and just replace the old zip folder with the new zip folder (dont unzip ore try to install) Download Eve of Destruction for Battlefield 2 (Not 1942 and not BF Vietnam) Whatever we play it will be fun, hope to see a lot of you guys!
  6. @ Semler, Solar and Savage Is our Server able to run that game ? i would love to have that game running on our Server, im sure it dont need much resources, of curse i will take care after sombody install it for me. Can we have a Vietcong server ?
  7. Im glad sombody know OUR style and leads US the right way... i guess it is my fould, that i allways try to fix problems... im sorry i will stop it, thats soooo old school !crazy
  8. IS THERE ANY =VG= MEMBER WHO LOVE DAYZ AND WANNA TAKE CARE ABOUT IT ? Maybe not lingor, maybe chernarus ore namalsk ... with new mods ore anything else, make new rules.... and keep it running... is there anybody who wanna do that ?!
  9. Nope. but i had a idea.... is there anyway to change the Zombies ? Let them spawn when sombody enter a city and stay when they leave... and if you dont kill them the city wil be full of zombies ... and all the zombies you dont kill spread out on the completly map. (i just saw "the walking death" and had the idea. is it posible to change the zombies like that ? So it would me more difficult to enter citys, grap gear and so on, then you have to work in a group !
  10. you get a zip file, delete the old and replace it with the new one... thats ip, dont open the zip file, just replace it.
  11. one day i will set up a vietnam event .... but first i will make the server more popular.
  12. It wasnt really my work, i was just on a different EoD server with a rank system (Rank and Medals like in BF2 vanilla). Yesterday i was talking with Fastjack about it and he found the side....thanks Jack ! STATUS: EoD SERVER IS READY, FIRST 10 MAPS ARE AWSOME (i still test the rest), PLAY AND HAVE SOME FUN !!!!
  13. Hey guys, what do you think about a in-game Rank system ? If you want it here is a link http://battlefieldsingleplayer.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8533
  14. Just a reminder guys ... you need to install EoD on the Server ! I will fix the rest but i dont know how to install...maybe you cand do it today, then i can start working tomorrow.
  15. @ Melon, right now Solar and Semler work on a Admin program for FH2 it looks like BF2CC doesent work the right way. In the Past we had Problems with the maps. Some maps are just 16player stupid small, even if we say that we want a 64player map it switch back to 16p. Maybe that problem is solved with our new Server but i dont know yet. Another thing is that some maps have 9999 Tickets and some have just 300 and some 600, there is now way to control the number of Tickets. You are right with the Admin, i hope the "Job list" from Savage help. If you know who to ask for that stuff it gets faster, I was most time availible for FH2 and gave all VG?s - Admin on the Server. TEDF is most time there for PR and if he has the power to give admin he will. But we are just availible in our Time zone, i cant give Admin to australiens on of us sleeps when the other is online, would be perfect to have one European, one American and one Australian Head Admin for each Server I dont know how actual that informations are, Solar,Terrema and Semler workin on it and maybe the already solve one of the problems. With EoD it is just a little mod, we can run in the backround, just for crazy vietnam vets who wanna play it. It doesnt cost more money if we have it...it doenst really need a lot of resorces. And we should not forget people who are not members of the VG empire yet.... i know a lot of people who want the "good old time" it is allways like that, people cry for old TV shows, old music and old games .... btw i am one of them
  16. I can just tell for FH2... right now i know People dont play because of the Problems. If we fix the Problems, i know for sure Hans, Ace, Oni, Sparky and me will Play... and im sure others will fallow, Deep, Savage, Jarema, Gnutt. We should keep the Server and should install so much mods as we can, i already talked to Semler and Solar about Eve of Destruction, maybe not the best mod at all but the best Vietnam mod for BF2. And if the server is fast enogth we could run AI-X there too. But things have to be done... right now nobody play, we all wait for the go but we are ready for duty sir ! !gundown
  17. Well said HSKB We dont have Thanks giving here in Germany...but i wish you all a good one too ! I will celebrate it with my girlfriend via Skype...
  18. I dont really like Arma Infantry but i like to play with you guys, so i will be there as a driver... i dont care what , Hummer, Truck, Tank ... even it is a boring supply job, i will do the job... just tell me wich @stuff i need for the training and i will be there! My new nickname will be "The Transporter" ...hehe
  19. send it as a PM and i will do my best ...you need it in 377 x 377 ore bigger ? Just tell me how big you want it
  20. If my PC dont mess up again i will join and i would like to drive... i dont care what... just give me a boring job im to old for firefights .. hehe
  21. TEDF ...go on with your events.... and better no whole day events, i start my events most time at 8pm German time (GMT +1) and it works for the most European and American. It is allways difficult to catch the Australians... but go on we need the Events to keep the spirit alive !
  22. Thanks TEDF..but where are you all ? It is just midnight in Germany on a Saturday evening... shit, looks like i miss it
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