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Everything posted by Loppan_312

  1. Kiwi, an awesome man in an awesome community! ;)
  2. So. Dont care if it the lead is console the game is still awesome for PC anyway! :D
  3. Loppan_312

    F1 2011

    Released yesterday here in europe :D And i've played it since i got it haha :D Loppan_312 @ GFWL plays it on PC. Wants to try Co-op championship with someone :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc6jWpA-03k&feature=relmfu
  4. Thank you CC for that and yes it is a hockeystadium :D
  5. [WCC LAN_WROTE ... B0zZz3] BF3 is a arcade game, just take it for what it is. If you look for the PR experience buy a game like ARMA 3... Worst you can do is walking arround hoping for the PR devs to do something good, just see what they have done with the COOP. So true. Nuff said!
  6. Oh forgot to write that I play it on PC. To bad you dont Bones :P
  7. Does anyone here play this wonderful racing game? Seriously i love it and have done that since the day it came. Add Loppan_312 if you have it and race with me !cheers
  8. Hahaha maybe but it was your second gold and we have won a lot more hahaha
  9. That is one of my biggest dreams. Fly in one of these. Thats so awesome!!!!!
  10. WTF Suomi xD haha But we dont build tanks of ice like you hahaha
  11. Enjoy! !cheers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5aWAW2hea4&feature=player_embedded
  12. How could you survive without internet??
  13. Rome is the best in my opinion :D its just so awesome. Empire is the hardest i think. Too much things you can do in it. Waiting for Rome 2: Total War
  14. Thought I was the only one that loves hockey here xD More into the swedish teams though :P
  15. We try to speak english as much as possible when a non swede is on the channel and as far as I know I always says hi when another person joins our channel :P I know that B0zZz3 don´t have the settings in teamspeak so he can´t hear when another one comes into the channel so you have to talk so he knows that you are there. But I always says Hi user or anything like that when another comes in. I know that B0zZz3 does it to when he knows that you are there.
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