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Everything posted by -WCC-B0zZz3

  1. Sounds awsome CC! Maybe Blud can add the re-launch to the event calendar on the front page? :D Also we need to add the minecraft server rules as a sticky in the minecraft section of the forum.
  2. Just logged on and it asked me to update so I guess it's officially out? So now we just need to settle when to restart the server with the new update. Maybe we can make an event on friday? Edit: Tried to connect to the VG server without sucess so I went along and updated the game.
  3. the "updated" pre-release is out. Client: http://assets.minecraft.net/1_8-pre2/minecraft.jar Server: http://assets.minecraft.net/1_8-pre2/minecraft_server.jar
  4. Here is a patch that stops the furnace from crashing, not sure if it fixes the armor glitch. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/615356-patch-furnace-crash/ and here is a list with known bugs and issues. http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Known_bugs/Version_1.8
  5. It's also important to remember that it was not only an attack against the US but also a attack on the west, freedom and democracy. Now is the time for our tears.
  6. Dowload links can be found here (both server and client) http://www.minecraftforum.net/news/214-want-to-play-18-early-heres-how/ Im not gonna test it out myself cause the official release date is on monday so I'll just wait the 2 remaining days. For those interested in the new changes without having to download it yourselfs Ive linked the yogscast's review below, it's 5 parts.
  7. BF3 is a arcade game, just take it for what it is. If you look for the PR experience buy a game like ARMA 3... Worst you can do is walking around hoping for the PR devs to do something good, just see what they have done with the COOP.
  8. You should have made it out of green wool :D
  9. Just some random screen shots from the server. I use the photorealistic texturepack for some screenshots otherwise I play with CCCodes pack when I play.
  10. Thanks for letting us know, best of luck in your work!
  11. -WCC-B0zZz3


    BernardTheBeast LAN_WROTE ... Aaaaaarrrrrgggghhh, first I pay $50 for ARMA II a month before Operation Arrowhead came out, then Steam brought ARMA II's price down to $20, and now they're making it free. And I haven't even gotten five minutes into the campaign, especially now that I really only play OA...bleeeeergh. My personal irritation over being slapped across the back of the head with the wet towel of fate isn't enough for me to say a minimized version of ARMA II for free is a bad thing though. Pretty groovy idea actually, especially when the amount of content contained even in this broken down version of ARMA II is ten times greater than the average amount of content contained in a DLC package for mainstream games that you have to pay $10 for. In short; woo hoo, go Bohemia Interactive. It's like when I spent a load of money on the BF2 addons and then they released them for free :P
  12. LittleTortiaBoy LAN_WROTE ... xD your lucky there wasn't a butt-load of Creepers in there "That's a nice spawn you got there.... Ssssssss..." Maybe the lava makes enough light to stop them from spawning.
  13. -WCC-B0zZz3


    Maybe it was american "fans" or tourist there to pay their regards,
  14. Attention Shogun 2 players. There is a exploit in multiplayer that allows you to bring several siege engines turning the battle in their favor. Youtube ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIWcOshw4Sg And another one. Youtube ----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Imgwf8TEJA
  15. Im waiting for Rome total war 2 (if they ever make one)
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