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=VG= Murderface0151

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Murderface0151

  1. sorry i missed it guys, moved out of my house into a god damn campervan hahaha. ill be at the next one from my mobile gaming defense unit.
  2. im down, i may or may not be able to attend. ima be living in a camper van for a while lolol
  3. @FJ, i didn't mention running another game on it, all im saying is we rally forth and do something we can accomplish together, instead of in cliques and our own regular gaming groups. we are all =VG= are we not
  4. i think perhaps we should re-direct our efforts to more heavily support the public servers, show them that we are always on station and push the popularity of the Insurgency server to number one, i dont see many =VG= members on their much except the regulars. these are only my opinions but i think members need to consolidate and get organised with all of this stuff. wether it be DayZ, ACE/ACRE Insurgency, weekend events, community based promotion or whatever. we need to choose a few things and do it, do it well at that. everybody needs to get involved at some level or another. some of the posts above are not good... minor bickering should not exist in here. we are a Clan and a friggen awesome one, if we all pull together we can accomplish something amazing so please dont be lazy and do something for the Clan, and for Bludklot who has made this work. sorry to post this in here (didnt know where it would go) but i think we should be able to accomplish a lot more with 46 brains. like i said this is just my two cents
  5. good point Fastjack, its like having a glass of water with no glass, all the water falls out, no sticking together in the same place etc
  6. personally i dont find DayZ Lingor that fun, infact any DayZ for that matter lol. once you get the NVGs and M4 it kinda loses its appeal :P but to each his own. by the way, welcome to the site man. take a look around and get involved! :)
  7. noticed a huge influx if craphats after DayZ came out lol.
  8. night time mission with no NVGs, only torches on guns, really get that impossible gunfight stuff going yeah? :) haha.
  9. it was real cool, very good atmosphere to it. creepy as s**t at points lol, but you feel better about it because there's a whole big mess of you together hahah. yeah man push on with the campaign if you want to, i'd sure like to do the next stage of it :)
  10. lol, for me it says two hours... not sure why.. ah well lol. ill trust the Savage
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