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=VG= Murderface0151

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Murderface0151

  1. i think i speak for us all when i say it's our pleasure. it's nice to help someone with real life problems and not just game focussed. i mean between every active member i'm sure we have well into the thousands of years of personal experiences, so never hesitate to ask. take care buddy, hope your problem is resolved soon. Murder
  2. if it's a girl you want, get out and enjoy life and one that is right for you will come along :) if there is someone in particular then tell her how you feel, there is nothing to be lost and an endless list to be gained. don't let something pass that one day you may regret, who knows what doors are yet to be opened for you. hope this helps mate, Murder
  3. Ghost Recon: Island Thunder was THE shit. so damn good lol, an absolute classic
  4. it's nice to see this server being revived. been busy with work lately but will try to make more time to go on and get it a bit more active. if i end up getting much time on it i may ask you for Admin rights for the server Sem, as during my days off my timezone is practical for both european, and american players, and also anything inbetween that
  5. well that's a bit soon dont you think? :S seeing as it's his first post n all lol
  6. @Syntax, ill start going on Insurgency a bit more, so hopefully we can have a few good games together.. i do not forget the awesomeness of that server. sad to see it so dead now
  7. to be honest i really miss Insurgency. some of my best gaming experiences were on that server back in the day, and i for one would be sad to see it go
  8. don't be hard on yourself man, i'm not talking down on your work dude, it's good. probably better than i could do. though i've never drawn Anime before :P
  9. hey nice work man, though i do have one piece of constructive criticism :P MOAH MUSCLEEE haha :P otherwise, good work on the gasmask.. those can be a bitch to draw sometimes huh
  10. @Semler, it's not only the paper and textile industries, but the oil companies and healthcare industries too. they want people to stay sick, it keeps people in jobs. Bio-diesel could be made en mass with some crappy bush weed and have 0% harm to the environment. those big ole fat cats wouldn't want their precious black gold becoming obsolete now would they? that would mean we'd never haveto go to war again. funny story about the guy who made the Diesel engine.. from the original designer it was made to be run on peanut oil and was pretty much eco friendly. on the way to some awards ceremony to receive prizes for his wonderful green invention, he was mysteriously killed. now what do Diesel engines run on? oil and all that nasty shit, pretty obvious who got ahold of that lot there. Seems now that the only way it's going to be legalized is if state by state come the way of the jedi and force it upon the Gov. long live the smoke! FYI for those that don't know during ww2 there was a huge hemp growing drive for farmers in America. unbelievable how two faced some people can be lol. "Grow it! it's good! win the war!"... nek minute.. "that shits a class A drug and as bad as meth amphetamine!"
  11. i have a request, an insanely meatheaded (muscly) guy that wears a gasmask :P covered in guns too yo!
  12. hahah, cool work man. plus - i like the choice of your sandwich filling. keep it real with the PB n' "jelly" :P
  13. @Sgt-barclay, yeah man i love the L1A1, very classic weapon, packs a bloody punch too! picture of my uncle in Northern Ireland when the SLR was standard issue..
  14. i fully agree, M14 EBR is a damn fine weapon. hope it never gets discontinued haha
  15. man you'd be real focused on getting out of that aircraft lol. almost immediately after the impact the canopy is detatched, fantastic reactions from the pilot. lucky to be alive
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