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=VG= The_Polish_Guy

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= The_Polish_Guy

  1. Thanks for the event Pew_Pew and Melon. I did have fun so don't get what I'm about to say wrong. The maps are not configured well for PVP and announcing that it's gonna be PVP so late probably didn't help with the amount of ppl joining. But I said I did have fun so thanks again
  2. If someone can't make it to the op or can't get a free spot. I'll be streaming the event form my POV on YT https://youtube.com/live/RZBoCAgAcq8?feature=share
  3. If anyone else wants to join let me know before the 22nd of this month. I can add some slots if needed Edit: And of course let me know if you're gonna be late, so I can make sure no one takes your spot
  4. Charlie 1 gunner pls, I can switch later if we need more boots on the ground.
  5. I have committed several atrocities also a lot of shitpost
  6. Arma 3 Event Player count: 11 sign-ups Operation Switchblade SATURDAY 28th OCTOBER 2023 - 1800hrs GMT (PRT) Server name: VETERANS-GAMING | Operation Switchblade| TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM IP: Password: blade MAP: Stratis OBJECTIVE: The island of Stratis garrisoned by a USMC battalion has been attacked by an overwhelming Russian force. Defend your base and conduct a counter attack to stop the enemy. BLUFOR assets: Mortar support Base defenses (ace Fortify) Minefield Stationary HMGs OPFOR assets: Infantry Light vehicles APCs MODS (shouldn't change): Arma 3 Preset switchblade_req.htmlArma 3 Preset switchblade_opt.html [Alpha 1] Base Commander: Corpsman: =VG= keed Corpsman: Hoops0320 [Alpha 2] Team Leader: =VG= Deathdealer Autorifleman: Pew_Pew Rifleman: Veselyy AT Specialist: SerEvergreen [Alpha 3] Team Leader: =VG= Batmeme Autorifleman: =VG= XOR Rifleman: Enfield-101 Designated marksman: Sniper_Igor [Reserve] to be assigned by commander =VG= Ingo
  7. Once again big thanks to everyone who managed to come. I hope you had as much fun as I have.
  8. Password is up. Please join TS3 as you join the server to avoid confusion.
  9. Arma 3 Event Player count: 8 sign-ups + 4 reserve Operation Internal Unrest SATURDAY 23rd SEPTEMBER 2023 - 1800hrs GMT (PRT) Server name: VETERANS-GAMING | Operation Internal Unrest | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM IP: Password: bus Map: Zagorsk Big Lakes OBJECTIVE: A small town in central Russia has been taken over by an insurgent group. As a part of internal military forces you will drive to and clear the town. More details in the mission brief. We'll be starting an hour early without the traditional training. assets: Transport vehicles MODS: non-optional.htmloptional.html [Team 1] Unit commander: =VG= The_Polish_Guy Medic: =VG= X0R Rifleman: =VG= Connor Rifleman: =VG= Deathdealer [Team 2] Team Leader: Medic: Hoops0320 Rifleman: Sniper_Igor Rifleman: System [Team 3] (reserve) Team Leader: Medic: chickenjason123 Rifleman: Enfield-101 Rifleman: Pew_Pew Special Role (to be selected additionally to the primary role above) Driver (will be responsible for the main transport asset): System
  10. Says the pilot who can't find the of map airfield
  11. Arma 3 Event Player count: 8 sign-ups + 4 reserve Operation Broken and Bad SATURDAY 2th SEPTEMBER 2023 - 1900hrs GMT (PRT) Server name: VETERANS-GAMING | Operation Broken and Bad | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM IP: Password: meth Map: Lybor UNIT: OBJECTIVE: Drugs are being made in the Polish mountainous regions. The gang leader overseeing the operations is in town. Take part in a police raid carried out by an anti terror police unit BOA. As always we will be hosting a training map for an hour before the event. BLUFOR assets: Light undercover vehicles MODS: Arma 3 Preset poland_non.html.Arma 3 Preset poland_opt.html [BOA 1] Squad Leader: =VG= .Blizzard. Medic: System Officer: =VG= Sausag3 Officer: =VG= Ingo [BOA 2] Team Leader: =VG= The_Polish_Guy Medic: =VG= Batmeme Officer: Sniper_Igor Officer: Hoops [BOA 3] (reserve) Team Leader: =VG= Deathdealer Medic: Pew_Pew Officer: =VG= asquirrel456 Officer: =VG= X0R
  12. Here are a few videos I managed to take during the event
  13. Thanks everyone for joining. Traditional group photo here and some more content coming soon when I compile it
  14. If you're not sure I'll put you down for reserve, we'll find you a role before the mission if you can make it.
  15. Arma 3 Event Player count: 12 sign-ups + reserve Operation [REDACTED] SATURDAY 5th AUGUST 2023 - 1900hrs GMT (PRT) Server name: VETERANS-GAMING | Operation [REDACTED] | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM IP: Password: black MAP: Takistan OBJECTIVE: You will face taliban and russian forces as a group of highly trained PMC operators in a CIA black op. We will be hosting a training map for an hour before the event. I really encourage everyone who isn't confident with ACE Medical or anything else, to join. BLUFOR assets: Ground transport vehicles MH-60 MH-6 AH-6 (minigun & hydra) RRR trucks OPFOR assets: Infantry Light vehicles APCs ZU-23-2's MODS (shouldn't change): Arma 3 Preset takistan_1.htmlArma 3 Preset takistan_2.html [Alpha 1] Squad Leader: =VG= Deathdealer AT Specialist: =VG= Batmeme Marksman: Sniper_Igor Medic: chickenjason123 [Alpha 2] Team Leader: =VG= The_Polish_Guy Operator: =VG= Ingo Automatic Rifleman: Pew_Pew Medic: =VG= Stixon [Trans/CAS] Pilot MH-60: =VG= Sausag3 Pilot MH-6: Pilot AH-6: =VG= keed Copilot AH-6: SerEvergreen [Reserve squad]: Enfield-101 =VG= .Blizzard.
  16. @=VG= Sausag3 couldn't take going down in a heli One of @=VG= Deathdealer's squadmates couldn't take the fighting anymore
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