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R-CON LangMaster

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Everything posted by R-CON LangMaster

  1. I could try to look at some maps that have some quality of life issues, Though they have already like 4 layers done in the queue from me.
  2. Well basically almost every map that has alot of foliage, which La Drang is a speciality for this. Being shot at by something you cannot see is very annoying, and only way to usually win these fights is to absolutely ignore the bots and make a big circle of running around them.
  3. Someone save me we got people stealing stuff with full server and no admins. Edit1: it took us like 5 minutes but we got the tank back, as it seems some people dont understand what apc stands for. Edit2: send help EDIT3: we have the eye of Sauron the prism watching over us now.
  4. Seems legit :D, now turn on weatherManager.sandstormEnabled 1 and we gucci.
  5. You gotta remember multiple game servers are running on a server, owners might update something which might result in bad server fps, but if it is stable 28-30 it's alright. Though i am a bit busy lately so i cannot really tell, but yes the AI changes could possibly make a difference, i mean you could see it in good old khami lrg how many different vehicles getting stuck all over the place lagged the server to hell.
  6. Everything seems great so far, many people have been complaining about the stingers not working that they seem to shoot even before they fully lock on, which i have seen the trackers, the perfect example is jabal due to trans helicopters, and people are being sniped from the sky with lats, and i feel like that should be probably disabled, i am not a huge pilot my self i rather stick to the earth, but this is basically a double risk now for transport helicopters.
  7. Fields of Kassel Lrg will be officially in the next update.
  8. Behold a Fields of Kassel Large. I could say it's in alpha state so things may change but if everything goes right we will get it with a next update. Flag names of course are a placeholders for the actual names.
  9. It is crazy how far have i went, looking at the old screenshots it kinda blows my mind.
  10. It is confirmed now the server crashes always within 4 maps. edit: Never mind, y'all broke something on beirut alt it crashes after load. so that was very unfortunate timing, but before the beirut alt we crashed on mutrah std within 4 maps and then within another 4 maps we crashed on bamyan alt the same way, now after setting beirut alt multiple times we found out the map actually crashes.
  11. The server crashes every 4 maps, after loading a map. I am sure this has nothing to do with the maps as they have been played many times.
  12. I did added some weathering now to the launch box, it looks pretty neat. Now i gotta fix some small glitches on the texture, misplaced colors and add a machine gun mount with shield and i should be pretty much done.! Also it seems that the MGS is gonna also have animation for shell ejection as i have been asked to make a modeled doors at the back of the turret which is gonna be pretty neat I am sorry for the white background.
  13. So you cannot run severside modifications yet a script that changes a map from what it is supposed to be is fine. Seems legit. I get it you are just sharing your thoughts though if you don't wanna go against the rules you might still wanna go somewhere else than the VG forums Connor.
  14. I also wanna mention that many maps that have a neutral flag at start gives you time and saves you from ticket bleed within 15 minutes. But if you wanna point this out, this place is not the best for it.
  15. Which map are you exactly talking about, my maps have neutral flags for a reason, black gold, adak, bijar, all of them have one neutral flag, so it gives the bots time to spread out aswell it gives players time to join and load up, i've recently added two flags to opfor on marlin inf aswell since that map was very simple with just the base. Interesting script though i can't do this shit at all.
  16. Neat! Well done then and good luck with navmesh i believe in you
  17. I was looking at this at the forums, i could not figure out if the whole map was ported from something else or made by you. Though i like it, seems to be something like another bobcat kind of map, but more buildings. I like the fact that it is 1:1 ratio. I do not recommend keeping all flags neutral for coop definitely give opfor some flags at start otherwise it will be a very quick round. Though good luck with the navigation, you are saved a bit as the majority is water, it is still very muh a tidious job to do and you will be happy at the end of the day that it generates perfectly without glitches
  18. I took a bit step back and forward, changed the whole UV by hand for the turret which gives me way much more space and detail for textures that are easily visible, yesterday i played with this small detail which i am sure lot of tankers will love *bore rifling* i gotta put back the bolt details onto the turret, and for the final weathering.
  19. See, you just gotta give them some time, i can now sleep in peace. I don't know about the pavlosk bay though you gotta find the hard way if it works. Also bijar lrg should be a bit more friendly in terms of transportation around map. If anything is broken regarding bleed or anything else *again* please post it here, i will send it forward. Or you can go straight to realitymod forums if it is something bigger.
  20. As it seems the new FCS system for jets has bugged team kill messages, you won't get any team kill message even in tracker so keep your eyes peeled if someone is abusing this, i don't know if it does the same for other weapons like rockets etc, the yesterdays bijar std had full of team kills of course unintentional, but people would never guess that it was friendly who killing them so it would be hard to report, i had the chance to see this because i was spotting in uav.
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