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Recent changes to webserver

=VG= Solar

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I'll keep it short and sweet.


We now (finally) have SSL (TLS) on the website. Your usernames and passwords are secure in transit! We've also made it so general browsing on the site is all done through TLS. That being said, please be careful about what images you link to the site. If it does not have HTTPS it will cause web browsers to report the site as not fully secure as some content is provided via HTTP. If it continues to happen I'll probably have to stop 3rd party linked images being displayed on the site. 


We've also gone IPv6! 

C:\Users\mark>nslookup veterans-gaming.com
Server:  dns.google

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    veterans-gaming.com
Addresses:  2604:a880:400:d0::13dc:2001

C:\Users\mark>nslookup www.veterans-gaming.com
Server:  dns.google

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    veterans-gaming.com
Addresses:  2604:a880:400:d0::13dc:2001

Aliases:  www.veterans-gaming.com

Pinging veterans-gaming.com [2604:a880:400:d0::13dc:2001] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 2604:a880:400:d0::13dc:2001: time=109ms
Reply from 2604:a880:400:d0::13dc:2001: time=83ms


I've got some other bits and bobs I need to do in the background, but thats it for now! Report any issues you may find to myself or Semler. I'll assume no news is good news!



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Thank you very much @=VG= SolarFlame1!

Regarding the 3rd party image links, if we could just tweak the system to disallow anything but an https: link or change http: into https:, that would be an elegant way of handling it.  Pardon me for suggesting something without knowing the first thing about it's feasibility, but it came to mind and I had to get it out before it started to stink.

On that note, when we swept for those http:  images, they were all before the big EU privacy change.  These days, it is VERY hard to find an http: only site, so these days, any links from Imgur, etc.  all start with https:

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