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I'm not 100% sure how to start off this topic but I'm wondering if anybody would be willing to help me learn about making and seeding maps I have watched somewhere before and it seems as a very difficult thing but it seems once you learn it, its very easy so I'm wondering if anybody would be willing to help me get off started or help me with editing maps (tips) or coding etc,,,, in PR  I'm very much willing to learn! 

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What's up asshole

Hello Major. Thank you for writing.


It's like you describe: Steep to learn but ok to retain afterwards. Mapping (or any kind of development) will bite you in the ass on multiple occasions though, especially with a rusty beauty like PR.


I suggest you head to the PR forums, since that will help you much faster.

This thread covers all mapping basics: https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20862

and this page contains all threads regarding mapping, including guidelines, pitfalls etc... https://www.realitymod.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=2291ff2843521eeb4b733edc367560be&f=354


Good luck mapping, dick

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If you really want to do something for Project Reality, start learning  how to make maps or better start how  to create maps that are designed for coop.

All the EDITING stuff to change things on existing maps will excite you only for few days, believe me.

Follow the upper links and learn how to setup pr_edit and the Bf2 Editor.


When you get this done, i can give you some advice how you create coopmaps and what you have to focus on to create a nice gameplay map.

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