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BMS Half squadrons set to Human control


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Hi Trader, yes that is how its SUPPOSED to be though several hours ago i connected to find ALL set HQ.  Please people do not change settings. Might have been a code glitch for all i know.

Anyway getting back to the comment about allies winning. Better than 9 times out of 10 blue has pushed up and taken Wonsan and beyond with red forces down to maybe 1 aircraft so its not such a big factor as you might think. Only some bug   (my view) routinely sees limited movement of blue ground forces towards Pyongyang objective.  There is no opposition as such yet air lifts are required even when bridges preserved.


Too late i think this response might have been better under another topic heading.

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There are over 50 Air Squadrons including fighters, recon, AWACS, refueling wings, and bombers.  Only a few handfuls are disabled.  A number of them (on the list of Human Squadrons here) are disabled so Humans can fly or use those squadrons.  In addition to that, a much smaller set of Squadrons have HQ fragging turned off simply to further balance the campaign to require more effort from Human players to progress the campaign.  In a normal default campaign, BLUFOR always steamrolls the opposition within a week, taking many of the choice missions for itself and leaving less tasty leftovers for us - we changed that long ago to make it more fun.

There COULD be an issue if certain squadrons that WE did not design to be grounded were not being fragged by AI.  It would be best for you to note which squadrons those are and/or compare them to the list of Squadrons with HQ Fragging turned off on purpose.  If there is an issue, we would like to know.  We're just assuming that what you saw was normal, but CobaltUK seeing ALL squadrons fragged by HQ is certainly NOT normal, and could become a problem down the road for our current campaign instance if they've not all be set back properly to our default VG settings.

Do keep an eye on it - and report back here if you notice this again, and those Squadrons are not on the VG Humans Only Squadrons grounded on purpose.

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