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Things that don't belong


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Hey guys, just another thing I felt like pointing out in the BF3 forums. You can submit your support to the forum here. Feel free to debate! Thanks.

As I said in another thread, the Flashlight needs to be edited so that it's not as effective in broad day light. You can look up the recommendation here for more information. After a while of playing I noticed another gadget that proved annoyingly problematic, the "Mobile Spawner".

Mobile Spawner: A gadget available to the Recon Class, this gadget allows a player to set down a spawn point for their squad, allowing them to respawn on said point instead of on a squad member who may be under heavy fire or is too far away from the primary objective. This device can be placed anywhere on the map and as far as i can tell is limited to one per squad.

Provides a new spawn point and pushes up the frontline for attacking or defending teams.

This gadget can be used to camp the other teams spawn point (and it often is) and can make the game unfair, if not imbalanced.

Why it should be removed:
Aside from the obvious con posted above, I feel that this gadget should be removed because it's already possible to spawn on your team mates, much like Bad Company and Bad Company 2. In Bad Company 2 there was no "mobile respawner" and the game was just fine, even with its slight imperfections (which I feel are slim to nil).

What should be done if it's NOT removed:
If this gadget is not removed from the game, I motion that the ability to spawn on squad mates be changed to only spawning on squad leaders much like Battlefield 2. It's already bad enough that anyone in a squad can respawn on ANYONE in their squad so long as they stay out of trouble and don't get themselves killed (i.e. camp out around the corner with an rpg and wait till they're reinforced) but now they have the ability to respawn on a point that can be placed behind the other team's spawn, which allows people to take out the opposing team before they even have a chance at hitting the battlefield.

I really hope this thread is taken into consideration before the game releases because this is the one thing that is making me reconsider refunding my pre-order if left unchanged.
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That would be a deal breaker for me as well. I cannot stand the idea of enemies respawning at the squad's rear. This is not just unrealistic, but removes any and all tactical elements and can turn any game mode into a big, crappy Team Deathmatch game.
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hehehehe, but it's so much fun. We put one of these on that scaffold thing in the tunnels entrance as defense, waited till the attackers were way past it and started spawning there...it was fun, but yeah it's incredibly broken . If the defense manages to get one in the bushes at the start, they just sit around prone in them and it breaks everything. The beacon in 2142 was better, it could only be used by SL and you had to pod drop in, which made it really obvious when someone spawned on it.
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Yeah, sounds like a badly idea. One of the reasons I don't play CoD is the random spawning resulting in you always having an enemy behind you.

Considering that most of the maps have fairly clear front lines it would make more sense for the beacon to have logical deployable zones.

For example if the attacking side need to work across the map capturing points A, B, and C. Then have the beacons linked to that. Until point A is captured beacons can't be deployed anywhere further into the map than Point A.
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