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Insurgency A3

=VG= SavageCDN

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We've been asked to help with testing for the 'official' port of Arma 2 Insurgency (Pogoman & Fireball & Kol9yN) to Arma 3. This mission requires no mods and for now is only on Stratis and Altis.. other maps to follow. Please keep this info and mission files within the VG / LAMBS communities for now, on request of the authors.

BIS forum post here:

One of the authors working on this is Outlawz7 from BF2:PR. Note that all features from A2 version are not yet implemented.

Server info: port 2402
password: vg
sig checks: on

if you want a client-side mod added to the allow list please post here.

The other A3 server on port 2412 is configured as a headless client for the port 2402 server. If you are in TCAdmin restart the 2402 server (gameservice 3) first, wait about 20 seconds, then start the 2412 (gameservice 6). The HC should auto-connect within 30 seconds. Note you can only see the HC if you are logged in as in-game admin.

Both @cba_a3 and @asr_ai3 are running on the server and HC, but are not required for clients.

Info from author:

What do we want to know:

- How many players attended session?
- Were you using HC and how it handled in case of disconnect and reconnect?
- Were players actually able to see AI spawning or despawning?
- What were your mission parameters ( make screenshot of it )
- Was there any problem with HQ mobilizing or deployment?
- Is advanced cache destruction effect ok, do you like it or not?
- Were there too many static elements?
- Were there any server/client performance issues at all?
- ANY errors you encountered either by using -showscripterrors as a start parameter or reading trough the server/clients rpt and logs

It cannot be played in hosted environment! It is not designed to be played like that, and probably never will work in that way. Either use SP or dedicated server.

Check and tweak/test mission parameters, and do not forget to turn off debug in mission parameters once you start live testing!

If mission is taking any longer than 10 seconds from the briefing screen to setup - meaning island grids turned red, and HQ position is set to random location with vehicles spawned, something is wrong. It may happen with some poorly optimized mods, so take that into account while testing.

We added experimentally mod support for RHS USF3 and Leights Opfor Pack, it has been tested with ace3 and we see no problems so far. Alive and other advanced AI mods might not be compatible, while mods like ASR AI3 are recommended.

Suggested to be played in at least Veteran or even better Elite difficulty level.
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Bug report July 1, 2015

MHQ deploy distance is too large.
fn_hq_deploy.sqf<br />Line 4    (nearestBuilding InsurgencyMHQ)) < 300)  <br />Reduce 300 to maybe 20<br />Line 5  (InsurgencyMHQ nearObjects 50)<br />Reduce 50 to 5.

AI are spawning too close to players and too soon. They should only spawn at a specific distance and only respawn after five minutes if the square hasn't been cleared. Sometimes if you kill an AI it immediately respawns on the Ai just killed.

AI counts are too high. The cap appears to be per player. if several players enter and AO then you can have 20 AI spawn within 150 meters. With the AI repawning instantly this makes it extremely difficult to clear a building.

Ai should spawn at 500-600 meters and despawn after 30 seconds after they leave.

@ Savage
I like the Arsenal over VAS. The only change about that is I'd like mission to remember my loadout so upon death I respawn on a team mate I spawn my loadout and not the default kit.

I also noticed a bug where you cannot respawn. i.e. Respawn Disabled.

Where did you see zues?
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  • 1 year later...

-remove zeus
-disable fatigue?
-add BIS revive?
-lower enemy spawn #s
-increase min enemy spawn distance from player
-players respawn with default loadout... virtual arsenal vs VAS script?
--MHQ must be deployed 300m from buildings and 50m from obstacles - change to 200m / 35m ?
-needs briefing
-param descriptions need more clarity
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thanks PITN... one of the playable units in both missions is synced to a Zeus module.. I've started a 'tweaked' version and removed those units. Fixed the MHQ deployment range, adjusted the AI spawn range although I think there might be an actual bug there somewhere. Took a look at virtual arsenal but can't figure a way to have loadout applied on respawn - this only happens when you respawn on a group member??

Will upload new mission after work today.

changes so far:

-removed Zeus module
-adjusted MHQ deployment ranges
-adjusted AI spawn range
-added BIS revive
-disabled fatigue (all units)
-added support features - trans chopper for SLs and TLs and supply drops for just SLs... this is using the BIS support modules not sure how 'good' they are
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Funny seeing insurgency in arma 3, seems the engagement ranges are pretty rad.
Nor do the AI feel constricted to any squares where they initally spawn, actually got ambushed by some dudes who walked off from their initial spawn and then moved to a different location ( Green zone we've cleared) Got caught in a pincer attack, Good fun!

So when will we see a public server rather than a passworded one? :p
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Hey Jager!! Not sure when we'll see a non-passworded server - for now until bugs are fixed it has to remain passworded on request of the authors.

From what I can tell, AI that spawn in are under 2 groups - some will stay 'static' inside the building, others are set on patrol using UPS script.

The server and HC are running @ASR_AI3 mod to handle the AI skill assignments and for somewhat smarter AI. We can try removing it or tweaking the skill values if the AI seem a bit overpowered.

edit: forgot to mention - don't want to get too crazy with any changes as this mission is still a WIP and don't want any potential bugs caused by our tweaks.
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Thanks Savage. Looks like good changes and tweaks.

Is it possible to replace some of the stuff around HQ with fuel and ammo trucks since there is no HQ repair/rearm/refuel script yet?

Also yeah this happens both after spawning on group member and HQ. Spawning on group member itself isn't working well too.
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SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

Hey Jager!! Not sure when we'll see a non-passworded server - for now until bugs are fixed it has to remain passworded on request of the authors.

From what I can tell, AI that spawn in are under 2 groups - some will stay 'static' inside the building, others are set on patrol using UPS script.

The server and HC are running @ASR_AI3 mod to handle the AI skill assignments and for somewhat smarter AI. We can try removing it or tweaking the skill values if the AI seem a bit overpowered.

edit: forgot to mention - don't want to get too crazy with any changes as this mission is still a WIP and don't want any potential bugs caused by our tweaks.

I'm sure there are some settings that can be tweaked in terms of engagement ranges, it's something we ( nopryl) have to look into ourself too since we ditched vcom_ai after it got broken.
I'd like to say that some of these issues might be fixed by having more people on the server but it seems for 3 players that the actual multiplier is pretty crazy, seeing as I saw two full squads in operation putting fire on us as we were nearing the AO but it's doable, depending on their respawn rate.

And while Stratis gives pretty decent frames it already feels pretty small :p
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@AKM - Yeah swapping vehicle types looks fairly straightforward I don't know how easy it would be to place additional vehicles but I'll check.

@Jager - I think maybe ditching ASR_AI3 for now might be a good idea - should decrease their engagement range as well as minimize the wandering units

Here is what the authors are working on as far as features:

Current features:

Dynamic AI handling - with performance in mind our garbage collector does the magic
AI group patrols and behavior fueled by Kronzky UPS
Dynamic base start location - you will never start at the same position
HC support and auto detection ( up to 3 currently )
Custom island support no matter missing world size and centerpos
Custom detection of valid buildings for AI and cache spawning, without whitelisting and blacklisting
Custom HQ composition
Custom vehicle spawning, respawning, and abandoned vehicle check
Ability to mobilize HQ and redeploy
Virtual Arsenal available at MHQ ( might be changed in future )
no mods requirements
cache protection from random destruction ( cache can be destroyed by anything but small arms fire, but will still be protected slightly against nearby LG and artillery fire )
mod support - currently if chosen from mission parameters RHS USF3 support, and LOP supported
can be played with any mod - highly customizable
easily portable to any island - currently supported Arma3 islands, AIATP Takistan and Zargabad, and with support of AIATP Al Fallujah, FATA and Kunduz

Currently worked on features:

HQ composition and better terrain detection for HQ deployment
Custom respawn with spectator camera ( group only ) and MenuPosition respawn
Constant AI tweaking and optimizing
Vehicle Service point
New banners logo's and other artwork

Planned features:

HQ mobilize request approval/denial by SL/TL from team members
IED and VBIED spawning randomly across island
ECM for vehicles to fight IED threats
Insurgents random island vehicle patrols
Insurgents vehicle patrols in the vicinity of spawned caches
Insurgent tweaking to make them act more aggressively if players detected close to caches
Custom loadouts based on the role
Custom vehicle loadouts
Making opfor side playable eventually
Better mod detection and support
Eventual dedicated ACE3 version

Known issues:

Mission does not have intro/outro - proper ending yet once all caches are destroyed - will be fixed in next version
On island with a lot of clutter ( rocks, bushes etc ) it might be difficult to deploy HQ - being worked on
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Yep already fixed... new mission uploaded to server (file name is Insurgency_vg.stratis) and set as default in rotation.

changes so far:

-removed Zeus module
-adjusted MHQ deployment ranges (25m from building and 10m from obstacles)
-adjusted AI spawn range (increased min range from 2m (!!) to 70m)
-added BIS revive
-disabled fatigue (all units)
-added support features - trans chopper for SLs and TLs and supply drops for just SLs... this is using the BIS support modules not sure how 'good' they are
-added sexay intro
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Maybe a way to remember loadouts?


[player, [missionnamespace, "Current"]] call bis_fnc_saveInventory;<br /><br />[player, [missionnamespace, "Current"]] call bis_fnc_loadInventory;

This worked in the debug console just need to integrate it with respawn.

Field repair is too long. Need to shorten that timer and remove limit restrictions.
Change SL from Sergeant to Lieutenant.
Zeus no longer working? or operator error... Ah, I see now that you removed that extra slot including the Zeus module.
Disable random explosions.
Some AI classnames are not needed. i.e. "I_G_Soldier_SL_F", "I_G_medic_F", "I_G_engineer_F"
Add "I_G_Sharpshooter_F"
These three need to be replaced with Guer units but with AA/AT added to them when they spawn. "I_Soldier_LAT_F", "I_Soldier_AA_F", "I_Soldier_AA_F". Maybe by using "I_G_Soldier_universal_F".
Support module only init on Start. Does not work on reconnect. Needs JIP compatablity.

AI classname - my recommendation.
InsurgencyUnitTypes = ["I_G_Soldier_TL_F", "I_G_Soldier_F", "I_G_Soldier_AR_F", "I_G_Soldier_GL_F", "I_G_Soldier_Sharpshooter_F", "I_G_Soldier_LAT_F", "I_Soldier_AA_F"];
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updated Stratis mission to v2

  • fixed respawn with arsenal loadout

  • preloading arsenal to decrease loading speed

  • added BIS dynamic groups (press "U")

  • added map markers script

  • reduced field repair times, increased limits

  • adjusted classnames for AI unit spawns

  • promoted SLs to Lieutenant

  • support modules

- untested fix to pass down support call ability to new group leader when current one dies
- removed ability from TLs (ie: SLs only)
- does not fix JIP issue
- might not work with BIS Dynamic Groups
- not sure how it will work if leader leaves server instead of dying

EDIT: there is a known bug - after 5 deaths you cannot respawn unless you disconnect and reconnect
also with debug param turned on every dead insurgent will drop intel
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I'm guilty. Guilty of placing emphasis on features and not playability.

I think we need to focus on stress testing a full server and finding AI spawn/despawn parameters that don't bring the server FPS to it's knees.

If you're an A3 admin then please set up the server on Altis with debug on and lets see if we can get some of the old gang together and test the hell out of it.

We need to know the player count, the parameters you used that gave the best performance.
When you are logged in as admin use the command in chat '#monitor 10' (10 is time in seconds for each report, pick a number but faster is not better) to get server fps and memory usage.
Use "reveal resistance" adddaction to see how the Ai are spawning/despawning. You must have DEBUG enabled in the parameters.
Take all your players into the biggest city and walk/drive (not fly/teleport) and see what kind of performance we get.
Use Zeus to give yourself ground vehicles set to allow player spawns and "this allowDamage false;" in their init for testing purposes.

Can we get the parameter for DEBUG set to enabled by default. Altis ver.
Need to edit the onPlayerRespawn.sqf. on the Altis version, too. No added stuff like we did on the Stratis Mission.
-Remove (rem out) the teleport feature.

if (InsurgencyEnableDebug == 1) then {<br />    onMapSingleClick "if (_alt) then {vehicle player setPosATL _pos}";<br />    player addAction [("<t color=""#FF4444"">" + "Open Virtual Arsenal" + "</t>"), {["Open", true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal}, "", 0, false, false];<br />//Rem out teleport for mass player test<br /> /*   player addAction [("<t color=""#00AA00"">" + "Teleport to cursor position" + "</t>"), { player setPosATL screenToWorld [0.5, 0.5]; }, "", 0, false, false];<br />    player addAction [("<t color=""#CC8000"">" + "Toggle reveal resistance" + "</t>"), {call ing_fnc_reveal_resistance}, "", 0, false, false]; */<br />    player addAction [("<t color=""#0000AA"">" + "Make player immortal" + "</t>"), { player allowDamage false; player setDamage 0; }, "", 0, false, false];<br />    player addAction [("<t color=""#AAAAAA"">" + "Debug" + "</t>"), "debug.sqf", "", 0, false, false];

p.s I work weekends and probably some OT to boot so I can't join in on stress testing until my days off. Wed/Thur. Good luck and have fun. Happy 4th!
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Updated Altis version and set as default. Left Stratis version as is and added to rotation.

- adjusted params
- new addAction on MHQ - Apply Current Loadout on Respawn (until I can figure out how to do it automagically)
- disabled teleport
- disabled BIS Dynamic Groups

I'll be away Friday for about a week so enjoy!
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