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Disruptive players


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So the server got invaded tonight by D0nutz's community ~3rd Recon~. I know D0nutz from way back so I was quite surprised when a couple of guys from 3rd recon started acting like childish assholes.

5111cc96b065f592c83f1f3e2652fdae ~3rd Recon~ Cujo

53da0b1d12ebf2168a67d3cd400bcf9d ~3rd Recon~ Pookie

Generally saying Shut the fuck up constantly when I speak in sidechannel to either them or other players on the server. TBH worst behavior I've seen from any players in all my experience.
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This incident may result in a clan ban so I need more info. Let's clariify what happened so we can go from there.

What happened?

What did you do to address the problem?

How did they respond?

I noticed that you addressed Donutz, but was he in a leadership position or only a peer?

At the bottom of this post there is a list of the Flagged 3rd Recon on the server. Was anyone else involved?

53da0b1d12ebf2168a67d3cd400bcf9d ~3rd-Recon~ Pookie<br />5111cc96b065f592c83f1f3e2652fdae ~3rd-Recon~ Cujo<br /><br /><br />ecbbd5f10637337b79a892b9636e1e99 ~3rd Recon~ D0nutz<br />6f602acef55c2f3f9a58ee893ae61ea0 ~3rd-Recon~ Lukeoverhere<br />e05563731752243ac2af753a82d624b7 ~3rd Recon~ Elkabong<br />45ba167bd862600c0b0921e7f0d3dc3f ~3rd Recon~ pooter<br />4f29bc90f346801f3b42a1d63222c6db ~3rd-Recon~ Dr.D<br />7412d6f5a98408fa862803b4911131eb ~3rd Recon~ Loading...

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Basically what happened was some randoms started shooting at my littlebird. I warned them not to shoot at my chopper and as I was speaking 3rd Recon Cujo starts spamming shut the fuck up to me over VOIP.

I ignore him and keep playing. After a while I use sidechannel again. And I get the same shut the fuck up spam from Cujo.

After a lot of useless chatter in sidechannel from Cujo I replied with STFU as I was "slightly" annoyed by his behavior and not being able to talk. This resulted with more insults and Pookie joining in. (Yeah I shouldnt have said a word, but I'm human and I was provoked without reason)

As I know D0nutz from way back I tell him its a shame his clanmates are acting like this (or I'm trying to over the shut the fuck up spam). Then I type to D0nutz asking him to control his "posse".

After a while the MHQ is mobilised and I type in chat for whoever is driving it to please redeploy it again asap. I fly over to where the MHQ was and Pookie and some other 3rd Recon are driving it towards Rasman central. I ask them with VOIP this time to redeploy it and get spammed with shut the fuck up again.

After that point I go AFK and report them.

Timeline of events might be slightly mixed between the FF on chopper and MHQ. It was going on for a while.

D0nutz and the rest of 3rd Recon was not involved in any way. I just tried to talk with D0nutz as I knew him but he never responded.
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When a large group of individuals from a clan join a publicly hosted private server and then attempt to to control that server through a play style that is not what the host intends will not be tolerated here.

Members of a clan that harass other players in a server not their own and then, after it is brought to their attention, they choose not to address that behavior immediately taints the entire clan.

The two perpetrators have a permanent ban unless they publicly apologize for their behavior. Anyone wearing the ~3rd Recon~ tag will be dealt with individually. However, if it appears that this behavior is condoned by ~3rd Recon~ then anyone who represents that clan will receive a ban.
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Would just like to say thanks, they deserved it.
I was there too, those two where really acting like idiots and I can confirm ridDle's story.
One of them jumped in for a ride in my helo as well, when my team was going for objectives... suddenly I as the pilot found myself and my team getting yelled at in a rude manner for not going where he wanted to. We just went along, resisting the urge to do CFIT and respawn, barely.
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