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A few words about the Coop Map Cyrcle (for Version 1.0 of PR written at November 2013 by Boreg)
(And sorry that some words may be a bit strange, my native language is German,but i use Dict.cc often )

I start with the word....
Because, i write this here after a couple of Hours of research. Only the first 3 Maps i explain. When you read it you will understand. But now first a few words about decisions i have done during the development.

* Every Mapchange got the risk to Crash the server. So i decide to make the List in 4 Parts.
So a Admin if online can easy choose a Map in List which is followed by other maps fitting to the Situation.

* In past i spoke with other admins about Mapcirkles, and honest we all do it wrong.
We thought about a Mapcircle from first to last map. But in reality this will not happen.
We have 2-4 maybe 5-7 Maps before the server crash. This means we must setup a Mapcyrcle
with a Very good start of 8 Powerfull maps, the rest is moderation by admins.

* The Parts of the Mapcircle should Start by maps playable by less men and end by Maps Playable by much men (Except part 4). If a Admin Choose a Map he can count the Player and if there are enough he can Choose a Point in Cyrcle part which fit to Player Number. But be sure that if he choose Part 4 Maps 20-50% of player leave.

* There should be a bit alternation, so i tried to sort it a bit that there is not 3 Rounds Militia as enemy.(Except part 4).

* Maybe you will say, There is no need for CAS on this map so we need no ?13? men, 11 are enough, maybe you are right, but remember, this is a Coop server, one of the Motivations to play here is the high avaiabelity of Strong vehicles.
So in most cases Cas/Trans is filled before we have Inf at all.

* For the count i used as base 4 men Inf squads, 2 Squads if one of the next flags is reachable for one squad without high risk that the defendable flag is taken back,
3 Squads if Blue need to Defend 2-3 Flags and need others to Attack. On Maps with many trees or other unfair things the Inf squads need to be bigger. I think you know some Flags impossible to take with 4 men.

* I spend about 4 Hours to Develop this Text and List(s), so on some points i am maybe wrong. Finally there will be some maps which can be placed elsewhere. But this we can only experience.

So we come to, how to use this Mapcircle.

If there is NO Admin. Then the Player can Play map 1 to map x Until Crash. Sure, its not Perfect,
but there is no Map under the first 16 which will anoy the Player.

If a admin is there he can decide

If there are only a few Player he can choose a Point in the (3/4) Inf Maplist and switch back to Part 1 or Part 2 if the Server fills up

If there are enough and he wont annoy the player he can choose Part 1 or 2.

If he or some player want a map from part 4 he can chose this map. But he should stay until end of Map or at least he should setnext to Part 1 or 2

And now The Mapcyrcle in 4 Parts

Startup overview (Maps 1/4 aka Part 1)
Muttra City Std - 14 Men - 2*4 Inf/3 Support/1 Armor/2 Cas
Burning Sands Std - 13 Men - 2*4 Inf/1 Support/2 Cas/2 Armor
Kamisiyah Alt - 15 Men - 2*4 Inf/3 Support/2 Cas/2 Armor
Beirut Std - 11 Men - 4 Inf/4 APC/1 Trans/2 CAS
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Crahs risk is now High after 4 Maps - - - - -
Kashan Dessert Std - 12 Men - 4 Inf/2 Support/3 Cas/3 Armor
Pavlovsk Bay Std - 16 Men - 2*5 Inf/4 Support/1 Armor/1 Cas
Kokan Std - 15 Men - 2*4 Inf/4 Support/3 Cas
Jabal al Burj Std - 15 Men - 2*4 Inf/4 Support/3 Cas (Breaks MUMBLE)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Its Crashed, or Not ? - - - - - - - - - - - -
Qwai River Std - 14 Men - 2*5 Inf/4 Support
Al Basrah STD - 13 Men - 2*4 Inf/1 Support/2 CAS/2 APC
Bijahr Canyons Std - 11 Men - 2*4 Inf/3 Support
Ramiel Alt - 16 Men - 2*5 Inf/3 Support/3 Cas
Vadso City - 16 Men - 2*6 Inf/4 Support
Karbala Std - 19 Men - 3*4 Inf/2 Support/3 Cas/2 Armor
Fools Road STD - 12 Men - 2*4 Inf/2 Support/2 APC
Operation Marlin Std - 15 Men - 2*5 Inf/3 Support/2 Apc (Breaks MUMBLE)

The startup Map is the most Important.
After each Sterverstart and every Crash this map will be played, means it is the most played map ever.

1* For a single player it must possible to have one or two hours fun. This means there must be other things to do than capping flags. So the Startup flag MUST have Vehicles to operate alone make fun.
Actuall on the VG COOP this is not so Importent because there are nearly ever a handfull of men. But it will be Most Importent for the first 3-4 men at Startup

2* The startup map should be easy, so that only a handfull of men will have a good fight.

3* The enemy should not have strong CAS. With 2-3 Men you cant quit men for AA.

4* The Blueforce Base should not be Cappable or Attackable

Finally its Muttra STD. No other map fits all 4 Points

Then should follow a good map the most player love
Because its the Second map this map will be played very often , and very often with only a Half Team.

1* This map should be playable by a handfull of men.

Sensefull would be Burning Sands STD

Because you have 1man Vehicles, you have Coppers, and all Flags are Takeable by a 4men Inf Squad.

Then should follow maps loved by the Community, still good to play with a Half team.
Kamisiyah ALT - Would be good as next its not so overplayed and ideal for small to Half teams


Startet by Muttra Alt The next row of Good maps (mostly the alternative to the first Choosen)(Maps 2/4 aka Part 2)
Muttra City Alt - 11 Men - 2*4 Inf/2 Support/1 Armor
Gaza Beach STD - 12 Men - 2*4 Inf/2 Support/2 Armor
Kokan Alt - 12 Men - 2*4 Inf/2 Support/2 Armor
Kashan Dessert ALT - 12 Men - 4 Inf/2 Support/3 Cas/3 Armor
Fallujah West - 16 Men - 3*4 Inf/2 Support/2 APC
Lashkar Valley Std - 17 Men - 2*6 Inf/3 Support/2 Armor (To much trees, but Playable)
Ramiel Std - 18 Men - 2*5 Inf/2 Support/4 Cas/2 Tank
Pavlovsk Bay Alt - 18 Men - 2*5 Inf/4 Support/1 Armor/3 Cas
Operation Archer Std - 18 Men - 2*6 Inf/4 Support/2 Armor
Kamisiyah Std - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Operation Marlin Alt - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Lashkar Valley Alt - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Dovre - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Qwai River Alt - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Then the Inf Maps (Maps 3/4 aka Part 3)
Kashan Dessert Inf - 6 Men - 3 Inf/3 Support
Jabal al Burj Inf - 8 Men - 2*3 Inf/2 Support
Qwai River Inf - 8 Men - 2*4 Inf/2 Support
Al Basrah Inf - 9 Men - 2*4 Inf/1 Support
Asad Khal - 9 Men - 2*4 Inf/1 Support
Gaza Beach Inf - 10 Men - 2*4 Inf/2 Support
Burning Sands Inf - 10 Men - 2*4 Inf/2 Support
Yamalia - 11 Men - 2*4 Inf/3 Support
Shijia Valley - 12 Men - 2*5 Inf/2 Support
Ramiel Inf - 12 Men - 2*5 Inf/2 Support
Kamisiyah Inf - 14 Men - 3*4 Inf/2 Support
Silent Eagle - 14 Men - 2*6 Inf/2 Support
Operation Marlin Inf - 15 Men - 2*5 Inf/3 Support/2 Apc
Operation Archer Inf - 16 Men - 2*6 Inf/4 Support
Bijahr Canyons Inf - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Kokan Inf - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online since 1.0-------------------
Karbala Inf - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Kozelsk Inf - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Lashkar Valley Inf - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online since 1.0-------------------
Pavlovsk Bay Inf - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Finally the problematic Maps, If a Admin Decide to set one of these maps as next he should stay. These maps can empty the server fast. And as fact, if there are less men in Team there will be no more fun.
These maps are not assorted by number of needet Players
(Maps 4/4 aka Part 4)
Xianshan - ?? Men - ----------Played not often enough to have a Plan-----------------
Operation Barracuda Alt - 18 Men - 3*4 Inf/4 Support/2 Cas (To much trees)
Operation Barracuda Std - 18 Men - 3*4 Inf/4 Support/2 Cas (To much trees)
Kozelsk Std - 18 Men - 2*6 Inf/4 Support/2 Armor (To much trees)
Hill 488 STD - 16 Men - 2*6 Inf/2 Support/2 Armor or Boat (To much trees)
Tad Sae Offensive Inf - 16 Men - 2*6 Inf/4 Support (To much trees)
Dragon Fly - 14 Men - 2*6 Inf/2 Support (Hard first flag)
Black Gold - 14 Men - 3*4 Inf/2 Support (Unloved map, to much fog)
Iron Ridge - 14 Men - 1*8 Inf/2 Support/2 Cas/2 BRDM (Only Cas has fun)
Fools Road INF - 14 Men - 2*6 Inf/2 Support (Nightmap)
Assault on Mestia - 13 Men - 3*4 Inf/1 Support (To much trees)
Charlies Point - 23 Men - 3*6 Inf/3 Support/2 Cas (To much trees)
Operation Ghost Train - 20 Men - 3*6 Inf/2 Support (To much trees)
Tad Sae Offensive Std - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online since 1.0-------------------
Wanda Shan - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------

Last words
If you the Admin team want that there is more Alternation in Mapcircle, i would suggest to set Map 4 to Map of the week.
Means Map 4 Will be Changed all few days. I dont think that this is neccessary because you have Mapvote and Admins which will influence the Played maps.
But it is a other way to alternate the played maps. But finally i am confident, that this mapcircle is (nearly) the best you can do.

Unsorted Full list of all Maps (from Local)

All Maps - Player you need to play it sensefull against 32 bots
The count means really working Player, so we must add some Player to get the Count
1-4 =+1 = 5 Player online
5-10 =+2 = 12 Player online
11-20 =+4 = 24 Player online
20-26 =+6 = 32 Player online
Inf means Mech inf too / Support means Logi or Trans, Mortars, HMG Firesupport, TOW Firesupport, AA Firesupport
Armor means Tanks and Apcs
Al Basrah Inf - 9 Men - 2*4 Inf/1 Support
Al Basrah STD - 13 Men - 2*4 Inf/1 Support/2 CAS/2 APC
Asad Khal - 9 Men - 2*4 Inf/1 Support
Assault on Mestia - 13 Men - 3*4 Inf/1 Support (UNFAIR Tree HATEMAP)
Beirut STD - 11 Men - 4 Inf/4 APC/1 Trans/2 CAS
Bijahr Canyons Inf - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Bijahr Canyons STD - 11 Men - 2*4 Inf/3 Support
Black Gold - 14 Men - 3*4 Inf/2 Support (Unloved map)
Burning Sands Inf - 10 Men - 2*4 Inf/2 Support
Burning Sands STD - 13 Men - 2*4 Inf/1 Support/2 Cas/2 Armor
Charlies Point - 23 Men - 3*6 Inf/3 Support/2 Cas (UNFAIR HATEMAP)
Dovre - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Dragon Fly - 14 Men - 2*6 Inf/2 Support (Hard first flag)
Fallujah West - 16 Men - 3*4 Inf/2 Support/2 APC
Fools Road INF - 14 Men - 2*6 Inf/2 Support (Nightmap, Sucks)
Fools Road STD - 12 Men - 2*4 Inf/2 Support/2 APC
Gaza Beach Inf - 10 Men - 2*4 Inf/2 Support
Gaza Beach STD - 12 Men - 2*4 Inf/2 Support/2 Armor
Hill 488 STD - 16 Men - 2*6 Inf/2 Support/2 Armor or Boat
Iron Ridge - 14 Men - 1*8 Inf/2 Support/2 Cas/2 BRDM (Only Cas has fun)
Jabal al Burj Inf - 8 Men - 2*3 Inf/2 Support
Jabal al Burj STD - 15 Men - 2*4 Inf/4 Support/3 Cas (Breaks MUMBLE)
Karbala Inf - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Karbala STD - 19 Men - 3*4 Inf/2 Support/3 Cas/2 Armor
Kashan Dessert Inf - 6 Men - 3 Inf/3 Support
Kashan Dessert STD - 12 Men - 4 Inf/2 Support/3 Cas/3 Armor
Kashan Dessert ALT - 12 Men - 4 Inf/2 Support/3 Cas/3 Armor
Kamisiyah Inf - 14 Men - 3*4 Inf/2 Support
Kamisiyah Alt - 15 Men - 2*4 Inf/3 Support/2 Cas/2 Armor
Kamisiyah Std - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Kokan Inf - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online since 1.0-------------------
Kokan Alt - 12 Men - 2*4 Inf/2 Support/2 Armor
Kokan Std - 15 Men - 2*4 Inf/4 Support/3 Cas
Kozelsk Inf - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Kozelsk Std - 18 Men - 2*6 Inf/4 Support/2 Armor
Lashkar Valley Inf - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online since 1.0-------------------
Lashkar Valley Alt - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Lashkar Valley Std - 17 Men - 2*6 Inf/3 Support/2 Armor
Muttra City Alt - 11 Men - 2*4 Inf/2 Support/1 Armor
Muttra City Std - 14 Men - 2*4 Inf/3 Support/1 Armor/2 Cas
Operation Barracuda Alt - 18 Men - 3*4 Inf/4 Support/2 Cas
Operation Barracuda Std - 18 Men - 3*4 Inf/4 Support/2 Cas
Operation Archer - 16 Men - 2*6 Inf/4 Support
Operation Archer - 18 Men - 2*6 Inf/4 Support/2 Armor
Operation Ghost Train - 20 Men - 3*6 Inf/2 Support (UNFAIR HATEMAP)
Operation Marlin Inf - 15 Men - 2*5 Inf/3 Support/2 Apc
Operation Marlin Std - 15 Men - 2*5 Inf/3 Support/2 Apc (Breaks MUMBLE)
Operation Marlin Alt - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Pavlovsk Bay Inf - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Pavlovsk Bay Alt - 18 Men - 2*5 Inf/4 Support/1 Armor/3 Cas
Pavlovsk Bay Std - 16 Men - 2*5 Inf/4 Support/1 Armor/1 Cas
Qwai River Inf - 8 Men - 2*4 Inf/2 Support
Qwai River Alt - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Qwai River Std - 14 Men - 2*5 Inf/4 Support
Ramiel Inf - 12 Men - 2*5 Inf/2 Support
Ramiel Alt - 16 Men - 2*5 Inf/3 Support/3 Cas
Ramiel Std - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online since 1.0-------------------
Shijia Valley - 12 Men - 2*5 Inf/2 Support
Silent Eagle - 14 Men - 2*6 Inf/2 Support
Tad Sae Offensive Inf - 16 Men - 2*6 Inf/4 Support
Tad Sae Offensive Std - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online since 1.0-------------------
Vadso City - 16 Men - 2*6 Inf/4 Support
Wanda Shan - ?? Men - -------------Never Played it Online-------------------------
Xianshan - ?? Men - ----------Played not often enough to have a Plan-----------------
Yamalia - 11 Men - 2*4 Inf/3 Support

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The reason i wrote this text / list a few days ago was that many player (including me) dont like the actual switch between Vehicle and Inf maps. The meaning of the Player i spoken to was that they dont play PR for INF. Sure Inf can make fun, and on Maps without vehicles Inf has more fun. But Finaly the reason to play BF2 and PR, and addidtional on COOP is that there are Vehicles. That this is feelt by many of the player you can see by many sucessfull mapvotes the last days.
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Thank you for an interesting and in depth analysis of the PR map rotation. It is certainly something we will look into and improve.

Personally i too like to play maps with vehicles, the combined arms is much fun. Although with a high population server large open maps become quite boring and easy, example would be kashan desert.

Inf maps provide a greater challenge, and require better teamwork and coordination between squads. Inf maps with lots of trees/bushes can very brutal, it is a different type of gameplay. But when completed provide a far greater sense of achievement, than shooting fish in a barrel (with a tank) on kashan.

With inf maps there needs to enough people who know what they are doing to lead the squads and make it a fun round. When the population lacks those skills such inf maps become a stalemate and people leave the server.

I do not have the time to be active on the PR server, so my map preferences are not a high priority. It would be a good thing to adapt the rotation to the current populations needs.

Just some food for thought there.
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First off thanks for going through this like you have.
PR is first and foremost an infantry game. That doesn't mean that assets are any less respected, but the majority of players are infantry and they are the ones to influence the map. Sure CAS might be having fun racking in the kills, but if the infantry is going to keep dying like they are the server will rapidly empty.

Maplists are a tall order to maintain. Getting it wrong can ruin the game, just as getting it right can ruin the map because it will become overplayed.
Mumble breaking maps are a problem, PR requires teamwork. Something that makes maps without mumble server killing.

My personal thoughts on each map.

~Albasrah 16
Quick, easy, infantry. Not much of a challenge.
~Albasrah 64
All round moderate map, number of flags cappable at once mean it won't work without teamwork.
~Asad_khal 16
Fast paced, teamwork oriented infantry. Breaks mumble.
~Assault_on_mestia 64
Difficult, forest map. Infantry focused.
~Beirut 64
Asset heavy, lack of troop truck means teamwork is a must for infantry.
~Bijar_canyons 16
Fast paced, very simple.
~Bijar_canyons 64
Fairly easy urban map.
~Black_gold 16
Difficult, dust storm makes the fighting hard and intense.
~Burning_sands 16
Linear, strong infantry fighting without much cover.
~Burning_sands 64
Very easy, MEC will get steamrolled when against a capable armour crew. Boring fighting for inf.
~Charlies_point 64
Moderatly difficult, RPGs and bot swarms make the first flag difficult, but smooth sailing from then on.
~Dovre 64
Hard, very hard. AI shooting through trees and large cap zones make this one of the hardest PR maps for both inf and Armour.
~Dragon_fly 16
Close knit urban combat, a good change of pace but you need to have people that know what they are doing.
~Fallujah_west 64
Good infantry map, hard with low pop count due to number of cappable flags.
~Fools_road 16
Hard. Bots shooting through trees and battling uphill.
~Fools_road 64
Hardish. Relatively easygoing for infantry until the fort, at which point it takes a turn for the scary.
~Gaza 16
Good fighting, needs a few people to cap out.
~Gaza 64
Good map when the server has people, not so much when it doesn't.
~Hill_488 64
Bots in the trees, flame tank, round doesn't end.
~Iron_ridge 64
Hard. If infantry can't cap the frst flag it quickly turns into one of the most annoying maps. Hind.
~Jabal 16
Lots of bots, not much space. You'll quickly get swarmed by bots.
~Jabal 64
Great starter map, only it breaks mumble.
~Karbala 16
Hard. CQB makes for intense fighting.
~Karbala 64
Good ol' Karbala. Armour, CAS and infantry.
~Kashan_desert 16
Infantry only, not much to say.
~Kashan_desert 32
Good with less players, more than 10 and it's over before it starts.
~Kashan_desert 64
Still a good coop map, good combined arms. Needs at lest one good squad.
~Khamisiyah 16
Good infantry map with higher pop count. MEC is merciless.
~Khamisiyah 32
USMC layer, lotsa jets, lotsa armour and good infantry. Needs more than ten to make it anywhere.
~Khamisiyah 64
Broken, but it's the US army layer.
~Kokan 16
Infantry, compounds, fields.
~Kokan 32
Canadian layer, CAS is replaced by the more versatile LAVIII's.
~Kokan 64
Not a map for armour whores. Kiowas and Blackhawks.
~Kozelsk 16
Hard, defensive, infantry fighting.
~Kozelsk 64
Bots, trees and a T90 makes this an interesting map when it's in capable hands.
~Lashkar_valley 16
Mountain fighting, caves and valley's of death.
~Lashkar_valley 32
Infantry focused. Single huey and Logi. Lots of trees.
~Lashkar_valley 64
Great map when you have capable armour and infantry, extremely difficult if one is slacking.
~Muttrah_city_2 32
Light armour and infantry. Fairly underplayed.
~Muttrah_city_2 64
Default start map. Everyone knows what it consists of.
~Op_barracuda 32
Vietnam. Hueys, slow ass boats and full auto rifles. Great map when there are players.
~Op_barracuda 64
Same as alternate layer only modern. Boats don't spawn.
~Operation_archer 16
Hard. Needs capable players or this map is insane.
~Operation_archer 64
Opens up once the village is cleared. Camping on the hills.
~Operation_ghost_train 16
Scary. Not for the weak of heart or those wanting to stay alive.
~Operation_marlin 16
Easy. VAB's roll through the MEC when in good hands. Very linear.
~Operation_marlin 32
Tank breaks the game. Pretty boring.
~Operation_marlin 64
Great map, breaks mumble. Intense infantry and armour fighting.
~Pavlovsk_bay 16
Moderately easy. AAVP7A1 is overkill when it's working with the team.
~Pavlovsk_bay 32
Difficult. Getting the last few flags is a pain without proper support.
~Pavlovsk_bay 64
Difficult. Good transport pilots are a must, Harriers are good support if the pilots know what they are doing. APC's take a long time to reach the shore and are lost easily.
~Qwai1 16
Intense infantry fighting.
~Qwai1 32
US army are the underdogs here. Strikers are nothing against enemy armour. Infantry support is a must.
~Qwai1 64
Humvees and Chinese jeeps. Either hard and intense or easy and boring depending on the n umber of players.
~Ramiel 16
Hard. Linear map channels the bots straight towards you and make pushing forward difficult.
~Ramiel 32
Hard. Teamwork is a must. Infantry focused.
~Ramiel 64
Fairly easy. Apache is lost easily unless the pilot knows what he is doing. Infantry are kings here.
~Shijiavalley 16
Infantry. Haven't played it enough to make judgment.
~Silent_eagle 16
Hard. Paradrop, CQB and low light makes this a frightening experience. Number of cappable flags makes it even worse.
~Tad_sae 16
V. Hard. Night time, bots in the trees and no thermal APC support.
~Tad_sae 32
V. Hard. Night time, bots in the trees. Vietnam at least has APC's.
~Vadso_city 64
Hard. Infantry focused. Bushes everywhere and bots in the building make the warrior vulnerable.
~Wanda_shan 16
What are you doing levels of hard. The only map I haven't played.
~Xiangshan 64
Worse than Dovre, Bushes and AT everywhere. No one man armour and super large capzones make this a server killing map.
~Yamalia 16
Moderate. HMG's roll the enemy down, but a shortage of supplies means getting ammo to the front is difficult.
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i write down what i see inside at gaming


I joined at Kashan 7 men, funny play
Qwai River Started by 7 We votet us out
Beirut Start with 6, nobody stay at flags, with 3 men we vote us out to Kashan us Layout
Kashan we stzart by 2 and end at 6, We had fun but (Lost this round 41 - 0
Hija Valley Inf We vote out after 1 min by ?7? Men , back to Kashan us Layer
Kashan, Startup by ?6? men, after a half hour or so i leave

Joined at Kami Inf with 22 Men
Then we played Falluscha west
As next we played Kokan with around 20 men but i left because of RL

Finally. The Gaming was good. But new Aspekts about the Mapciryle i didnt found. Only that Beirut can overcharge some player was new to me. About Kashan i can only say that 3 Men are really to less. 1 was CAS, 1 Tank, and i needet to stay in Avenger.

(I try to write more Days down for analysis)

By the way thanks for answers

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