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ArmA3 officially announced...


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ARMA3 Detail page

Key features:

* Single-Player Campaign - evolve from a lone prey into a military commander in the open-ended & story-driven campaign.
* Vehicles & Weapons - control multitude of aircraft, vehicles and ships with the accurate simulation, shoot from anything from pistols to the sophisticated weapon platforms.
* Customizable Soldier Load - choose your uniform, assemble your weapon kit, change your loadout, get encumbered.
* Physical simulation & improved animations - take advantage of PhysX? supporting the vehicle simulation, in-game interactions and the revamped animation system.
* Rich & authentic environment - explore the unsurpassed modern ground combat experience set on the authentic Mediterranean island modeled from the real geographic data.
* Multiplayer Gameplay - challenge both cooperative & competitive scenarios with full support of dedicated servers for both Windows and Linux.
* Completely extensible & moddable - design & create countless customizable scenarios using the intuitive & easy-to-use mission editor.
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I dunno, I'm just not that excited for "New" ARMA title so soon. I still think that ARMA II is a stellar title and has a ton of untapped potential yet to be tapped by the huge community that it has. The screens for ARMA III don't even look that much better then ARMA IIs.

Now with all that being said it will still be a "day one" purchase for me! !yes
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I'm absolutely ok with Arma II, can play it for ages, but HELL YEAH.

Also: No tech details as such, but there?s some minimum specs: Intel Core i5 or AMD Athlon Phenom X4 or faster, Shader 3 graphics card, DX10 support minimum.
via RPS

What heli is this?
Boeing/Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche? I thought it was cancelled.
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It may not be that far fetched.



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The ghillie suit on the ARMA III page (top left image) looks like a ghillie suit and not a bunch of plastic spikes. This makes Beast happy.

...course, it's probably just game art and the final product will look completely different, but oh well.

Actually, I'm going to look up what's needed for skinning in ARMA II and make a re-texture of that ghillie suit myself...

Oh, uhm, game looks good. A slight graphical improvement on ARMA II, and reading the phrases "improved animations" made me a bit bubbly, but we'll see what the near future ends up bringing as more details unfold.
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