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MSO Loadouts

=VG= Calv

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Going to post the various loadouts "roles" and what will be included in their kit in here.
Throw any suggestions, issues etc in here and I'll bear them in mind.

Designated Marksman
Automatic Rifleman
Light MG
AT Specialist

Basic Items Included in all loadouts:
NVG, Compass, Map, GPS, Keycuff, Gasmask, Watch, Map Tools, Ear Plugs, prc343, Safety Goggles
IFAK - Bandage, Large Bandage, Tourniquet, Epi, Morphine

Commander 26kg
M4A1 - 6xmags, 1xtracer mag
Frags x2
Smoke x2
Flashbang x1
USP Tactical - x2 mags

FTL 18kg
M4A1 - 6 mags, 1xtracer mag
Frags x2
Smoke x2
Flashbang x1
USP Tactical - 2xmags

Rifleman/AT 23kg
M4A1 - 6xmags, 1xtracer mag
Frags x2
Smoke x2
Flashbang x1
USP Tactical - 2xmags
M136 CS/RS

Medic 23kg
M4A1 - 6xmags, 1xtracer mag
Frags x2
Smoke x2
Flashbang x1
USP Tactical - 2xmags
Medical Rucksack - 5x: Bandage, Large Bandage, Morph, Epi, Medkit.
2x Tourniquet (Believe these are re-usable, feel free to correct me).

Designated Marksman 15kg
Mk12 Mod0 - 8x Stanag mk262 (Gone with this DMR due to possibility of ammo sharing with rest of team)
Frags x2
Smoke x2
USP Tactical - 2xmags

Grenadier 18kg
M4A1 M203 - 6xmags, 1xtracer mag, 3xHE, 1xSmoke
Frags x2
Smoke x2
Flashbang x1
USP Tactical - x2 mags

Automatic Rifleman 27kg
M27 IAR 7xBetaC mags (700rnds)
Frags x2
Smoke x2
Flashbang x1
USP Tactical - x2 mags

Light MG 28kg
M249 4xboxes (800rnds)
Frags x2
Smoke x2
USP Tactical - x2 mags

AT Specialist 34kg
M4A1 - 6xmags
Frags x2
Smoke x1
USP Tactical - 2xmags
RuckSack - 1xHEDP, 1xHEAT

FAC 30kg
M4A1 - 7xmags
Frags x2
Smoke x2
USP Tactical - 2xmags
SOFLAM (In the editor this comes with battery pre-loaded, but in MSO it seemed to lack batter. Will leave battery out and see which way it goes).

Pilot 32kg (14kg without chute)
MP5 - 4xmags
Smoke x2
Smoke Orange x2
IR Strobe x1
USP Tactical - 4xmags

Equipment for each loadout will updated over the next hour or so as I go through them. The loadout in most cases will be "light", allowing people to tweak it with more frags/medical/ammo/etc as they like. Backpacks will be empty unless stated otherwise.

Possible - PITN suggested having these roles as actual slots rather than loadouts. Discuss.
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GLock 18

GLock 18
Yardage 450
PRC 117 if no radio operator

Grenades ETC should add everyone how he wants

Spare Ammo MG/AR/AT

Glock 18
Medic gear

USP Silenced
Yardage 450

MK17/MK16/M4 eglm RCO (depends on Mission)
Glock 18

M249 (m27 is NOT used by Rangers)

MK48 or M240

M3 or Javelin ( depends on task)
Glock 18
Yardage 450

MK17 , or MK12mod 1 silenced
USP silenced

Glock or USP

M107/TAC 50 depends on person (Raufoss rounds)
USP Silenced
Vector nite rangefinder

M110 silenced
USP Silenced
Long range radio

Should add a radio operator:
PRC 117
Yardage 450

Here is a list of used weapons
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Does the Yardage 450 link with the DAGR? If not - use the Vector 21B.

Map Tools can get in the way on the actual map, and cause graphical issues with the player's STHUD - not recommended for everyone, or at very least, put it in the backpack and not in their current inventory.

Also, Grunt is not a role. Each member of a fireteam or squad plays a valuable part in the mission. Let's focus on other roles as Calv has layed out. *Can't see that as a neccessary kit to choose from - it is way too ambiguous.

Radio Operators on a squad/fire team level should not be needed, or really used as a role in MSO, as the Command Radio is required for the Leader to access those Command Actions on the ACE Interaction Menu.
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As much as I love the MK17s, including them would split the ammo types carried by a team. Also the M4A1 offers the NVRCO making it more versatile than the MK17.
Same reason I've gone with USP for everyone.

DM: M110 seems too long range for the role, planning on the MK12Mod0 with mk262 mags.

Why the yardage over the vector? Just the weight difference or something else?

Radio Operator: In all the missions I've played with VG, Lambs and other a radio op has always over-complicated things. The 148 covers about 4-5km depending on terrain so it enough for squad level comms. The 117 would be carried by whoever is leading the squad, or by an attached FAC if air assets are being employed.

Grunt: I'll change the name to Rifleman/AT, grunt was just the first thing that came to mind.

Map Tools: You just move them up the map a bit if they get in the way of the STHud. People should get into the habit of using them though, just being able to draw routes on the map for driving/patrolling is a huge benefit.
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Calv Not offence but why dont you look on that site i posted which weapons are used

We are payling in a more or less desert enviroment and always have long range engagements where et AI is got a better weapon than the M4 due it?s small caliber
A MK12 is not a DMR rifle even with the mk262 ammo its hard to hit tangos over 600m because of the small caliber

And Most of the time you don?t need a NVG sight

I think on short ranges up to 1KM the Yardage is better than the vector dunno why^^
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Unless people are really against it, I'd like to leave the flashbangs in. The purpose being that standardising equipment i.e: 2xfrags, 2xsmoke,1xflash. allows an FTL to make decisions without having to first check that people in his team are carrying those items.
That one slot doesn't exactly make a huge difference to what you can carry, you can still fill your ruck with whatever you want.
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You know that 75th rager belongs to SOCOM? and not line inf?

there are only person equipped with silencer who really needs them DMR needs, FAC needs too
Sniper/spotter are more/less specops due their job (sometimes behind enemy lines) and need those...

Here is nothing else specops on it
have a look on MP. net what rangers are using
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Nvram =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

Calv Not offence but why dont you look on that site i posted which weapons are used

We are payling in a more or less desert enviroment and always have long range engagements where et AI is got a better weapon than the M4 due it?s small caliber
A MK12 is not a DMR rifle even with the mk262 ammo its hard to hit tangos over 600m because of the small caliber

And Most of the time you don?t need a NVG sight

I think on short ranges up to 1KM the Yardage is better than the vector dunno why^^

Most of us spend a lot of our time fighting at night on MSO, Time difference or just time of day you get on...
Being so i belive the NVG sight is relied on by people quite a lot, Personally i dont use it i stick to ironsights but i could see a lot of the guys using it being as its one of the only nightscopes you can get your hands on.. I've seen Many people using it..
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Nvram =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

Calv Not offence but why dont you look on that site i posted which weapons are used

We are payling in a more or less desert enviroment and always have long range engagements where et AI is got a better weapon than the M4 due it?s small caliber
A MK12 is not a DMR rifle even with the mk262 ammo its hard to hit tangos over 600m because of the small caliber

And Most of the time you don?t need a NVG sight

I think on short ranges up to 1KM the Yardage is better than the vector dunno why^^

My understanding was that regular rifles were used for 0-300m, DMR for 300-600m and Sniper for 600+

Will consider swapping out the Mk12 for the DMR or M110.
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http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/9292/40530636631837005052719.jpg M4 and Mk11mod0 silenced in front
http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=175226&d=1331736659 MK17..
http://i48.tinypic.com/33za1hy.jpg MK11mod0
http://i47.tinypic.com/3581cv5.jpg M4A1 Sopmod block 2
http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/6494/18544550389977629238511.jpg another MK17
http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/3795/40278350650885269814410.jpg M4block 2 again
http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/6223/37723950898728578363457.jpg MK17 and Probaply MK48 in background( could also be M240)
http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/5028/25603457439342924301915.jpg M4 block 2
http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/2830/74126657472029921033221.jpg MK18mod1
http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/3937/84310359054897429413171.jpg MK17?s again
http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/1517/26295034304593578557384.jpg a lot of M4 block 1+2
http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/3586/62039539267343748948942.jpg 2 MK18mod1

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SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

NVRam we are using the Rangers cause they look cool not to follow their exact loadouts.

than the whole discussion about loadouts is complet pointless do it right ( Right unit right weapons and stuff) or don?t do it...
everything else is like beer without alcohol.. or a movie without popcorn etc
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Disagree 100%

Maybe we take out the Rangers and use the boring Arma 2 stock US Army guys then? The loadouts are all about convenience and consistency not to follow what a website tells me they should be using.

Look... MSO is all about teamplay not about what OP weapon I can grab and go get some kills. Really it should not matter what the weapon is they all kill the same... and besides the AI is too easy to kill as it stands now.
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@Nram, look, all were saying is, that all these loadouts are tailored for MSO, not Rangers, were all trying our best to make a balanced version of MSO where you don?t stand around for 30+ minutes waiting for everyone to pick they?re kit.

And remember, the weapon crates are still there if you prefer a MK16 over an M4 :D
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NVram - brother - seriously, the very first line at the top of that webpage says this:

"US Army Rangers amories are stocked with a number of weapons systems, including:"

to emphasize my point: "a number of weapons systems, including:"

I would only take that to mean that, in addition to a number of weapons systems, that particular regiment of Rangers also uses the weapons on that list - it is not limited to the items on that list.

And, as it's been said many times, name of the game is not Ranger Ops, but MSO and the coolest soldier models we've found to date happen to be the Rangers models.

I intend to make a few specific missions based on a few different forces, the one I am still editing features USMC as the soldiers, and they have models far better than the original Arma 2 Marines.
It does indeed force players to use the weapons that on average are most prevalent in a Marine Platoon.
Perhaps one day, we'll modify it for many different groups - Rangers could be one of them, and we could have them "limited" to only the specialized weapons you may find in, say, that 75th Ranger Regiment. That would be cool!

But, MSO is MSO - VG started experimenting with it in August 2012, with a mind to play it with some proper structure and in some ways, a role based teamplay world that persists no matter what, until we manually pull the plug on the operation (and reset the database).

Hell, all this testing without a database is a large part of the desire for a faster way to loadout, or perform tasks that seem like fine systems already to some of us.
All the "rapid" role switching seems odd to me, not very MSO, though I like the idea of making anything easier on players. My point is, when we get this thing "alive" I will log in, set up my gear for the first time - I likes my Mk17 EGLM RCO, but can use any Rifle really - key point being, then next time I rearm, I'll probably just refill consumables like ammo, smoke, medical gear.

Depending on the level of action I saw, I may not need to take but a few more to "top off" or I may really stock up.
If I need to become a "Light Machine Gunner" then I can simply drop my primary weapon and rounds, and grab me a SAW and some ammo.
If I'm gonna switch up to be a FAC or spotter, DMR, etc. I may also grab a rangefinder and some batteries, a DAGR, and if needed, a larger radio.

These things do not take that much time, and if they do, I'd suggest using the "filter" buttons on the gearbox menu to find key items that much faster. Once you are at a level of "modifying" your current loadout, only a handful of items may change.

It's certainly an RPG-ish game, this MSO. I'd love it if more people started to recognize that, perhaps it will become more apparent when the database is fully working on the main server, with the ability to service the database more easily.

*EDIT: Final note: IMO, the Primary Weapon is the least important part of the loadout system - by which I mean, each role may have a few different recievers that perform the same task (M4 203 vs. Mk16 EGLM) or the M249 and M27s.
It is the different little stuff that really makes the loadout system powerful.
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SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

Hell, all this testing without a database is a large part of the desire for a faster way to loadout, or perform tasks that seem like fine systems already to some of us.
All the "rapid" role switching seems odd to me, not very MSO, though I like the idea of making anything easier on players. My point is, when we get this thing "alive" I will log in, set up my gear for the first time - I likes my Mk17 EGLM RCO, but can use any Rifle really - key point being, then next time I rearm, I'll probably just refill consumables like ammo, smoke, medical gear.

Depending on the level of action I saw, I may not need to take but a few more to "top off" or I may really stock up.
If I need to become a "Light Machine Gunner" then I can simply drop my primary weapon and rounds, and grab me a SAW and some ammo.
If I'm gonna switch up to be a FAC or spotter, DMR, etc. I may also grab a rangefinder and some batteries, a DAGR, and if needed, a larger radio.

These things do not take that much time, and if they do, I'd suggest using the "filter" buttons on the gearbox menu to find key items that much faster. Once you are at a level of "modifying" your current loadout, only a handful of items may change.

^^ This Pretty much fits in
Make some empty ammo boxes in the FOB so player can drop thier stuff there to do a mission fill the stuff in the box, get something else for da different kind of op, finish it, got back to base get on his personal crate dump the new one and pickup his old one again like we did with the camping tents in DayZ
Preset kits are always not a good idea
just make a Preset backpack for AT etc just with ammo and medic stuff even that medic stuf in your preset is WAY to less a medic should carry at least 10-20 bandages, ~10 medic kits same for epi and morphine maybe 5-6 CAT?s are enought
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The loadouts are for setting a kit STANDARD to reduce time playing in the boxes. I think of it as your standard battle issue kit or battle rattle. I recommended this awhile back and I am ecstatic that we now have a quick loadout kit. Now we just need to finalize the basic kits to get them inlne with platoon ops.

While Mk17's would be nice I would prefer that during serious ops that everyone is on the same page and not pulling their favorite weapon. After the the M4 loadout script has been finalized we can consider a second battle rattle array. Say with the SIGs or Mk17's. But for the moment let us stay focused on the M4 loadout system and tweak it to cover a normal infantry platoon.

4-6 man command team.
Plt Leader - Lieutenant
Plt Sgt
Radio (RTO)
FO (The FO and FO RTO can be an attachment)

Two 9-10 man squads of two fireteams.
Medic (I added the squad medic. Normally there is only one medic in a platoon.)
Rifleman/Rifleman LAT/DMR (only one DMR in a platoon.)

One 9-10 man Weapons squad.

MG attachment to the Plt Leader

HAT atachment
Assistant Jav
Assistant Jav

Sniper attachment

Mortar Attachment
Base Plate

Source US Army FM 7-8

I was looking at the attachments for gameplay purposes and instead of naming the attachments in the mission.sqm HMG/SNiper/Etc. just make 2 man teams called Attachments with their own callsigns. Then the Plt leader can have an attachment quickly change from MG to HAT without disconnect/reconnect etc. Say Ryder was an attachment the PltLeader would tell Ryder to equip his/her team for HAT or equip the team for HMG, or even Enginneer. In the event that two 2-man teams need to join to make a 4-man team then the senior or designated NCO is in charge.
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