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19/5/12 Mission AAR

=VG= Calv

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Good point

Fireteam 1 took care of the vehicle movement protection and drivement with FT2, we proceeded to secure the chernagorsk to open path for the Trucks, we regrouped with the team in the gas station and drove to elektro, after we stopped we secured the first crossroad of the city, we were going to move to the next one but a granade took Iffn and me down, after that Acer and Nvram took care of the the FT.
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Fireteam 3, proceeded on foot from trucks in Chernagorsk assuming central position through the city - light resistance met, shots fired in the vicinity of fireteam 4 to our south/south-east.

Spotted foot patrol shortly after in the center of Chernagorsk, remained undetected and passed foot patrol with no exchange of fire - believed to have been disposed of by Calv and the rest of fireteam 4.

finished sweep through town. came up on the rear of the Vodnik with my team. AT round shot by Confused Master - direct hit on Vodnik. Sweep of chernagorsk complete - no casualties

Mounted trucks and left for Electro. arrived in damaged state.

Regrouped with my team and moved as one from the outskirts toward the middle of town. heavy contact met, first volley i was KIA, other members of my team wounded, Charry shot shortly after giving medical attention to downed members.

that is all i witnessed - team dispersed among the remaining friendly forces
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i have no more details to report on that mission.

communication went well and i agree with calv that waiting at the beginning was cruel.
when we were sitting and waiting and it was already 19:00 GMT and only 6 people (me included) were there, i really thought about playing something different that evening. i'm glad most people still came, even if late.

we should also keep up some more training.
like when my fireteamleader murderface got shot, charry tried to revive him and got shot too. then i tried sending out an emergency call on the other fireteam-channels.
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fireteam 2 started with 4, then savage had problems, then coldinfreezin had problems, so it was me leading sam. we basically stuck with our SL Semler and cleared the first town without problems.

arrived in elektro, suffered some high casualties on arrival but somehow pushed through. Had this pretty cool and realistic moment thanks to ACRE when the remaining people all gathered in the middle of the town, where we met with Calv and had to try to reshuffle the fireteams and get comms all sorted out due to the heavy casualties and loss of SL and FTLs. Once regrouped, basically into 1-2 fireteams led by Calv, we pushed through the rest of town. encountered a tunguska at the end of the town that we had no weapons to destroy with, due to engaging vodniks in the previous town. Left it alone and moved to the last town.

we again took heavy fire upon dismount, especially in form of grenades. lost a couple people there. Had a tunguska on the beach which forced a slow crawl into the northern side of the town. cleared the town with little contact and doubled back so PITN could try to satchel the tunguska. He slowly crawled into position while we aimed at it to try to distract it if the turret targeted him. he planted the satchel and crawled back. The satchel did nothing but disable the gun, and it drove off angrily despite the 30 M203 grenades we then shot at it. We loaded back up and drove to the final RV.

Overall went really well id say. we still managed to clear towns with a small amount of troops and somehow held the comms together very nicely. The beginning of the mission didnt go smooth at all, many problems not even with the game but internet and real life issues.
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Well... We started off slow with all the problems that we carmly solved... When we eventualy loaded up it all went fine we roled into town and Dismounted... Ingo, I and eclips were a 3 man squad we ingaged an intial patrol and killed all four but sustained 1 death and two casualtys where calv turned up to fix us up..

Ingo Then ran all the way back too us and we moved east to the edge of town and we gatherd sights on the Tanguska.. we were told not to fire as murder had a better shot..

We moved into the second town and dismount was swift... we moved south and then the casualtys mounted up behind with about 5-6 dead in the inital strike... we then regrouped with calv to sort out the fire teams.
we gained the remainder of fire team 3 that was Pirate and murder we cleard the town without any problems untill there was an acsident with the tanguska that ended with Ingo dead.

We moved to the last town with the remainder 7 men left. When we arrived we saw the tanguska from the edge of town and then came under heavy small arms fire and took a Granade that took out our TL Calv. We then started to slowly crawl towards the Edge of town and cleard it all.

Then pitn the Crazy guy he is Desided he wanted to have a pop at the tanguska and crawled under with a satchal.
He didnt have the desired affect but it worked all the same. The tanguska was renderd disabled and we loaded into the truck and exfiled to the barn...

Saddly the barn lacked the Party we were expecting :(
Over all A really good mission and i really enjoyed
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Squad Lead 1 report:

Our 2nd fireteam was undermanned, and had no experienced leader, and little communication. I folded myself into it, and led Teremmer and Sam closer than I would normally, acting as a FTL and SL.

We were on vehicle detail, securing the trucks as we moved through town. At Chernogorsk, we spotted 3 enemies on a patrol inside the factory, but range and lack of cover denied us an opportunity to eliminate them. I had FT1 regroup and sweep the factory on the North side of the railroad tracks, while I led FT2 to clear through on the South side of the tracks.

We had zero contact, although we could hear the firefights of Fire Teams 3 and 4 to our South. By the time we were pushing out East of the Factory, FT3 and 4 were hooking around to the East as well, where reports of a Vodnik came over the radio from SL2 and FT1.

I was a little put off at the contant requests to communicate in game positions via Global Map Markers - every time I would communicate my position, or request a positional update, I was not met with 6 digits of coordinates, but a long wait, followed by "Can you see the mark?" "No, I can't" "Okay, I'll place it again in global channel".

A real mood breaker - remember players, these systems don't exist in ACE - and we will only be training in ACRE as a standalone for so long before combining the two. Get used to map grids now. This is akin to learning how to shoot a rifle, but handing the weapon to "Daddy" each time you need to reload it.

I died when moving up to the initial front lines of the second town, Electro. I caught a bullet straight in the head, one of many coming from under a small cement wall towards a Fire Team that was not watching their angles while moving up. I saw way too many guns pointed in the same direction when these groups were moving. Use your STHud to tell formation, and direction of domination of your team. Choose a direction others aren't watching!

All in all, a good event. During the week here, I want to help those who had ACRE problems to get them sorted before next Saturday. Thank you to all who participated!
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SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

I was a little put off at the contant requests to communicate in game positions via Global Map Markers - every time I would communicate my position, or request a positional update, I was not met with 6 digits of coordinates, but a long wait, followed by "Can you see the mark?" "No, I can't" "Okay, I'll place it again in global channel".

A real mood breaker - remember players, these systems don't exist in ACE - and we will only be training in ACRE as a standalone for so long before combining the two. Get used to map grids now. This is akin to learning how to shoot a rifle, but handing the weapon to "Daddy" each time you need to reload it.

Completely agree with this, I don't think any of the guys in my squad did this, but it definitely needs to be stopped.
Everyone should be able to read Grid Refs to a minimum of 6 digits, and preferably 8 digits.
FTLs have the GPS to give them their grid ref, takes only a second to hit M and read the numbers. (Once we're running ACE I will likely swap the GPS for DAGRs as I don't really like the "magic map" GPS devices.)

In terms of map marker usage, my opinion is that the only global markers that should be placed on the map are ones by SL/FTLs at the start of the mission when discussing the general plan.
After that you may place markers for your group members if necessary but no global markers. In future missions I am likely to delete any markers I see like that.

I'm considering setting up a training session just for the people who want to be FTLs at some point (probably after we start using ACE) where I can cover lots of basic stuff at once. Things like basic map reading including working out the 8 digit grid ref, moving in formations, bounding overwatch, contact drills, and whatever else comes to mind.
Training everyone together is just too many people to be effective, so by just training the FTLs it will then be down to them to pass the info on and train their teams in the warmup time before missions.
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SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

I was a little put off at the contant requests to communicate in game positions via Global Map Markers - every time I would communicate my position, or request a positional update, I was not met with 6 digits of coordinates, but a long wait, followed by "Can you see the mark?" "No, I can't" "Okay, I'll place it again in global channel".

A real mood breaker - remember players, these systems don't exist in ACE - and we will only be training in ACRE as a standalone for so long before combining the two. Get used to map grids now. This is akin to learning how to shoot a rifle, but handing the weapon to "Daddy" each time you need to reload it.

I died when moving up to the initial front lines of the second town, Electro. I caught a bullet straight in the head, one of many coming from under a small cement wall towards a Fire Team that was not watching their angles while moving up. I saw way too many guns pointed in the same direction when these groups were moving. Use your STHud to tell formation, and direction of domination of your team. Choose a direction others aren't watching!

yes, it breaks the mood...

we were attacked by an enemy who was hidden behind a bush shooting underneath a wall...
as i didnt know that such possible fire locations even existed, i wasnt looking for such positions and soon got hit too.
also 3 of the 4 players are more experienced in jungle missions than in urban missions (played vietcong for years).
we are willing to learn how to do urban warfare.
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Semler, it was my FT that got dropped and those gunmen that dropped us hit you. we we're covering the angle it's just hard to see through bushes and tall grass (rendering it impossible to get PID on the shooters), that's why it was Calv and Ingo's team that ended up taking them out as the only angle they could be spotted was from behind their position. you died just because you died, wasn't anybodies fault lol.
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Sorry about Saturday guys.. my Internet was all fucked up and I broke my router in a rage. Picking up a new one today. This is why I hate it when an ISP will only give you an all-in-one router/modem device.. just sell me the damn modem and let me worry about the router!!!

Looked like a successful mission gonna watch the video later today.

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