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ArmA2 Ace/acre server


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I would first of all thank you for hosting good servers. Your PR server is awesome; you will always find good coop games with good and friendly players there.
Your ArmA ace/acre server is also nice with excellent environment and friendly players.
But the ArmA ace / acre server is too difficult. The maps and missions is clearly very good and well thought through. But when you log on night after night, and you play the same never-ending mission, you get, I don?t wanna say it but?. bored. We seem to never manage to find and clear the ammo cashes.
It starts off well, teams deployd, we try hard, but after a while ppl log off, new comes in and it all sums up to no planning, no teamplay, no communication and no mission success.

I know, step up, take the initiative and be a leader. But it not easy when you feel like a noob and don?t have the experience.

Is it possible to add some smaller maps and easier missions?

I don?t want to offend anyone here. You have created an excellent community where gamers from all over the world feel welcome. So it might be me and my luck. It seems like when I?m online; there is too few players for the mission.
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I have noticed that there has been a bit less VG presence on the ACE server over the past week or so, I think the Steam sale is partly to blame for that, too many other games to play for some people.

As for different missions, there are some of the stock ACE missions available in the map list that could be loaded but I haven't really tried any of them so no idea if they're any good for small teams.
Second issue with the missions is that they're usually designed for everyone to start at the same time, any late joiners are likely to start miles away with no way to catch up. Also, they're often one life games, so if communication is a problem in insurgency it is going to be an even greater problem here. That said I'd happily let you guys try them if you poke me on TS, will usually be idling in the ARMA all comms.

As a sidenote, if there are areas of ACE/ACRE that you feel inexperienced in I'm always happy to go through stuff with people if ya give me a shout.
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I also feel guilty for not being around as much to help get the ACRE server on it's own two feet. Still frustrated by the stupid workaround we have to use in order to run the Insurgency Mission with it's awesome loadout menu.

Hit the nail on the head - Steam Sale has us all "vacationing" in different worlds, but none hold a candle to ArmA's awesomeness. Now, I'm nearly bored with Left 4 Dead, but it's still mid-camping season. Will try to be on as much as possible.
Plus just got back into F16 sim, so gotta budget time better.

Good point about ACRE being "same-start" oriented, but again, the saying is "If it is to be, it's up to me". We all see the benefits when we take the initiative and make a plan. Watch for new players entering and make it your side mission to include them.

Use in game text chat to let them know your plan. Advise them to grab a long range radio if necessary, and set a rally point on the map so they can catch up and play as well.

*If you set # of Cache's to 5 instead of 2, intel markers are more likely to show up when silver briefcases are acquired. I have tested this a little bit on ACRE. Try it!
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We don't need to use the workaround with ACRE anymore, server seems to be all updated. So can grab the latest version of TS and update your ace/acre via sixupdater.

Biggest annoyance I've had with the server is when there are large numbers of people who aren't in TS. I can understand people playing on regular servers not wanting to join voice comms but when you are playing on a server specifically designed for TS comms it seems stupid to not join.

Though it would probably help to have the VG TS info stamped on the map like I believe it is on the standard server.
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Cool, like I say, if I'm online (which is practically 9am-11pm GMT at moment) I'll be idling in TS, either in the arma comms channel or the afk channel.
Just poke me or send me a msg (don't always have my headset on so may not hear if you are talking) and I'll be happy to jump ingame for some training stuff.
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Calv LAN_WROTE ...

We don't need to use the workaround with ACRE anymore, server seems to be all updated. So can grab the latest version of TS and update your ace/acre via sixupdater.

Biggest annoyance I've had with the server is when there are large numbers of people who aren't in TS. I can understand people playing on regular servers not wanting to join voice comms but when you are playing on a server specifically designed for TS comms it seems stupid to not join.

Though it would probably help to have the VG TS info stamped on the map like I believe it is on the standard server.

I agree with your point here. It is annoying to try to coordinate with someone not on TS.
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