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[poll] BF2 Eve of Destruction - Vietnam War

=VG= 1Sg.Morrison

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We working on our own Server!

Maybe the Game is older, but i know a bunch of people who dont have Arma and who like to play Vietnam.
And EoD is the ultimate Game for that kind of People....

Maybe we get some people and then we can play together...

I love the smell of Napalm in the morning.... it smells like Victory !

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There are 2 EoD one is the old one for BF 1942 but i guess i have the right link for BF2

Use that link to install
You need the Game, the Mappack and the Patch. Make sure you get the EoD for Battlefield 2 !
The patch is a Zip folder, dont unzip ore open it ! Just replace it (instructions are on the link side)


I hope it works and i will see you there ... Yeeeehhaaaaw !gundown
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  • 6 months later...
Ok guys 1945 is over and we win the battle and the WWII is over .... but there is a new enemy!

Veterans Gaming will present soon a Vietnam Coop Server !!!

@ SolarFlame - there are 3 links in that treat to install the mod on our Server. I guess it will not be that mess like FH2
Server install http://www.bf-games.net/download/1958/eve_of_destruction_v2_0_server_full.html

@ Blud - I need a extra thread option for Eve of Destruction ... you know like we have for FH2 and some other games .... i dont wanna post at "other games"

@ i dont know who - we need a TS3 chanel for Eve of Destruction ! DONE

@ Myselve - Make screenshots and Videos, post it on =VG= and Facebook, talk to people about it, force them to download the game, play the Game and make it popular


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I got it. It's not as polished as PR, but it's still pretty fun. It uses a lot of the vanilla BF2 maps, and it runs good on my crummy computer.

Here's the thing: There's only one other server worldwide. It's running co-op, but nobody is playing. Plus, it auto-balances the bots between both sides. You guys might want to make an excursion onto that server and try it out before starting anything.

A few screens:

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  • 1 month later...
Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

...I dont think its a good idea due to the massive amount of games we are playing already.

On just space and power alone, it is possible to cram tons of old favorites on our servers - this is just one of many that is coming. It will be there for people who wish to play it a lot, and would make for some fun events being that most everyone can run such a game with good graphics and such nowadays. VG has gamers who play many different games, it's a pretty large, international community. Won't hurt a single thing to toss up any server you can think of - that's why BLuD threw up the old VG Arma 2 Domination. I'm thinkin Terraria and a few Team Fortresses, too. Planetside 2 is an MMO/RPG/FPS so it's servers are their own, or we'd already have one of them somehow.

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Great research, Morrison!!! Yes, I read through it and it seems possible, with a bit of work. Good find! If no one else is able to put the time into it, I will take it up (though my plate is getting more full each day with current tasks)

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It wasnt really my work, i was just on a different EoD server with a rank system (Rank and Medals like in BF2 vanilla). Yesterday i was talking with Fastjack about it and he found the side....thanks Jack !

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Ok, server is running great! This could be a nice change from PR, in terms of us being able to play like a team again. At least it seems not to crash! lol. We need a server banner. Can you rename the server to GameTrackerClaimServer so I can claim it and get a banner? Don't do it until I'm ready tho or anyone can claim it. PM me when you're ready. Cheers and nice work Morrison!
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