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Zombie minimod beta release!

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The beta is finaly here for everyone to try out :D


Gameplay: Teamwork is a must here, it's even hard to get those zombies away from you when you're 2. If you're 3 or 4 people sticking together it might be a lot easier. The lone wolves will very often end up surounded and dead very fast. Now if you die you might just have to go over to the zombie side as the spawnpoints for the survivors will dissapear after 4 minutes. Now if you die and change to the other team you MUST NOT change back! If you do you can't spawn nor change to the zombies again. Zombies got 2 weapons; a knife and a chinese rifle with no ammo. We had to add the rifle to make the bots attack you, but i will try to make the bots work without it after the beta. Grenades wont bother the zombies much, but will of course do damage. Headshot with a shotgun will kill them with one shot. recomended server settings is below:

Ticket ratio: 70-120
Max # of players: 16 or less
Bot ratio: 100
Number of bots: 32-48
Bot difficulty: 100
Auto balance: off
Friendly fire: on

Bot ratio must be 100 as the bots don't know how to change team or use most of the human weapons.

Contest: Take screenshots using fraps, xfire or whatever you like actually and upload them here after the beta. Then we will look at all the screenshots and decide who made the best ones (3-4 winners per map) and then use their screenshots as the loadscreens for the maps! You will also get a bot named after you. Now if you just want to get your screanshot ingame you can say so.

Install: Open the zip file you downloaded and drag the folder inside it to the Battlefield 2/mods directory
(default is C:/Program Files/EA Games/Battlefield 2/mods)

Startup: In the folder you put into the mods folder there should be a file named "Launcher.bat", run it to start the mod and make a shortcut for it if you want to.

Download: DL the hotfix!

EDIT: **********HOTFIX! **********

-More zombie spawn points
-Hidden the zombie rifle
-Modified the combat area of Asad
-Zombie bots spread out all over the maps
-Some small fixes in the server settings and such

New install: If you have the old beta just delete the folder you unzipped and do the same as the normal install for the hotfix

[ Hotfix Download ]

Enjoy the beta guys and remember to get some screenshots! :D
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Worked fine for me, but it still needs some fixes

The maps look awsome with the new design but there are still some points in Qinling, where the bots can't go. It was hard to get out of the main base in Asad Khal but there weren't many enemies as soon as you left it.

Most of the survivor kits have sub machine guns or shotguns but they aren't as effectife as in pr. The bots have more health points and the weapons run out of ammo pretty fast, so you have to work in a team.

If you see a zombie, you know that this in a tough enemy. But you are lucky, because they atack you from behind and strike you down pretty often.

You need to be in hamachi and create a local server to play it with others. The problem are the lags due to this system. Hopefully, we are able to get a online server pretty soon, but i don't know how that should work with the pr licence.

Feel free to post your experiance here, we need it :)
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Things that could be changed,

Spawn time increase of zombies disabled. IE allow them to keep respawning every 5 seconds or something.

A HUMAN zombie, ie a player who died and cant spawn as survivor and is playing as a zombie, can pick up kits. When I was playing I just picked up a shotgun kit and started shooting enemy survivors.
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There is no exe file for this there is a batch file to run it.

Also i gonna discuss it with dman first but i think i can release a little hotfix for the beta now. Have gotten the bots to spread out all over the map and made the zombie rifle not visible in the selection menu and made Asad a lot smaller with more spawns for the zombies.
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Lol a hotfix is just supposed to be the files edited for download, not the whole game.

For example if you edited script1.pl and script2.pl in order to fix something for the game, you simply just put them up for download for the hotfix and users overwrite the old ones with the new.

@whoever asked A dedicated server is possible yeah.
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Suggestion Tip about grenade and possibly AP claymore use...

Make it a quest like thing. Put a spawnable kit with a few grenades in an open space and a supply crate with a LOOOOONG recharge time in a similar location to force players to protect each other while they retrieve and rearm those precious deal busters. I feel that making them weak really defeats the value of using them.

While your at it why not add a long spawn/rearm AP kit too. Just the one and if its lost say after 2 first pick-ups there will be no more grenades or AP kits... Woooooooah.... Will force folks to be real careful When they use them....

Just an idea.. No rush though, if considered. Take your time and follow your mission parameters and brief.
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