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North vs South Korea


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The problem between North and South Korea exists, as far as i know, since the end of the korean war in 1953. Since then, there was always people saying, an other war will start soon.

King Jong-il is getting old and his son isn't accepted by the north korean millitary. That's why Kim Jong-Un needs to show his strength by ordering artillery attacks against South Korea. At least, that's what i heard...

I think right time for the war was in the 90s after the Soviet Union crashed and China wasn't as strong as it is now. But there were other wars to fight and it looks like we need to hope that the politicians solve the problem.
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N. Korea shoots and kills people or equipment > USA says hey man if we give you cash will you stop > He stops > He eventually needs more cash > Shoots more again > USA says hey man you can't do that, you want some more cash? > and on and on and on.

Kill the commie pig already!
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that sort of communism is corrupted and not how marx & engels imagined it - they wanted it to be a better kind of democracy.
in (almost) all communist states thereis a handful of people who control everything and all people have to suffer that.
but involving into that conflict would most likely be a second vietnam.
but i still hope the north will have a revolution and then have democracy.
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N.Korea is a is full of mind washed peasants with a military government that controls the system, They have built a enrichment uranium plant after nato AND China said to stop with nuclear testing, They don't want to play nice then maybe war is all we can do. But they will be alone in the war and they have a million man army but cut the head off the snake and the body dies,
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The conflict isn't about North vs. South Korea, it's an other part of the politics between China and the US.

Since the end of WW2, there were always many US-Troops in the west pacific and there are still many US-bases in Japan, South Korea and the Pilippines.

That's why China tries to prevent a united, americanized Korea right at there front door.
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Iffn LAN_WROTE ...

The conflict isn't about North vs. South Korea, it's an other part of the politics between China and the US.

Since the end of WW2, there were always many US-Troops in the west pacific and there are still many US-bases in Japan, South Korea and the Pilippines.

That's why China tries to prevent a united, americanized Korea right at there front door.

Actally according to Wikileaks China has notting against a unified Korea cause they don't trust North Korea anymore. They called North Korea a "threat to the world".
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