lazlohollyfeld Posted September 10, 2012 at 03:59 PM Report Share Posted September 10, 2012 at 03:59 PM Sounds like they're finalizing the 1.0 release of PR and have decided to post a redacted version of the patch notes. Lets see if we can guess any of the surprises."When we get to our final release, we'll be posting the complete feature list of course, but for now, enjoy trying to figure out what's going on.Core 16082:17251AI: Uxxxxxd Bxxxxxxs wxxh cxxxxxt PR txxm mxxxxxs :P (yxxh we axl wxxxa kxxl oxxxxxxxs) (bloodydeed) 17183COMMMON: Nxw bxxxd/hxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16724COMMON: Axxxd sxxxxxxxxx.dxs sxxxxxe txxxxxe, wxxxh is uxxd on Txd Sxe. (afsoccer) 16123COMMON: Cxxxxxxxxd sxxe uxxxxxxxxxxd sxy txxxxxxs, uxxd on kxxxxn axd txd sxe, sxxe a fxw mb's (ancientman) 16260COMMON: Axxxd txxxxxxs/sxy/dxxxxxxxxd.dxs wxxxh is uxxd on Vxxxo Cxxy axd mxy be uxxxxl on oxxxr mxxs. (afsoccer) 16339COMMON: Axxxd Vxxxxxm mxxxc (afterdune) 16346COMMON: Axxxd nxw txxxxxn txxxxxxs (afterdune) 16346COMMON: Axxxd mxxxc fxxxs fxr Vxxxxxm mxxxxxxxxxr (afterdune) 16351COMMON: Fxxxd txe bxg wxxxe yxu cxxxxn't exxt an AxV. Sxxxxd be OK nxw. (afterdune) 16431COMMON: Rxxxxxxd axd axxxd exxxxxxxn sxxxxs. Cxxxxxd gxxxxxe ixxxxt sxxxxs fxr fxxt sxxxxxxg Mxxx (AxxP) to mxxe txe sxxxd sxxxd Axxo nxw dxxxxxt ixxxxt Axxo axxxd dxxxxs sxxxxs to cxxxxxn mxxxxxxl Axxxd xxm sxxxxxxxp sxxxxs, xxxm sxxxxxxxp Nxw kxxxe ixxxxt sxxxxs on wxxd, fxxxh, hxxd axd sxxt Nxw bxxxxxxxxs on axl mxxxxxxxs. Nxw rxxxxxxxs axd sxxxs/wxxxxs. (anders) 16443COMMON: Axxxd xxxm fxxxy sxxxxs (anders) 16506COMMON: Cxxxxxd txe exxxxxh vxxxxs to txe oxxxxxxl PR vxxxxs (anders) 16519COMMON: Nxw bxxxxt fxxxxs/sxxxs. Mxxxd in x.xx sxxxs ixxo my sxxxxs (anders) 16567COMMON: Rxxxxxxd oxd vxxxxxa PxM bxxxs wxxh nxw oxxs on txe axxo cxxxe mxxxl (chuc) 16683COMMON: Axxxd wxxxxxxd txxxxxe fxr txe rxxxr (rhino) 16723COMMON: Mxxe oxxh sxxxxs ixxo oxg axd mxxe xx% sxxxxt. Dxxxxxxxd txe sxxe fxxm (wxv) xx,xxB to (oxg) xxxxB. (anders) 16728COMMON: Nxw JxxM exxxxxxxn sxxxxs (anders) 16737COMMON: Axxxd xxxm sxxxxxxxxxs fxr xxxm to xxxm sxxxxs (anders) 16792COMMON: Nxw bxxxxt hxt sxxxxs (anders) 16953COMMON: Axxxd "Oxxxxxxxxxxxxe.nxxxxxxxxxxxp x" to dxxxxxxxxe HxG nxxxs so txe sxxxxxxs dxn't gxt in txe wxy of txe sxxxl exxxxxxn exxxxxs. (rhino) 16957COMMON: Ixxxxxxxxxd xp cxxxxa sxxxe wxxn exxxxxxxxs or sxxxxxxxxxn oxxxxs (chuc) 17069COMMON: Nxw AA mxxxxxe lxxk sxxxxs (anders) 17119COMMON: Nxw Fxxt axd axxxd Bxxxxxxxk hxt sxxxxs (anders) 17205COMMON: Axxxd cxxxxn fxxxs fxr Bxxxk Gxxd (vapoman) 17224COMMON: Axxxd nxw sxy txxxxxxs fxr Bxxxk Gxxd (vapoman) 17225EFFECTS: Axxxd Vxxxxxm nxxxxm (afterdune) 16352EFFECTS: Axxxd Vxxxxxm sxxxd exxxxxs (afterdune) 16352EFFECTS: Nxw fxxxe exxxxt by sxxxxxxx, cxxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16441EFFECTS: Axxxd fxxxxxs to mxxxxxxxxxxxs on AK wxxxxxs, Mxx, AR rxxxxs, Mxxx, Mx, KxxD, PxM axd RxK (jxxt fxr txxt) (anders) 16502EFFECTS: Axxxd nxw LxV xxxm dxxxxxt sxxxxxxxxxs axd mxxxxxxxxxh (anders) 16506EFFECTS: Nxw bxxxd hxxxxxxt vxxxxl exxxxt (anders) 16513EFFECTS: Dxxxxxxxd hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe of exxxxxxxn dxxxxs sxxxxs (anders) 16521EFFECTS: Axxxd Mxxx cxxxxn dxxxxxt sxxxd (anders) 16566EFFECTS: Axxxd cxxx dxxxxxt sxxxt sxxxd (anders) 16650EFFECTS: Nxw dxxxxxt AT sxxxxs (anders) 16727EFFECTS: Fxxxd exxxxxd sxxxxs nxt sxxxxxg lxxg exxxxh (j.f.leusch) 16787EFFECTS: Axxxd nxw sxxxl exxxxxxn gxxxs ixxxxxxxg txe x.xxxxxm, x.xxxm, x.xxxm, x.xxxm axd xxm rxxxxs. (rhino) 16793EFFECTS: Axxxd nxw sxxxl exxxxxxn gxxxs ixxxxxxxg txe .xxxxl, xx Gxxxe Bxxk, xx Gxxxe Sxxg, xxxxxxm LxxR Gxxxxxe, xxxxxxm HxxR Gxxxxxe, x.xxxxxm axd uxxxxxd txe xxxxl lxxk, sxxxxxr axxs lxxk axd to uxe txe nxw txxxxxe sxxxt, as wxxl as axd a lxxx axd rxxxxxd txe x.xxxxxm rxxxd. Axl txxxe rxxxxs nxxd cxxxxg, jxxt txe pxxxn mxxh rxxxt nxw oxxxr txxn txe lxxxs wxxxh sxxxxd wxxk as txxy sxxxd. (rhino) 16795EFFECTS: Re-exxxxxxd txe nxw sxxxl cxxxxxs, axxo rxxxxxd txxm so txxy dxxn't hxxe txe _xxxxxg sxxxxx so txxy wxxxe mxxe in lxxe wxxh txe vxxx nxxxs, wxxh txe xxm axd xxxxl sxxxxs oxxxxxxxxxg txe vxxx oxxs, txe oxxxr sxxxxs wxxl nxxd to mxxxxxxy be axxxd to txe exxxxxxn exxxxxs. (rhino) 16894EFFECTS: Dxxxxxd uxxxxd sxxxl exxxxxxxs (chuc) 16971EFFECTS: Nxw vxxxxl sxxxxxxxs bxxxxxxxxs (wxp) (anders) 17028EFFECTS: Nxw Gxxxxxe exxxxxxxn exxxxt.x(vxxxxl) (anders) 17028EFFECTS: Rxxxxxd txe RxxB wxxxk txxxxxe fxxm ixs exxxxxxxn pxxxxxxe exxxxxs wxxxh wxs cxxxxxg a CxD axxxr txe wxxxk txxxxxe wxs rxxxxxd. (rhino) 17053EFFECTS: Cxxxxxd txe pxxxe sxxxd exxxxxs so txxt txxy oxxy lxxt x txo sxxxxxs, nxt ixxxxxxy sxxxxxs as txxy mxxxt be hxxxxxg axxxxd fxr txe exxxxe gxxe axxxr bxxxg pxxxxd, exxn txxu txe sxxxd hxs oxxy oxe lxxp cxxxt wxxxh txe sxxxd is lxxs txxn xxxxs lxxg. (rhino) 17118EFFECTS: Nxw .xxxxl vxxxxl bxxxxxxxxs (anders) 17175EFFECTS: Rxxxxxxd gxxxxxe vxxxxl exxxxxxxn (anders) 17175EFFECTS: Txxk axxxxxt jxt sxxxd axd mxxe it an exxxxt so it cxxxd be axxxxxxd to a txxxxxr. (afsoccer) 17218FACTIONS: Mxxxxxxd fxxxxxxxxxxt fxr txe wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16285FACTIONS: Axxxd fxxxxh fxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16331FACTIONS: Axxxd Vxxxxxm fxxxxxxs axd sxxxxxxs (afterdune) 16355FACTIONS: Uxxxxxd axl sxxxxxxs wxxh nxw sxxxf (bloodydeed) 16433FACTIONS: Uxxxxxd vxxxxxe sxxxxxr (bloodydeed) 17238FACTIONS: Uxxxxxd sxxxxxxs fxr axl fxxxxxxs kxxs (ancientman) 17244FONTS: Axxxd in axl Bxx fxxxs to rxxxxe txe dxxxxxxxxy of mxxs/bxx/fxxxxxxxxxxt.zxp (ancientman) 16243GENERAL: Vxxxxxn bxxp to (ancientman) 16082GENERAL: Nxw Rxxo bxxxd sxxxxt, lxt me kxxw if txxxe's axy pxxxxxxs axd sxxxf. (ancientman) 16114GENERAL: Uxxxxxd txe bxxxd sxxxxt to fxx sxxe ixxxxs wxxh fxxe fxxxxxxxg axd axxxxxxxc bxxxxxxg of a lxxxl if it dxxxxxs txe exe is in a lxxxxs fxxxxr (ancientman) 16122GENERAL: VxxxxxxS Ixxxxxxd GB Txxxk txxxxxxs (rhino) 16133GENERAL: Uxxxxxd bxxxd sxxxxt, rxxxxxxs mxxxxd cxxxxt/sxxxxr fxxxxxs to wxxk pxxxxxxy, uxxxxe yxxr exxxxe rxxo fxxxt (ancientman) 16239GENERAL: Oxxxxxxxxg axxxxxxs ixxo a sxxxxe dxxxxxxxy fxr cxxxxxxxxxs (ancientman) 16250GENERAL: Fxxxd up a bxxxh of mxxxxxg sxxxxs axd txxxxxxs (ancientman) 16272GENERAL: Axxxd sxxe cxxe to BxxxxxR.exe to dxxxxxy an exxxr on axy uxxxxxxt exxxxxxxn, to txy axd fxxxxe oxt wxxt's cxxxxxg txe cxxxxxs.xx (ancientman) 16289GENERAL: Fxxxd BxxxxxR.exe to nxt cxxxh on XP (ancientman) 16302GENERAL: Fxxxd an ixxxe wxxxe txe bxxxd axp wxxxd axxxxxe axl lxxxxxxp oxxxxxs ixxxxxd of ixxxxxxg txxm lxxe it sxxxxd (ancientman) 16327GENERAL: Uxxxxxd txe bxxxd axp's "fxxd mxxxxxg" txxxs to oxxy axxxw rxxxxxxe pxxxs (ancientman) 16330GENERAL: Axxxd mxxxxxg Dxxs rxxxxxxd by txe PR Bxxxxxr (afterdune) 16347GENERAL: Rxxxxxxd sxxxxxxxxxxxxs.cxn bxxk to pxxxxxxs vxxxxxn. (afterdune) 16379GENERAL: Uxxxxxd MxC Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxxxxxs. (spush) 16389GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxxxxxs. (spush) 16390GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxxxxxs. (spush) 16391GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxxxxxs. (spush) 16392GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxxs Txxxxxxs to fxt txe oxxxr MxC vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16393GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxxs Txxxxxxs to fxt txe oxxxr MxC vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16394GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxxs Txxxxxxs to fxt txe oxxxr MxC vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16395GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxxs Txxxxxxs to fxt txe oxxxr MxC vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16396GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxe Txxxxxxs to fxt oxxxr mxc vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16397GENERAL: Uxxxxxd/Cxxxxxd txe Cxxxxxxn Fxxxxs Lxxxxxd xxxM txxxxxe. Txe oxd oxe wxs txxxxxxe. (spush) 16403GENERAL: Uxxxxxd, axxxd PxA Vxxxxxe Txxxxxxs, Dxxxxt/Wxxxxxxd. Rxxxxxd txe "Bxxxxxxxr" txxt fxxm txe Uxxxxxxxd HxxxV. (spush) 16422GENERAL: Fxxxxt to rxxxxe txxm. (spush) 16423GENERAL: Fxxxd up txe fxxd mxxxxxg sxxxf axxxn, txe axxxxxxe pxxxs sxxxl wxxn't rxxxt, nxw it dxxxxxxxxy is.xx (ancientman) 16426GENERAL: I cxxxxxd PR's vxxxxxn nxxxxr to x.x, bxxxxxe I fxxt lxxe it. (afterdune) 16430GENERAL: fxxxd txe cxxxxxxg (anders) 16448GENERAL: Fxxxd vxxxxxn to x.x.xa (ancientman) 16484GENERAL: [WxxxxxS] Nxw PxM xp/xp sxxxt axd rxxxxd sxxxxs (anders) 16486GENERAL: Fxxxd #xxx. Oxxxxxxxxh .rxw fxxxs nxt bxxxg axxxd to lxxxl axxxxxxs. (ancientman) 16642GENERAL: Fxxxd #xxx. Gxxe cxxxxxs axxxr pxxxxxxg sxxxd axxxxxxxxt wxxn uxxxg lxw txxxxxn vxxxo sxxxxxxs dxe to a mxxxxxg fxxe. (ancientman) 16651GENERAL: Axxxd an exxxy vxxxxxn of txe nxw lxxxxxxr fxr txxxxxg. Sxxxl nxxxs lxxs of wxxk, bxt it sxxxxd lxxxxh txe gxxe axd hxxe it fxxxy fxxxxxxxxxg. Nxxe, axxxr txxs uxxxxe, yxu wxxl nxxd to uxxxxe yxxr sxxxxxxxs to mxxs/pxxxxxo/bxn/Pxxxxxxxxr.exe, as mxxs/pxxxxxo/pr.exe hxs bxxn dxxxxxd. (ancientman) 16886GENERAL: Fxxxd txe lxxxxxxr to fxxxe axxxxxxxxxxxr axd txe axxxxxxxxxe cxxxxxxxxxxxy mxxxs on txe OS's txxt sxxxxxxs txxm axl axxxxxxxc lxxe (ancientman) 17027GENERAL: Rxxxxxxd uxxxg a nxxxr vxxxxxn of OxxxxL, sxxxxxxxxy it mxxxxs wxxh sxxxd qxxxxxy. Gxxxs uxxxg bxx's vxxxxxn wxxl be fxxe.xx (ancientman) 17029GENERAL: Uxxxxxd txe bxxxd axp. It's nxw in txe "bxn" dxxxxxxxy wxxh txe lxxxxxxr, as it sxxxxs txe sxxe cxxe bxxe. Mxxe a sxxxxxxt if yxu wxxt to axxxxs it exxxxy :p (ancientman) 17070GENERAL: Uxxxxxd bxxxd axp wxxh a bxxxh nxw sxxxf. Sxxe nxw cxxxxxs axe fxxxxxxxs axe lxxxxxxxxd wxxn axxxd to zxxs, axd axy fxxe wxxh a sxxxe in txe nxxe wxxl nxt be axxxd to zxxs. (ancientman) 17116GENERAL: Mxxe uxxxxxs to txe bxxxd axp, wxxxh is gxxxxxg mxxe axxxxxe by txe dxy (ancientman) 17153GENERAL: Uxxxxxd txe lxxxxxxr to hxxxxe txe nxw ixxxxxl sxxxxt (ancientman) 17179GENERAL: Uxxxxxd Oxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf fxr uxe in Bxxxxxxr (j.f.leusch) 17201GENERAL: Bxxxd axp cxn nxw mxxe fxxl txxt/rxxxxxe bxxxxs (ancientman) 17206GENERAL: Axxxd pxxxxx axd pxxxxx fxr dxxxxe axd txxxxe sxxxxs. rxxn pxxxxx axd rxxn pxxxxx sxxxxxxs txxm. to sxxxn txe sxxxxxxxm pxxxt, uxe rxxn pxxxxxxxt (ancientman) 17236GENERAL: Uxxxxxd mxxxxxt.cxn (bloodydeed) 17246GENERAL: Fxxxd bxxxd axp bxxxg a dxxk, nxt bxxxxxxg sxxe lxxxxs fxxxs axd fxxxd txe lxxxxxxr axd dxxxxxxr nxt wxxxxxg txxxxxxr (ancientman) 17247HUD: Rxxxxxxxxxxd SxxR-xx to CxxR-xx (w/ AxxG axd Bxxxd) (j.f.leusch) 16095HUD: Uxxxxxd sxxxxxxxn ixxn dxxxxxxxxxn fxr GxxG/x (j.f.leusch) 16105HUD: Fxxxd dxxxxxxxxe Txxs axd Mxxxxxs nxt sxxxxxg up on txe mxxxxxp (j.f.leusch) 16145HUD: Mxxe ZxS-x AT gxn sxxw up on mxxxxxp (j.f.leusch) 16146HUD: Mxxe axl sxxxxxxxxy AA axd Axs sxxxxxg up on txe mxxxxxp (j.f.leusch) 16149HUD: Uxxxxxd ZxS-x mxxxxxp ixxn (if nxt lxxe we cxn rxxxxt!x (j.f.leusch) 16166HUD: Uxxxxxd HxG mxxxxxp ixxn (if nxt lxxe we cxn rxxxxt!x (j.f.leusch) 16166HUD: Axxxd mxxxxxxxs to Axxxs axd Hxxs (Axs axxxxxy hxd txxm)x(mxxxxxxxs axe txe sxxxl ixxxs txxt sxxw up nxxt to yxxr nxxe in txe sxxxd mxxu) (j.f.leusch) 16166HUD: Fxxxd txe mxxt sxxxxd bxg wxxxe x lxxxs cxxxxd txe gxxe to cxxxh wxxn pxxxxxxg exxt in txe mxxn mxxu, yxt sxxxxxxxg txxm axxxxd mxxxs it wxxk jxxt fxxe xx (ancientman) 16287HUD: Axxxxxt to fxx Gxxxxn gxxxxr CxD (j.f.leusch) 16983HUD: Axxxd mxxxxr mxxu ixxn (a bxxxxr oxe is wxxxxxxd!x (j.f.leusch) 16999HUD: Rxxxxxd vxxx vxxxxxe pxxxxxxn ixxxs (j.f.leusch) 17018HUD: Cxxxxxd UK UxL dxxxxxxxxxn to Lxxxxx (j.f.leusch) 17067HUD: Uxxxxxd Mxxx gxxxxxxxn sxxxxxxxn ixxn (j.f.leusch) 17067KITS: Axxxd CF exxxxxxr axd sxxxxxxxxt axxxxxxxxxe kxxs (nxxxs to be uxxxxxd in pxxxxn txo) (j.f.leusch) 16100KITS: Ixxxxxxxd txxxxxn HxT AxS-xxU mxxs to x (j.f.leusch) 16101KITS: Axxxd nxw Mxxxxxs kxxs txxxxxxs fxxm Sxxxe (hauteclocque) 16119KITS: Axxxd Cxxxxxxn kxt gxxxxxxxxs (wxxxxxt Lxxs fxr txxxxxg) (hauteclocque) 16181KITS: Axxxd WxP Fxxxxh kxxs (wxxxxxt Lxxs fxr txxxxxg) (hauteclocque) 16254KITS: Mxxxr fxxxs to fxxxxh kxxs (no nxxd to txxt) (j.f.leusch) 16278KITS: Axxxd Mxxx SxR oxxo UxxC mxxxxxxn kxxs, AxT kxt is sxxxxxxxxd vxxxxxn (chuc) 16294KITS: Axxxd Vxxxxxm kxxs (afterdune) 16353KITS: Rxxxxxxd Mx Exxxxh wxxh Mx Axxxxxxt on rxxxxxxn sxxxxxxxxt (chuc) 16365KITS: Fxxxd up kxt axxxxxxxxxs on txe Gxxxxxs wxxh txe nxw BxxS Gxxs (chuc) 16383KITS: Fxxxd txxo in gxxxxn kxxs, sxe hxxp:x/wxw.rxxxxxxxxd.cxm/fxxxm/fxxx-pr-bxx-cxxxxxxxg/xxxxxx-cxxxxxxxg-wxd-xx-jxn-xxxx-cxxe.hxxl. Rxxo sxxxxd lxxd fxxe axxxn :D (bloodydeed) 16405KITS: Axxxd/mxxxxxxd sxxxxxl AxT kxxs (bloodydeed) 16408KITS: Rxxxxxd bxxxxxxxxs fxxm axl kxxs (exxxxt sxxxxr, oxxxxxr, sxxxxxr) of cxxxxxxxxxxl axxxxs (afterdune) 16414KITS: Rxxxxxd bxxxxxxxxs fxxm axl SP kxxs as wxxl nxw (exxxxt sxxxxr, oxxxxxr, sxxxxxr) of cxxxxxxxxxxl axxxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16415KITS: Rxxxxxd axxxxt of pxxxxxs to x fxr axl mxxxc kxxs. Txxs cxxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16429KITS: Rxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe fxxm AxL kxxs. Txxs cxxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16430KITS: Axxxd MG (GxxG) Kxxs wxxh pxxxxxxxxxr wxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16432KITS: Mxxxr fxxxs (no nxxd to txxt) (bloodydeed) 16440KITS: Uxxxxxd Fxxxxh kxxs (axxxd mxxxxxg Rxxxxxxn AP axd Sxxxh txxxxxxs) (hauteclocque) 16475KITS: Axxxd rxxxxxn pxxa kxxs fxr dxxxe (ancientman) 16480KITS: Rxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxy fxxm Fxxxxh kxxs.x I mxxn kxxs (afterdune) 16514KITS: Gxxe cxxxxxn hxs bxxxxxxxxs bxxk (afterdune) 16514KITS: Uxxxxxd GxR, UxA, US, CF pxxa kxxs to txe nxw kxt lxxxxt (bloodydeed) 16517KITS: Uxxxxxd txe Fxxxxh UN kxt, oxd oxe wxs mxxxxxg bxxe UN hxxxxt cxxxr (spush) 16528KITS: Axxxd nxxxr (axd bxxxxr) UxA Kxt txxxxxxs (spush) 16541KITS: Axxxd GxxG to Bxxt, UxxC, US Axxy, IxF axd Cxxxxxxn MG kxxs (chuc) 16551KITS: Uxxxxxd Fxxxxh kxxs cxxxxxxxxe wxxh dxxxxt cxxo hxxxxt axd fxxxd bxxxk sxxt on bxxxxxxxs (spush) 16556KITS: Rxxxxxd SxD ixxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16558KITS: Axxxd nxw MxC kxt gxxxxxxxxs (wxxxxxt Lxxs fxr txxxxxg) KxxS: Mxxxxxxd Fxxxxh kxxs wxxxxxs (bxxxxxxs wxxe mxxxxd up) (hauteclocque) 16564KITS: Mxxxxxxd sxxxxg on MxC kxxs. I've axxxd it to mxxe kxxs as wxxl. (hauteclocque) 16583KITS: Axxxd sxxxxxh txxxxxe to uxxxxxd MxC kxxs (spush) 16588KITS: Axxxd MxxxB ExxxN axd MxxxG AxxG to rxxxxxxxxe US Axxy axd UxxC mxxn mxxxxxe gxxxxr kxxs (ixxxxxxxt vxxxxxxs hxxe gxxe to txe axxxxxxxe MG kxxs) (chuc) 16590KITS: Re-rxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxxxs fxxm MxC kxxs (chuc) 16592KITS: Sxxxxxd txe PxM ixxo txe MG kxt rxxe (chuc) 16617KITS: Rxxxxxxd PxM wxxh RxK (Axxxxs) on uxxxxxxxxxxxxl axxo rxxxxxxn kxxs (chuc) 16617KITS: Axxxd pxxxxxs in pxxxe of sxxxxxs on Mxxxxxe Gxxxxr kxxs (chuc) 16623KITS: Axxxd axxxxxxxe MxC MG kxt (chuc) 16623KITS: Axxxd Mxx oxxo Mxxxxxa axd Hxxxs axxxxxxxe gxxxxxxxr kxxs (chuc) 16627KITS: Rxxxxxxd Gx wxxh Mxx on MxC AA axd HxT kxxs (chuc) 16631KITS: Sxxxxxxy dxxxxxxd txxxxxe on MxC kxt gxxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16633KITS: Rxxxxxxxxd kxxxxxxs to dxxxxt txn on MxC kxt gxxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16633KITS: Rxxxxxxd pxxxxxs on MG kxxs to sxxxxxs (chuc) 16635KITS: Uxxxxxd MxC kxt gxxxxxxxxs, rxxxxxd bxxxxxxk, rxxxxxd kxxxxxxs axd axxxxxxd txe sxxn axd hxxxxt pxxxxxxn axxxg oxxxr txxxxs (chuc) 16678KITS: Uxxxxxd PxM dxxxxxxs wxxh nxw PxM (chuc) 16685KITS: Axxxd Rxxxxm to Rxxxxxn axxo rxxxe kxxs (chuc) 16703KITS: Rxxxxxxxxd sxxe wxxxxxs on txe uxxxxxxxxxxxxl fxxxxxxs (sxxs me ixxxxxxxxs) (chuc) 16704KITS: Axxxd axxxxxxxxxe kxxs fxr ME ixxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16714KITS: Rxxxxxxd Gxxxx wxxh Axxx PxO-x on Txxxxxn axt mxxxxxxn (chuc) 16714KITS: Axxxd Axxx PxO-x to Mxxxxxa axt mxxxxxxn (chuc) 16714KITS: Axxxd RxK to pxxxxxy axxo rxxxxxxn kxxs on uxxxxxxxxxxxxl fxxxxxxs (chuc) 16714KITS: Axxxd Rxxxx to axxxxxxxe axxo rxxxxxxn kxxs on uxxxxxxxxxxxxl fxxxxxxs (chuc) 16714KITS: Axxxd Hxxxx to FR Mxxxxxxn cxxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16761KITS: Axxxxxxd Nxxxv ixxxxxxxxs to axl IxF axxo rxxxxxxn kxxs (chuc) 16970KITS: Sxxxxxxxxxxd IxF kxt pxxxxxy wxxxxn lxxxxxt to be Mxxn x TxR, Axxxxxxe x Mx (chuc) 16972KITS: Sxt Txxxx Mxxxxxxxd rxxxxx to oxxy txe mxxn Oxxxxxr kxt (chuc) 16972KITS: Rxxxxxxd sxxxxd Exxxxxd wxxh Mxxxn ZF on Mxxxxxa, HxxxS axd Ixxxxxxxt sxxxxr kxxs (chuc) 17063KITS: Mxxxr txxxxs, cxxxxxxxd CF PxxA Axt Kxxs (bloodydeed) 17171KITS: Fxxxd cxxxh on txxxxxn mxxs (bloodydeed) 17178KITS: Axxxd gxs mxxk (axxxxxxxc cxxxxe oxxy) to Mxxxxxa rxxxxxxn (chuc) 17232MATERIALS: Uxxxxxd Mxxs wxxh nxw axxxxn wxxl mxt, pxxxxxxxxe pxxxxxc mxt, fxxd gxxxxxc mxt, bxxxxxxxxe dxxr axd gxxe mxxs axd a "rxxxxxxxxt" mxt fxr uxe on jxt wxxxxs so txxy txxe dxxxxe on nxxxxl txxxxxn. (rhino) 16108MENU: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxd Gxxxl MxR axd SxxR-xx w/ MxxS sxxxxxxxn ixxxs (j.f.leusch) 16095MENU: Fxxxd rxxxxxn Sxxx HxD nxt sxxxxxg up (j.f.leusch) 16110MENU: Axxxd hxxxxxr mxxxxxp ixxn (rhino) 16137MENU: Axxxd Bxxxxxxg Hi-Pxxxr ixxn to txe rxxo, mxy nxxd to be ixxxxxxd in sxxe axxxs bxxxd fxxe txxxg (rhino) 16192MENU: Axxxd in rxxxxxxd Bxx mxxu sxxxf to rxxxxe txe dxxxxxxxxy of mxxs/bxx/mxxxxxxxxxt/sxxxxr.zxp (ancientman) 16244MENU: Axxxd in rxxxxxxd Bxx cxxxxn sxxxf to rxxxxe txe dxxxxxxxxy of mxxs/bxx/cxxxxxxxxxxxt/sxxxxr.zxp (ancientman) 16248MENU: Axxxd in rxxxxxxd Bxx oxxxxxs sxxxf to rxxxxe txe dxxxxxxxxy of mxxs/bxx/oxxxxxxxxxxxxt/sxxxxr.zxp (ancientman) 16266MENU: Axxxd wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxxs to txe sxxxxxxxu fxr axl fxxxxxxs exxxxt vxxxxxm axd sxxxxxxxxxxr (bloodydeed) 16284MENU: Axxxs uxxxxxd wxxh PxM ixxn (chuc) 16304MENU: Sxxxxxxd pxxxxxxn of Axxxm. Rxxxxxxn axd Sxxxxxxxxt in sxxxxxxxe. Fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16307MENU: Uxxxxxd wxxh pxxxxxxxxxr ixxxs fxr SxS axd GxxG vxxxxxxs (chuc) 16326MENU: Axxxd fxxxxh fxxxxs fxxxs (bloodydeed) 16335MENU: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxd fxxxxh fxxxxs axxxs (bloodydeed) 16340MENU: Axxxd Vxxxxxm ixxxs to axxxs (afterdune) 16348MENU: Axxxd Vxxxxxm fxxg ixxxs (afterdune) 16349MENU: Axxxd Vxxxxxm wxxxxn ixxxs (afterdune) 16350MENU: Axxxd Vxxxxxm vxxxxxe ixxxs (afterdune) 16350MENU: Axxxd sxxxn wxxxxn mxxxxxxxxxxn to vxxxxxm fxxxxxxs, sxxe sxxxl wxxxxn ixxn fxxxs (bloodydeed) 16406MENU: Axxxd vxxxxxxxxxxt ixxn pxxxxxxxxxr (uxxs exxxxxd ixxn) (bloodydeed) 16407MENU: Axxxd fxxxxxxe ixxxxxxxr mxxu fxxe (afterdune) 16419MENU: Uxxxxxd Gxxxxxxx.txt fxxe (I txxxk txxs is vxxy oxxxxxxd nxw txxt we no lxxxxr ixxxxxe vxxx sxxxf. We nxxd to cxxxk txxs!x (afterdune) 16419MENU: Fxxxd Vxxxxxm fxxxs (txxy wxxe uxxxxe dxxn)x Fxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16424MENU: Axxxd MG kxt pxxxxxxxxxr ixxxs, rxxs #xxx. Cxxxxxxxe nxt uxxxxxd yxt. (bloodydeed) 16434MENU: Uxxxxxd cxxxxxxxe wxxh Mxxxxxe Gxxxxr kxt, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16439MENU: Axxxd rxxxxxa wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxn axd sxxe mxxxr fxxxs (bloodydeed) 16487MENU: Uxxxxxd Mxxxx wxxxxn ixxn (it wxs bxxt-uxxy :o)x Txxs fxxxd #xxx bxw. (afterdune) 16512MENU: Fxxxd GxxxxxxA wxxxxn sxxxxxxxn ixxxs, cxxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16516MENU: Axxxd nxw mxxxxxe gxxxxr kxt ixxn (chuc) 16520MENU: Uxxxxxd MG kxt ixxxs (chuc) 16560MENU: Fxxxd Gx Ixxxxxxxt sxxxxxxxn ixxn cxxxh rxxs #xxx (chuc) 16622MENU: Uxxxxxd axxxs wxxh a fxw nxw wxxxxn ixxxs (chuc) 16705MENU: Axxxs uxxxxxd wxxh nxw RxK axd Axxx vxxxxxt rxxxxxd ixxxs (chuc) 16713MENU: Uxxxxxd Fxxxxh wxxxxn sxxxxxxxn ixxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx (hauteclocque) 16762MENU: Axxxd GxC xxx, VxB axd VxxI vxxxxxe ixxxs (hauteclocque) 16832MENU: Axxxd Lxxxxxc, AxX-xxxC axd Pxxxxxr jxxp vxxxxxe ixxxs (hauteclocque) 16834MENU: Axxxs uxxxxxd wxxh vxxxxxs ixxxs (chuc) 17084MENU: Axxxd MxxxxxxxxxT wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxn (bloodydeed) 17169MENU: Uxxxxxd wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxn sxxxxm wxxh txe lxxxxt cxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 17176MENU: Axxxd pxxxxxxxxxr wxxxxn ixxn fxr rxxxxxxxxxxxv, fxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxh, ixxxxxxxxxxl, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 17177MENU: Uxxxxxd cxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 17184MENU: Axxxd mxxxxxg Sxxx vxxxxxe ixxn (bloodydeed) 17237NOTE: Bxxe txxxxxxs wxxe axxxd fxr txxxe oxxxxxs txxt nxxxxd txxm bxt no cxxxxm txxxxxxs wxxe axxxd, sxxh as _xxxxxxxd, _xg, exc. (afsoccer) 16338OBJECTS: Axxxd fxxxxh fxxxxs cxxxxxd pxxt, fxxxs, bxxxxxxxs, exxxxxs, rxxxxxxxxt, cxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16333OBJECTS: Axxxd sxxxxxs uxxd fxr fxxxt txxe on Bxxxk Gxxd:xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxmxx mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaxx mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxbxx mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm (afsoccer) 16336OBJECTS: Axxxd txe fxxxxxxxg oxxxxxs uxxd fxr fxxxt txxe in Pxxxxxxk Bxy, Op Mxxxxn axd Vxxxo Cxxy:xxx exxxxxs/sxxxxxxx/exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxexx rxxxs/sxxxxxs/bxxxxxxxxxxtxx rxxxs/sxxxxxs/txxxxxxxxxxtxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxexx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxexx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxtxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(pxxt x of x) (afsoccer) 16337OBJECTS: Pxxt x of x axxxd txe fxxxxxxxg oxxxxxs uxxd fxr fxxxt txxe in Pxxxxxxk Bxy, Op Mxxxxn axd Vxxxo Cxxy:xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pr/hxxxxr/lxxxxxxxxexx hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rxxxxxxxxxxxxexx rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rxxxxxxxxxxxxlxx rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr _xxxxxxxr _xxxxxxxxxxxrxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxn axd axl axxxxxxxxd sxb-oxxxxxs (afsoccer) 16338OBJECTS: Axxxd Vxxxxxm fxxxs, rxxxy pxxxxs, sxxxxy oxxxxxs axd vxxxxxe dxxxxs (afterdune) 16345OBJECTS: Axxxd rxxxxxxxxxxxx.dxs txxxxxe. (afsoccer) 16362OBJECTS: Ixxxxxxxd txe cxxl dxxxxxxe fxr txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxg fxxm x (xxm) to x (xxxm)x (afsoccer) 16410OBJECTS: Cxxxxxd cxxxxm lxxxxxxxs fxr "pr/ixxxxxxxxl/mxxxxxxxe/mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm" dxe to oxxxxxxl oxxs bxxxg bxxxxd. (afsoccer) 16413OBJECTS: Axxxd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxp, xxxxxxxxxxxxb, axd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe fxr uxe on Fxxxs Rxxd vx.x Axxxd gxxxs (bxxxxxd oxxxxxs) to mxxxxxxxxxp axd lxxxxxxxxxxxxxe as txe xp vxxxxxxs dxd nxt wxxk cxxxxxxxy.x Fxr gxxw vxxxxxn, uxe txe _xxt sxxxxx. (afsoccer) 16420OBJECTS: Axxxd sxxxf uxxd on Sxxxxxxa (exxxxt txe txxxs, txxxe axe lxw qxxxxxy axd wxxl be pxxxxd wxxh txe mxp, mxxxxxs pxxxxe do nxt uxe txxm) (outlawz) 16447OBJECTS: Fxxxd pr/bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx so it cxxxd be lxxxxxxxxxd pxxxxxxy; axxo ixxxxxxxd cxxxxxxxxxxe fxxm x (xxxm) to x (xxxm) fxr axl vxxxxxxxxs of txxs wxxl so it wxxxxn't dxxxxxxxr at sxxh a cxxxe dxxxxxxe.x Fxxxs wxxe pxxxxxxd by cxxxxxs to Ixxn Rxxxe. (afsoccer) 16545OBJECTS: Fxxxd mxxxxxxy/oxxxxxs/mxxxxxxxxa so it cxn nxw hxxd a lxxxxxxp xxxx Nxw sxxxxxxxxh lxxxs exxxxxy txe sxxe axd no nxxd to do axxxxxxg to mxxs axxxxxy wxxh txxs oxxxxt.xx bxt if yxu wxxt to go bxxk axd lxxxxxxp it, it's nxw pxxxxxxe. (afsoccer) 16604OBJECTS: Axxxd LxD fxxxs axd mxxh fxr wxxxxxxxxxxxxx sxxxe txxxe wxxe nxxe axd gxxe cxxxxxs wxxxxxt txxm. (afsoccer) 16656OBJECTS: Axxxd Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxm (amokandy) 17234PYTHON: dxxxo's pxxxxc txxxl #x. (dbzao) 16151PYTHON: Mxxxxd PR:V pxxxxn cxxxxxs. Mxxxd cxxxxxxs to Wxxl wxxk on txe txxxxxs cxxe nxxt. (dbzao) 16160PYTHON: Fxxxxg ixxxe wxxh rxxxxxxg rxxxy pxxxxs. (dbzao) 16165PYTHON: Axxxd wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxxs pxxxxn bxxxxxd (bloodydeed) 16286PYTHON: Mxxe uxxxxxxxxxxxxr uxxxxe by txe IxF. Fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16321PYTHON: Bxxxs do no lxxxxr cxxt txxxxxs. Rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16322PYTHON: Axxxd Vxxxxxm's Nxxxxm sxxxxxr (afterdune) 16344PYTHON: Mxxxxd fxxxxxxd fxxxs, axxxd FR vxxxxxxxs, rxxxxxxd sxxe uxxxxxxxxxxd db cxxxxxs. Oxxxr rxxxxxxxxxxxxs wxxl fxxxxw wxxn oxxxr pxxxxn cxxxxxs hxxe bxxn dxxe. (bloodydeed) 16398PYTHON: UxV dxxxn't exxxxe axxxxxe; x mxn to rxxxxxxe. Axxxxt of nxxxxd ixxxxxxxxs to gxxe cxxxxxxxr ixxxl rxxxxxd fxxm x to x; txxe fxr ixxxxxxxxs to dxxxxy rxxxxxd fxxm xxx to xx sxxxxxs. (bloodydeed) 16399PYTHON: rxxxxxxxxxs no lxxxxr exxxxe. Oxxxxxn txxxs nxw x exxxxxs wxxxxn xxm. No dxxxy bxxxxxn sxxxxxg rxxxxxs. Rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16401PYTHON: Rxxxxxd kxt axxxxxxxxn dxxxy fxr axl ixxxxxxy kxxs, fxxxs #xxx. Axxxw txo mxxxxs pxr sxxxd, fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16402PYTHON: Rxxxxxxd sxxe uxxxxxxxxxxd cxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16404PYTHON: Ixxxxxxxxxd axl lxxxxt cxxxxxs to axl pxxxxn cxxxxxs. Rxxs #xxx. (bloodydeed) 16409PYTHON: Dxxxxxxd mxxxxr on PYTHON: Rxxxxxd nxxd of mxxxxr fxxxxxxxxxn. Cxxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16412PYTHON: Dxxxxxxd kxt rxxxxxt at rxxxxxxxxxs; Axxxd kxxxxxxxxt sxxxxm to uxxxxxxxxxv, fxxxs #xxx. (bloodydeed) 16421PYTHON: Uxxxxxd pxxxxn wxxh MG kxt, rxxs #xxx. (bloodydeed) 16435PYTHON: Ixxxxxxxd nxxxxr of L-AT kxxs to x pxr txxm. Dxxxxxxxd nxxxxr of H-AT kxxs to x pxr txxm. (bloodydeed) 16436PYTHON: Fxxxd nxt bxxxg axxe to gxt axy kxxs fxxm vxxxxxxs (fxxxxxy!xx fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16444PYTHON: Axxxd FF-vxxxxxe kxt rxxxxxt (bloodydeed) 16446PYTHON: Axxxd dxxxxxxxt dxxxxxxxs to dxxxxxy RP's dxxxxxxxg on mxxxxxe. xxxm on xxm, xxm on xxm, xxm on xxm (mxxxt gxt cxxxxxd)x Nxxxs txxxxxg! (bloodydeed) 16504PYTHON: Fxxxd #xxx. Jxxxxxg oxf txxl bxxxxxxxs, oxt of hxxxxxxxxxs, exc axd sxxxxxxxg by dxxxxxxg yxxr kxt no lxxxxr wxxxs. Txe uxxxxxd kxt nxw sxxxxs axxxe yxu ixxxxxd of bxxxw yxu, pxxxxxm be sxxxxd. (ancientman) 16686PYTHON: Axxxd axxxxxxxxxh x _xxxxxxxxe vxxxxxn to pxxxxn. Fxxxs #xxx,x#xxx (bloodydeed) 17012PYTHON: Ixxxxxxxxxd Sxxxxxxh txxxxxs axxxxxxxxt fxr Fxxxxxxxs. Fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 17162PYTHON: Axxxd axxxxxy to rxxxxxt oxxxxxr kxt on cxxxxs (ixxxxxxxxs) (bloodydeed) 17181PYTHON: Uxxxxxd kxt axxxxxxxxxxs fxr axl fxxxxxxs (ancientman) 17244SHADERS: Fxxxd bxxxk sxxxs on txxxxxn fxr cxxxxxn gxxxxxxs cxxxs (ancientman) 16212SOLDIERS: Axxxd nxw Mxxxxe sxxxxxr txxxxxxs fxxm Sxxxe (hauteclocque) 16118SOLDIERS: Axxxd axxxxxxxxxe Mxxxxxs xp axxs fxxm Sxxxh (hauteclocque) 16120SOLDIERS: Axxxd txo mxxxxxg nxw Mxxxxxs sxxxxxr txxxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16121SOLDIERS: Axxxd nxw Cxxxxxxn sxxxxxr txxxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16182SOLDIERS: Axxxd Fxxxxh sxxxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16253SOLDIERS: Fxxxd fxxxxh sxxxxxxs sxxxxg vxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 16279SOLDIERS: Axxxd Vxxxxxm sxxxxxxs, mxxxxy as txxy axe (afterdune) 16354SOLDIERS: Uxxxxxd hxxd txxxxxe pxxxs of Vxxxxxm NxA sxxxxxxs (afterdune) 16360SOLDIERS: Nxw Rxxxxxl sxxxxm by Fxxxxxxxxxx, cxxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16442SOLDIERS: Nxw fxxxxxxxxxxxxs, nxw dxxxxxxxxxxs, dxe sxxxxs exc. Nxw bxxy ixxxxt sxxxxs on cxxxxxn mxxxxxxxs. (anders) 16443SOLDIERS: Uxxxxxd Fxxxxh sxxxxxxs (axxxd lxxxt sxxxxxr axd Sxxxh rxxxxxs) (hauteclocque) 16476SOLDIERS: Mxxxr ixxxxxxxxxxs to rxxxxxl, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16518SOLDIERS: Uxxxxxd txe Fxxxxh sxxxxxxs txxxxxxs, cxxxxxd txe cxxxxxxxxe sxxe fxr dxxxxt axd sxxxxxxxd it (spush) 16527SOLDIERS: Axxxd nxxxr (axd bxxxxr) UxA AxU sxxxxxr txxxxxxs (spush) 16540SOLDIERS: Txxxxd up txe bxxxxxxxxs on txe Fxxxxh sxxxxxxs dxxxxt cxxxxxxxxe (spush) 16555SOLDIERS: Axxxd DxxK axd Mx Bxxxxxxg hxxd pxxxs (Txxxxxn axd UxxC rxxxxxxxxxxy) fxr axxxxg ixxo xp sxxxxxxxxy pxxxxxxn vxxxs (chuc) 16565SOLDIERS: Cxxxxxxxd sxxxxxxxxxxxs to bxxxxxxxxxxxs fxr xp vxxxxxe hxxxs (chuc) 16573SOLDIERS: Axxxd gxxxxn hxxxs fxxxxd to txe sxxxxxxxxy Mxx (chuc) 16573SOLDIERS: Axxxxxr uxxxxe to rxxxxxl, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16652SOLDIERS: Axxxd US hxxd x wxxxxxxd fxxe pxxxt (spush) 16664SOLDIERS: Uxxxxe #x to rxxxxxl (by fxxxxxxz)x rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16769SOUNDS: Fxxxd Axxx xp sxxxd (hauteclocque) 16385SOUNDS: Mxxxd a sxxxxxxxe of sxxxxs txxt axxxxs jxxt cxxxxxxxd to txxxr pxxxxr lxxxxxxxs.xx Cxxe on mxn, kxxp it oxxxxxxxd, dxn't jxxt pxt sxxxxs axl oxxr txe pxxxe in rxxxxm fxxxxxs.xx (ancientman) 16483STATICS: Fxxxd vxxx dxxxxxxxxxe hxxxxxy sxxxxxn dxxxxxxxxxxg axxxr x hxxr (j.f.leusch) 16125STATICS: Axxxd cxxxxxxxxxxxxxs, rxxxxxxxxxl, axd lxxxxxxxxxxn sxxxxxs. (afsoccer) 16126STATICS: Uxxxxxxd txxxxxxs fxr pr/mxxxxxxy/rxxxxxxxxxl to pr/txxxxxxs. (afsoccer) 16127STATICS: Fxxxd Axxxxn vx cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's cxxx mxxh axxxxxxg pxxxxxs to mxxe ixxxxe txe cxxxxxxd axd sxxxt oxt (rhino) 16129STATICS: Rxxxxxd UxS Exxxx's cxxl axd lxd dxxxxxxxs (rhino) 16134STATICS: Fxxxd ixxxxxxy/ixxxxxxxxxs/cxxxxxxxxx txxxk fxxe so lxxxxr pxxxxxxxt dxxn't cxxxe pxxxxxs to fxxl to txxxr dxxxh. (afsoccer) 16179STATICS: Uxxxxxd UxS Exxxx Sxxxxy Oxxxxt Lxxxxxxxs axd Rxxxs (rhino) 16194STATICS: Uxxxxxd UxS Exxxx Wxxl Dxxk Sxxxxy Oxxxxt, mxxxxg it oxf txe bxxk mxxh, oxxo txe ixxxxxxr mxxh axd ixxxxxxxg ixs lxxxxxxn axd sxxe, as wxxl as mxxxxg it axxxxt bxxh lxxd vxxxxxxs axd sxa vxxxxxxs, as wxxl as rxxxxxxg axd rxxxxxxxg txxm (rhino) 16196STATICS: Axxxd Bxx lxxxxxxp sxxxxxs (ancientman) 16274STATICS: Ixxxxxxxd cxxl dxxxxxxe fxr wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd, wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxt axd wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxc fxxm x to x so sxxxxc wxxxxn't dxxxxxxxr at xxxm. (afsoccer) 16300STATICS: Axxxd axl Vxxxxxm sxxxxxs (afterdune) 16355STATICS: Fxxxd mxxxxd up txxxxxe pxxxs on Mxxxxxxy axxxxxa (chuc) 16684STATICS: Uxxxxxd txe UxS Exxxx wxxh fxxxd sxxxxy oxxxxxs wxxh txxxe lxxxxxxxs, txxxs oxt txxt txe rxxxxs sxxxxxg dxxxn't axxxxxxy cxxxxxl txxt rxxxxs, bxt ixs x/x txe rxxxxs, so to gxt a xxm rxxxxs, yxu nxxd to sxt it to xm. hxxp:x/i.ixxxr.cxm/Fxxxg.jxg (rhino) 16759STATICS: Fxxxd txe sxxxxy rxxxxs's fxr txe mxxxxr pxxxxd sxxxxy pxxxxs, txxxs oxt txxt txe rxxxxs sxxxxxg dxxxn't axxxxxxy cxxxxxl txxt rxxxxs, bxt ixs x/x txe rxxxxs, so to gxt a xxm rxxxxs, yxu nxxd to sxt it to xm. (rhino) 16770STATICS: Fxxxd txe sxxxxy rxxxxs's fxr txe mxxxxr pxxxxd sxxxxy pxxxxs axxxn, axxxxxxy txxxs oxt txxt yxu nxxd to sxt txe rxxxxs to xx% of wxxt yxu nxxd to gxt wxxt yxu nxxd, nxt xx% as I lxxt txxxxxt. So if yxu wxxt a rxxxxs of xxm yxu nxxd to sxt yxxr rxxxxs to xxm. (rhino) 16835STATICS: Fxxxd up txe Cxxxxxxxp wxxh a nxw vxxxxxn. Axl pxxxs axe nxw oxe, txi cxxxt is xxk axd txe wxy it wxs sxt up it wxxn't hxxxxxg txe lxxs, oxxy wxxxxxg fxxxs, dxxw cxxxs axd LM sxxxe bxxxg oxe oxxxxt. We sxxxxd lxxk ixxo rxxxxxxxg txe oxd cxxxxxxxp wxxh txxs vxxxxxn. (rhino) 16879STATICS: Rxxxxxd txe "UxI" vxxxxxn of txe Cxxxxxxxp, wxxxh I'm pxxxxy sxxe ixn't in uxe on axy PR mxxs, jxxt txxxxg up sxxxe in txe rxxo. (rhino) 16879STATICS: Axxxd txe cxxxxd vxxxxxn of txe txxt vxb to txe rxxo, oxxy txe oxxn oxe wxs in bxxxxe. (rhino) 16879VEGITATION: Axxxd jxxxxe oxxxxxxxxh (afterdune) 16355VEGITATION: Axxxd txe Sxxxxs to txe rxxo (rhino) 16879VEGITATION: Axxxd txe mxw sxxxxs txp lxd txxxxxe wxxxh wxs mxxxxxg. (rhino) 17053VEGITATION: Ixxxxxxxd cxxl dxxxxxxe on txe sxxxxs, mxy nxxd to rxxxxt fxr nxxxxl uxe bxt txxs is nxxxxd fxr PR:F (rhino) 17173VEHICLES: Fxxxd BxP-x bxxxxxxxr sxxt ixxxs bxxxg ixxxxxe (j.f.leusch) 16085VEHICLES: Fxxxd txxxxxxxl fxxxxxxxt RxK-xx zxxxxd vxxw (j.f.leusch) 16086VEHICLES: Gxxe VN-x axd BxxM-x sxxxxs a bxt mxxe lxxxxxl fxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16097VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd Pxxxxxr CxV GxxG mxxs to x (j.f.leusch) 16099VEHICLES: Fxxxd rxxxxxn SU-xx CxD (j.f.leusch) 16109VEHICLES: Fxxxd T-xx cxxxxa gxxxxr axxxxxt sxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 16113VEHICLES: Fxxxd Txxxxxo lxxxxxg gxxr (j.f.leusch) 16124VEHICLES: Axxxd nxw MxC dxxxxt vxxxxxe txxxxxxs fxxm Sxxxh (T-xx, BxP-x, Uxxl Txxxk axd BxxM-x) (hauteclocque) 16128VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd txe dxxt bxxr lxxxr oxf txe Sxxxxxr's dxxxxt txxxxxe (rhino) 16131VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd.dxs to xxxxxxxxx as pxr txe dxxxxt txxxxxe sxxe (rhino) 16132VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd UH-xx rxxxr txxxxxxs (by Sxxxh) axd axxxd oxn rxxxxs fxr txe IxF vxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16135VEHICLES: Oxxxxxxxd Hxxxxxr Fxxl Txxk lxxs axd cxxs axd axxxd GB vxxxxxn (rhino) 16136VEHICLES: Axxxd VxB AxC (hauteclocque) 16255VEHICLES: Axxxd Lxxxxxc Txxk (hauteclocque) 16256VEHICLES: Axxxd VxxI AxC (hauteclocque) 16257VEHICLES: Axxxd AxX-xxxC Wxxxxxd Txxk (hauteclocque) 16258VEHICLES: Axxxd Gxxxxx lxxxxxxc axd sxxxxxt txxxxs (hauteclocque) 16259VEHICLES: Fxxxd Fxxxxh vxxxxxxs sxxxd pxxxs axxxxxxxg to txe nxw PR rxxo fxxe sxxxxm (hauteclocque) 16269VEHICLES: Axxxd mxxe fxxxxh fxxxxs vxxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16334VEHICLES: Axxxd axl Vxxxxxm vxxxxxxs (afterdune) 16355VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd txxxxxxs axd txxxxxe pxxxs of Vxxxxxm hxxxxxxxxxs (afterdune) 16360VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd Hxxy fxxxy (afterdune) 16360VEHICLES: Fxxxd mxxxxxg sxxxxs fxxm Vxxxxxm vxxxxxxs (afterdune) 16372VEHICLES: Fxxxd mxxxxxg sxxxxs fxxm Fxxxxh vxxxxxxs (afterdune) 16373VEHICLES: Fxxxd Sxxxxxr RxM sxxxd (afterdune) 16374VEHICLES: Axxxd Uxxxxxxxd HxxxV. Mxxxxxs sxxxxd axd uxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd if wxxxxd. Cxxxs/AxT nxt rxxxy yxt. (bloodydeed) 16418VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd Uxxxxxxxd HxxxV Wxxxxxxd txxxxxe (sxxxxd mxxxh oxxxr US Wxxxxxxd vxxxxxxs in txxxs of bxxxxxxxxs) (spush) 16449VEHICLES: Axxxd gxxxxn mxxx fxxm dxxxe axd mxxxxd in txe txxxk fxxm txe ixf vxxxxxn so txxy've gxt txe sxxe sxxxxxxs (ancientman) 16479VEHICLES: Axxxd/Uxxxxxd dxxxxt vxxxxxt, lxxt txe txxxxxe txe nxxxxl sxxe, cxn be rxxxxxd if nxxxxd. (spush) 16491VEHICLES: Axxxd dxxxxt vxxxxxt fxr txe Wxxxx axd WxxxxA (spush) 16492VEHICLES: Axxxd dxxxxt vxxxxxt fxr txe AxV Txxxxx (spush) 16493VEHICLES: Fxxxd up txe PxA pxxxxxxxxxr jxxp to fxt txe rxxxxxxxxs (spush) 16494VEHICLES: Nxw Cxxxxxk sxxxxs (anders) 16503VEHICLES: Gxxxxn Mxxx rxxxxxd (amokandy) 16505VEHICLES: Axxxd uxxxxxxxxxxx exxxxe sxxxxs (anders) 16506VEHICLES: Axxxd HxxxV sxxxxs (anders) 16506VEHICLES: Axxxd txe re-txxxxxxd Z-xxW, axxxg wxxh cxxxxxt, axd nxxxxxs (spush) 16507VEHICLES: Axxxd re-txxxxxxd Z-x bxxxd oxf of Z-xxA (spush) 16508VEHICLES: Axxxd re-txxxxxxd Z-xx (spush) 16509VEHICLES: Nxw Axxxxxx sxxxxs (anders) 16510VEHICLES: GB dxxxxt Cxxxxxk txxxxxe gxxxn a dxxxxxxxt lxxxxxr cxxxxr, txxs wxs dxxe uxxxg txe oxxxxxxl PxD.x(txxxe is a txxxxd on txe cxxxxr sxxxxxxxe in txe pxxxxxe fxxxxs) (rudd) 16515VEHICLES: Nxw axxxxxxxxe sxxxxs; uxxx, uxx, mxx, uxxxxxxxxxxxxr, kxxxa, axxxxe, axx, axxz, mxx, mxxx, hxxxc, exxxx, txxxr (axxo fxxxxh)x mxxxxn, lxxx (anders) 16523VEHICLES: Lxxxxxd Txxe xx AxV sxxxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16524VEHICLES: Nxw cxxi cxr sxxxxs axxxd (anders) 16526VEHICLES: Nxw dxxxxxxe sxxxxs (anders) 16526VEHICLES: Nxw bxxxxxxb sxxxxs (anders) 16526VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd Mxxxxxa Txx Txxk txxxxxe (spush) 16552VEHICLES: Axxxd RU txxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16566VEHICLES: Axxxd Mxxx exxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16566VEHICLES: Fxxxd up txe H-xx wxxh nxw lxxs, cxxs axd oxxxr fxxxs. Axxo cxxxxxd txe mxxn pxxxt pxs so txxs nxxxs txxxxh txxxxxg to cxxxk nxxxxxg is oxt of pxxxe. Sxxe cxxxxg wxxk sxxxl nxxxs to be dxxe. (rhino) 16669VEHICLES: Axxxd txe rxxt of txe lxxxxxxxxxe sxxxxs axd cxxxxxd up txe txxxxxxxxs (anders) 16672VEHICLES: Sxxxxxd txe Exxx Mxxx bxxxs fxr txe nxw oxxs (rhino) 16709VEHICLES: Sxxxxxd oxt oxd Txxx dxxxxxs fxr txe nxw oxxs (rhino) 16744VEHICLES: Ixxxxxxxd HxxxV mxxxxxd TxW axxo to x (j.f.leusch) 16745VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd VxB. Cxxxxs #xxx (hauteclocque) 16764VEHICLES: Fxxxd up txe H-xx sxxe mxxe, cxxe is pxxxxy mxxh cxxxxxxe nxw, mxxxxxs txxxxxe sxxxl nxxxs fxxxxg up txxu (rhino) 16780VEHICLES: Nxw nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxt exxxxe sxxxxs (anders) 16808VEHICLES: Nxw NxA Zxxx exxxxe sxxxxs (anders) 16813VEHICLES: Fxxxd up txe A-xH wxxh bxxxxr cxxs, bxxxxr fxxxl lxxs axd lxxs of oxxxr sxxxl fxxxs. (rhino) 16830VEHICLES: Rxxxxxxd txe rxxxxt pxxxxxxxxxs on txe A-xH, A-xx axd Su-xx wxxh Hxxxa xx or S-x rxxxxxs lxxxxd oxt of txe mxxxxxxs fxxxxr. (rhino) 16831VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd Pxxxxxr CxV sxxt pxxxxxxn ixxn (j.f.leusch) 16836VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd VxB, VxxI, AxX-xxxC, Lxxxxxc axd GxC xxx sxxxxxxn pxxxxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 16837VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd VxxI nxt txxxxg dxxxxe wxxn in dxxp wxxxr/uxxxxxxxxr (j.f.leusch) 16838VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd VxxI sxxxxxxxxn, hxxxxxxxy fxxxxg #xxx (j.f.leusch) 16839VEHICLES: Axxxd a "GB" vxxxxxn of txe RxxB wxxh a Lxxx GxxG on ixs gxn mxxxt, nxxxs an axxo bxx axd txe cxxxxxt axxo bxxt. (rhino) 16842VEHICLES: Axxxxxt to fxx xxxxl txxxxxxxxs hxxxxg a axxo ixxxxxxxr. Cxxxxs #xxx (j.f.leusch) 16852VEHICLES: Fxxxd rxxxxxn Hxxxc mxxxxxg rxxxxxxxxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx (j.f.leusch) 16856VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd NxA ZxU-xx, T-xx (WxP)x Zxl-xxx axd ZxS-x (j.f.leusch) 16857VEHICLES: Fxxxd Mxxxxxxl bxg on txe gxxxx of Up-Axxxxxd Hxxxxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx (hauteclocque) 16878VEHICLES: Fxxxd WZ-xxxA gxxxxr axxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16923VEHICLES: Fxxxd Bxxxx pxxxxxxxr axxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16981VEHICLES: Fxxxd PxR dxxxxxxxxt axxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16982VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd ZxU-xx-x gxn dxxxxe (j.f.leusch) 16984VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd ExC-xx (oxxy lxxt txe sxxxxs) (hauteclocque) 16986VEHICLES: Fxxxd Zxs-x CxD (j.f.leusch) 16987VEHICLES: Fxxxd Mxxxxx CxD (j.f.leusch) 16996VEHICLES: Axxxd xp mxxh to RxxB, axxxxxxg Mxs to sxxw xp mxxxl. (rhino) 17005VEHICLES: Fxxxd CxD fxxm bxd txxxxxe pxxh on txe NxA's UxZ's dxxk MG mxxxt, bxt uxm, ixs jxxt a cxxe, txe MG is hxxxxxxg in mxd axr.xx hxxp:x/i.ixxxr.cxm/wxxxx.jxg (rhino) 17013VEHICLES: Txxp fxx to txe Axxxxxx sxxxxxxxs ixxxxs, I nxxd txe oxxxxxxl sxxxxxxr txxxxxe to mxxe it cxxxxxxxy, as txe cxxxxxt oxe is axxxxxxy x/x of txe oxxxxxxl fxxxt txxxxxe. Cxxxxs #xxx (hauteclocque) 17017VEHICLES: Fxxxd VxB exxt lxxxxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 17050VEHICLES: Axxxxxt to fxx txxxxxxxxx RxK sxxxxs oxf (j.f.leusch) 17051VEHICLES: Dxxxxxd txe uxxxxxxd sxxc txxxxxe fxxm txe UxxD, axxxxxxh it's txxxxxxs nxxd a sxxxxxs oxxxxxxl, xxxxs at txe mxxxxt, mxxt txxxn up by sxxxxw mxxs wxxxh sxxxxd be pxxt of txe Dxxxxxe txxxxxxs as AO mxxs. (rhino) 17053VEHICLES: Oxxxxxxxd axd Fxxxd up txe UH-xD/C txxxxxxs, ixxxxxxxxxg txe sxxxxw mxxs ixxo txe dxxxxxe txxxxxxs as AO mxxs, axd fxxxxg sxxc/axxxa axd dxs fxxxxt ixxxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx #xxx (rhino) 17057VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd AS xxx Pxxxxxr (WxP) (j.f.leusch) 17066VEHICLES: Axxxd txe nxw Lxxx GxxG to txe WxxxK Lxxxxxxxr. It sxxxl uxxs txe oxd, bxxy GxxG axxo bxx axd axxo bxxt, nxxd to lxxk ixxo rxxxxxxxg (nxt wxxxh rxxxxxxxg txe axxo bxxt uxxxl txe axxo bxx hxs bxxn rxxxxxxd)x (rhino) 17117VEHICLES: Axxxd FN MxG GxxG axxxd vxxxxxxs of txe RxxB Bxxt (oxxy ixxn sxxxt vxxxxxxs, no sxxxxs) (rhino) 17117VEHICLES: Fxxxd CxxxS GxxG oxxxxxxt axd sxxxl exxxxxxn sxxxxxxs on txe Pxxxxxr (chuc) 17122VEHICLES: Fxxxd Axx dxxxy CxD (j.f.leusch) 17182VEHICLES: Axxxd nxw rxxxxxxxxxx (vapoman) 17224VEHICLES: Axxxd cxxxxxt (nxt pxxxxxxy cxxxd yxt) fxr fxxxxt fxxe (bloodydeed) 17248VEHICLES: Fxxxd cxxxh on nxa sxxxxxt txxxk (ancientman) 17249VEHICLES: Axxxd fxxxxxxxs to bxxxxxxxxs (ancientman) 17250WEAOINS: Uxxxxxd txe ZxU-xs dxxxxe sxxxxxxs (rhino) 17010WEAPONS: Sxxxxxxy txxxxxd Mxxxxi/Mxxx sxxxxxxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16083WEAPONS: Axxxd sxxxxxxxxxs to xp fxxxxg sxxxd of hxxxxxxd AA (no nxxd to txxt) (j.f.leusch) 16084WEAPONS: Sxt QxC-xx mxxxxe vxxxxxxy to xxx m/s (no nxxd to txxt) (j.f.leusch) 16088WEAPONS: Fxxxd dxxxxxxd AR-xxT (sxxxxd axd ExxxN) zxxm in sxxxd (j.f.leusch) 16089WEAPONS: Axxxxxt to fxx Cxxx/Cxxx sxxxxs axxxxxxxn ixxxe wxxn wxxxxxg zxxxxd in (j.f.leusch) 16090WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxd axxo cxxxxxr fxxm rxd sxxxxl sxxxe (j.f.leusch) 16091WEAPONS: Sxt Mx mxxxxe vxxxxxxy to xxx m/s (no nxxd to txxt) (j.f.leusch) 16093WEAPONS: Fxxxd sxxxxd Lxe Exxxxxd No.x wxxxg axxo lxxxxt (nxw xx rxs in txxxl) (j.f.leusch) 16094WEAPONS: Sxt CxxR-xx w/ AxxG mxxxxe vxxxxxxy to xxx m/s (no nxxd to txxt) (j.f.leusch) 16096WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd Lxxxx (j.f.leusch) 16104WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd vxxx Gxxx (j.f.leusch) 16105WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw QxZ-xx pxxxxl (hauteclocque) 16111WEAPONS: Axxxd txe nxw FxB xxx bxxxs to txe rxxo fxr uxe on txe Q-x (rhino) 16115WEAPONS: Axxxd Mxx xp axxxxxxxn fxx (sxxxxxxxe) fxxm Cxxc (hauteclocque) 16139WEAPONS: Axxxd Mxx wxxh fxxxxxxxxl sxxxxs (mosquill) 16140WEAPONS: Axxxd fxxxxxxxxl bxxxxp sxxxxs to mxxxxxxe wxxxxxs (mosquill) 16143WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd cxxxxxxxs mxxxxs fxxm sxxxxxxxxy Mxs (j.f.leusch) 16158WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd ZxU-x wxxh nxw dxxxxxxe dxxxxe vxxxxs, so it cxn axm dxxxxxxy up axd exxt pxxxxs (rhino) 16162WEAPONS: Re-Axxxd uxxxxxd axd oxxxxxxxd Bxxxxxxg HP xxm Pxxxxl (rhino) 16187WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd rxxxxxxg cxxxxxxxxxxxxxs fxxm sxxxxxxxxy mg's, it cxxxxxs if it dxxxn't hxxe txxm (ancientman) 16241WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxd AI fxxxxxs fxxm vxxxxxs wxxxxn (no nxxd to txxt) (j.f.leusch) 16281WEAPONS: Mxxxd HxxxV mxxxxxd TxW ixxxxe txe TxW HxxxV fxxxxr (j.f.leusch) 16282WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Mxx axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16293WEAPONS: Axxxd Mxxx SxR (chuc) 16295WEAPONS: Txxxxxxxd up Qxxxx axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16297WEAPONS: Axxxd PxM (chuc) 16299WEAPONS: Axxxd MxxxB, MxxxG axd GxxG (chuc) 16325WEAPONS: Axxxd MxxxB axd GxxG sxxxxxxxxy wxxxxxs (chuc) 16325WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd sxxxxs on axl sxxxxd wxxxxxs to be hxxxxw in xp (chuc) 16325WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd rxxxxl axxxxxxxxs on mxxt wxxxxxs (nxt axl yxt) (chuc) 16325WEAPONS: Fxxxd up BxxS on Exxxn axd SxxxT sxxxxs (chuc) 16325WEAPONS: Axxxd fxxxxh fxxxxs wxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16332WEAPONS: Axxxd axl Vxxxxxm wxxxxxs (afterdune) 16355WEAPONS: Fxxxd a txxxxxe pxxh of cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe.bxxxxxxxxxh (afterdune) 16356WEAPONS: Fxxxd txxxxxe pxxxs of vxxxxxs Cxxxxxe wxxxxxs (afterdune) 16357WEAPONS: Fxxxd txxxxxe pxxxs of axxxxxr cxxxxxxd of wxxxxxs (afterdune) 16358WEAPONS: Fxxxd txxxxxe pxxxs of yxt axxxxxr wxxxxn (afterdune) 16359WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd #xxxxx to #xxxxx, pxxxxe fxx hxxp:x/wxw.rxxxxxxxxd.cxm/fxxxm/fxxx-pr-bxx-cxxxxxxxg/xxxxxx-cxxxxxxxg-sxt-xx-jxn-xxxx-cxxe-x.hxxl#pxxxxxxxxxx (bloodydeed) 16363WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd Cxxxxx Axxxxxxt wxxh nxw Cxxxxx Axxxxxxt on Mx, Mx Mxxx (rxxxxxxxg txe exxxxh) axd Mxxxx rxxxxs. (chuc) 16366WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd Kxxxxxs Axxxxxxxs Fxxxxxxp wxxh Gxxxxxd on Mx axd Mxxxxs (chuc) 16366WEAPONS: Exxxxxxd bxxxxl on Mxxx AxxG axd ExxxN (chuc) 16367WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd cxxxh bxg wxxh oxd xxx rxxxd bxx on txe Mxxx ixxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16367WEAPONS: Fxxxd mxxxxxg sxxxxs fxxm Vxxxxxm wxxxxxs (afterdune) 16372WEAPONS: Fxxxd mxxxxxg sxxxxs fxxm Fxxxxh wxxxxxs (afterdune) 16373WEAPONS: Fxxxd Sxxxxxv axxxxg sxxxd (afterdune) 16374WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd xxx rxxxd cxxxh bxg wxxh xxx rxxxd bxx on Cxxx ixxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16377WEAPONS: Exxxxxxd bxxxxl on Cxxx Exxxn (chuc) 16377WEAPONS: Hxxxxxxd oxt mxxe xp sxxxxs (chuc) 16386WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd rxxxxl axxxxxxxxs on MxC rxxxxs (chuc) 16386WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xp bxxt axxxxxxxn fxr Sxxxx (nxxxs sxxxd to be sxxxxd) (chuc) 16388WEAPONS: Rxxxd Sxxxx rxxxxxe (chuc) 16388WEAPONS: Axxxd oxxxxp mxxxxxs. Txxs cxxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16400WEAPONS: Rxxxd Mxxxn Nxxxxt ixxxxxxxxs axxxxxxxxs (exxxxt rxxxxd fxr nxw) (chuc) 16417WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd sxxxxd fxxe axxxxxxxxs fxr dxxxxxxxxe wxxxxxs (Lxxs, Gxxxs axd Dxxs) (chuc) 16417WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd rxxxxxe on Mxxx AxxG (chuc) 16417WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd sxxe wxxxxxs, so txxy (dxn't) uxe a fxxxxxxe ixxxxxxxr wxxn zxxxxd in (afterdune) 16419WEAPONS: Gxxe gxxxxxe txxxs txe "mxxe" cxxxo rxxe bxxxxn (afterdune) 16425WEAPONS: Fxxxd mxxxxxg gxxg txxxxxe (ancientman) 16427WEAPONS: Exxxxxxd cxxxxxxg hxxxxe on txe Axxx sxxxxs (chuc) 16428WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd txe ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe. It wxxl oxxy be a mxxxxy nxw. (afterdune) 16430WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd fxxxxg, rxxxxd axd dxxxxxt sxxxxs fxr mxxt hxxxxxxd wxxxxxs.x(Wxxl pxxt a fxxl lxxt lxxxr) (anders) 16443WEAPONS: Mxxxxxxd dxxxxxxxn on Gxxxxn axd Rxxxxxn rxxxxs to txxt in txe axxxa as a pxxxf of cxxxxxt. Cxxxxxs axe dxxxxxxxd mxx mxxxxxxt dxxxxxxxn by x/x axd mxx fxxxxg dxxxxxxxn by x/x; bxt sxxxxe rxxxs axe txe sxxe, so txxs wxxl fxxl qxxxe axxt mxxe axxxxxxe. Lxxs, Mxxs, Sxxs (pxxxxxs axy mxxe Gs txxt I've fxxxxxxxn?x axd dxxxxxxd mxxxxxxn axe uxxxxxxxd fxr nxw. Txxxe cxxxxxs axe NxT to be txxxxd in lxxxl as sxxxxe txxxs nxxd to be dxxxxxxxt on sxxxxr FxS nxt yxxr cxxxxxxr FxS. Nxxe txxt txe MxC mxxxxxxn is axxo cxxxxxd dxe to hxw txe Gxr Mxxxxxxn rxxxe is nxt sxxxxxxe, so dxn't be axxxxxd if uxxxg a MxC mxxxxxxn kxt on axxxxxr mxp fxr nxw. Txxs cxxxxt wxs dxxe axxxr uxxxxxxg axxxr Axxxr's cxxxxt. (rudd) 16445WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd xp hxxxxw sxxxe fxr txe Mxx (chuc) 16450WEAPONS: Hxxxxxxd oxt Hxxx txxe on txe Gxxx Hxxx (chuc) 16478WEAPONS: Axxxd LxT dxxxxxt exxxxxxxn sxxxxs (anders) 16501WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw KxxD dxxxxxt sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16502WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw Sxxxxxxn rxxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16502WEAPONS: Nxw Mxxx rxxxxd sxxxd (anders) 16511WEAPONS: Nxw Mx pxxxxl xp/xp sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16511WEAPONS: Nxw MxxxxxW sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16513WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd (Fxxxxh) ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe (afterdune) 16514WEAPONS: Nxw Nxx Exxxxxd rxxxxd axd sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16521WEAPONS: Nxw PxM bxxxd dxxxxy sxxxxs (anders) 16521WEAPONS: Nxw SxS/Sxxxxxv sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16521WEAPONS: Nxw SxD sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16521WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxxs fxr AR-xx sxxxxs rxxxxs (chuc) 16522WEAPONS: Axxxd uxxxxxd AI rxxxxs fxxm mxxxn (outlawz) 16525WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd Mxxx/Axxx sxxxt sxxxxs to be mxxe sxxxxxr to txe oxxxr Axxx sxxxxs (anders) 16526WEAPONS: Nxw sxxxxd rxxxxd sxxxxs fxr Cxxxs nxw Axxx axxxxxxxxs (anders) 16529WEAPONS: Nxw FxxxL rxxxxd sxxxxs (anders) 16529WEAPONS: FxxxS rxxxxd sxxxxs (anders) 16529WEAPONS: Nxw Nxxxxxo sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16529WEAPONS: Nxw FxxxL sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16531WEAPONS: Mxxe SxG axd oxxxr AT wxxxxxs sxxxd mxxe pxxxxxxl wxxh lxxxxr txxl (anders) 16531WEAPONS: Mxxe Nxx Exxxxxd sxxxxxxxxd bxxxxxxr axd lxxxxr axd dxxxxxxxd hxxxxxxg sxxxxs (anders) 16531WEAPONS: Mxxe a mxxe pxxxxxxl sxxp sxxxd to Cxxxs nxw Axxx UxL vxxxxxxs (anders) 16531WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd Mxxx sxxxxs (anders) 16532WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd Mxxx sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16533WEAPONS: Fxxxd Pxxx cxxxxxxg (Bxg #xxx) (chuc) 16539WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw mxxxxxg txxxxxxs fxxm Sxxxe-Oz (chuc) 16542WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn axd ixxe axxxxxxxxs fxr Qxxxx (to be rxxxxd oxt to axl pxxxxxs) (chuc) 16543WEAPONS: Nxw xp rxxxxd sxxxd fxr Cxxc's nxw Qxxxx pxxxxl axxxxxxxn (anders) 16546WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xp rxxxxd axd ixxe axxxxxxxxs fxr axl pxxxxxs (chuc) 16548WEAPONS: Gxxe gxxxxxe txxxs txe "mxxe" mxxxxr axxxn, axxxxs' mxxxxxe cxxxxt hxd oxxxxxxxxxn my Txxs fxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16550WEAPONS: Axxxd bxxxc fxxxxxxxxxxxy on txe GxxG/Mxxx (chuc) 16551WEAPONS: Axxxd up sxxxxxn fxxe rxxxxl (chuc) 16551WEAPONS: Axxxd Mxxx AxxG pxxxxxxxxxr (chuc) 16551WEAPONS: Nxw FxxxS sxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16553WEAPONS: Nxw Mxx sxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16553WEAPONS: Nxw pxxxxl rxxxxd sxxxxs (anders) 16553WEAPONS: Fxxxd sxxxxxg on txe SxD fxxxxxxp (chuc) 16559WEAPONS: Nxw SxD sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16561WEAPONS: Nxw AK wxxxxxs sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16561WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd PxM sxxxt sxxxd to be mxxe bxxxy (anders) 16561WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd FF MxxxxI wxxh Axxxxxxt (wxxn't uxxd axd wxn't be uxxd) WxxxxxS: Rxxxxxd bxxxxxt on FxxxS w/ Axxxxxxt (hauteclocque) 16563WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd vxxxxe fxr Qxxxx rxxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16566WEAPONS: Axxxd AK wxxxxxs xp sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16566WEAPONS: Nxw Gxxx rxxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16566WEAPONS: Axxxd xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn axd axxxxxr ixxe axxxxxxxn fxr txe GxxG sxxxxs (chuc) 16571WEAPONS: Axxxd Dxxxxr bxxxxp axxxxxxt oxxo Bxxxxxh Lxxxx Axxxs (BxxS fxxxxxxn nxt dxxe yxt) (chuc) 16574WEAPONS: Nxw Mxxx sxxxt sxxxxs, txxxxxr axd rxxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16575WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd RxF of AxxxxU to xxxxxM (sxxxd hxxn't bxxn axxxxxxd) (chuc) 16578WEAPONS: Sxxxxd dxxn QxZ-xx xp bxxp txxxxxe (hauteclocque) 16581WEAPONS: Fxxxd vxxxxxe hxxe ixxxxe txe exxxxxxn pxxt on txe FxxxS sxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16582WEAPONS: Fxxxxxxd xp axxxxxxxxs on txe GxxG (chuc) 16584WEAPONS: Axxxd xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxxs to MxxxB exxxn axd MxxxG axxg (chuc) 16584WEAPONS: Axxxd fxxxl txxxxxxs to GxxG sxxxxs (chuc) 16584WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd Cx exxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16585WEAPONS: Axxxd sxxxl Cx exxxxxxxe cxxxxe (nxt cxxxd or axxxxxxd yxt) (chuc) 16585WEAPONS: Axxxd Cx GxxG (chuc) 16590WEAPONS: Axxxd fxxl axxo fxxxxxxxxxxxy to Mxxx SxR (chuc) 16597WEAPONS: Fxxxxxxxd mxxxxs on hxxxxxxd GxxG sxxxxs fxxm Txm (chuc) 16598WEAPONS: Nxw Txxxx sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16602WEAPONS: Nxw Gxx sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16602WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd Mxxx sxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16605WEAPONS: Axxxd Mxxx dxxxxy sxxxd (anders) 16605WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd Mxx axd Mxx sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16606WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn fxr Axxx, AxxxxU, Gxxxl, Sxxxa axd Axxx Gxxx (chuc) 16615WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xp dxxxxy axd rxxxxd axxxxxxxxs fxr Mxxx Gxxxxxxxn (chuc) 16615WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd axd rxxxxxd PxM to bxxxxe lxxe a GxxG (rxxxxxxg uxxxxxxxxd mxxe exc) (chuc) 16615WEAPONS: Fxxxxxxxd SxS axd SxS bxxxxxt axxxxxxxxs axd mxxh (chuc) 16615WEAPONS: Axxxd sxxxxxxxxy GxxG sxxxxs (chuc) 16616WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd Mxx Exxxn rxxxxxxxe in txe BxxS cxxe to pxxxt to txe GxxG vxxxxxt of txe Mxx Exxxn (chuc) 16624WEAPONS: Axxxd GxxG Mxx wxxh xxx rxxxd bxx (chuc) 16626WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd LxG Mxx Exxxn (chuc) 16626WEAPONS: Fxxxd txe UxxC txxt on txe Kxxxr kxxxe txxxxxe (spush) 16629WEAPONS: Txxxd dxxn mxxxe sxxxxxxxxxy wxxn zxxxxxg in wxxh uxxxxxxxxd Lxxs (chuc) 16634WEAPONS: Fxxxxxxxd axxxxxxxxs on Mxx GxxG (chuc) 16634WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xp Cx sxxxxxl (lxxxe cx pxxk) axd sxxxl Cx cxxxxe axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16637WEAPONS: Sxxxxd PxM dxxxxy axd rxxxxd sxxxd (anders) 16641WEAPONS: Nxw AK-xxU, AK-xx axd Gxxxl rxxxxd sxxxd (anders) 16641WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd Gxxxl RxF to xxx (chuc) 16645WEAPONS: Txxxxxd xp axxxxxxxxs on Axxx ixxxs, RxK Axxxxs axd SxD (no sxxxd exxxs rxxxxxxd) (chuc) 16645WEAPONS: Axxxd xp mxxxxs of txe nxw QxZ sxxxxs (chuc) 16653WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxxs fxr QxZ sxxxxs (chuc) 16653WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw Qxxxx rxxxxd sxxxd (anders) 16655WEAPONS: Nxw Qxxxx/Txxxxx sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16658WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xp AxxxM axd AxxxxU dxxxxy axxxxxxxn (chuc) 16660WEAPONS: Nxw Cx pxxxt sxxxd (anders) 16661WEAPONS: Nxw AK-xxM dxxxxy fxxxxxg sxxxk sxxxxs (anders) 16663WEAPONS: Nxw Mxx sxxxt sxxxd (anders) 16665WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd Qxxxx sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16665WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd Mxxx sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16665WEAPONS: Nxw Mxx xp rxxxxd sxxxd (anders) 16667WEAPONS: Nxw Sxxxxxv rxxxxd sxxxd (anders) 16668WEAPONS: Nxw Gxxx rxxxxd sxxxd (anders) 16670WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd txe Hxxy Mxx Mxxxt's cxxxxa to vxxw xp mxxxl ixxxxxd of xp as it cxxxd sxe mxxxxxg fxxxs in txe sxxe of sxxe of txe cxxxxxxs (rhino) 16673WEAPONS: Nxw Gxx rxxxxd axd dxxxxy sxxxxs (anders) 16674WEAPONS: Nxw Gxxx sxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16676WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd sxxe wxxxxn cxxxxxxxn mxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16677WEAPONS: Fxxxd cxxxh at txe exd of lxxxxxg on mxxs uxxxg rxxxxxxd (ancientman) 16681WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd Gxxx sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16687WEAPONS: Nxw Qxxxx rxxxxd sxxxd (anders) 16690WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd xxxx on Axxx sxxxxs (chuc) 16694WEAPONS: Axxxd RxxxxM axd RxxxxM Sxxxxd (axxxxxxxxs nxt dxxe yxt) (chuc) 16695WEAPONS: Nxw Qxxxx sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16698WEAPONS: Nxw Sxxxx sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16698WEAPONS: Sxxxxd xp rxxxxd sxxxxs fxr Gxx, Qxxxx axd Qxxxx (anders) 16698WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd xp hxp-fxxe axxxxxxxxs on mxxt wxxxxxs (chuc) 16701WEAPONS: Axxxd dxxxxxxd mxxe fxr Rxxxxm (chuc) 16701WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd oxd PxxH wxxh oxe fxxm BF:Kxxxa (chuc) 16706WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xp dxxxxy axxxxxxxn fxr txe PxxH (chuc) 16706WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxxxd xp hxxxs on PxxH (chuc) 16706WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw, rxxxxxd Mxxx xxxxb GxB (Dxxb Bxxb) axd txe MxC xxxxxb GxB to txe rxxo (rhino) 16708WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd txe Exxx Mxxx bxxxs (rhino) 16710WEAPONS: Nxw Lxxxx rxxxxd sxxxxs (anders) 16712WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd Axxxxs RxK (chuc) 16715WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw RxK (chuc) 16715WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw Rxxxx (wxxxxn, nxt txe RxxxxM) (chuc) 16715WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd PxxH rxxxxd sxxxxs (anders) 16716WEAPONS: Nxw Lxxxx sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16721WEAPONS: Nxw Gxxxxxxxn rxxxxd sxxxxs (anders) 16722WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd MxxxxI wxxh Eo-Txxh wxxh nxw mxg (txe sxxxxxxt oxe) axd nxw xp axxxxxxxxs (rxxxxd oxe nxxxs to be fxxxd) (hauteclocque) 16725WEAPONS: Lxxxxxd TxW, Mxxxn axd HJ-x lxxxxh vxxxxxxxxs to xx m/s (j.f.leusch) 16726WEAPONS: Nxw RxK sxxxxxxxxxs axd dxxxxxxd sxxxxs (anders) 16727WEAPONS: Nxw Sxxxxxx rxxxxd sxxxxs (anders) 16729WEAPONS: Fxxxd up txe Txxx mxxxxxe, oxxxxxxxd it, axxxd lxxs, fxxxd cxxs axd rxxxxxd txe txxxxxe sxxe to x/x ixs oxxxxxxl sxxe (rhino) 16743WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd AT-xx Sxxxxr AxxM txxxxxxxg sxxxd to xxx m/s (j.f.leusch) 16747WEAPONS: Exxxxxd rxxxxxg pxxxxxs on gxxxxxxs (so txxt txxy'll pxxxxxxy rxxl dxxn sxxxxs exc) (chuc) 16752WEAPONS: Exxxxxxd Fx gxxxxxe exxxxxxxn rxxxxs to xxm (chuc) 16752WEAPONS: Axxxd mxxe sxxxl exxxxxxn rxxxxs (sxxxxxe nxxxs to exxxxe txe wxxxxxs mxxxh up wxxh txe cxxxxxxxxxxxg sxxxl exxxxxxn. I axxxd a x.xxxxx, x.xxxxx axd a x.xxxxx sxxxl exxxxxxn) (chuc) 16752WEAPONS: Axxxd Hxxxx fxr txe Fxxxxh Fxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16760WEAPONS: Axxxd x.xxxxx TT axd x.xxxxx sxxxl exxxxxxxs (chuc) 16765WEAPONS: Axxxxxxd sxxxl exxxxxxxs on sxxe wxxxxxs to txxxr cxxxxxxxxxxxg cxxxxxxs (chuc) 16766WEAPONS: Fxxxd up TxW, MxxxN axd HJ-x exxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 16782WEAPONS: Axxxd txe nxxxr axxo txxxxxxs to txe rxxo, oxd oxxs sxxxxd be dxxxxxd axd uxxxxxd txe GB GxxG xp mxxxl to uxe txe cxxxxxt sxxxt, axxxxxxh axl txe mxxxs nxxd to be uxxxxxd wxxh txxs,xx axy oxxxr wxxxxxs uxxxg txe nxw rxxxxs. (rhino) 16784WEAPONS: Fxxxd up ExxX, Pxxxxxxr axd Pxf-x fxxxxg exxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 16785WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd FxxxS fxxxd bxxxxxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx,x#xxx, axd #xxx (hauteclocque) 16789WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd bxxk txe pxxxxxs fxr hxxxxxxxxxxs axd sxxxxs/txxxs/exc. (anders) 16791WEAPONS: Fxxxd txxxxxe nxxxs of txe Cx GxxG txxxxxxs, _xxxxxxxd txxxxxe wxxn't lxxxxxg bxxxxe, exxxxt sxxxe wxxl nxxd ixs pxxxs fxxxd fxr txe fxxxd nxxe. Axxo fxxxd txe Cx mxxh in txe rxxo to uxe txe nxw txxxxxe axd txe cxxxxxt axxo txxxxxe. (rhino) 16797WEAPONS: Nxw ZxU sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16807WEAPONS: Nxw Axx dxxxxy axd axm sxxxxs (anders) 16823WEAPONS: Nxw Mxxx axm sxxxd (anders) 16823WEAPONS: Nxw Mxxx dxxxxy axd rxxxxd sxxxxs (anders) 16823WEAPONS: Nxw Gxxxxxxxn sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16824WEAPONS: Axxxd nxxxxxxxxxxs to txe Hxxxa xx axd S-x Rxxxxxs wxxxh sxxxxd hxxxxxxxy fxx txe fxxxd wxxg axxxxxxt fxxxxg ixxxxxxxe rxxxxxs fxr pxxxxxs oxxxxxe txe axxxxxxt. (rhino) 16831WEAPONS: Axxxd txe xxxxl pxxxxxxxxe fxxm PR:V axd mxxxxxxd txe vxxxxs fxxm PR:V to be mxxe in lxxe wxxh txe pxxxxxxxxxs sxxe. (rhino) 16833WEAPONS: Exxxxd txe Mxx Gxxxxxe Lxxxxxxr to uxe txe cxxxxxt axxo txxxxxxs sxxxt in txe cxxxxxt lxxxxxxn axd dxxxxxd ixs oxd oxe, axy oxxxr wxxxxxs uxxxg ixs sxxxt nxxxs to rxxxxxxt ixs txxxxxxs to /oxxxxxs/wxxxxxs/cxxxxn/txxxxxxs/axxo/ (rhino) 16841WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Qxxxx xp axxxxxxxxs. ixxxxxxxg rxxxxxxxxd txe dxxxxxxd mxxe (chuc) 16846WEAPONS: Mxxxxd mxxxxxxs axd txxxr vxxxxxxxxs in oxe fxxxxr (j.f.leusch) 16850WEAPONS: Axxxd dxxxy to uxe to dxxxxxxe axd TxT (j.f.leusch) 16854WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Bxxxxxxxxs axd GxxD zxxm sxxxxxs to axxxxxxxxy rxxxxxt hxw lxxxxxg txxxxxh a sxt of bxxxxxxxxs lxxxs lxxe (chuc) 16859WEAPONS: Axxxd xp dxxxxy axxxxxxxn fxr Qxxxx dxxxxxxd (nxxxs axxxo sxxxxd) (chuc) 16862WEAPONS: Fxxxd Ixs on sxxxxxxxxy GxxG (rhino) 16863WEAPONS: Axxxd a cxxxxa to txe sxxxxxxxxy GxxG so it dxxxn't nxxd to be axxxt of txe mxxxt ixs on. (rhino) 16864WEAPONS: Axxxd a Pxxxe Hxxxxr GxxG bxxxd, mxxxxy fxr PR:F bxt nxxxs wxxk, ixxxxxy sxxxxd uxe ixs oxn bxxxd (cxxxxxxxy fxxxxd up on txe mxxxl wxxh it sxxxk on axxxxxr) axd nxxxs axxo bxxt x bxx/bxg, lxxe txe GxxG on txe RxxB. (rhino) 16866WEAPONS: Nxw FxxxL sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16870WEAPONS: Axxxd go pxxxe sxxxxs fxr GxxG's (anders) 16881WEAPONS: Axxxd pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to Gxxxx axd Mxxx sxxxxs (chuc) 16887WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd txe SxxW/NxxW, rxxxxxxg dxxxxy txxe fxxm xx.xx to x.x sxxxxxs (chuc) 16892WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd txe nxw axxo txxxxxe sxxxxs to xxxxxxxxxx, axl sxxxxs/wxxxxxs uxxxg txxs txxxxxe nxxd txxxr Uxs fxxxd to axxxxxxxxxe txxs cxxxxe. (rhino) 16894WEAPONS: Nxw MxxxxG dxxxxy pxxxe axd rxxxxd sxxxxs (anders) 16912WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd Mxx dxxm cxxxxxxy to xx rxxxxs (rxxxxxm pxxxxxxs) bxt ixxxxxxxd oxxxxxl dxxxs cxxxxxd by x (x+x lxxxxd nxw) (chuc) 16928WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd uxxxxxxd to hxxe bxxh xp axd xp mxxxxs, as wxxl as nxt to uxe txe vxxx mxxx txxxxxe axd txe gb mxxxxi txxxxxe, axd mxxe ixs oxn xxxxxxx txxxxxe. (rhino) 16929WEAPONS: Axxxd "Rxxxt cxxxk sxxxt in" to txe sxxxxxxxxy Lxxx axd Cx Gxxxs. (rhino) 16932WEAPONS: Fxxxd wxxxd fxxe sxxxd fxxe in wxxh txe Mxxxx (chuc) 16938WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd Pxxx, ixc axxxxg pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to it (chuc) 16942WEAPONS: Axxxd 'wxxe' gxxxxxe wxxxxn (chuc) 16943WEAPONS: Axxxd 'wxxe' to cxxxxxxn axd uxxxxxd kxxs (chuc) 16946WEAPONS: Nxw Mxxxx rxxxxd sxxxxs (anders) 16951WEAPONS: Nxw Mxxxx sxxxt sxxxxs (anders) 16952WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd axxo txxxxxe wxxh lxxxxd yxxxxw rxxxd (rhino) 16956WEAPONS: Axxxd xxxxl Axxo Bxxt axd axxxxxd it to txe Hxxs (rhino) 16958WEAPONS: Fxxxd txe Mxx Gxxxxxe's Uxs to mxxxh txe nxw axxo txxxxxe x rxxxxxd sxxe fxxxs on txe lxxx, xp gxxxxxe axd mxxe it uxe txe gxxxxxe txxxxxe on txe xp sxxxt axd rxxxxxd xp txxxxxe sxxe to xxxxxxx. (rhino) 16961WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xxxm, xxxm, x.xx x xxxm axd x.xx x xxxm rxxxxs (rhino) 16966WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd Exxx, rxxxxxd dxxxxy txxe fxxm xx.xx to x.x sxxxxxs (chuc) 16967WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw x.xx x xxm cxxxxxs. (rhino) 16968WEAPONS: Fxxxxxxd up mxxxn nxxxxt ixxxxxxxxs axxxxxxxxs (nxxxs sxxxxs) (chuc) 16969WEAPONS: Nxw Nxxxxt sxxxt axd rxxxxd sxxxxs (anders) 16973WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd ZxU-x gxn dxxxxe (j.f.leusch) 16985WEAPONS: Fxxxd up txe Mxx txxxxxxs, bxxxxxxg txe txxxxxxs dxxn fxxm oxxr xxb, to x.xxb (rhino) 16990WEAPONS: Fxxxd xxxxxs mxxxxxg mxxu ixxn (j.f.leusch) 16993WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd oxd Mxxx mxxxxr (j.f.leusch) 16995WEAPONS: Fxxxd wxxxe bxx in HxD of axxxxt axl sxxxxxxxxy axd dxxxxxxxxe wxxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 17000WEAPONS: Fxxxd sxxxxxxxxy TxW lxxxxxg wxxxg bxxp mxp (j.f.leusch) 17000WEAPONS: Txxxxxd Mxx rxxxxt sxxxxxxy (j.f.leusch) 17006WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd txe Mx Gxxxxe Gxn's sxxxl exxxxxxn lxxxxxxn (rhino) 17011WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Mxx wxxh mxxxxg pxxxs axd oxxxr sxxxl fxxxs, Nxxxs Axxxxxxxxs. (rhino) 17024WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd txe Mxx rxxxxt wxxh Lxxs axd bxxxxr cxxs (rhino) 17024WEAPONS: Nxw dxxxxy sxxxxs fxr nxw axxxxxxxxs on CxxxxxxxX, UxxxxxxxxxxxxR axd Cxxxxxxxx (anders) 17032WEAPONS: Fxxxd sxxxxxxxg gxxxxs on txe FN FxL sxxxxs as wxxl as a fxw mxxh fxxxs axd axxxd xp txxxxxxs. (rhino) 17033WEAPONS: Rxxxxe Mxxxn Nxxxxt ixxxxxxxxs axxxxxxxxs (hxxxxxy txxxxxh txe Sxxxxd Mxxxn) (chuc) 17038WEAPONS: Axxxd a lxxx, xD fxxxl lxd to txe FN Fxxs (rhino) 17046WEAPONS: Cxxxxxxxd Mxxxn Nxxxxt sxxxxr axxxxxxxxs (Axxo is BxxS cxxxxxxxxe, rxxxxxxs cxxxxg) (chuc) 17054WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd Mxx, mxxxxxxd it ixxo a GxxG-sxxxe wxxxxn (chuc) 17058WEAPONS: Nxw Nxxxxt sxxxxr rxxxxd sxxxd (anders) 17065WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw AxxxxU fxxm Mxxxxxxa (chuc) 17074WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd oxd bxxxxxs wxxh txe nxw bxxxxxs on txe Axxx sxxxxs (chuc) 17074WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd dxxxxxt Axxx bxxxxxt wxxh hxxxxr qxxxxxy Axxx bxxxxxt (hxxxxxxd kxxxe wxxxxn txxt is) (chuc) 17075WEAPONS: Fxxxd up Sxxxxxxxg gxxxxs, bxxxxt Uxs axd axxxd lxxxxd rxxxxs on txe FN MxG GxxG Sxxxxs. (rhino) 17076WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xp axxxxxxxxs fxr sxxxxl (chuc) 17078WEAPONS: Fxxxd GxxG axd FN FxL fxxxl lxd txxxxxxs axd axxxd lxd dxxxxxxxs axd uxxxxxd dxxw cxxxs fxr txe Gxxxs (rhino) 17086WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw bxxxxxs to Mx, Pxxx, Pxxxxx axd Nxxxv LxG (chuc) 17090WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw bxxxxxs to a bxxxxxxd of wxxxxxs (chuc) 17093WEAPONS: Axxxd Bxxxxxh Lxxx, axd Lxxx SxxT (chuc) 17093WEAPONS: Rxxxd Mxx xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn (chuc) 17093WEAPONS: Rxxxd FN FxL xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn (chuc) 17093WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Lxxx (rhino) 17111WEAPONS: Axxxd fxxxxxxxd FN MxG Gxxxs. Txxs ixxxxxxs hxxxxxxd vxxxxxxs, sxxxxxxxxy vxxxxxxs axd bxxxd vxxxxxxs. Axxo rxxxxxd axl oxd vxxxxxxs. (rhino) 17117WEAPONS: Axxxd a x.xxxm Axxo Bxxt, mxxxxy fxr txe nxw FN MxG Gxxxs bxt cxn axxo be uxxd on oxxxr x.xxxm bxxt fxd wxxxxxs (pxxxxxxxg txxy hxxe bxxn mxxe to txe cxxxxxt sxxxs)x (rhino) 17117WEAPONS: Re-sxxxd FN MxG GxxG xp txxxxxxs wxxh no mxxs (fxxm .pxxs oxxxr txxn txe nxxxxl wxxxh dxxn't hxxe a .pxd)x cxxxxxg txe txxxxxe sxxe dxxn fxxm xx.xxb to x.xxb fxr txxxs txxxxxxs (rhino) 17121WEAPONS: Txxxxxd cxxxxa pxxxxxxn sxxxxxxy on sxxxxxxxxy gxxxs (chuc) 17123WEAPONS: Axxxd pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to txe Mxxx SxR (chuc) 17129WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw xp pxxxxl rxxxxd axxxxxxxn (chuc) 17131WEAPONS: Fxxxd bxxxd sxxxxxg xp mxxh in xp by axxxxg dxxxy gxxxx mxxh. (rhino) 17133WEAPONS: Fxxxd sxxxxxxxxy gxxg sxxxxxg xp mxxh in xp by axxxxg dxxxy gxxxx mxxh. (rhino) 17134WEAPONS: Axxxd a dxxxy lxxx to gxxxx of txe sxxxxxxxxy Gxxxs (nxt txe bxxxd vxxxxxxs, txxy dxxn't nxxd it)x wxxxh is a cxxxe of txe gxxxx lxxx, as dxxxxxs/pxxxxxxxxs in vxxxxxxs txxxe wxxxxxs wxxxe mxxxxxd on, lxxe txe RxxB wxxxe sxxxxg txe xp mxxxl axd txxxxxxs, exxn txxu txxy wxxxe nxt uxxxg txe wxxxxn wxxxh is vxxy bxd fxr pxxxxxxxxxe axd wxxh axl txe nxn-wxxxxd pxxxs axd no mxxs, it dxxn't lxxk vxxy gxxd exxn fxxm a vxxy sxxxt dxxxxxxe axxy. Txxs nxw lxd mxxxs pxxxxxxxxs dxn't sxe txe xxt pxxxxn mxxxl, uxxxxs txxy gxt on txe wxxxxn, as txe cxxxxxs fxr txe wxxxxn fxxxe lxxx, wxxxh is txe mxxn xp mxxh axd if it hxs a sxxxe, lxxx fxr txe sxxxe mxxxl. (rhino) 17135WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd dxxxxxg oxf of txe Gxxxs, wxs cxxxxxg a bxg cxxxxa ixxxe wxxh txe nxw "rxxxt cxxxk sxxxt in" sxxxp wxxxe txe cxxxxa wxxxd sxxy on txe dxxxxd cxm axxxr dxxxxxg. (rhino) 17136WEAPONS: Nxw pxxxxl xp rxxxxd sxxxxs (anders) 17139WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd FxxxL rxxxxxxxxxd (anders) 17141WEAPONS: Axxxd AxxxT pxxxe axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 17154WEAPONS: Axxxd Axx Pxxxe Axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 17154WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Mxx axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 17156WEAPONS: Axxxd Mxxxx (chuc) 17156WEAPONS: Axxxd pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to PxxH axd Mxx (chuc) 17159WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd mxg lxxxt of Mxx Lxxs to x axd axxxd a rxxxxd axxxxxxxn fxr it (chuc) 17164WEAPONS: Axxxd txxxxxxxxxt xp sxxxe axd nxw bxxxxxs on txe Lxe Exxxxxd (chuc) 17167WEAPONS: Rxxxd dxxxxy axxxxxxxn on Lxe Exxxxxd (chuc) 17167WEAPONS: Axxxd pxxxe axxxxxxxxs on Lxe Exxxxxd (chuc) 17167WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd up axxxxxxxxs on Rxxxxxxxn xxx (chuc) 17172WEAPONS: Axxxd pxxxe axxxxxxxxs axd nxw sxxxxxn sxxxxs to Sxxxxxxk (chuc) 17172WEAPONS: Axxxd pxxxe axxxxxxxxs axd nxw sxxxxxn sxxxxs to Bxxxxxi Mx/Lxxxxx, Mxxxxxxg xxx (chuc) 17185WEAPONS: Nxw Mxx dxxxxy/rxxxxd axd axm sxxxd (anders) 17186WEAPONS: Nxw sxxxxl dxxxxy sxxxd (anders) 17187WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw bxxxxxs to Nxxxv, axxxxxxxxs to fxxxxw (chuc) 17193WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Rxxxx axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 17193WEAPONS: Nxw Nxx sxxxxr dxxxxy sxxxd (anders) 17209WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd txe Axx dxxxxy sxxxd (anders) 17210WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd Nxxxv (chuc) 17213WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd AxxG axd Mxxxo Nxxxv (chuc) 17213WEAPONS: Txxxxxd Mxxxxi sxxxxs xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn (chuc) 17220WEAPONS: Axxxd pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to Mxxxxi sxxxxs (chuc) 17223WEAPONS: Axxxd pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to Mxx (chuc) 17227WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd Rxxxx (chuc) 17227WEAPONS: Axxxd pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to AxxxM (chuc) 17230WEAPONS: Fxxxd sxxxxxxxn ixxn on txe sxxxxxxn so txe nxxxa kxt dxxxn't cxxxh (ancientman) 17236WEAPONS: Nxw Nxxxv rxxxxd axd sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 17241Levels 1:348LEVELS: Fxxxd up a bxxxh of mxxxxxg axxxxxt sxxxxs on a fxw mxxs (ancientman) 67LEVELS: Uxxxxxd axl mxxs sxxxxxxxxxxxxs.cxn uxxxg a nxw mxxxxd wxxxh "sxxxxd" wxxk a lxt bxxxxr in dxxxxxxxxg txe sxxxd bxg. (ancientman) 68LEVELS: Cxxxxxxe rxxxxp of Ixxn Exxxe, ixxxxxxs: Uxxxxd of exxxxr fxxxs; fxxxd sxxxxxxh sxxxn bxg #xxx; fxxxd ixxxxxxxe txxxxxn cxxxxxxxxs #xxx; fxxxd ixxxxxxxt txxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxn #xxx; fxxxd axd cxxxxxd nxw rxxxxs fxr axl lxxxxs #xxx; axxxxxd mxxxxe #xxx; fxxxd sxxxn txxe fxr Gxxxxxe #xxx; ixxxxxxd sxxxxxxxxxg txxxxxn; axxxd xxx lxxxr; axxxd jxt cxxxxt zxxe cxxe; hxxd-pxxxxd OG axxxs to fxx bxxxk lxxxs on lxxs; fxxxd txxs of fxxxxxxs; axxxd a fxw mxxe txxxxxxxxs axd lxxxs to axl lxxxxs exxxxt sxxxxxxh; axxxd mxxxxr sxxxxxs; re-lxxxxxxxxxd txe txxxxxn; cxxxxxd nxw mxxxxxp; fxxxd txxxxxn sxxxxxxs; cxxxxxd lxxxxxxxxxxn; mxxxd fxxg nxxxs so txxy sxxw on mxp; fxxxd axxy nxxxxr to x exxh txxm axd mxxe it oxf mxp; fxxxd fxxxxxxg rxxxs axd ixxxxxxxxxxxs; axxxxxd fxxxxs on t-sxxxxd bxxxxxxxs; fxxxd lxxs of z-fxxxxxxg; mxxxd mxxxs on sxxxxxxh lxxxr; axxxd lxxxxxs to bxxxxr fxxg; cxxxxxd sxxxt vxxw to ixxxxxe pxxxxxxxxxe at mxp lxxd; axd axxxd gxxxxl axxxxxt sxxxd. (afsoccer) 91LEVELS: Axxxd Vxxxxxm lxxxxs (AxS xx axd Sxxxxxxh xx) to Bxxxxxxxa axd Txd Sxe (afterdune) 127LEVELS: Axxxd Bxxxxe of Ia Dxxxg (afterdune) 129LEVELS: Axxxd Dxxg Dxxg (afterdune) 130LEVELS: Fxxxd txe pxxh fxr txo sxxxxs in Ixxn Exxxe's Axxxxxxx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= SemlerPDX Posted September 10, 2012 at 04:54 PM Report Share Posted September 10, 2012 at 04:54 PM Here's my first attempt at a decode - if I spent more time on it, i might have found more of the nouns. Perhaps regular PR players will be able to block-replace them with known PR names of vehicles or things they may be referring to:AI: Uxxxxxd Bxxxxxxs with cxxxxxt PR txxm mxxxxxs :P (yxxh we all wxxxa kxxl oxxxxxxxs) (bloodydeed) 17183COMMMON: New bxxxd/hxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16724COMMON: Added sxxxxxxxxx.dxs sxxxxxe txxxxxe, wxxxh is used on Txd Sxe. (afsoccer) 16123COMMON: Cxxxxxxxxd size uxxxxxxxxxxd sxy txxxxxxs, used on kxxxxn and txd sxe, size a fxw mb's (ancientman) 16260COMMON: Added txxxxxxs/sxy/dxxxxxxxxd.dxs wxxxh is used on Vxxxo City and may be uxxxxl on other mxxs. (afsoccer) 16339COMMON: Added Vxxxxxm mxxxc (afterdune) 16346COMMON: Added new/now txxxxxn txxxxxxs (afterdune) 16346COMMON: Added mxxxc fxxxs for Vxxxxxm mxxxxxxxxxr (afterdune) 16351COMMON: Fixed the bxg where you cxxxxn't exit an AAV. Sxxxxd be OK new/now. (afterdune) 16431COMMON: Replaced and added exxxxxxxn sounds/solves. Cxxxxxd gxxxxxe ixxxxt sounds/solves for fxxt sxxxxxxg Mxxx (AxxP) to made the sound sound Axxo new/now dxxxxxt ixxxxt sounds/ Axxo added dxxxxs sounds/solves to cxxxxxn mxxxxxxl Added xxm sxxxxxxxp sounds/solves, xxxm sxxxxxxxp sounds/ New kxxxe ixxxxt sounds/solves on wxxd, fxxxh, hxxd and sxxt New bxxxxxxxxs on all mxxxxxxxs. New rxxxxxxxs and sxxxs/wxxxxs. (anders) 16443COMMON: Added xxxm fxxxy sounds/solves (anders) 16506COMMON: Cxxxxxd the exxxxxh vxxxxs to the oxxxxxxl PR vxxxxs (anders) 16519COMMON: New bxxxxt fxxxxs/sxxxs. Mxxxd in x.xx sxxxs into my sounds/solves (anders) 16567COMMON: Replaced old vanilla PxM boxes with new/now ones on the ammo crate model (chuc) 16683COMMON: Added wxxxxxxd txxxxxe for the rxxxr (rhino) 16723COMMON: Made oxxh sounds/solves into ogg and made xx% sxxxxt. Dxxxxxxxd the size from (wmv) xx,xxB to (ogg) xxxxB. (anders) 16728COMMON: New JxxM exxxxxxxn sounds/solves (anders) 16737COMMON: Added xxxm sxxxxxxxxxs for xxxm to xxxm sounds/solves (anders) 16792COMMON: New bxxxxt hxt sounds/solves (anders) 16953COMMON: Added "Oxxxxxxxxxxxxe.nxxxxxxxxxxxp x" to dxxxxxxxxe HMG nests so the sandbags don't get in the way of the sxxxl exxxxxxn effects. (rhino) 16957COMMON: Ixxxxxxxxxd xp cxxxxa sxxxe wxxn exxxxxxxxs or sxxxxxxxxxn oxxxxs (chuc) 17069COMMON: New AA mxxxxxe lxxk sounds/solves (anders) 17119COMMON: New Fxxt and added Bxxxxxxxk hxt sounds/solves (anders) 17205COMMON: Added cxxxxn fxxxs for Bxxxk Gxxd (vapoman) 17224COMMON: Added new/now sxy txxxxxxs for Bxxxk Gxxd (vapoman) 17225EFFECTS: Added Vxxxxxm nxxxxm (afterdune) 16352EFFECTS: Added Vxxxxxm sound effects (afterdune) 16352EFFECTS: New fxxxe exxxxt by sxxxxxxx, cxxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16441EFFECTS: Added fxxxxxs to mxxxxxxxxxxxs on AK wxxxxxs, Mxx, AR rxxxxs, Mxxx, Mx, KxxD, PxM and RxK (jxxt for that) (anders) 16502EFFECTS: Added new/now LAV xxxm dxxxxxt sxxxxxxxxxs and mxxxxxxxxxh (anders) 16506EFFECTS: New bxxxd hxxxxxxt vxxxxl exxxxt (anders) 16513EFFECTS: Dxxxxxxxd hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe of exxxxxxxn dxxxxs sounds/solves (anders) 16521EFFECTS: Added Mxxx cxxxxn dxxxxxt sound (anders) 16566EFFECTS: Added cxxx dxxxxxt sxxxt sound (anders) 16650EFFECTS: New dxxxxxt AT sounds/solves (anders) 16727EFFECTS: Fixed exxxxxd sounds/solves not sxxxxxg long enough (j.f.leusch) 16787EFFECTS: Added new/now sxxxl exxxxxxn gxxxs ixxxxxxxg the x.xxxxxm, x.xxxm, x.xxxm, x.xxxm and xxm rxxxxs. (rhino) 16793EFFECTS: Added new/now sxxxl exxxxxxn gxxxs ixxxxxxxg the .xxxxl, xx Gxxxe Bxxk, xx Gxxxe Sxxg, xxxxxxm LxxR Gxxxxxe, xxxxxxm HxxR Gxxxxxe, x.xxxxxm and uxxxxxd the xxxxl lxxk, sxxxxxr axxs lxxk and to uxe the new/now txxxxxe sxxxt, as will as and a lxxx and rxxxxxd the x.xxxxxm rxxxd. All txxxe rxxxxs need cxxxxg, jxxt the pxxxn mxxh rxxxt new/now other txxn the lxxxs wxxxh sxxxxd wxxk as they sound. (rhino) 16795EFFECTS: Re-exxxxxxd the new/now sxxxl cxxxxxs, ammo rxxxxxd txxm so they didn't have the _xxxxxg sxxxxx so they where made in lxxe with the vxxx nests, with the xxm and xxxxl sounds/solves oxxxxxxxxxg the vxxx ones, the other sounds/solves will need to mxxxxxxy be added to the exxxxxxn effects. (rhino) 16894EFFECTS: Deleted uxxxxd sxxxl exxxxxxxs (chuc) 16971EFFECTS: New vxxxxl sxxxxxxxs bxxxxxxxxs (wxp) (anders) 17028EFFECTS: New Gxxxxxe exxxxxxxn exxxxt.x(vxxxxl) (anders) 17028EFFECTS: Rxxxxxd the RxxB wxxxk txxxxxe from ixs exxxxxxxn pxxxxxxe effects wxxxh wxs cxxxxxg a CxD axxxr the wxxxk txxxxxe wxs rxxxxxd. (rhino) 17053EFFECTS: Cxxxxxd the pxxxe sound effects so that they only lxxt x two seconds, not ixxxxxxy seconds as they might be hxxxxxg axxxxd for the exxxxe gone axxxr being pxxxxd, exxn txxu the sound hxs only oxe lxxp cxxxt wxxxh the sound is lxxs txxn xxxxs long. (rhino) 17118EFFECTS: New .xxxxl vxxxxl bxxxxxxxxs (anders) 17175EFFECTS: Replaced gxxxxxe vxxxxl exxxxxxxn (anders) 17175EFFECTS: Took axxxxxt jxt sound and made it an exxxxt so it could be attached to a trigger. (afsoccer) 17218FACTIONS: Mxxxxxxd fxxxxxxxxxxt for the wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16285FACTIONS: Added fxxxxh fxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16331FACTIONS: Added Vxxxxxm fxxxxxxs and sandbags (afterdune) 16355FACTIONS: Uxxxxxd all sandbags with new/now sxxxf (bloodydeed) 16433FACTIONS: Uxxxxxd vxxxxxe sxxxxxr (bloodydeed) 17238FACTIONS: Uxxxxxd sandbags for all fxxxxxxs kits (ancientman) 17244FONTS: Added in all Bxx fxxxs to rxxxxe the dxxxxxxxxy of mxxs/bxx/fxxxxxxxxxxt.zxp (ancientman) 16243GENERAL: Vxxxxxn bxxp to (ancientman) 16082GENERAL: New Rxxo bxxxd sxxxxt, lxt me kxxw if txxxe's any pxxxxxxs and sxxxf. (ancientman) 16114GENERAL: Uxxxxxd the bxxxd sxxxxt to fxx size ixxxxs with fxxe fxxxxxxxg and axxxxxxxc bxxxxxxg of a lxxxl if it dxxxxxs the exe is in a lxxxxs fxxxxr (ancientman) 16122GENERAL: VxxxxxxS Ixxxxxxd GB Txxxk txxxxxxs (rhino) 16133GENERAL: Uxxxxxd bxxxd sxxxxt, rxxxxxxs mxxxxd cxxxxt/sxxxxr fxxxxxs to wxxk pxxxxxxy, uxxxxe your exxxxe rxxo fxxxt (ancientman) 16239GENERAL: Oxxxxxxxxg axxxxxxs into a sxxxxe dxxxxxxxy for cxxxxxxxxxs (ancientman) 16250GENERAL: Fixed up a bxxxh of mxxxxxg sounds/solves and txxxxxxs (ancientman) 16272GENERAL: Added size cxxe to BxxxxxR.exe to dxxxxxy an exxxr on any uxxxxxxt exxxxxxxn, to txy and fxxxxe out wxxt's cxxxxxg the cxxxxxs.xx (ancientman) 16289GENERAL: Fixed BxxxxxR.exe to not cxxxh on XP (ancientman) 16302GENERAL: Fixed an ixxxe where the bxxxd axp wxxxd axxxxxe all lxxxxxxp oxxxxxs ixxxxxd of ixxxxxxg txxm lxxe it sxxxxd (ancientman) 16327GENERAL: Uxxxxxd the bxxxd axp's "fxxd mxxxxxg" tanks to only axxxw rxxxxxxe pxxxs (ancientman) 16330GENERAL: Added mxxxxxg Dxxs rendered by the PR Bxxxxxr (afterdune) 16347GENERAL: Replaced sxxxxxxxxxxxxs.cxn bxxk to pxxxxxxs vxxxxxn. (afterdune) 16379GENERAL: Uxxxxxd MxC Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxxxxxs. (spush) 16389GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxxxxxs. (spush) 16390GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxxxxxs. (spush) 16391GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxxxxxxs. (spush) 16392GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxxs Txxxxxxs to fxt the other MxC vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16393GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxxs Txxxxxxs to fxt the other MxC vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16394GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxxs Txxxxxxs to fxt the other MxC vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16395GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxxs Txxxxxxs to fxt the other MxC vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16396GENERAL: Uxxxxxxg MxC Vxxxxxe Txxxxxxs to fxt other mxc vxxxxxxs. (spush) 16397GENERAL: Uxxxxxd/Cxxxxxd the Cxxxxxxn Fxxxxs Lxxxxxd xxxM txxxxxe. The old oxe wxs txxxxxxe. (spush) 16403GENERAL: Uxxxxxd, added PxA Vxxxxxe Txxxxxxs, Dxxxxt/Wxxxxxxd. Rxxxxxd the "Bxxxxxxxr" that from the Uxxxxxxxd HxxxV. (spush) 16422GENERAL: Fxxxxt to rxxxxe txxm. (spush) 16423GENERAL: Fixed up the fxxd mxxxxxg sxxxf axxxn, the axxxxxxe pxxxs sxxxl wxxn't rxxxt, new/now it dxxxxxxxxy is.xx (ancientman) 16426GENERAL: I cxxxxxd PR's vxxxxxn nxxxxr to x.x, bxxxxxe I fxxt lxxe it. (afterdune) 16430GENERAL: fxxxd the cxxxxxxg (anders) 16448GENERAL: Fixed vxxxxxn to x.x.xa (ancientman) 16484GENERAL: [WxxxxxS] New PxM xp/xp sxxxt and rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16486GENERAL: Fixed #xxx. Oxxxxxxxxh .rxw fxxxs not being added to lxxxl axxxxxxs. (ancientman) 16642GENERAL: Fixed #xxx. Gxxe cxxxxxs axxxr pxxxxxxg sound axxxxxxxxt wxxn uxxxg lxw txxxxxn vxxxo sandbags dxe to a mxxxxxg fxxe. (ancientman) 16651GENERAL: Added an exxxy vxxxxxn of the new/now lxxxxxxr for txxxxxg. Sxxxl nests lxxs of wxxk, bxt it sxxxxd lxxxxh the gone and have it fxxxy fxxxxxxxxxg. Nxxe, axxxr txxs uxxxxe, you will need to uxxxxe your sxxxxxxxs to mxxs/pxxxxxo/bxn/Pxxxxxxxxr.exe, as mxxs/pxxxxxo/pr.exe hxs bxxn dxxxxxd. (ancientman) 16886GENERAL: Fixed the lxxxxxxr to fxxxe axxxxxxxxxxxr and the axxxxxxxxxe cxxxxxxxxxxxy mxxxs on the OS's that sandbags txxm all axxxxxxxc lxxe (ancientman) 17027GENERAL: Replaced uxxxg a nxxxr vxxxxxn of OxxxxL, sxxxxxxxxy it mxxxxs with sound qxxxxxy. Gxxxs uxxxg bxx's vxxxxxn will be fxxe.xx (ancientman) 17029GENERAL: Uxxxxxd the bxxxd axp. It's new/now in the "bxn" dxxxxxxxy with the lxxxxxxr, as it sounds/solves the size cxxe bxxe. Made a sxxxxxxt if you wxxt to axxxxs it exxxxy :p (ancientman) 17070GENERAL: Uxxxxxd bxxxd axp with a bxxxh new/now sxxxf. Sxxe new/now cxxxxxs are fxxxxxxxs are lxxxxxxxxd wxxn added to zxxs, and any fxxe with a sxxxe in the nxxe will not be added to zxxs. (ancientman) 17116GENERAL: Made uxxxxxs to the bxxxd axp, wxxxh is gxxxxxg made axxxxxe by the dxy (ancientman) 17153GENERAL: Uxxxxxd the lxxxxxxr to hxxxxe the new/now ixxxxxl sxxxxt (ancientman) 17179GENERAL: Uxxxxxd Oxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf for uxe in Bxxxxxxr (j.f.leusch) 17201GENERAL: Bxxxd axp cxn new/now made fxxl that/rxxxxxe bxxxxs (ancientman) 17206GENERAL: Added pxxxxx and pxxxxx for dxxxxe and txxxxe sounds/solves. rxxn pxxxxx and rxxn pxxxxx sandbags txxm. to spawn the sxxxxxxxm pxxxt, uxe rxxn pxxxxxxxt (ancientman) 17236GENERAL: Uxxxxxd mxxxxxt.cxn (bloodydeed) 17246GENERAL: Fixed bxxxd axp being a dxxk, not bxxxxxxg size lxxxxs fxxxs and fxxxd the lxxxxxxr and dxxxxxxr not wxxxxxg txxxxxxr (ancientman) 17247HUD: Rxxxxxxxxxxd SxxR-xx to CxxR-xx (w/ AxxG and Bxxxd) (j.f.leusch) 16095HUD: Uxxxxxd sxxxxxxxn ixxn dxxxxxxxxxn for GxxG/x (j.f.leusch) 16105HUD: Fixed dxxxxxxxxe Txxs and Mxxxxxs not sxxxxxg up on the mxxxxxp (j.f.leusch) 16145HUD: Made ZxS-x AT gxn sxxw up on mxxxxxp (j.f.leusch) 16146HUD: Made all sxxxxxxxxy AA and Axs sxxxxxg up on the mxxxxxp (j.f.leusch) 16149HUD: Uxxxxxd ZxS-x mxxxxxp ixxn (if not lxxe we cxn rxxxxt!x (j.f.leusch) 16166HUD: Uxxxxxd HMG mxxxxxp ixxn (if not lxxe we cxn rxxxxt!x (j.f.leusch) 16166HUD: Added mxxxxxxxs to Axxxs and Hxxs (Axs axxxxxy hxd txxm)x(mxxxxxxxs are the sxxxl ixxxs that sxxw up nxxt to your nxxe in the sound mxxu) (j.f.leusch) 16166HUD: Fixed the mxxt sxxxxd bxg where x lxxxs cxxxxd the gone to cxxxh wxxn pxxxxxxg exit in the mxxn mxxu, yxt switching txxm axxxxd mxxxs it wxxk jxxt fxxe xx (ancientman) 16287HUD: Axxxxxt to fxx Gxxxxn gxxxxr CxD (j.f.leusch) 16983HUD: Added mxxxxr mxxu ixxn (a bxxxxr oxe is wxxxxxxd!x (j.f.leusch) 16999HUD: Rxxxxxd vxxx vxxxxxe pxxxxxxn ixxxs (j.f.leusch) 17018HUD: Cxxxxxd UK UxL dxxxxxxxxxn to Lxxxxx (j.f.leusch) 17067HUD: Uxxxxxd Mxxx gxxxxxxxn sxxxxxxxn ixxn (j.f.leusch) 17067KITS: Added CF exxxxxxr and sxxxxxxxxt axxxxxxxxxe kits (nests to be uxxxxxd in pxxxxn two) (j.f.leusch) 16100KITS: Ixxxxxxxd txxxxxn HxT AxS-xxU mxxs to x (j.f.leusch) 16101KITS: Added new/now Mxxxxxs kits txxxxxxs from Sxxxe (hauteclocque) 16119KITS: Added Cxxxxxxn kit gxxxxxxxxs (wxxxxxt Lxxs for txxxxxg) (hauteclocque) 16181KITS: Added WxP Fxxxxh kits (wxxxxxt Lxxs for txxxxxg) (hauteclocque) 16254KITS: Mxxxr fxxxs to fxxxxh kits (no need to that) (j.f.leusch) 16278KITS: Added Mxxx SxR oxxo UxxC mxxxxxxn kits, AxT kit is sxxxxxxxxd vxxxxxn (chuc) 16294KITS: Added Vxxxxxm kits (afterdune) 16353KITS: Replaced Mx Exxxxh with Mx Axxxxxxt on rxxxxxxn sxxxxxxxxt (chuc) 16365KITS: Fixed up kit axxxxxxxxxs on the Gxxxxxs with the new/now BxxS Gxxs (chuc) 16383KITS: Fixed txxo in gxxxxn kits, sxe hxxp:x/wxw.rxxxxxxxxd.cxm/fxxxm/fxxx-pr-bxx-cxxxxxxxg/xxxxxx-cxxxxxxxg-wxd-xx-jxn-xxxx-cxxe.hxxl. Rxxo sxxxxd lxxd fxxe axxxn :D (bloodydeed) 16405KITS: Added/mxxxxxxd sxxxxxl AxT kits (bloodydeed) 16408KITS: Rxxxxxd bxxxxxxxxs from all kits (exxxxt sxxxxr, oxxxxxr, sxxxxxr) of cxxxxxxxxxxl axxxxs (afterdune) 16414KITS: Rxxxxxd bxxxxxxxxs from all SP kits as will new/now (exxxxt sxxxxr, oxxxxxr, sxxxxxr) of cxxxxxxxxxxl axxxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16415KITS: Rxxxxxd axxxxt of pxxxxxs to x for all mxxxc kits. Txxs cxxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16429KITS: Rxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe from AxL kits. Txxs cxxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16430KITS: Added MG (GxxG) Kxxs with pxxxxxxxxxr wxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16432KITS: Mxxxr fxxxs (no need to that) (bloodydeed) 16440KITS: Uxxxxxd Fxxxxh kits (added mxxxxxg Rxxxxxxn AP and Sxxxh txxxxxxs) (hauteclocque) 16475KITS: Added rxxxxxn pxxa kits for dxxxe (ancientman) 16480KITS: Rxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxy from Fxxxxh kits.x I mxxn kits (afterdune) 16514KITS: Gxxe cxxxxxn hxs bxxxxxxxxs bxxk (afterdune) 16514KITS: Uxxxxxd GxR, UxA, US, CF pxxa kits to the new/now kit lxxxxt (bloodydeed) 16517KITS: Uxxxxxd the Fxxxxh UN kit, old oxe wxs mxxxxxg bxxe UN hxxxxt cxxxr (spush) 16528KITS: Added nxxxr (and bxxxxr) UxA Kxt txxxxxxs (spush) 16541KITS: Added GxxG to Bxxt, UxxC, US Axxy, IxF and Cxxxxxxn MG kits (chuc) 16551KITS: Uxxxxxd Fxxxxh kits cxxxxxxxxe with dxxxxt cxxo hxxxxt and fxxxd bxxxk sxxt on bxxxxxxxs (spush) 16556KITS: Rxxxxxd SxD ixxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16558KITS: Added new/now MxC kit gxxxxxxxxs (wxxxxxt Lxxs for txxxxxg) KxxS: Mxxxxxxd Fxxxxh kits wxxxxxs (bxxxxxxs wxxe mxxxxd up) (hauteclocque) 16564KITS: Mxxxxxxd sxxxxg on MxC kits. I've added it to made kits as will. (hauteclocque) 16583KITS: Added sxxxxxh txxxxxe to uxxxxxd MxC kits (spush) 16588KITS: Added MxxxB ExxxN and MxxxG AxxG to rxxxxxxxxe US Axxy and UxxC mxxn mxxxxxe gxxxxr kits (ixxxxxxxt vxxxxxxs have gone to the axxxxxxxe MG kits) (chuc) 16590KITS: Re-rxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxxxs from MxC kits (chuc) 16592KITS: Switched the PxM into the MG kit rxxe (chuc) 16617KITS: Replaced PxM with RxK (Axxxxs) on uxxxxxxxxxxxxl ammo rxxxxxxn kits (chuc) 16617KITS: Added pxxxxxs in pxxxe of seconds on Mxxxxxe Gxxxxr kits (chuc) 16623KITS: Added axxxxxxxe MxC MG kit (chuc) 16623KITS: Added Mxx oxxo Mxxxxxa and Hxxxs axxxxxxxe gxxxxxxxr kits (chuc) 16627KITS: Replaced Gx with Mxx on MxC AA and HxT kits (chuc) 16631KITS: Sxxxxxxy dxxxxxxd txxxxxe on MxC kit gxxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16633KITS: Rxxxxxxxxd kxxxxxxs to dxxxxt txn on MxC kit gxxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16633KITS: Replaced pxxxxxs on MG kits to seconds (chuc) 16635KITS: Uxxxxxd MxC kit gxxxxxxxxs, rxxxxxd bxxxxxxk, rxxxxxd kxxxxxxs and attached the sxxn and hxxxxt pxxxxxxn axxxg other txxxxs (chuc) 16678KITS: Uxxxxxd PxM dxxxxxxs with new/now PxM (chuc) 16685KITS: Added Rxxxxm to Rxxxxxn ammo rxxxe kits (chuc) 16703KITS: Rxxxxxxxxd size wxxxxxs on the uxxxxxxxxxxxxl fxxxxxxs (sxxs me ixxxxxxxxs) (chuc) 16704KITS: Added axxxxxxxxxe kits for ME ixxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16714KITS: Replaced Gxxxx with Axxx PxO-x on Txxxxxn axt mxxxxxxn (chuc) 16714KITS: Added Axxx PxO-x to Mxxxxxa axt mxxxxxxn (chuc) 16714KITS: Added RxK to pxxxxxy ammo rxxxxxxn kits on uxxxxxxxxxxxxl fxxxxxxs (chuc) 16714KITS: Added Rxxxx to axxxxxxxe ammo rxxxxxxn kits on uxxxxxxxxxxxxl fxxxxxxs (chuc) 16714KITS: Added Hxxxx to FR Mxxxxxxn cxxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16761KITS: Axxxxxxd Nxxxv ixxxxxxxxs to all IxF ammo rxxxxxxn kits (chuc) 16970KITS: Sxxxxxxxxxxd IxF kit pxxxxxy wxxxxn lxxxxxt to be Mxxn x TxR, Axxxxxxe x Mx (chuc) 16972KITS: Sxt Txxxx Mxxxxxxxd rxxxxx to only the mxxn Oxxxxxr kit (chuc) 16972KITS: Replaced sxxxxd Exxxxxd with Mxxxn ZF on Mxxxxxa, HxxxS and Ixxxxxxxt sxxxxr kits (chuc) 17063KITS: Mxxxr txxxxs, cxxxxxxxd CF PxxA Axt Kxxs (bloodydeed) 17171KITS: Fixed cxxxh on txxxxxn mxxs (bloodydeed) 17178KITS: Added gxs mxxk (axxxxxxxc cxxxxe only) to Mxxxxxa rxxxxxxn (chuc) 17232MATERIALS: Uxxxxxd Mxxs with new/now axxxxn will mxt, pxxxxxxxxe pxxxxxc mxt, fxxd gxxxxxc mxt, bxxxxxxxxe dxxr and gone mxxs and a "rxxxxxxxxt" mxt for uxe on jxt wxxxxs so they txxe dxxxxe on nxxxxl txxxxxn. (rhino) 16108MENU: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxd Gxxxl MxR and SxxR-xx w/ MxxS sxxxxxxxn ixxxs (j.f.leusch) 16095MENU: Fixed rxxxxxn Sxxx HxD not sxxxxxg up (j.f.leusch) 16110MENU: Added hxxxxxr mxxxxxp ixxn (rhino) 16137MENU: Added Bxxxxxxg Hi-Pxxxr ixxn to the rxxo, may need to be ixxxxxxd in size axxxs bxxxd fxxe txxxg (rhino) 16192MENU: Added in rendered Bxx mxxu sxxxf to rxxxxe the dxxxxxxxxy of mxxs/bxx/mxxxxxxxxxt/sxxxxr.zxp (ancientman) 16244MENU: Added in rendered Bxx cxxxxn sxxxf to rxxxxe the dxxxxxxxxy of mxxs/bxx/cxxxxxxxxxxxt/sxxxxr.zxp (ancientman) 16248MENU: Added in rendered Bxx oxxxxxs sxxxf to rxxxxe the dxxxxxxxxy of mxxs/bxx/oxxxxxxxxxxxxt/sxxxxr.zxp (ancientman) 16266MENU: Added wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxxs to the sxxxxxxxu for all fxxxxxxs exxxxt vxxxxxm and sxxxxxxxxxxr (bloodydeed) 16284MENU: Axxxs uxxxxxd with PxM ixxn (chuc) 16304MENU: Sxxxxxxd pxxxxxxn of Axxxm. Rxxxxxxn and Sxxxxxxxxt in sxxxxxxxe. Fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16307MENU: Uxxxxxd with pxxxxxxxxxr ixxxs for SxS and GxxG vxxxxxxs (chuc) 16326MENU: Added fxxxxh fxxxxs fxxxs (bloodydeed) 16335MENU: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxd fxxxxh fxxxxs axxxs (bloodydeed) 16340MENU: Added Vxxxxxm ixxxs to axxxs (afterdune) 16348MENU: Added Vxxxxxm fxxg ixxxs (afterdune) 16349MENU: Added Vxxxxxm wxxxxn ixxxs (afterdune) 16350MENU: Added Vxxxxxm vxxxxxe ixxxs (afterdune) 16350MENU: Added spawn wxxxxn mxxxxxxxxxxn to vxxxxxm fxxxxxxs, size sxxxl wxxxxn ixxn fxxxs (bloodydeed) 16406MENU: Added vxxxxxxxxxxt ixxn pxxxxxxxxxr (uxxs exxxxxd ixxn) (bloodydeed) 16407MENU: Added fxxxxxxe ixxxxxxxr mxxu fxxe (afterdune) 16419MENU: Uxxxxxd Gxxxxxxx.txt fxxe (I txxxk txxs is vxxy oxxxxxxd new/now that we no longer ixxxxxe vxxx sxxxf. We need to cxxxk txxs!x (afterdune) 16419MENU: Fixed Vxxxxxm fxxxs (they wxxe uxxxxe dxxn)x Fxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16424MENU: Added MG kit pxxxxxxxxxr ixxxs, rxxs #xxx. Cxxxxxxxe not uxxxxxd yxt. (bloodydeed) 16434MENU: Uxxxxxd cxxxxxxxe with Mxxxxxe Gxxxxr kit, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16439MENU: Added rxxxxxa wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxn and size mxxxr fxxxs (bloodydeed) 16487MENU: Uxxxxxd Mxxxx wxxxxn ixxn (it wxs bxxt-uxxy :o)x Txxs fxxxd #xxx bxw. (afterdune) 16512MENU: Fixed GxxxxxxA wxxxxn sxxxxxxxn ixxxs, cxxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16516MENU: Added new/now mxxxxxe gxxxxr kit ixxn (chuc) 16520MENU: Uxxxxxd MG kit ixxxs (chuc) 16560MENU: Fixed Gx Ixxxxxxxt sxxxxxxxn ixxn cxxxh rxxs #xxx (chuc) 16622MENU: Uxxxxxd axxxs with a fxw new/now wxxxxn ixxxs (chuc) 16705MENU: Axxxs uxxxxxd with new/now RxK and Axxx vxxxxxt rxxxxxd ixxxs (chuc) 16713MENU: Uxxxxxd Fxxxxh wxxxxn sxxxxxxxn ixxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx (hauteclocque) 16762MENU: Added GxC xxx, VxB and VxxI vxxxxxe ixxxs (hauteclocque) 16832MENU: Added Lxxxxxc, AxX-xxxC and Pxxxxxr jxxp vxxxxxe ixxxs (hauteclocque) 16834MENU: Axxxs uxxxxxd with vxxxxxs ixxxs (chuc) 17084MENU: Added MxxxxxxxxxT wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxn (bloodydeed) 17169MENU: Uxxxxxd wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxn sxxxxm with the lxxxxt cxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 17176MENU: Added pxxxxxxxxxr wxxxxn ixxn for rxxxxxxxxxxxv, fxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxh, ixxxxxxxxxxl, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 17177MENU: Uxxxxxd cxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 17184MENU: Added mxxxxxg Sxxx vxxxxxe ixxn (bloodydeed) 17237NOTE: Bxxe txxxxxxs wxxe added for txxxe oxxxxxs that nxxxxd txxm bxt no cxxxxm txxxxxxs wxxe added, sxxh as _xxxxxxxd, _xg, exc. (afsoccer) 16338OBJECTS: Added fxxxxh fxxxxs cxxxxxd pxxt, fxxxs, bxxxxxxxs, effects, rxxxxxxxxt, cxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16333OBJECTS: Added seconds used for fxxxt txxe on Bxxxk Gxxd:xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxmxx mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaxx mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxbxx mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm (afsoccer) 16336OBJECTS: Added the fxxxxxxxg oxxxxxs used for fxxxt txxe in Pxxxxxxk Bxy, Op Mxxxxn and Vxxxo City:xxx effects/sxxxxxxx/exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxexx rxxxs/seconds/bxxxxxxxxxxtxx rxxxs/seconds/txxxxxxxxxxtxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxexx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxexx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxtxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(pxxt x of x) (afsoccer) 16337OBJECTS: Pxxt x of x added the fxxxxxxxg oxxxxxs used for fxxxt txxe in Pxxxxxxk Bxy, Op Mxxxxn and Vxxxo City:xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pr/hxxxxr/lxxxxxxxxexx hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rxxxxxxxxxxxxexx rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rxxxxxxxxxxxxlxx rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr _xxxxxxxr _xxxxxxxxxxxrxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxn and all axxxxxxxxd sxb-oxxxxxs (afsoccer) 16338OBJECTS: Added Vxxxxxm fxxxs, rxxxy pxxxxs, sxxxxy oxxxxxs and vxxxxxe dxxxxs (afterdune) 16345OBJECTS: Added rxxxxxxxxxxxx.dxs txxxxxe. (afsoccer) 16362OBJECTS: Ixxxxxxxd the cxxl dxxxxxxe for txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxg from x (xxm) to x (xxxm)x (afsoccer) 16410OBJECTS: Cxxxxxd cxxxxm lxxxxxxxs for "pr/ixxxxxxxxl/mxxxxxxxe/mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm" dxe to oxxxxxxl ones being bxxxxd. (afsoccer) 16413OBJECTS: Added xxxxxxxxxxxxxxp, xxxxxxxxxxxxb, and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe for uxe on Fxxxs Rxxd vx.x Added gxxxs (bxxxxxd oxxxxxs) to mxxxxxxxxxp and lxxxxxxxxxxxxxe as the xp vxxxxxxs dxd not wxxk cxxxxxxxy.x Fxr gxxw vxxxxxn, uxe the _xxt sxxxxx. (afsoccer) 16420OBJECTS: Added sxxxf used on Sxxxxxxa (exxxxt the tanks, txxxe are lxw qxxxxxy and will be pxxxxd with the mxp, mxxxxxs pxxxxe do not uxe txxm) (outlawz) 16447OBJECTS: Fixed pr/bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx so it could be lxxxxxxxxxd pxxxxxxy; ammo ixxxxxxxd cxxxxxxxxxxe from x (xxxm) to x (xxxm) for all vxxxxxxxxs of txxs will so it wxxxxn't dxxxxxxxr at sxxh a crate dxxxxxxe.x Fxxxs wxxe pxxxxxxd by cxxxxxs to Ixxn Rxxxe. (afsoccer) 16545OBJECTS: Fixed mxxxxxxy/oxxxxxs/mxxxxxxxxa so it cxn new/now hxxd a lxxxxxxp xxxx New sxxxxxxxxh lxxxs exxxxxy the size and no need to do axxxxxxg to mxxs axxxxxy with txxs oxxxxt.xx bxt if you wxxt to go bxxk and lxxxxxxp it, it's new/now pxxxxxxe. (afsoccer) 16604OBJECTS: Added LxD fxxxs and mxxh for wxxxxxxxxxxxxx sxxxe txxxe wxxe nxxe and gone cxxxxxs wxxxxxt txxm. (afsoccer) 16656OBJECTS: Added Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxm (amokandy) 17234PYTHON: dxxxo's pxxxxc txxxl #x. (dbzao) 16151PYTHON: Mxxxxd PR:V pxxxxn cxxxxxs. Mxxxd cxxxxxxs to Wxxl wxxk on the txxxxxs cxxe nxxt. (dbzao) 16160PYTHON: Fxxxxg ixxxe with rxxxxxxg rxxxy pxxxxs. (dbzao) 16165PYTHON: Added wxxxxn cxxxxxxxxxxxxs pxxxxn bxxxxxd (bloodydeed) 16286PYTHON: Made uxxxxxxxxxxxxr uxxxxe by the IxF. Fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16321PYTHON: Bxxxs do no longer cxxt txxxxxs. Rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16322PYTHON: Added Vxxxxxm's Nxxxxm sxxxxxr (afterdune) 16344PYTHON: Mxxxxd fxxxxxxd fxxxs, added FR vehicles, rendered size uxxxxxxxxxxd db cxxxxxs. Oxxxr rxxxxxxxxxxxxs will fxxxxw wxxn other pxxxxn cxxxxxs have bxxn dxxe. (bloodydeed) 16398PYTHON: UxV dxxxn't exxxxe axxxxxe; x mxn to rxxxxxxe. Axxxxt of nxxxxd ixxxxxxxxs to gone cxxxxxxxr ixxxl rxxxxxd from x to x; txxe for ixxxxxxxxs to dxxxxy rxxxxxd from xxx to xx seconds. (bloodydeed) 16399PYTHON: rxxxxxxxxxs no longer exxxxe. Oxxxxxn tanks new/now x effects wxxxxn xxm. No dxxxy bxxxxxn sxxxxxg rxxxxxs. Rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16401PYTHON: Rxxxxxd kit axxxxxxxxn dxxxy for all ixxxxxxy kits, fxxxs #xxx. Axxxw two mxxxxs pxr sound, fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16402PYTHON: Replaced size uxxxxxxxxxxd cxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16404PYTHON: Ixxxxxxxxxd all lxxxxt cxxxxxs to all pxxxxn cxxxxxs. Rxxs #xxx. (bloodydeed) 16409PYTHON: Dxxxxxxd mxxxxr on PYTHON: Rxxxxxd need of mxxxxr fxxxxxxxxxn. Cxxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16412PYTHON: Dxxxxxxd kit rxxxxxt at rxxxxxxxxxs; Added kxxxxxxxxt sxxxxm to uxxxxxxxxxv, fxxxs #xxx. (bloodydeed) 16421PYTHON: Uxxxxxd pxxxxn with MG kit, rxxs #xxx. (bloodydeed) 16435PYTHON: Ixxxxxxxd nxxxxr of L-AT kits to x pxr txxm. Dxxxxxxxd nxxxxr of H-AT kits to x pxr txxm. (bloodydeed) 16436PYTHON: Fixed not being able to get any kits from vxxxxxxs (fxxxxxy!xx fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16444PYTHON: Added FF-vxxxxxe kit rxxxxxt (bloodydeed) 16446PYTHON: Added dxxxxxxxt dxxxxxxxs to dxxxxxy RP's dxxxxxxxg on mxxxxxe. xxxm on xxm, xxm on xxm, xxm on xxm (might get cxxxxxd)x Nxxxs txxxxxg! (bloodydeed) 16504PYTHON: Fixed #xxx. Jumping off tall bxxxxxxxs, out of hxxxxxxxxxs, exc and switching by dropping your kit no longer works. The uxxxxxd kit new/now sounds/solves axxxe you ixxxxxd of bxxxw you, pxxxxxm be sxxxxd. (ancientman) 16686PYTHON: Added axxxxxxxxxh x _xxxxxxxxe vxxxxxn to pxxxxn. Fxxxs #xxx,x#xxx (bloodydeed) 17012PYTHON: Ixxxxxxxxxd Sxxxxxxh txxxxxs axxxxxxxxt for Fxxxxxxxs. Fxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 17162PYTHON: Added axxxxxy to rxxxxxt oxxxxxr kit on cxxxxs (ixxxxxxxxs) (bloodydeed) 17181PYTHON: Uxxxxxd kit axxxxxxxxxxs for all fxxxxxxs (ancientman) 17244SHADERS: Fixed bxxxk sxxxs on txxxxxn for cxxxxxn gxxxxxxs cxxxs (ancientman) 16212SOLDIERS: Added new/now Mxxxxe sxxxxxr txxxxxxs from Sxxxe (hauteclocque) 16118SOLDIERS: Added axxxxxxxxxe Mxxxxxs xp axxs from Sxxxh (hauteclocque) 16120SOLDIERS: Added two mxxxxxg new/now Mxxxxxs sxxxxxr txxxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16121SOLDIERS: Added new/now Cxxxxxxn sxxxxxr txxxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16182SOLDIERS: Added Fxxxxh sandbags (hauteclocque) 16253SOLDIERS: Fixed fxxxxh sandbags sxxxxg vxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 16279SOLDIERS: Added Vxxxxxm sandbags, mxxxxy as they are (afterdune) 16354SOLDIERS: Uxxxxxd hxxd txxxxxe pxxxs of Vxxxxxm NxA sandbags (afterdune) 16360SOLDIERS: New Rxxxxxl sxxxxm by Fxxxxxxxxxx, cxxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16442SOLDIERS: New fxxxxxxxxxxxxs, new/now dxxxxxxxxxxs, dxe sounds/solves exc. New bxxy ixxxxt sounds/solves on cxxxxxn mxxxxxxxs. (anders) 16443SOLDIERS: Uxxxxxd Fxxxxh sandbags (added lxxxt sxxxxxr and Sxxxh rxxxxxs) (hauteclocque) 16476SOLDIERS: Mxxxr ixxxxxxxxxxs to rxxxxxl, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16518SOLDIERS: Uxxxxxd the Fxxxxh sandbags txxxxxxs, cxxxxxd the cxxxxxxxxe size for dxxxxt and sxxxxxxxd it (spush) 16527SOLDIERS: Added nxxxr (and bxxxxr) UxA AxU sxxxxxr txxxxxxs (spush) 16540SOLDIERS: Txxxxd up the bxxxxxxxxs on the Fxxxxh sandbags dxxxxt cxxxxxxxxe (spush) 16555SOLDIERS: Added DxxK and Mx Bxxxxxxg hxxd pxxxs (Txxxxxn and UxxC rxxxxxxxxxxy) for axxxxg into xp sxxxxxxxxy pxxxxxxn vxxxs (chuc) 16565SOLDIERS: Cxxxxxxxd sxxxxxxxxxxxs to bxxxxxxxxxxxs for xp vxxxxxe hxxxs (chuc) 16573SOLDIERS: Added gxxxxn hxxxs fxxxxd to the sxxxxxxxxy Mxx (chuc) 16573SOLDIERS: Axxxxxr uxxxxe to rxxxxxl, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16652SOLDIERS: Added US hxxd x wxxxxxxd fxxe pxxxt (spush) 16664SOLDIERS: Uxxxxe #x to rxxxxxl (by fxxxxxxz)x rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16769SOUNDS: Fixed Axxx xp sound (hauteclocque) 16385SOUNDS: Mxxxd a sxxxxxxxe of sounds/solves that axxxxs jxxt cxxxxxxxd to txxxr pxxxxr lxxxxxxxs.xx Cxxe on mxn, kxxp it oxxxxxxxd, don't jxxt pxt sounds/solves all oxxr the pxxxe in rxxxxm fxxxxxs.xx (ancientman) 16483STATICS: Fixed vxxx dxxxxxxxxxe hxxxxxy sxxxxxn dxxxxxxxxxxg axxxr x hxxr (j.f.leusch) 16125STATICS: Added cxxxxxxxxxxxxxs, rxxxxxxxxxl, and lxxxxxxxxxxn seconds. (afsoccer) 16126STATICS: Uxxxxxxd txxxxxxs for pr/mxxxxxxy/rxxxxxxxxxl to pr/txxxxxxs. (afsoccer) 16127STATICS: Fixed Axxxxn vx cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's cxxx mxxh axxxxxxg pxxxxxs to made ixxxxe the cxxxxxxd and sxxxt out (rhino) 16129STATICS: Rxxxxxd UxS Exxxx's cxxl and lxd dxxxxxxxs (rhino) 16134STATICS: Fixed ixxxxxxy/ixxxxxxxxxs/cxxxxxxxxx txxxk fxxe so longer pxxxxxxxt didn't crate pxxxxxs to fxxl to txxxr dxxxh. (afsoccer) 16179STATICS: Uxxxxxd UxS Exxxx Sxxxxy Oxxxxt Lxxxxxxxs and Rxxxs (rhino) 16194STATICS: Uxxxxxd UxS Exxxx Wxxl Dxxk Sxxxxy Oxxxxt, mxxxxg it off the bxxk mxxh, oxxo the ixxxxxxr mxxh and ixxxxxxxg ixs lxxxxxxn and size, as will as mxxxxg it axxxxt bxxh lxxd vxxxxxxs and sxa vxxxxxxs, as will as rxxxxxxg and rxxxxxxxg txxm (rhino) 16196STATICS: Added Bxx lxxxxxxp seconds (ancientman) 16274STATICS: Ixxxxxxxd cxxl dxxxxxxe for wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd, wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxt and wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxc from x to x so sxxxxc wxxxxn't dxxxxxxxr at xxxm. (afsoccer) 16300STATICS: Added all Vxxxxxm seconds (afterdune) 16355STATICS: Fixed mxxxxd up txxxxxe pxxxs on Mxxxxxxy axxxxxa (chuc) 16684STATICS: Uxxxxxd the UxS Exxxx with fxxxd sxxxxy oxxxxxs with txxxe lxxxxxxxs, tanks out that the rxxxxs sxxxxxg dxxxn't axxxxxxy cxxxxxl that rxxxxs, bxt ixs x/x the rxxxxs, so to get a xxm rxxxxs, you need to sxt it to xm. hxxp:x/i.ixxxr.cxm/Fxxxg.jxg (rhino) 16759STATICS: Fixed the sxxxxy rxxxxs's for the mxxxxr pxxxxd sxxxxy pxxxxs, tanks out that the rxxxxs sxxxxxg dxxxn't axxxxxxy cxxxxxl that rxxxxs, bxt ixs x/x the rxxxxs, so to get a xxm rxxxxs, you need to sxt it to xm. (rhino) 16770STATICS: Fixed the sxxxxy rxxxxs's for the mxxxxr pxxxxd sxxxxy pxxxxs axxxn, axxxxxxy tanks out that you need to sxt the rxxxxs to xx% of wxxt you need to get wxxt you need, not xx% as I lxxt txxxxxt. So if you wxxt a rxxxxs of xxm you need to sxt your rxxxxs to xxm. (rhino) 16835STATICS: Fixed up the Cxxxxxxxp with a new/now vxxxxxn. All pxxxs are new/now oxe, txi cxxxt is xxk and the way it wxs sxt up it wxxn't hxxxxxg the lxxs, only wxxxxxg fxxxs, dxxw cxxxs and LM sxxxe being oxe oxxxxt. We sxxxxd lxxk into rxxxxxxxg the old cxxxxxxxp with txxs vxxxxxn. (rhino) 16879STATICS: Rxxxxxd the "UxI" vxxxxxn of the Cxxxxxxxp, wxxxh I'm pxxxxy size ixn't in uxe on any PR mxxs, jxxt txxxxg up sxxxe in the rxxo. (rhino) 16879STATICS: Added the cxxxxd vxxxxxn of the that vxb to the rxxo, only the oxxn oxe wxs in bxxxxe. (rhino) 16879VEGITATION: Added jxxxxe oxxxxxxxxh (afterdune) 16355VEGITATION: Added the Sxxxxs to the rxxo (rhino) 16879VEGITATION: Added the mxw sounds/solves txp lxd txxxxxe wxxxh wxs mxxxxxg. (rhino) 17053VEGITATION: Ixxxxxxxd cxxl dxxxxxxe on the sounds/solves, may need to rxxxxt for nxxxxl uxe bxt txxs is nxxxxd for PR:F (rhino) 17173VEHICLES: Fixed BxP-x bxxxxxxxr sxxt ixxxs being ixxxxxe (j.f.leusch) 16085VEHICLES: Fixed txxxxxxxl fxxxxxxxt RxK-xx zxxxxd vxxw (j.f.leusch) 16086VEHICLES: Gxxe VN-x and BxxM-x sounds/solves a bxt made lxxxxxl fxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16097VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd Pxxxxxr CxV GxxG mxxs to x (j.f.leusch) 16099VEHICLES: Fixed rxxxxxn SU-xx CxD (j.f.leusch) 16109VEHICLES: Fixed T-xx cxxxxa gxxxxr axxxxxt sounds/solves (j.f.leusch) 16113VEHICLES: Fixed Txxxxxo lxxxxxg gxxr (j.f.leusch) 16124VEHICLES: Added new/now MxC dxxxxt vxxxxxe txxxxxxs from Sxxxh (T-xx, BxP-x, Uxxl Txxxk and BxxM-x) (hauteclocque) 16128VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd the dxxt bxxr lxxxr off the Sxxxxxr's dxxxxt txxxxxe (rhino) 16131VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd.dxs to xxxxxxxxx as pxr the dxxxxt txxxxxe size (rhino) 16132VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd UH-xx rxxxr txxxxxxs (by Sxxxh) and added oxn rxxxxs for the IxF vxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16135VEHICLES: Oxxxxxxxd Hxxxxxr Fxxl Took lxxs and cxxs and added GB vxxxxxn (rhino) 16136VEHICLES: Added VxB AxC (hauteclocque) 16255VEHICLES: Added Lxxxxxc Took (hauteclocque) 16256VEHICLES: Added VxxI AxC (hauteclocque) 16257VEHICLES: Added AxX-xxxC Wxxxxxd Took (hauteclocque) 16258VEHICLES: Added Gxxxxx lxxxxxxc and sxxxxxt txxxxs (hauteclocque) 16259VEHICLES: Fixed Fxxxxh vxxxxxxs sound pxxxs axxxxxxxg to the new/now PR rxxo fxxe sxxxxm (hauteclocque) 16269VEHICLES: Added made fxxxxh fxxxxs vxxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16334VEHICLES: Added all Vxxxxxm vxxxxxxs (afterdune) 16355VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd txxxxxxs and txxxxxe pxxxs of Vxxxxxm hxxxxxxxxxs (afterdune) 16360VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd Hxxy fxxxy (afterdune) 16360VEHICLES: Fixed mxxxxxg sounds/solves from Vxxxxxm vxxxxxxs (afterdune) 16372VEHICLES: Fixed mxxxxxg sounds/solves from Fxxxxh vxxxxxxs (afterdune) 16373VEHICLES: Fixed Sxxxxxr RxM sound (afterdune) 16374VEHICLES: Added Uxxxxxxxd HxxxV. Mxxxxxs sxxxxd and uxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd if wxxxxd. Cxxxs/AxT not rxxxy yxt. (bloodydeed) 16418VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd Uxxxxxxxd HxxxV Wxxxxxxd txxxxxe (sxxxxd mxxxh other US Wxxxxxxd vxxxxxxs in tanks of bxxxxxxxxs) (spush) 16449VEHICLES: Added gxxxxn mxxx from dxxxe and mxxxxd in the txxxk from the ixf vxxxxxn so they've get the size sandbags (ancientman) 16479VEHICLES: Added/Uxxxxxd dxxxxt vxxxxxt, lxxt the txxxxxe the nxxxxl size, cxn be rxxxxxd if nxxxxd. (spush) 16491VEHICLES: Added dxxxxt vxxxxxt for the Wxxxx and WxxxxA (spush) 16492VEHICLES: Added dxxxxt vxxxxxt for the AAV Txxxxx (spush) 16493VEHICLES: Fixed up the PxA pxxxxxxxxxr jxxp to fxt the rxxxxxxxxs (spush) 16494VEHICLES: New Cxxxxxk sounds/solves (anders) 16503VEHICLES: Gxxxxn Mxxx rxxxxxd (amokandy) 16505VEHICLES: Added uxxxxxxxxxxx exxxxe sounds/solves (anders) 16506VEHICLES: Added HxxxV sounds/solves (anders) 16506VEHICLES: Added the re-txxxxxxd Z-xxW, axxxg with cxxxxxt, and nxxxxxs (spush) 16507VEHICLES: Added re-txxxxxxd Z-x bxxxd off of Z-xxA (spush) 16508VEHICLES: Added re-txxxxxxd Z-xx (spush) 16509VEHICLES: New Axxxxxx sounds/solves (anders) 16510VEHICLES: GB dxxxxt Cxxxxxk txxxxxe gxxxn a dxxxxxxxt lxxxxxr cxxxxr, txxs wxs dxxe uxxxg the oxxxxxxl PxD.x(txxxe is a txxxxd on the cxxxxr sxxxxxxxe in the pxxxxxe fxxxxs) (rudd) 16515VEHICLES: New axxxxxxxxe sounds/solves; uxxx, uxx, mxx, uxxxxxxxxxxxxr, kxxxa, axxxxe, axx, axxz, mxx, mxxx, hxxxc, exxxx, txxxr (ammo fxxxxh)x mxxxxn, lxxx (anders) 16523VEHICLES: Lxxxxxd Txxe xx AAV sxxxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16524VEHICLES: New cxxi cxr sounds/solves added (anders) 16526VEHICLES: New dxxxxxxe sounds/solves (anders) 16526VEHICLES: New bxxxxxxb sounds/solves (anders) 16526VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd Mxxxxxa Txx Took txxxxxe (spush) 16552VEHICLES: Added RU txxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16566VEHICLES: Added Mxxx exxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16566VEHICLES: Fixed up the H-xx with new/now lxxs, cxxs and other fxxxs. Axxo cxxxxxd the mxxn pxxxt pxs so txxs nests txxxxh txxxxxg to cxxxk nxxxxxg is out of pxxxe. Sxxe cxxxxg wxxk sxxxl nests to be dxxe. (rhino) 16669VEHICLES: Added the rxxt of the lxxxxxxxxxe sounds/solves and cxxxxxd up the txxxxxxxxs (anders) 16672VEHICLES: Switched the Exxx Mxxx boxes for the new/now ones (rhino) 16709VEHICLES: Switched out old Txxx dxxxxxs for the new/now ones (rhino) 16744VEHICLES: Ixxxxxxxd HxxxV mxxxxxd TxW ammo to x (j.f.leusch) 16745VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd VxB. Cxxxxs #xxx (hauteclocque) 16764VEHICLES: Fixed up the H-xx size made, cxxe is pxxxxy mxxh cxxxxxxe new/now, mxxxxxs txxxxxe sxxxl nests fxxxxg up txxu (rhino) 16780VEHICLES: New nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxt exxxxe sounds/solves (anders) 16808VEHICLES: New NxA Zxxx exxxxe sounds/solves (anders) 16813VEHICLES: Fixed up the A-xH with bxxxxr cxxs, bxxxxr fxxxl lxxs and lxxs of other sxxxl fxxxs. (rhino) 16830VEHICLES: Replaced the rxxxxt pxxxxxxxxxs on the A-xH, A-xx and Su-xx with Hxxxa xx or S-x rxxxxxs lxxxxd out of the mxxxxxxs fxxxxr. (rhino) 16831VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd Pxxxxxr CxV sxxt pxxxxxxn ixxn (j.f.leusch) 16836VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd VxB, VxxI, AxX-xxxC, Lxxxxxc and GxC xxx sxxxxxxn pxxxxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 16837VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd VxxI not txxxxg dxxxxe wxxn in dxxp wxxxr/uxxxxxxxxr (j.f.leusch) 16838VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd VxxI sxxxxxxxxn, hxxxxxxxy fxxxxg #xxx (j.f.leusch) 16839VEHICLES: Added a "GB" vxxxxxn of the RxxB with a Lxxx GxxG on ixs gxn might, nests an ammo bxx and the cxxxxxt ammo bxxt. (rhino) 16842VEHICLES: Axxxxxt to fxx xxxxl txxxxxxxxs hxxxxg a ammo ixxxxxxxr. Cxxxxs #xxx (j.f.leusch) 16852VEHICLES: Fixed rxxxxxn Hxxxc mxxxxxg rxxxxxxxxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx (j.f.leusch) 16856VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd NxA ZxU-xx, T-xx (WxP)x Zxl-xxx and ZxS-x (j.f.leusch) 16857VEHICLES: Fixed Mxxxxxxl bxg on the gxxxx of Up-Axxxxxd Hxxxxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx (hauteclocque) 16878VEHICLES: Fixed WZ-xxxA gxxxxr axxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16923VEHICLES: Fixed Bxxxx pxxxxxxxr axxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16981VEHICLES: Fixed PxR dxxxxxxxxt axxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16982VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd ZxU-xx-x gxn dxxxxe (j.f.leusch) 16984VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd ExC-xx (only lxxt the sounds/solves) (hauteclocque) 16986VEHICLES: Fixed Zxs-x CxD (j.f.leusch) 16987VEHICLES: Fixed Mxxxxx CxD (j.f.leusch) 16996VEHICLES: Added xp mxxh to RxxB, axxxxxxg Mxs to sxxw xp model. (rhino) 17005VEHICLES: Fixed CxD from bxd txxxxxe pxxh on the NxA's UxZ's dxxk MG might, bxt uxm, ixs jxxt a cxxe, the MG is hxxxxxxg in mxd axr.xx hxxp:x/i.ixxxr.cxm/wxxxx.jxg (rhino) 17013VEHICLES: Txxp fxx to the Axxxxxx sxxxxxxxs ixxxxs, I need the oxxxxxxl sxxxxxxr txxxxxe to made it cxxxxxxxy, as the cxxxxxt oxe is axxxxxxy x/x of the oxxxxxxl fxxxt txxxxxe. Cxxxxs #xxx (hauteclocque) 17017VEHICLES: Fixed VxB exit lxxxxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 17050VEHICLES: Axxxxxt to fxx txxxxxxxxx RxK sounds/solves off (j.f.leusch) 17051VEHICLES: Deleted the uxxxxxxd sxxc txxxxxe from the UxxD, axxxxxxh it's txxxxxxs need a seconds oxxxxxxl, xxxxs at the mxxxxt, mxxt txxxn up by sxxxxw mxxs wxxxh sxxxxd be pxxt of the Dxxxxxe txxxxxxs as AO mxxs. (rhino) 17053VEHICLES: Oxxxxxxxd and Fixed up the UH-xD/C txxxxxxs, ixxxxxxxxxg the sxxxxw mxxs into the dxxxxxe txxxxxxs as AO mxxs, and fxxxxg sxxc/axxxa and dxs fxxxxt ixxxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx #xxx (rhino) 17057VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd AS xxx Pxxxxxr (WxP) (j.f.leusch) 17066VEHICLES: Added the new/now Lxxx GxxG to the WxxxK Lxxxxxxxr. It sxxxl uxxs the old, bxxy GxxG ammo bxx and ammo bxxt, need to lxxk into rxxxxxxxg (not wxxxh rxxxxxxxg the ammo bxxt uxxxl the ammo bxx hxs bxxn rendered)x (rhino) 17117VEHICLES: Added FN MxG GxxG added vxxxxxxs of the RxxB Bxxt (only ixxn sxxxt vxxxxxxs, no sounds/solves) (rhino) 17117VEHICLES: Fixed CxxxS GxxG oxxxxxxt and sxxxl exxxxxxn sandbags on the Pxxxxxr (chuc) 17122VEHICLES: Fixed Axx dxxxy CxD (j.f.leusch) 17182VEHICLES: Added new/now rxxxxxxxxxx (vapoman) 17224VEHICLES: Added cxxxxxt (not pxxxxxxy could yxt) for fxxxxt fxxe (bloodydeed) 17248VEHICLES: Fixed cxxxh on nxa sxxxxxt txxxk (ancientman) 17249VEHICLES: Added fxxxxxxxs to bxxxxxxxxs (ancientman) 17250WEAOINS: Uxxxxxd the ZxU-xs dxxxxe sandbags (rhino) 17010WEAPONS: Sxxxxxxy txxxxxd Mxxxxi/Mxxx sxxxxxxxxxxxn (j.f.leusch) 16083WEAPONS: Added sxxxxxxxxxs to xp fxxxxg sound of hxxxxxxd AA (no need to that) (j.f.leusch) 16084WEAPONS: Sxt QxC-xx mxxxxe vxxxxxxy to xxx m/s (no need to that) (j.f.leusch) 16088WEAPONS: Fixed dxxxxxxd AR-xxT (sxxxxd and ExxxN) zxxm in sound (j.f.leusch) 16089WEAPONS: Axxxxxt to fxx Cxxx/Cxxx sounds/solves axxxxxxxn ixxxe wxxn wxxxxxg zxxxxd in (j.f.leusch) 16090WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxd ammo cxxxxxr from rxd sxxxxl sxxxe (j.f.leusch) 16091WEAPONS: Sxt Mx mxxxxe vxxxxxxy to xxx m/s (no need to that) (j.f.leusch) 16093WEAPONS: Fixed sxxxxd Lxe Exxxxxd No.x wxxxg ammo lxxxxt (new/now xx rxs in txxxl) (j.f.leusch) 16094WEAPONS: Sxt CxxR-xx w/ AxxG mxxxxe vxxxxxxy to xxx m/s (no need to that) (j.f.leusch) 16096WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd Lxxxx (j.f.leusch) 16104WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd vxxx Gxxx (j.f.leusch) 16105WEAPONS: Added new/now QxZ-xx pxxxxl (hauteclocque) 16111WEAPONS: Added the new/now FxB xxx boxes to the rxxo for uxe on the Q-x (rhino) 16115WEAPONS: Added Mxx xp axxxxxxxn fxx (sxxxxxxxe) from Cxxc (hauteclocque) 16139WEAPONS: Added Mxx with fxxxxxxxxl sounds/solves (mosquill) 16140WEAPONS: Added fxxxxxxxxl bxxxxp sounds/solves to mxxxxxxe wxxxxxs (mosquill) 16143WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd cxxxxxxxs mxxxxs from sxxxxxxxxy Mxs (j.f.leusch) 16158WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd ZxU-x with new/now dxxxxxxe dxxxxe vxxxxs, so it cxn aim dxxxxxxy up and exit pxxxxs (rhino) 16162WEAPONS: Re-Added uxxxxxd and oxxxxxxxd Bxxxxxxg HP xxm Pxxxxl (rhino) 16187WEAPONS: Replaced rxxxxxxg cxxxxxxxxxxxxxs from sxxxxxxxxy mg's, it cxxxxxs if it dxxxn't have txxm (ancientman) 16241WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxd AI fxxxxxs from vxxxxxs wxxxxn (no need to that) (j.f.leusch) 16281WEAPONS: Mxxxd HxxxV mxxxxxd TxW ixxxxe the TxW HxxxV fxxxxr (j.f.leusch) 16282WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Mxx axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16293WEAPONS: Added Mxxx SxR (chuc) 16295WEAPONS: Txxxxxxxd up Qxxxx axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16297WEAPONS: Added PxM (chuc) 16299WEAPONS: Added MxxxB, MxxxG and GxxG (chuc) 16325WEAPONS: Added MxxxB and GxxG sxxxxxxxxy wxxxxxs (chuc) 16325WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd sounds/solves on all sxxxxd wxxxxxs to be hxxxxw in xp (chuc) 16325WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd rxxxxl axxxxxxxxs on mxxt wxxxxxs (not all yxt) (chuc) 16325WEAPONS: Fixed up BxxS on Exxxn and SxxxT sounds/solves (chuc) 16325WEAPONS: Added fxxxxh fxxxxs wxxxxxs (bloodydeed) 16332WEAPONS: Added all Vxxxxxm wxxxxxs (afterdune) 16355WEAPONS: Fixed a txxxxxe pxxh of cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe.bxxxxxxxxxh (afterdune) 16356WEAPONS: Fixed txxxxxe pxxxs of vxxxxxs Cxxxxxe wxxxxxs (afterdune) 16357WEAPONS: Fixed txxxxxe pxxxs of axxxxxr cxxxxxxd of wxxxxxs (afterdune) 16358WEAPONS: Fixed txxxxxe pxxxs of yxt axxxxxr wxxxxn (afterdune) 16359WEAPONS: Replaced #xxxxx to #xxxxx, pxxxxe fxx hxxp:x/wxw.rxxxxxxxxd.cxm/fxxxm/fxxx-pr-bxx-cxxxxxxxg/xxxxxx-cxxxxxxxg-sxt-xx-jxn-xxxx-cxxe-x.hxxl#pxxxxxxxxxx (bloodydeed) 16363WEAPONS: Replaced Cxxxxx Axxxxxxt with new/now Cxxxxx Axxxxxxt on Mx, Mx Mxxx (rxxxxxxxg the enough) and Mxxxx rxxxxs. (chuc) 16366WEAPONS: Replaced Kxxxxxs Axxxxxxxs Fxxxxxxp with Gxxxxxd on Mx and Mxxxxs (chuc) 16366WEAPONS: Exxxxxxd bxxxxl on Mxxx AxxG and ExxxN (chuc) 16367WEAPONS: Replaced cxxxh bxg with old xxx rxxxd bxx on the Mxxx ixxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16367WEAPONS: Fixed mxxxxxg sounds/solves from Vxxxxxm wxxxxxs (afterdune) 16372WEAPONS: Fixed mxxxxxg sounds/solves from Fxxxxh wxxxxxs (afterdune) 16373WEAPONS: Fixed Sxxxxxv axxxxg sound (afterdune) 16374WEAPONS: Replaced xxx rxxxd cxxxh bxg with xxx rxxxd bxx on Cxxx ixxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16377WEAPONS: Exxxxxxd bxxxxl on Cxxx Exxxn (chuc) 16377WEAPONS: Hxxxxxxd out made xp sounds/solves (chuc) 16386WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd rxxxxl axxxxxxxxs on MxC rxxxxs (chuc) 16386WEAPONS: Added new/now xp bxxt axxxxxxxn for Sxxxx (nests sound to be sxxxxd) (chuc) 16388WEAPONS: Rxxxd Sxxxx rxxxxxe (chuc) 16388WEAPONS: Added oxxxxp mxxxxxs. Txxs cxxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16400WEAPONS: Rxxxd Mxxxn Nxxxxt ixxxxxxxxs axxxxxxxxs (exxxxt rxxxxd for new/now) (chuc) 16417WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd sxxxxd fxxe axxxxxxxxs for dxxxxxxxxe wxxxxxs (Lxxs, Gxxxs and Dxxs) (chuc) 16417WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd rxxxxxe on Mxxx AxxG (chuc) 16417WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd size wxxxxxs, so they (don't) uxe a fxxxxxxe ixxxxxxxr wxxn zxxxxd in (afterdune) 16419WEAPONS: Gxxe gxxxxxe tanks the "made" cxxxo rxxe bxxxxn (afterdune) 16425WEAPONS: Fixed mxxxxxg gxxg txxxxxe (ancientman) 16427WEAPONS: Exxxxxxd cxxxxxxg hxxxxe on the Axxx sounds/solves (chuc) 16428WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd the ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe. It will only be a mxxxxy new/now. (afterdune) 16430WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd fxxxxg, rxxxxd and dxxxxxt sounds/solves for mxxt hxxxxxxd wxxxxxs.x(Wxxl pxxt a fxxl lxxt lxxxr) (anders) 16443WEAPONS: Mxxxxxxd dxxxxxxxn on Gxxxxn and Rxxxxxn rxxxxs to that in the axxxa as a pxxxf of cxxxxxt. Cxxxxxs are dxxxxxxxd mxx mxxxxxxt dxxxxxxxn by x/x and mxx fxxxxg dxxxxxxxn by x/x; bxt sxxxxe rxxxs are the size, so txxs will fxxl qxxxe axxt made axxxxxxe. Lxxs, Mxxs, Sxxs (pxxxxxs any made Gs that I've fxxxxxxxn?x and dxxxxxxd mxxxxxxn are uxxxxxxxd for new/now. Txxxe cxxxxxs are NxT to be txxxxd in lxxxl as sxxxxe tanks need to be dxxxxxxxt on sxxxxr FxS not your cxxxxxxr FxS. Nxxe that the MxC mxxxxxxn is ammo cxxxxxd dxe to hxw the Gxr Mxxxxxxn rxxxe is not sxxxxxxe, so don't be axxxxxd if uxxxg a MxC mxxxxxxn kit on axxxxxr mxp for new/now. Txxs cxxxxt wxs dxxe axxxr uxxxxxxg axxxr Axxxr's cxxxxt. (rudd) 16445WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd xp hxxxxw sxxxe for the Mxx (chuc) 16450WEAPONS: Hxxxxxxd out Hxxx txxe on the Gxxx Hxxx (chuc) 16478WEAPONS: Added LxT dxxxxxt exxxxxxxn sounds/solves (anders) 16501WEAPONS: Added new/now KxxD dxxxxxt sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16502WEAPONS: Added new/now Sxxxxxxn rxxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16502WEAPONS: New Mxxx rxxxxd sound (anders) 16511WEAPONS: New Mx pxxxxl xp/xp sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16511WEAPONS: New MxxxxxW sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16513WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd (Fxxxxh) ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe (afterdune) 16514WEAPONS: New Nxx Exxxxxd rxxxxd and sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16521WEAPONS: New PxM bxxxd dxxxxy sounds/solves (anders) 16521WEAPONS: New SxS/Sxxxxxv sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16521WEAPONS: New SxD sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16521WEAPONS: Added new/now xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxxs for AR-xx sounds/solves rxxxxs (chuc) 16522WEAPONS: Added uxxxxxd AI rxxxxs from mxxxn (outlawz) 16525WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd Mxxx/Axxx sxxxt sounds/solves to be made sxxxxxr to the other Axxx sounds/solves (anders) 16526WEAPONS: New sxxxxd rxxxxd sounds/solves for Cxxxs new/now Axxx axxxxxxxxs (anders) 16529WEAPONS: New FxxxL rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16529WEAPONS: FxxxS rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16529WEAPONS: New Nxxxxxo sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16529WEAPONS: New FxxxL sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16531WEAPONS: Made SxG and other AT wxxxxxs sound made pxxxxxxl with longer tall (anders) 16531WEAPONS: Made Nxx Exxxxxd sxxxxxxxxd bxxxxxxr and longer and dxxxxxxxd hxxxxxxg sounds/solves (anders) 16531WEAPONS: Made a made pxxxxxxl sxxp sound to Cxxxs new/now Axxx UxL vxxxxxxs (anders) 16531WEAPONS: Replaced Mxxx sounds/solves (anders) 16532WEAPONS: Replaced Mxxx sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16533WEAPONS: Fixed Pxxx cxxxxxxg (Bxg #xxx) (chuc) 16539WEAPONS: Added new/now mxxxxxg txxxxxxs from Sxxxe-Oz (chuc) 16542WEAPONS: Added new/now xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn and ixxe axxxxxxxxs for Qxxxx (to be rxxxxd out to all pxxxxxs) (chuc) 16543WEAPONS: New xp rxxxxd sound for Cxxc's new/now Qxxxx pxxxxl axxxxxxxn (anders) 16546WEAPONS: Added new/now xp rxxxxd and ixxe axxxxxxxxs for all pxxxxxs (chuc) 16548WEAPONS: Gxxe gxxxxxe tanks the "made" mxxxxr axxxn, axxxxs' mxxxxxe cxxxxt hxd oxxxxxxxxxn my Txxs fxxxs #xxx. (afterdune) 16550WEAPONS: Added bxxxc fxxxxxxxxxxxy on the GxxG/Mxxx (chuc) 16551WEAPONS: Added up sxxxxxn fxxe rxxxxl (chuc) 16551WEAPONS: Added Mxxx AxxG pxxxxxxxxxr (chuc) 16551WEAPONS: New FxxxS sxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16553WEAPONS: New Mxx sxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16553WEAPONS: New pxxxxl rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16553WEAPONS: Fixed sxxxxxg on the SxD fxxxxxxp (chuc) 16559WEAPONS: New SxD sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16561WEAPONS: New AK wxxxxxs sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16561WEAPONS: Replaced PxM sxxxt sound to be made bxxxy (anders) 16561WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd FF MxxxxI with Axxxxxxt (wxxn't used and wxn't be used) WxxxxxS: Rxxxxxd bxxxxxt on FxxxS w/ Axxxxxxt (hauteclocque) 16563WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd vxxxxe for Qxxxx rxxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16566WEAPONS: Added AK wxxxxxs xp sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16566WEAPONS: New Gxxx rxxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16566WEAPONS: Added xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn and axxxxxr ixxe axxxxxxxn for the GxxG sounds/solves (chuc) 16571WEAPONS: Added Dxxxxr bxxxxp axxxxxxt oxxo Bxxxxxh Lxxxx Axxxs (BxxS fxxxxxxn not dxxe yxt) (chuc) 16574WEAPONS: New Mxxx sxxxt sounds/solves, trigger and rxxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16575WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd RxF of AxxxxU to xxxxxM (sound hxxn't bxxn attached) (chuc) 16578WEAPONS: Sxxxxd dxxn QxZ-xx xp bxxp txxxxxe (hauteclocque) 16581WEAPONS: Fixed vxxxxxe have ixxxxe the exxxxxxn pxxt on the FxxxS sounds/solves (hauteclocque) 16582WEAPONS: Fxxxxxxd xp axxxxxxxxs on the GxxG (chuc) 16584WEAPONS: Added xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxxs to MxxxB exxxn and MxxxG axxg (chuc) 16584WEAPONS: Added fxxxl txxxxxxs to GxxG sounds/solves (chuc) 16584WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd Cx exxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16585WEAPONS: Added sxxxl Cx exxxxxxxe cxxxxe (not could or attached yxt) (chuc) 16585WEAPONS: Added Cx GxxG (chuc) 16590WEAPONS: Added fxxl ammo fxxxxxxxxxxxy to Mxxx SxR (chuc) 16597WEAPONS: Fxxxxxxxd mxxxxs on hxxxxxxd GxxG sounds/solves from Txm (chuc) 16598WEAPONS: New Txxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16602WEAPONS: New Gxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16602WEAPONS: Replaced Mxxx sxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16605WEAPONS: Added Mxxx dxxxxy sound (anders) 16605WEAPONS: Replaced Mxx and Mxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16606WEAPONS: Added new/now xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn for Axxx, AxxxxU, Gxxxl, Sxxxa and Axxx Gxxx (chuc) 16615WEAPONS: Added new/now xp dxxxxy and rxxxxd axxxxxxxxs for Mxxx Gxxxxxxxn (chuc) 16615WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd and rxxxxxd PxM to bxxxxe lxxe a GxxG (rxxxxxxg uxxxxxxxxd made exc) (chuc) 16615WEAPONS: Fxxxxxxxd SxS and SxS bxxxxxt axxxxxxxxs and mxxh (chuc) 16615WEAPONS: Added sxxxxxxxxy GxxG sounds/solves (chuc) 16616WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd Mxx Exxxn rxxxxxxxe in the BxxS cxxe to pxxxt to the GxxG vxxxxxt of the Mxx Exxxn (chuc) 16624WEAPONS: Added GxxG Mxx with xxx rxxxd bxx (chuc) 16626WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd LxG Mxx Exxxn (chuc) 16626WEAPONS: Fixed the UxxC that on the Kxxxr kxxxe txxxxxe (spush) 16629WEAPONS: Txxxd dxxn mxxxe sxxxxxxxxxy wxxn zxxxxxg in with uxxxxxxxxd Lxxs (chuc) 16634WEAPONS: Fxxxxxxxd axxxxxxxxs on Mxx GxxG (chuc) 16634WEAPONS: Added new/now xp Cx sxxxxxl (lxxxe cx pxxk) and sxxxl Cx cxxxxe axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 16637WEAPONS: Sxxxxd PxM dxxxxy and rxxxxd sound (anders) 16641WEAPONS: New AK-xxU, AK-xx and Gxxxl rxxxxd sound (anders) 16641WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd Gxxxl RxF to xxx (chuc) 16645WEAPONS: Txxxxxd xp axxxxxxxxs on Axxx ixxxs, RxK Axxxxs and SxD (no sound exxxs rendered) (chuc) 16645WEAPONS: Added xp mxxxxs of the new/now QxZ sounds/solves (chuc) 16653WEAPONS: Added new/now xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxxs for QxZ sounds/solves (chuc) 16653WEAPONS: Added new/now Qxxxx rxxxxd sound (anders) 16655WEAPONS: New Qxxxx/Txxxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16658WEAPONS: Added new/now xp AxxxM and AxxxxU dxxxxy axxxxxxxn (chuc) 16660WEAPONS: New Cx pxxxt sound (anders) 16661WEAPONS: New AK-xxM dxxxxy fxxxxxg sxxxk sounds/solves (anders) 16663WEAPONS: New Mxx sxxxt sound (anders) 16665WEAPONS: Replaced Qxxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16665WEAPONS: Replaced Mxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16665WEAPONS: New Mxx xp rxxxxd sound (anders) 16667WEAPONS: New Sxxxxxv rxxxxd sound (anders) 16668WEAPONS: New Gxxx rxxxxd sound (anders) 16670WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd the Hxxy Mxx Mxxxt's cxxxxa to vxxw xp model ixxxxxd of xp as it could sxe mxxxxxg fxxxs in the size of size of the cxxxxxxs (rhino) 16673WEAPONS: New Gxx rxxxxd and dxxxxy sounds/solves (anders) 16674WEAPONS: New Gxxx sxxxxxxxxd (anders) 16676WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd size wxxxxn cxxxxxxxn mxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16677WEAPONS: Fixed cxxxh at the exd of lxxxxxg on mxxs uxxxg rendered (ancientman) 16681WEAPONS: Replaced Gxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16687WEAPONS: New Qxxxx rxxxxd sound (anders) 16690WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd xxxx on Axxx sounds/solves (chuc) 16694WEAPONS: Added RxxxxM and RxxxxM Sxxxxd (axxxxxxxxs not dxxe yxt) (chuc) 16695WEAPONS: New Qxxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16698WEAPONS: New Sxxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16698WEAPONS: Sxxxxd xp rxxxxd sounds/solves for Gxx, Qxxxx and Qxxxx (anders) 16698WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd xp hxp-fxxe axxxxxxxxs on mxxt wxxxxxs (chuc) 16701WEAPONS: Added dxxxxxxd made for Rxxxxm (chuc) 16701WEAPONS: Replaced old PxxH with oxe from BF:Kxxxa (chuc) 16706WEAPONS: Added new/now xp dxxxxy axxxxxxxn for the PxxH (chuc) 16706WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxxxd xp hxxxs on PxxH (chuc) 16706WEAPONS: Added new/now, rxxxxxd Mxxx xxxxb GxB (Dxxb Bxxb) and the MxC xxxxxb GxB to the rxxo (rhino) 16708WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd the Exxx Mxxx boxes (rhino) 16710WEAPONS: New Lxxxx rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16712WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd Axxxxs RxK (chuc) 16715WEAPONS: Added new/now RxK (chuc) 16715WEAPONS: Added new/now Rxxxx (wxxxxn, not the RxxxxM) (chuc) 16715WEAPONS: Replaced PxxH rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16716WEAPONS: New Lxxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16721WEAPONS: New Gxxxxxxxn rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16722WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd MxxxxI with Eo-Txxh with new/now mxg (the sxxxxxxt oxe) and new/now xp axxxxxxxxs (rxxxxd oxe nests to be fxxxd) (hauteclocque) 16725WEAPONS: Lxxxxxd TxW, Mxxxn and HJ-x lxxxxh vxxxxxxxxs to xx m/s (j.f.leusch) 16726WEAPONS: New RxK sxxxxxxxxxs and dxxxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16727WEAPONS: New Sxxxxxx rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16729WEAPONS: Fixed up the Txxx mxxxxxe, oxxxxxxxd it, added lxxs, fxxxd cxxs and rxxxxxd the txxxxxe size to x/x ixs oxxxxxxl size (rhino) 16743WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd AT-xx Sxxxxr AxxM txxxxxxxg sound to xxx m/s (j.f.leusch) 16747WEAPONS: Exxxxxd rxxxxxg pxxxxxs on gxxxxxxs (so that they'll pxxxxxxy rxxl dxxn sounds/solves exc) (chuc) 16752WEAPONS: Exxxxxxd Fx gxxxxxe exxxxxxxn rxxxxs to xxm (chuc) 16752WEAPONS: Added made sxxxl exxxxxxn rxxxxs (sxxxxxe nests to exxxxe the wxxxxxs mxxxh up with the cxxxxxxxxxxxg sxxxl exxxxxxn. I added a x.xxxxx, x.xxxxx and a x.xxxxx sxxxl exxxxxxn) (chuc) 16752WEAPONS: Added Hxxxx for the Fxxxxh Fxxxxs (hauteclocque) 16760WEAPONS: Added x.xxxxx TT and x.xxxxx sxxxl exxxxxxxs (chuc) 16765WEAPONS: Axxxxxxd sxxxl exxxxxxxs on size wxxxxxs to txxxr cxxxxxxxxxxxg cxxxxxxs (chuc) 16766WEAPONS: Fixed up TxW, MxxxN and HJ-x effects (j.f.leusch) 16782WEAPONS: Added the nxxxr ammo txxxxxxs to the rxxo, old ones sxxxxd be dxxxxxd and uxxxxxd the GB GxxG xp model to uxe the cxxxxxt sxxxt, axxxxxxh all the mxxxs need to be uxxxxxd with txxs,xx any other wxxxxxs uxxxg the new/now rxxxxs. (rhino) 16784WEAPONS: Fixed up ExxX, Pxxxxxxr and Pxf-x fxxxxg effects (j.f.leusch) 16785WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd FxxxS fxxxd bxxxxxxs. Cxxxxs #xxx,x#xxx, and #xxx (hauteclocque) 16789WEAPONS: Replaced bxxk the pxxxxxs for hxxxxxxxxxxs and sounds/solves/tanks/exc. (anders) 16791WEAPONS: Fixed txxxxxe nests of the Cx GxxG txxxxxxs, _xxxxxxxd txxxxxe wxxn't lxxxxxg bxxxxe, exxxxt sxxxe will need ixs pxxxs fxxxd for the fxxxd nxxe. Axxo fxxxd the Cx mxxh in the rxxo to uxe the new/now txxxxxe and the cxxxxxt ammo txxxxxe. (rhino) 16797WEAPONS: New ZxU sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16807WEAPONS: New Axx dxxxxy and aim sounds/solves (anders) 16823WEAPONS: New Mxxx aim sound (anders) 16823WEAPONS: New Mxxx dxxxxy and rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16823WEAPONS: New Gxxxxxxxn sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16824WEAPONS: Added nxxxxxxxxxxs to the Hxxxa xx and S-x Rxxxxxs wxxxh sxxxxd hxxxxxxxy fxx the fxxxd wxxg axxxxxxt fxxxxg ixxxxxxxe rxxxxxs for pxxxxxs oxxxxxe the axxxxxxt. (rhino) 16831WEAPONS: Added the xxxxl pxxxxxxxxe from PR:V and mxxxxxxd the vxxxxs from PR:V to be made in lxxe with the pxxxxxxxxxs size. (rhino) 16833WEAPONS: Exxxxd the Mxx Gxxxxxe Lxxxxxxr to uxe the cxxxxxt ammo txxxxxxs sxxxt in the cxxxxxt lxxxxxxn and dxxxxxd ixs old oxe, any other wxxxxxs uxxxg ixs sxxxt nests to rxxxxxxt ixs txxxxxxs to /oxxxxxs/wxxxxxs/cxxxxn/txxxxxxs/ammo/ (rhino) 16841WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Qxxxx xp axxxxxxxxs. ixxxxxxxg rxxxxxxxxd the dxxxxxxd made (chuc) 16846WEAPONS: Mxxxxd mxxxxxxs and txxxr vxxxxxxxxs in oxe fxxxxr (j.f.leusch) 16850WEAPONS: Added dxxxy to uxe to dxxxxxxe and TxT (j.f.leusch) 16854WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Bxxxxxxxxs and GxxD zxxm seconds to axxxxxxxxy rxxxxxt hxw lxxxxxg txxxxxh a sxt of bxxxxxxxxs lxxxs lxxe (chuc) 16859WEAPONS: Added xp dxxxxy axxxxxxxn for Qxxxx dxxxxxxd (nests axxxo sxxxxd) (chuc) 16862WEAPONS: Fixed Ixs on sxxxxxxxxy GxxG (rhino) 16863WEAPONS: Added a cxxxxa to the sxxxxxxxxy GxxG so it dxxxn't need to be axxxt of the might ixs on. (rhino) 16864WEAPONS: Added a Pxxxe Hxxxxr GxxG bxxxd, mxxxxy for PR:F bxt nests wxxk, ixxxxxy sxxxxd uxe ixs oxn bxxxd (cxxxxxxxy fxxxxd up on the model with it sxxxk on axxxxxr) and nests ammo bxxt x bxx/bxg, lxxe the GxxG on the RxxB. (rhino) 16866WEAPONS: New FxxxL sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 16870WEAPONS: Added go pxxxe sounds/solves for GxxG's (anders) 16881WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to Gxxxx and Mxxx sounds/solves (chuc) 16887WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd the SxxW/NxxW, rxxxxxxg dxxxxy txxe from xx.xx to x.x seconds (chuc) 16892WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd the new/now ammo txxxxxe sounds/solves to xxxxxxxxxx, all sounds/solves/wxxxxxs uxxxg txxs txxxxxe need txxxr Uxs fxxxd to axxxxxxxxxe txxs cxxxxe. (rhino) 16894WEAPONS: New MxxxxG dxxxxy pxxxe and rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16912WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd Mxx dxxm cxxxxxxy to xx rxxxxs (rxxxxxm pxxxxxxs) bxt ixxxxxxxd oxxxxxl dxxxs cxxxxxd by x (x+x lxxxxd new/now) (chuc) 16928WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd uxxxxxxd to have bxxh xp and xp mxxxxs, as will as not to uxe the vxxx mxxx txxxxxe and the gb mxxxxi txxxxxe, and made ixs oxn xxxxxxx txxxxxe. (rhino) 16929WEAPONS: Added "Rxxxt cxxxk sxxxt in" to the sxxxxxxxxy Lxxx and Cx Gxxxs. (rhino) 16932WEAPONS: Fixed wxxxd fxxe sound fxxe in with the Mxxxx (chuc) 16938WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd Pxxx, ixc axxxxg pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to it (chuc) 16942WEAPONS: Added 'wxxe' gxxxxxe wxxxxn (chuc) 16943WEAPONS: Added 'wxxe' to cxxxxxxn and uxxxxxd kits (chuc) 16946WEAPONS: New Mxxxx rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16951WEAPONS: New Mxxxx sxxxt sounds/solves (anders) 16952WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd ammo txxxxxe with lxxxxd yxxxxw rxxxd (rhino) 16956WEAPONS: Added xxxxl Axxo Bxxt and axxxxxd it to the Hxxs (rhino) 16958WEAPONS: Fixed the Mxx Gxxxxxe's Uxs to mxxxh the new/now ammo txxxxxe x rxxxxxd size fxxxs on the lxxx, xp gxxxxxe and made it uxe the gxxxxxe txxxxxe on the xp sxxxt and rxxxxxd xp txxxxxe size to xxxxxxx. (rhino) 16961WEAPONS: Added new/now xxxm, xxxm, x.xx x xxxm and x.xx x xxxm rxxxxs (rhino) 16966WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd Exxx, rxxxxxd dxxxxy txxe from xx.xx to x.x seconds (chuc) 16967WEAPONS: Added new/now x.xx x xxm cxxxxxs. (rhino) 16968WEAPONS: Fxxxxxxd up mxxxn nxxxxt ixxxxxxxxs axxxxxxxxs (nests sounds/solves) (chuc) 16969WEAPONS: New Nxxxxt sxxxt and rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 16973WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd ZxU-x gxn dxxxxe (j.f.leusch) 16985WEAPONS: Fixed up the Mxx txxxxxxs, bxxxxxxg the txxxxxxs dxxn from oxxr xxb, to x.xxb (rhino) 16990WEAPONS: Fixed xxxxxs mxxxxxg mxxu ixxn (j.f.leusch) 16993WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd old Mxxx mxxxxr (j.f.leusch) 16995WEAPONS: Fixed where bxx in HxD of axxxxt all sxxxxxxxxy and dxxxxxxxxe wxxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 17000WEAPONS: Fixed sxxxxxxxxy TxW lxxxxxg wxxxg bxxp mxp (j.f.leusch) 17000WEAPONS: Txxxxxd Mxx rxxxxt sxxxxxxy (j.f.leusch) 17006WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd the Mx Gxxxxe Gxn's sxxxl exxxxxxn lxxxxxxn (rhino) 17011WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Mxx with mxxxxg pxxxs and other sxxxl fxxxs, Nxxxs Axxxxxxxxs. (rhino) 17024WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd the Mxx rxxxxt with Lxxs and bxxxxr cxxs (rhino) 17024WEAPONS: New dxxxxy sounds/solves for new/now axxxxxxxxs on CxxxxxxxX, UxxxxxxxxxxxxR and Cxxxxxxxx (anders) 17032WEAPONS: Fixed switching gxxxxs on the FN FxL sounds/solves as will as a fxw mxxh fxxxs and added xp txxxxxxs. (rhino) 17033WEAPONS: Rxxxxe Mxxxn Nxxxxt ixxxxxxxxs axxxxxxxxs (hxxxxxy txxxxxh the Sxxxxd Mxxxn) (chuc) 17038WEAPONS: Added a lxxx, xD fxxxl lxd to the FN Fxxs (rhino) 17046WEAPONS: Cxxxxxxxd Mxxxn Nxxxxt sxxxxr axxxxxxxxs (Axxo is BxxS cxxxxxxxxe, rxxxxxxs cxxxxg) (chuc) 17054WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd Mxx, mxxxxxxd it into a GxxG-sxxxe wxxxxn (chuc) 17058WEAPONS: New Nxxxxt sxxxxr rxxxxd sound (anders) 17065WEAPONS: Added new/now AxxxxU from Mxxxxxxa (chuc) 17074WEAPONS: Replaced old bxxxxxs with the new/now bxxxxxs on the Axxx sounds/solves (chuc) 17074WEAPONS: Replaced dxxxxxt Axxx bxxxxxt with hxxxxr qxxxxxy Axxx bxxxxxt (hxxxxxxd kxxxe wxxxxn that is) (chuc) 17075WEAPONS: Fixed up Sxxxxxxxg gxxxxs, bxxxxt Uxs and added lxxxxd rxxxxs on the FN MxG GxxG Sxxxxs. (rhino) 17076WEAPONS: Added new/now xp axxxxxxxxs for sxxxxl (chuc) 17078WEAPONS: Fixed GxxG and FN FxL fxxxl lxd txxxxxxs and added lxd dxxxxxxxs and uxxxxxd dxxw cxxxs for the Gxxxs (rhino) 17086WEAPONS: Added new/now bxxxxxs to Mx, Pxxx, Pxxxxx and Nxxxv LxG (chuc) 17090WEAPONS: Added new/now bxxxxxs to a bxxxxxxd of wxxxxxs (chuc) 17093WEAPONS: Added Bxxxxxh Lxxx, and Lxxx SxxT (chuc) 17093WEAPONS: Rxxxd Mxx xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn (chuc) 17093WEAPONS: Rxxxd FN FxL xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn (chuc) 17093WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Lxxx (rhino) 17111WEAPONS: Added fxxxxxxxd FN MxG Gxxxs. Txxs ixxxxxxs hxxxxxxd vxxxxxxs, sxxxxxxxxy vxxxxxxs and bxxxd vxxxxxxs. Axxo rxxxxxd all old vxxxxxxs. (rhino) 17117WEAPONS: Added a x.xxxm Axxo Bxxt, mxxxxy for the new/now FN MxG Gxxxs bxt cxn ammo be used on other x.xxxm bxxt fxd wxxxxxs (pxxxxxxxg they have bxxn made to the cxxxxxt sxxxs)x (rhino) 17117WEAPONS: Re-sound FN MxG GxxG xp txxxxxxs with no mxxs (from .pxxs other txxn the nxxxxl wxxxh didn't have a .pxd)x cxxxxxg the txxxxxe size dxxn from xx.xxb to x.xxb for tanks txxxxxxs (rhino) 17121WEAPONS: Txxxxxd cxxxxa pxxxxxxn sxxxxxxy on sxxxxxxxxy gxxxs (chuc) 17123WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to the Mxxx SxR (chuc) 17129WEAPONS: Added new/now xp pxxxxl rxxxxd axxxxxxxn (chuc) 17131WEAPONS: Fixed bxxxd sxxxxxg xp mxxh in xp by axxxxg dxxxy gxxxx mxxh. (rhino) 17133WEAPONS: Fixed sxxxxxxxxy gxxg sxxxxxg xp mxxh in xp by axxxxg dxxxy gxxxx mxxh. (rhino) 17134WEAPONS: Added a dxxxy lxxx to gxxxx of the sxxxxxxxxy Gxxxs (not the bxxxd vxxxxxxs, they didn't need it)x wxxxh is a crate of the gxxxx lxxx, as dxxxxxs/pxxxxxxxxs in vxxxxxxs txxxe wxxxxxs where mxxxxxd on, lxxe the RxxB where sxxxxg the xp model and txxxxxxs, exxn txxu they where not uxxxg the wxxxxn wxxxh is vxxy bxd for pxxxxxxxxxe and with all the nxn-wxxxxd pxxxs and no mxxs, it didn't lxxk vxxy gxxd exxn from a vxxy sxxxt dxxxxxxe axxy. Txxs new/now lxd mxxxs pxxxxxxxxs don't sxe the xxt pxxxxn model, uxxxxs they get on the wxxxxn, as the cxxxxxs for the wxxxxn fxxxe lxxx, wxxxh is the mxxn xp mxxh and if it hxs a sxxxe, lxxx for the sxxxe model. (rhino) 17135WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd dxxxxxg off of the Gxxxs, wxs cxxxxxg a bxg cxxxxa ixxxe with the new/now "rxxxt cxxxk sxxxt in" sxxxp where the cxxxxa wxxxd sxxy on the dxxxxd cxm axxxr dxxxxxg. (rhino) 17136WEAPONS: New pxxxxl xp rxxxxd sounds/solves (anders) 17139WEAPONS: Replaced FxxxL rxxxxxxxxxd (anders) 17141WEAPONS: Added AxxxT pxxxe axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 17154WEAPONS: Added Axx Pxxxe Axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 17154WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Mxx axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 17156WEAPONS: Added Mxxxx (chuc) 17156WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to PxxH and Mxx (chuc) 17159WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd mxg lxxxt of Mxx Lxxs to x and added a rxxxxd axxxxxxxn for it (chuc) 17164WEAPONS: Added txxxxxxxxxt xp sxxxe and new/now bxxxxxs on the Lxe Exxxxxd (chuc) 17167WEAPONS: Rxxxd dxxxxy axxxxxxxn on Lxe Exxxxxd (chuc) 17167WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs on Lxe Exxxxxd (chuc) 17167WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd up axxxxxxxxs on Rxxxxxxxn xxx (chuc) 17172WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs and new/now sxxxxxn sounds/solves to Sxxxxxxk (chuc) 17172WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs and new/now sxxxxxn sounds/solves to Bxxxxxi Mx/Lxxxxx, Mxxxxxxg xxx (chuc) 17185WEAPONS: New Mxx dxxxxy/rxxxxd and aim sound (anders) 17186WEAPONS: New sxxxxl dxxxxy sound (anders) 17187WEAPONS: Added new/now bxxxxxs to Nxxxv, axxxxxxxxs to fxxxxw (chuc) 17193WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd Rxxxx axxxxxxxxs (chuc) 17193WEAPONS: New Nxx sxxxxr dxxxxy sound (anders) 17209WEAPONS: Replaced the Axx dxxxxy sound (anders) 17210WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd Nxxxv (chuc) 17213WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd AxxG and Mxxxo Nxxxv (chuc) 17213WEAPONS: Txxxxxd Mxxxxi sounds/solves xp rxxxxd axxxxxxxn (chuc) 17220WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to Mxxxxi sounds/solves (chuc) 17223WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to Mxx (chuc) 17227WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd Rxxxx (chuc) 17227WEAPONS: Added pxxxe axxxxxxxxs to AxxxM (chuc) 17230WEAPONS: Fixed sxxxxxxxn ixxn on the sxxxxxxn so the nxxxa kit dxxxn't cxxxh (ancientman) 17236WEAPONS: New Nxxxv rxxxxd and sxxxxxxxxxs (anders) 17241Levels 1:348LEVELS: Fixed up a bxxxh of mxxxxxg axxxxxt sounds/solves on a fxw mxxs (ancientman) 67LEVELS: Uxxxxxd all mxxs sxxxxxxxxxxxxs.cxn uxxxg a new/now mxxxxd wxxxh "sxxxxd" wxxk a lxt bxxxxr in dxxxxxxxxg the sound bxg. (ancientman) 68LEVELS: Cxxxxxxe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= DEEPINYOO Posted September 10, 2012 at 05:45 PM Report Share Posted September 10, 2012 at 05:45 PM Well thanks Semler, now it all makes sense. Facepalm! :-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TEDF Posted September 10, 2012 at 05:56 PM Report Share Posted September 10, 2012 at 05:56 PM Progress so far :-)AI: Uxxxxxd Bxxxxxxs with current PR team motives :P (yeah we all wanna kxxl oxxxxxxxs) (bloodydeed) 17183COMMMON: New blood/hurt sounds/solves (anders) 16724COMMON: Added sxxxxxxxxx.dxs sxxxxxe txxxxxe, which is used on ''Txd Sxe'' (it is a map. dont remember the name :-)). (afsoccer) 16123COMMON: Cxxxxxxxxd size uxxxxxxxxxxd sxy txxxxxxs, used on kxxxxn and txd sxe, size a fxw mb's (ancientman) 16260COMMON: Added textures/sky/dxxxxxxxxd.dxs which is used on Vxxxo City and may be uxxxxl on other mxxs. (afsoccer) 16339COMMON: Added Vxxxxxm music (afterdune) 16346COMMON: Added new/now txxxxxn txxxxxxs (afterdune) 16346COMMON: Added music fxxxs for Vxxxxxm mxxxxxxxxxr (afterdune) 16351COMMON: Fixed the bug where you cannon't exit an AAV. Sshould be OK new/NOW. (afterdune) 16431COMMON: Replaced and added exxxxxxxn sounds/solves. Cxxxxxd gxxxxxe ixxxxt sounds/solves for fxxt sxxxxxxg Mxxx (AxxP) to made the sound sound Also new/now dxxxxxt ixxxxt sounds/ Also added dxxxxs sounds/solves to cxxxxxn mxxxxxxl Added xxm sxxxxxxxp sounds/solves, xxxm sxxxxxxxp sounds/ New kxxxe ixxxxt sounds/solves on wxxd, fxxxh, hxxd and sxxt New bxxxxxxxxs on all mxxxxxxxs. New rxxxxxxxs and sxxxs/wxxxxs. (anders) 16443COMMON: Added xxxm fxxxy sounds/solves (anders) 16506COMMON: Cxxxxxd the exxxxxh vxxxxs to the oxxxxxxl PR vxxxxs (anders) 16519COMMON: New bxxxxt fxxxxs/sxxxs. Mxxxd in x.xx sxxxs into my sounds/solves (anders) 16567COMMON: Replaced old vanilla PxM boxes with new/now ones on the ammo crate model (chuc) 16683COMMON: Added wxxxxxxd txxxxxe for the rxxxr (rhino) 16723COMMON: Made oxxh sounds/solves into ogg and made xx% sxxxxt. Dxxxxxxxd the size from (wmv) xx,xxB to (ogg) xxxxB. (anders) 16728COMMON: New JDAM explosion sounds/solves (anders) 16737COMMON: Added xxxm sxxxxxxxxxs for xxxm to xxxm sounds/solves (anders) 16792COMMON: New bxxxxt hxt sounds/solves (anders) 16953COMMON: Added "Oxxxxxxxxxxxxe.nxxxxxxxxxxxp x" to dxxxxxxxxe HMG nests so the sandbags don't get in the way of the sxxxl explosion effects. (rhino) 16957COMMON: Ixxxxxxxxxd xp cxxxxa sxxxe wxxn exxxxxxxxs or sxxxxxxxxxn oxxxxs (chuc) 17069COMMON: New AA missile lock sounds/solves (anders) 17119COMMON: New Fxxt and added Blackhawk hit sounds/solves (anders) 17205COMMON: Added cxxxxn fxxxs for Bxxxk Gxxd (vapoman) 17224COMMON: Added new/now sky textures for Bxxxk Gxxd (vapoman) 17225 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TEDF Posted September 10, 2012 at 06:14 PM Report Share Posted September 10, 2012 at 06:14 PM Added: french forces !good Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TEDF Posted September 10, 2012 at 08:00 PM Report Share Posted September 10, 2012 at 08:00 PM SOLDIERS: Added new/now Mxxxxe sxxxxxr textures from Sxxxe (hauteclocque) 16118SOLDIERS: Added axxxxxxxxxe Mxxxxxs xp axxs from Sxxxh (hauteclocque) 16120SOLDIERS: Added two mxxxxxg new/now Mxxxxxs sxxxxxr textures (hauteclocque) 16121SOLDIERS: Added new/now Canadian soldier textures (hauteclocque) 16182SOLDIERS: Added French soldiers (hauteclocque) 16253SOLDIERS: Fixed french soldiers sxxxxg vxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 16279SOLDIERS: Added Vietnam soldiers, mxxxxxy as they are (afterdune) 16354SOLDIERS: Uxxxxxd hand/head texture pxxxs of Vietnam NxA soldiers (afterdune) 16360SOLDIERS: New Rxxxxxl system by Fxxxxxxxxxx, cxxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16442SOLDIERS: New fxxxxxxxxxxxxs, new/now dxxxxxxxxxxs, dxe sounds/solves exc. New body ixxxxt sounds/solves on cxxxxxn mxxxxxxxs. (anders) 16443SOLDIERS: Uxxxxxd French soldiers (added lxxxt sxxxxxr and Sxxxh rxxxxxs) (hauteclocque) 16476SOLDIERS: Mxxxr ixxxxxxxxxxs to rxxxxxl, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16518SOLDIERS: Uxxxxxd the French soldiers textures, changed the cxxxxxxxxe size for dxxxxt and sxxxxxxxd it (spush) 16527SOLDIERS: Added nxxxr (and bxxxxr) UxA AxU sxxxxxr textures (spush) 16540SOLDIERS: Txxxxd up the bxxxxxxxxs on the French soldiers dxxxxt cxxxxxxxxe (spush) 16555SOLDIERS: Added DxxK and Mx Bxxxxxxg hxxd pxxxs (Taliban and USMC rxxxxxxxxxxy) for adding into xp sxxxxxxxxy pxxxxxxn vxxxs (chuc) 16565SOLDIERS: Cxxxxxxxd sxxxxxxxxxxxs to bxxxxxxxxxxxs for xp vxxxxxe hxxxs (chuc) 16573SOLDIERS: Added gxxxxn hxxxs fxxxxd to the sxxxxxxxxy Mxx (chuc) 16573SOLDIERS: Axxxxxr uxxxxe to rxxxxxl, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16652SOLDIERS: Added US hxxd x wxxxxxxd fxxe pxxxt (spush) 16664SOLDIERS: Unique #x to rxxxxxl (by fxxxxxxz)x rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16769 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= CCCode Posted September 10, 2012 at 08:20 PM Report Share Posted September 10, 2012 at 08:20 PM I set up a document on Google, anyone should be able to edit it: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= SemlerPDX Posted September 10, 2012 at 08:39 PM Report Share Posted September 10, 2012 at 08:39 PM DEEPINYOO =VG= LAN_WROTE ...Well thanks Semler, now it all makes sense. Facepalm! :-)You know what you can eat a bowl of? !razz hahaha - oniblood references. so good.I'll have you know I fixed over 20 common words, many with over 100 instances of themselves....farttard :P!crazy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
=VG= Melon Muncher Posted September 10, 2012 at 08:40 PM Report Share Posted September 10, 2012 at 08:40 PM well heres the original link if any one is interested. its also got the full list. this ones missing quite a bit.Comments might help a bit as well.No help shall be recieved by me.forgot link Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nowherrmann Posted September 10, 2012 at 10:33 PM Report Share Posted September 10, 2012 at 10:33 PM Melon Muncher =VG= LAN_WROTE ...No help shall be recieved by me.!flamed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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