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Arma2: OA Insurgency


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A few suggestions in light of last nights hacking that happened last night at 4:30am EST.

1.) These hackings (most of them anyway) seem to be provoked either to promote other servers, or because people want to wine about how Opfor is not playable while the option to join Opfor is still available. I think we might see less of these incidents if we make Blufor specific Insurgency maps where Opfor isn't even an option. It's actually easier than it looks. All you have to do is delete the 4 playable characters from the map and Opfor will no longer be an option to play. "Opfor can be disabled in the parameters though." True, but this doesn't prevent people from joining Opfor, they just can't choose to spawn on the map, so now you have people in Opfor, waiting for a spot for Blufor to open up. This can get annoying as the VG server has grown quite popular over time because of these maps, which leads me to my next suggestion.

2.) Have a second Insurgency Server. People seem to love the VG server now more than ever after finding a way to edit the maps without breaking the scripts (it's something that I still haven't figured out myself, and no one has really told me how when asked). This has obviously lead to packed a packed server with no open slots for seemingly hours on end. So, why not open up another Coop Insurgency server? A lot of people seem to like the VG name when it comes to coop, and I think if we have a secondary server running it could increase popularity.

well those are my suggestions. thanks for taking the time to look them over.
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1. Hacks are just bored children with ADD. They will never go away. Just call an admin to restart the server and take a five minute break. They'll get bored. And as they are identified we will ban them.

As for OPFOR slots. I could remove them but I like the option. I am also being lazy.I would even like to allow them but not until we get some good teamleadership in the game. It is also kewl because I think of them as a que. If I have a poor performing soldier then I'll kick him to allow one of the waiting opfor slots to come take his place.

2. A second server would be cool. Back in the day I ran a popular America's Army server. We tried a 2nd ELITE public server and it was popular too but we didn't have the admins to police it properly. It was always filled with good players and some smelly turds. In the end it lacked the teamplay and comaradery that the first server had.

So in order to try for a second server I think we would have to have a few thing in order to make it work.
a. We would need more ARMA:OA people in =VG=.
b. We would need more players and members trained in small unit leadership.
c. And we would need the support of the community.
As it stands right now we are missing all three of three things. Currently I can muster at the most 1-2 others squads besides my own to fight an order of battle. The others just follow those squads around.

Mods. I am currently toying with maybe adding are ACRE or some weapons mods. But with any mod you limit your player base to a higher level. You also increase the chance of allowing a hacker on the server with a modded file. But this still goes back to the first part. Without a significant increase in player skill, discipline and leadership then niether of these options are viable. You'll just end up with two hacked and turd filled servers.
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  • 3 months later...
I have some things I'd like to try out on our Insurgency server once the bugs are ironed out on our Domination server. I think these things will help VG stand out from the crowd a bit.. not that the INS server isn't popular or anything but....

1 - Custom preset weapon loadouts for VG members and server regulars (see http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?16684.last).
You need to be a VG member or register on our site and be approved by a VG member.

2 - Custom logos and squad.xml (see the flag at the end of the vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEzK3C3hAso).
Adding logos to flags, objects is pretty easy.. we can also make use of squad.xml which allows the server to place a custom logo on any vehicle that a VG member occupies ( http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Image:Squadxml_logo_2.jpg ). This is a bit more involved but would be very cool in-game

Any thoughts?
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