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[poll] VG Community Gameplay Events (VG CGE)


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Veterans Gaming can be called the elite of project reality coop players and that's why we should start


VG CGE stands for Veterans Gaming Community Gameplay Events (name should still be free)

This is a suggestion, how it should work:

Every month, for example on the first weekend at a specific time we restart our most stabil server (probably main coop) and lock it with a password.
The good thing about looking is that we don't need to worry about idiots. We don't need to look it but i think it would be the best if we show that it is a VG CGE.

The people who signed in before (max 32 !mistrust ) get the password for the server and the teamspeak channel by a message on there profile.
I think it's the best to choose good players only (for example HombreDeSombrero or robotfungus)

After everybody is logged in, we show the bots how teamwork works.
Everybody who has fraps or an other recording program should record the gameplay and upload it cut or uncut on youtube, so we are able to bring it into one playlist.

This should teach us how to set up a proper team work when everybody is playing and the videos might even show the pr devs, that coop isn't just the trash can of pr ;)

So, what do you think about this?
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I'm with the idea of community events. I also like PITNs idea of training.

I think training would be a definite good thing. Custom maps for inf training (theres some on realitymod forums). People can practice with other things like flying etc. Would be good.

The only thing about the community events that I dont really like is its against bots. I know we are mainly a coop gaming clan and thats sorta where we focus but locking down the server for a while to only let some players in to play against bots. I dunno, I like the idea, just needs a little tweaking. Anyone else got any input on this?

What about a similar community event we could host on the vehicle warfare server? Like ALLL of VG admin, WCC and the rest all join warfare server once per month or something for like a massive epic game of vehicle warfare? Let it run for like 2 hours or something. One map per month or something I dunno.
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i absolutely like the idea :) there should be some training-event and a coop-event - maybe after some successfull events we could also have PVP events.
the most important part is that someone takes the command and gives detailed orders so everyone knows his/her role even before they are ingame. like really dedicate people to pilots and others to infantry and again others as drivers/cavalry.
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@no bots
The idea of a community event and it's recording came while talking with blud about the difficulties between coop and proper teamwork

Like i said, the pr devs and most of the pr players see coop as a junkyard for all the n00bs & morons who don't know how to play in a team. That's why we should show them that we are able to bring a better teamwork into coop than they bring into pvp.

@PITN's training
what exactly do you mean by training nights?
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This needs to be set down to the squad level so we know what person is signing up and for what role in the squad.

What we need is a template showing the Tactical Organization of this event, even down to the role of the member signing up.

Once we fill all the slots, maybe we can take a few alternates. From here I like Harry's idea. All of us that sign up must Muster in TS3 on the day of the event and there must be 2/3 participation to start, or the event gets opened to the public to fill the extra slots, or we postpone for another day.

Things to consider-

How long will this be?
How to fill the slots of the people that leave?
What maps?
Training plan (PITN)
Awards & Medals / Recognition for participation
Clan SOP's / Immediate Action Drills need to be established (PITNs training idea great for this)
Execution (here are some very basic troop leading steps to help you organize better): http://www.cpp.usmc.mil/schools/corporals/website/Website/Lesson%20Plans/0301%20Troop%20Leading%20Steps/Cpl_0301_SH.PDF
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we could set the server to our old 20vs44 players and open it after everybody joined. this would also fix the open slot problem.

a map with multiple rolls would be better than a stupid inf map like quinling. (for example barracuda, muttrah or jabal)

proper helicopter insertion and extraction procedures http://www.vimeo.com/2021406
Note: watch this version and not the normal one (because of part 0)
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EPIC IDEA. And yes I believe we need to drag if necessary, Badploy into this, if only for theese events, but I know alot of us owe a great deal of grattitude to him for helping us become the great gamers we are today, and his presence would only enhance the expierence. I voted yes.
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I double that, 777deepinyoo. although i knew a similiar style of teamplay, he taught me how to play it on PR.
too bad, that i cant open PDF at the moment (software probs) i havent had too much experience in leading in PR yet...
maybe even a lesson in squadleading would be great - some sort of officer school so to speak.
i hope TS3 server is up soon again, so we can discuss about it there :)
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