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TeamSpeak 3 Fix for Buttons Not Recognized as Hotkeys

=VG= SemlerPDX

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Recently, a lot of gamers have been having issues with TeamSpeak 3 and keyboard or mouse controls for push to talk. The problem is that TeamSpeak will not allow a button to be set for PTT - or that ts3 will not recognize the input of the button at all. Oddly, this doesn't seem to be related to a client update or anything on the user's part - it just changes and they can only use Voice Activation Detection settings.

**NOTE: Arma 2 users who play with the ACRE mod should NEVER update TeamSpeak 3 until it is confirmed that the current build is supported.

To fix this problem, TeamSpeak 3 needs to be forced to recognize the keyboard, mouse, or controller input inside it's Hotkey settings. Access TeamSpeak 3 Settings by pressing Alt + P or just clicking Settings -> Options on the top menu bar. In Options, select the Hotkeys tab on the left. Now set your input for your Hotkeys to Direct Input instead of Default or Keyboard/Mouse as shown in the image below. Be sure to click Apply and then OK. If this problem ever happens again, just come back to this screen and ensure Direct Input is enabled in this manner.

If TeamSpeak 3 does not allow a button to be set for Push to Talk: Settings->Options->Hotkeys-> Direct Input

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Some users have reported being unable to set a PTT key, where only the Esc key works.

If this happens to you, try the following:

Uninstall Teamspeak 3
Disconnect any flight sim yokes, throttle quadrants or joysticks from the computer
Reinstall TS3
Run TS3 and set your PTT key
Plug all your yokes, etc back in
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