About This File
Artificial Intelligence Chat for VoiceAttack
by SemlerPDX
I am extremely proud to present my latest and greatest AVCS Profile for VoiceAttack yet, which allows for natural speaking conversations with a true artificial intelligence we can customize! It works by starting up a "conversation" with ChatGPT, first providing it with a System Prompt that helps refine how we want it to behave, and then it just sits in the background not listeneing, not sending anything to OpenAI or the ChatGPT API, until we wake it with a question, such as saying, "Hey VoiceAttack". It will respond, and wait for our question, and then (since it take a second to process using AI) a subtle 'thinking' sound plays until it responds in text-to-speech to our input. Then, it returns to listening for our next question or comment on what it just said - it remembers the context of our recent interactions in this manner, and if we simply do not respond, or use an existing VoiceAttack command, it will merely return to it's sleep loop until woke.
But far more than just being another 'Alexa' or 'Siri' clone, AVCS CHAT uses the provided optional response variables that contain any hyperlinks or code blocks which were culled from the text-to-responses of ChatGPT, and automatically opens code examples in notepad or presents a list of any URL's we can open from a response.
The included Chat System Menu allows us to view, edit, create, and delete System Prompts we can use at the beginning of a Chat Session - or set the default System Prompt to use. By default, the system prompt is one tailored for text-to-speech and brevity, although the "max tokens" are set to 2048 and it may override those instructions if asked for more complete details on the fly.
Say, "Open the Chat System Menu" - much fun will be had!
The beauty of this type of system is that we can tailor a perpetual background chat session we can resume anytime with a simple "Hey VoiceAttack" voice command, perhaps if the knowledge base of ChatGPT contains enough information about a game, we can craft a system prompt that makes it think it is an expert in that game and provides answers to guide players specifically as information relates to that game. This can establish a context at the start so that when you ask something that may also apply to the real world, you'll most likely get the response as it relates to that game. This can make for some rather entertaining and immersive conversations with a true AI we can call our own.
Customize EVERYTHING! It's YOUR Personal AI!

The profile has many "function" commands, which are not called by voice, but by the plugin or other commands. Their 'When I say' phrases are written such as "((VoiceAttack is...))" so that when these commands show up in the VoiceAttack Event Log, it feels correct like "((VoiceAttack is Speaking))" or "((VoiceAttack is Thinking))" .... each of these can and SHOULD be changed if desired, perhaps you call your profile a name like I do - change each 'When I say' phrase - and then inside the "Hey VoiceAttack" comand, change each of the text variables starting with "OpenAI_Command_" to reflect your altered command 'When I say' phrases:
Even the "Hey VoiceAttack" command phrase could be "Hey Arnold" or however you would like to refer to your personal chat AI. Just make sure you follow comments in the profile, it's all quite simple and ready to use.
FLOW EXAMPLE: User says, 'Hey VoiceAttack' (to awaken chat & global listening, if disabled) Profile says, "Yes?" User says anything - a VoiceAttack command, OR a question for ChatGPT (if not VoiceAttack command) Profile processes input and sends to ChatGPT and plays a subtle 'thinking' sound until ChatGPT responds Profile says, "(response from ChatGPT)" using text-to-speech (opening any code blocks in a notepad) - User says another question/etc. and ChatGPT responds again, OR user says nothing and input times out - ChatGPT enters 'Sleeping' loop until users says, 'Hey VoiceAttack' again to awaken it
AVCS CHAT is designed to work as a Global Profile always ready in the background, but this is not required.
=============== OPTIONAL WAYS TO USE THIS PROFILE ===============
OPTION 1: Switch to the AVCS Voice Chat Artificial Intelligence Profile and say, "Hey VoiceAttack" to chat
OPTION 2: Open Profile Options for any of your Profiles, select Include Commands from other profile:
"AVCS Voice Chat Artificial Intelligence (latest version)"
OPTION 2b: Open VoiceAttack Options and select Global profiles, then Include Profile Commands from the profile:
"AVCS Voice Chat Artificial Intelligence (latest version)"
AVCS CHAT is powered by the OpenAI Plugin for VoiceAttack which I also created specifically so we all could make profiles like this. You will need to download and install this plugin in order to use the AVCS CHAT Profile for VoiceAttack:
The OpenAI VoiceAttack Plugin provides a powerful interface between VoiceAttack and the OpenAI API, allowing us to seamlessly incorporate state-of-the-art artificial intelligence capabilities into our VoiceAttack profiles and commands.
Find complete details, download link, and documentation on GitHub:
OpenAI Plugin for VoiceAttack
I'm so excited to bring the power of true artificial intelligence to VoiceAttack through this plugin for all profile and command builders out there interested in working with OpenAI Technologies in VoiceAttack! I know everyone assumes that now that this technology is available, it will be easy to incorporate into existing programs or workflows, but the reality is that this is a brand new technology being made available and until some aspects of it become more accessible, working with the OpenAI API itself is a great way to get our foot in the door and start taking advantage of this awesome power right now.
All of the same known limitations of these AI models apply here, ChatGPT will boldly state incorrect facts with high confidence at times, and we should always double-check or test responses - only difference is now, we can berate it verbally and ask for a correction which it can speak back to us!
What's New in Version 1.1
MINOR UPDATE - v1.1 AVCS CHAT Changelog May-18-2023
*NOTE: small oversight, system prompts not getting read properly, value was path and not file contents
Edited Commands:
-Open the Chat System Menu (one action, see below)
-Value of 'Set text [OpenAI_SystemPrompt] to [~fileChoice] (save value to profile)' action was literal
-Changed action to get contents of file at '~fileChoice' rather than the path to that file