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AVCS Voice Calculator & Conversions Profile 1.1

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Message added by =VG= SemlerPDX,

ATTENTION:  All AVCS profiles by SemlerPDX have not been tested in the new VoiceAttack v2 program - they were designed for the original (v1) VoiceAttack, and continue to work flawlessly in this version of the program.  I have received confirmed reports that AVCS CORE will not function in VoiceAttack v2.

If you have purchased and installed VoiceAttack v2 and are unable to get my AVCS profile(s) working, download and install the "Steam Legacy Edition" of VoiceAttack from the following page (if you do not still have v1 installed):

1 Screenshot

About This File


Profile for VoiceAttack
by =VG= SemlerPDX



   Currently Supported Operations:

  • 'Squared'  -  'Cubed'  -  Exponents  -  Square Root
  • Addition  -  Subtraction  -  Division  -  Multiplication
  • Percentages  -  Pi  (word substituted for Pi to 14 decimal places)

   Currently Supported Conversions (to and from):

  • Velocity   ===     Feet per Second  -  Meters Per Second  -  Knots  -  Miles Per Hour  -  Kilometers Per Hour  -  Mach
  • Length    ===     Inches  -  Centimeters  -  Feet  -  Meters  -  Yards  -  Miles  -  Kilometers
  • Temperature   ===    Fahrenheit  -  Celsius/Centigrade  -  Kelvin


--To use the Calculator, say, "Turn On Calculator" (or many natural variations of this, like "Start Calculating")

--To stop using the Calculator, say, "Turn Off Calculator" (or, again, many variations, like "Stop Calculations")

NOTE:  When Calculator is OFF, even when a potential calculation command IS recognized, the command will immediately exit.


Learn more about VoiceAttack here:  https://voiceattack.com/

Calculate up to two operations with up to three values, or a single conversion.  So far, I have added some simple conversions for velocity, length, and temperature.  Wildcard voice recognition uses asterisks "*" around the functional operator words to catch any spoken phrase which contains any of these words.  As a result, it is meant to be turned ON when needed, and OFF when not, by use of the commands "Turn On/Off Calculator" (or many included variations, like "Start Calculating" or "Stop Calculations").

Currently, this calculator requires the user to be aware of their own order of operations, but will try to catch many known issues and correct them, such as "What is four subtracted from twelve?", where "12" is actually the first number.  The operation (as interpreted) is always printed out in the VoiceAttack Event Log and the result spoken, if successful.  It is also stored to memory by the name "Value" followed the number shown in the log.  This allows use of that number or recalling that number at any time.

The last result of any valid equation is stored in the word "that", and can immediately be used in the next calculation, and any previous value can be recalled to become the word "that".  Previous results can all be referred to by their "Value" number from the results log, in natural speech, for a new equation such as, "Divide that by Value 14".  The full calculation history can be requested at any time, listed in the VoiceAttack Event Log, or cleared - this is also cleared anytime the VoiceAttack program is restarted.  Up to 99 previous equations and their results are stored before rolling over and over-writing starting back at Value 1.

Decimal Places can be set (default 3) from 0 to 16, and will be saved and recalled between VoiceAttack sessions (saved to profile).  A small Profile Update Check is performed once per session, when Calculator Mode is first turned on, and this checks a single decimal number on a blank htm page here on this secure website.  Users can delete this action as noted in the Main calculations command, if undesired, but this will make a small note in the VoiceAttack Event Log if the profile is updated, just to let you know of any improvements, bug fixes, or changes.


I plan to add on more conversions and maybe even special operations in the future, but for now, everything is working so well, I figured I'd release this first version for the public right away.



This profile makes use of VoiceAttack "Wildcard" commands, and here they are used to catch ANY speech which contains one of the Maths or Conversions operator keywords, and so it is possible for these commands to fire at undesired times. Always use the command to Turn OFF the Calculator when not in use.  There are 4 options for how to make use of this profile.  You can just switch to this profile when needed, and say, "Start Calculating", or you can include or import commands into other profiles.

===============  OPTIONAL WAYS TO USE THIS PROFILE  ===============

OPTION 1:  Switch to the AVCS Calculator Profile and say, "Start Calculations" to use

OPTION 2:  Open Profile Options for any of your Profiles, select Include Commands from other profile:  
        "AVCS Voice Calculator  (latest version)"
OPTION 2b:  Open VoiceAttack Options and select Global profiles, then Include Profile Commands from the profile:  
        "AVCS Voice Calculator  (latest version)"

OPTION 3:  Switch to any of your other Profiles, and edit that profile - select "Import Commands" and 
        find/select the AVCS CALC profile (ending in ".vap"), and import ALL Commands
OPTION 3b:  Open the AVCS CALC profile, and select each command, right click and "Copy To" any profile.

OPTION 4:  Same as 3/3b above, BUT you ONLY Import the "Turn ON/OFF Calculator Master Mode" command*

    *Using OPTION 4, using "Turn On Calculations" (or any variation) will 
    switch to and from this Calculator Profile as needed. This is the most
    strict way to deny calculation commands getting infrequently
    recognized (but exiting anyway) when Calculator Mode is OFF


The main calculation command is almost entirely an Inline Function in VB.net - feel free to review this script here:
AVCS Voice Calculator & Unit Conversions Inline Function in VB.net for VoiceAttack

edited:  typos, options

What's New in Version 1.1


UPDATE - v1.1 AVCS CALC Changelog Mar2021
New Commands:
 -ex. "What is negative 18 degrees Fahrenheit in Celsius?"
 -ex. "What is 12 minus 4?"

 -New handle for 'minus' word; 'subtract' no longer required in single operations
 -Temperature Conversions can now handle negative values
 -Additional handlers for edge case words, symbols, and homophones
 -Changes to main Inline function for readability, minor corrections

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