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    04/27/2025 11:00 AM      02:30 PM

    This event began 01/05/2025 and repeats every week on Sunday forever

    Most every Weekend, we will be meeting up for a mission or two at 11:00:00 ZULU on Sundays. If you are unsure what ZULU time is in your country, check the game clock on the homepage of Veterans-Gaming. If the clock reads 11:00:00 ZULU, check in at our BMS Discord channel. We're usually hanging out in the "Pilot Lounge" voice channel.
    If you'd  prefer to just watch what we're doing just join the voice channel and we'll stream the session.
    (Minimum requirements: if you can ramp start, take off and land safely you're good you can probably join our flight and do ok). Our goal is to train and practice in Falcon BMS together online on the active VG server.
    Everyone is welcome, contact us if you have any questions prior to the training session.  Most of our discussions about this server happen on VG Discord, in the BMS channel.

    If you're interested in A-A Combat a good place to start is by completing the BMS Training Missions - 17, 18 & 19.

    If A-G missions are your bag, its useful to have completed BMS Training Missions - 10,11,12,13,14,15 & 20.

    What is ZULU time?
    ZULU is the military term for Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Due to different time zones around the world, pilots need to translate ZULU to their local time. Here is a list of typical time zones for 11:00:00 ZULU. Download a time zone converter to your phone or browser at: https://www.timeanddate.com

    Next Training Session
    Mission Objective: Join Us in the Dynamic Campaign. Be prepared for anything.
    CONTACT: =VG= Kavelenko


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