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Wow it's been forever!



Sup everyone, 

It's been so long since I've made a blog post. Feels weird. But I think I'm going to try to use this as my place to vent and tell everyone about random shit that probably nobody cares about but me, But it will make me feel good to just say whatever I'm feeling and to just talk about whatever I want. It is my blog right!  

So yes, it's been forever since I've been able to devote any real time to gaming. Been so busy with school and raising my daughter that there isn't much time left for anything else. I'm really going to try and devote time to this again. I miss it a lot and it feels good to just escape all the bullshit for a few hours. I've been trying to relearn the games I've neglected, that's been fun. I couldn't even remember how to call for transport in PR! My computer seems to be ready to go again, I'm all updated and the worst part is just trying to get the skills back. My semester is about to end in a couple weeks, then I'll have a couple weeks before I start summer classes. I'll try to be on more then too.  

Anyway, hope to spend more time getting to know you new guys and we'll definitely be playing some games together! 




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Wish you will absolve you semester with good results.

Sometimes, i noticed by myself, you learn really much stuff but in the exams you get Questions in Things you not really looked at.

How old is your daughter now. Something About 2-3 years?


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It's great to see you around again, brother!  I spend way too much time tinkering with things, gotta re-learn a few games myself.  Tried to fly a helicopter in Arma 3 and took me like ten minutes to land safely again on the carrier, and barely made that.  This place is really great to get away, and to dive into games or projects - bullshit levels often far lower than the real world, on average. ;)

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14 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

It's great to see you around again, brother!  I spend way too much time tinkering with things, gotta re-learn a few games myself.  Tried to fly a helicopter in Arma 3 and took me like ten minutes to land safely again on the carrier, and barely made that.  This place is really great to get away, and to dive into games or projects - bullshit levels often far lower than the real world, on average. ;)

Hey sem thanks bro. I look forward to trying to be regular again. (HA!) But ya man I always feel better after playing some games. We should find some time to remediate on this shit! Blud

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