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Battlefield 2: Project Reality
*Suggested from @=VG= Fastjack*


This is a military blog that can give you some informations about models and variations of armored vehicles, aircrafts, watercrafts, armaments, weapons and firearms around the world (including my country too, i had more stuff to post it here). I'm also including these not just in real-life only, but also the same stuff in PR:BF2 as well, hope you can get some knowledge here.


Enjoy reading,



Entries in this blog

PR Guns - Rheinmetall 120 mm Gun (The Infamous German smoothbore tank gun)

NOTE: This is based on my previous post in Militaria section   Hey, guys- This is InchPincherToo and you are about to read an article about Rheinmetall 120 mm Gun, which is one of the standard armaments of few Tanks in PR, such as German Krauss-Maffei Leopard series, U.S.A M1 Abrams series and also seems indirectly used to Israeli Merkava series of tanks as well-!  This is just quite sick gun indeed, been widely used as main armaments of few tanks around the world and also have lon

=VG= Inch

=VG= Inch in Project Reality: BF2 Guns and Firearms

PR Guns - L21A1 RARDEN (British-made 30mm Autocannon, slow but deadly one)

NOTE: This is based from my previous post in Militaria section   Hello everyone, This is the new post about the L21A1 RARDEN 30mm Autocannon, which is also known in PR as the main armaments of British FV107 Scimitar IFV and FV510 Warrior APC. Enjoy-!      The L21A1 RARDEN is a British 30mm autocannon used as a combat vehicle weapon. The name is a contraction of the Royal Armament, Research and Development Establishment and Enfield. The Royal

=VG= Inch

=VG= Inch in Project Reality: BF2 Guns and Firearms

PR Guns - M242 Bushmaster (The U.S made 25mm Autocannon)

Note: This is based on my previous post in Militaria section   Q: What again this time? After all this months... A: Dude, this is all about the 25mm Autocannon, infamous M242 Bushmaster-! Q: What a surprise! Lemme guess... this thing must be in-game (PR) A: Oh yeah, of course! Almost all of U.S and N.A.T.O members using it!   The M242 Bushmaster is a 25 mm (25×137mm) chain-driven autocannon. It is used extensively by the U.S. military, as well as byNATO's

=VG= Inch

=VG= Inch in Project Reality: BF2 Guns and Firearms

PR Guns - The 2A42 (For those who still looking for the "real" Beast)

NOTE: This is based on my previous post in Militaria section   Q: What is this again? A: Is about the one and only "Beast" of automatic cannon, the 30mm Shipunov 2A42-! Q: Is that also available in PR? A: Hell YES! Basically as main platform turret of BMP-2, BMP-3 and also in gunner seats in Russian-made Attack Choppers, Mil Mi-28 'Havoc'   The 30 mm automatic cannon 2A42, also known as the Shipunov 2A42, is a Soviet/Russian 30 mm automatic cannon. It is built

=VG= Inch

=VG= Inch in Project Reality: BF2 Guns and Firearms

PR Guns - What is KPVT ? (For those who doesn't know)

NOTE: This is based on my previous post in Militaria section   Q: What is this all about? A: A Soviet-made KPV Heavy Machine Gun-! Q: Is it included/available in PR:BF2? A: YES! In BTR APC series, BRDM-2 and anti-air quad guns (ZPU/ZPTU series)     The KPV-14.5 heavy machine gun (KPV is an initialism for Krupnokaliberniy Pulemyot Vladimirova*, in Russian as Крупнокалиберный Пулемёт Владимирова, or КПВ) is a Soviet designed 14.5×114mm-caliber heavy machine

=VG= Inch

=VG= Inch in Project Reality: BF2 Guns and Firearms

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