VG Server Guide to SQUAD (PvP)
Server IP: | | |
Server Port: | 7787 | |
Server Location: | ||
Access: | Public | |
Password: | (none) | |
Required Version: | (latest - see link) | |
Required Mods: | (none) | |
Game Type: | Combined Arms FPS | |
Gamemode: | PvP | |
Mission Style: | Maplist Rotation | |
Discord Link: | (invite link) | |
Report Players: | (forum link) | |
Report Server Issues: | (forum link) | |
Server Founder: | VETERANS-GAMING | |
Server Tech Support: | =VG= SemlerPDX | |
Server Config: | (recruiting) | |
Server Updates: | (TCAdmin) | |
Server Captain: | (recruiting) | |
Server Lieutenants: | ||
(recruiting) | ||
Server Officers: | (game admins lists) | |
(recruiting) |
(this server is offline, and may be restored upon request)
Description Placeholder -- Current Content Section Titles are a suggested outline, and may be changed, altered, deleted, or re-ordered as needed by editors. Delete this description note, as well
(note to editors - do not delete the Version section title below or change editor sections 24 or 25, this section is linked to by Summary Panel version links; this note may be deleted by editors, thank you)
NOTE: We will always be running the latest version of SQUAD, but we play infrequently. Updates are not automatic, and users may need to contact a Servers Team member on the VG website or discord to request a server update. Please check this website or VG Discord for the latest details regarding server updates. Thank you for your patience!