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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. EDIT(Fireball) I'm a big fan of your work!

    And by lag, I meant when players start joining up with all their custom crap, and the game I've been playing with many online players, suddenly becomes very laggy. Wish there was some way to block that. Something about custom PBO's, right?
  2. Hunter S. Thompson would be rolling in his grave with laughter, had he not given explicit instructions to have his remains shot out of a massive cannon upon his death.

    As a fan of Gonzo journalism for more than a decade, and lover of all things lampoon, I have never seen a bit hit the nail on the head better than The Onion has here with their latest video, "A Dream Dies".

    I'm not saying I read Doonesbury, but these guys really hit my funnybone.
    Trying the small business thing myself, so this really had me laughing! !lol

    "as long as we can still drink without our shirts on..."

  3. Spent 7 hours on Sunday wreaking havoc from Zavarak to Nagara with a few great squads. Our mission began at 2am, July 1st, during the dark of the Moon. With serious momentum, we took a large town very fast using the darkness, SD weapons helping here and there. They truely couldn't see a thing - but who was shooting flares and how?!?!
    Anyway, by daybreak, dang caches kept appearing at farthest point from MHQ & AO. A few "special ops" soldiers made it their mission to hit these, as moving the entire group for one tiny town is hard going through hostile zones.

    It vastly helps if someone who has played before could place a few global markers on the map to help focus the troops. Just a few at a time, as joining players cannot see pre-placed markers. If you see several join, delete and replace them. Make sure your com channel is Side Channel (blue). I've seen so-called impossible towns taken with help from common markers and a little cross-communication; "Flank Flank Flank - gotta keep switching up the tactic if you keep getting chopped up - check map"

    Special thanks to PITN, TEDToaster, pogoman, Fireball, and any I missed! You're hard work shows!
  4. My only game issue is lag, and that is mostly unavoidable. Seems easier in PR to spot & remove smacktards, but again, not an issues of these missions.

    I love Insurgency!! You've been really improving things and it shows. I was logging plenty of time before Feb 26th, got busy with work, and started back up on March 26th.
    The changes are very apparent to me in particular.

    A few "frequent" players actually knew nothing about the caches. They knew to grab briefcases for intel, but thats it. Spread the word; use markers; and use mortars.

    Lastly, BIG issue, minor inconvenience: Mortars can blow up buildings, leaving stationary weapons intact, sometimes still occupied (C4/IED's do it too). Sometimes an insurgent is alive or spawned under the rubble. Not always a good tactic to level a compound.

    I think we should either use explosives sparingly in RED map grids, or keep the mortar strikes focused on open ground, close to structures, but not on them deliberately. Clearing buildings isn't as hard as crossing open ground to get to them.
  5. Yeah, Big Thank you to Fireball for the maps!
    And to the local modders helping to make them the best they can be.

    I've been unable to play in-depth games lately, but watching the change-log posts. Great ideas, PITN. Restricted kits; Small SD options for night-ops; awesome! !trin

    This soldier is hooked! Will be back to 10 hour tours of duty as soon as I get this dang duplex rented or sold. No luck with the last one, these days.

    I'd rather play wargames than Monopoly any freakin day!

  6. multi-roll_training.rar

    This is the Multi-Roll Training Tactical Engagement created by Hard-Deck.
    It contains multiple packages, most F-16, but some F-18 and Mir-2000 packages as well.
    The various packages cover a variety of roles, munitions, and objectives.
    All "targets" are BLUFOR friendlies, and therefore pose no threat to the player(s) simulating
    live fire test ranges. The theater is standard Belkins.

    The download file Multi-Role Training.rar contains two files; Multi-Roll Training.tac and Readme.txt
    The readme includes instructions for those not familiar with placing a saved tactical
    engagement into the proper folder for it to be used in game.

    The CCRP mission used for the training example in this thread is one of the packages in this training op.
  7. {info Post from our friend Hard-Deck}

    Recently I was tying to explain to a couple friends the way I use markpoints to line up for a bombing run on a tank column using
    CCRP. Here are some screenshots to show excactly what it is that I do. Hopefully, this will help anyone who may be having difficulty.

    Special thanks to BOHICA for his part in putting this together.

    First get yourself within the 40 mile range required by the GM radar to expand to DBS2.

    Once you locate the column, hit the 7 button in the ICP labeled, "MARK". You will see,
    "MARK 1, NO MARK DATA, ENTR TO SET" in the DED, (Data Entry Display).

    Start by slewing the radar cursor to one end of the column and hit "ENTR" in the
    ICP(Integrated Control Panel). You should see a blue X appear in the HSD where
    your cursor is and the coordinates for that markpoint should also appear in the DED.

    Next, hit the steerpoint cycle button, to select MARK 2, then slew the radar
    cursor to the opposite end of the column and hit the "ENTR" button in the ICP again.

    Finally, repeat the process, only this time placing the cursor in the center of
    the column and hitting the "ENTR" button in the ICP.

    Now, turn your attention to the HSD in the right MFD and fly towards the
    3rd markpoint still showing in the DED. As you get closer, begin expanding the HSD
    by pessing Right-OSB3.

    As you get closer, expand the HSD one last time, if neccessary, and decide
    which direction you need to turn to align your Viper parallel to the column.

    Turning parallel...

    Notice the markpoints are now aligned vertically in the HSD, now it's time
    to extend, I usually go out about 25nm but only 10-12nm is really needed.

    Once you turn back into the target it is important to remember to hit CZ, (Cursor Zero, Left-OSB9) to re-align the radar
    with the 3rd markpoint, still showing in the DED. If you look in the HSD, you will see my No.2 pilot, BOHICA. He and I
    approached the target area in formation and split as we reached our respective columns so we could each extend, already
    in line with our targets. I knew that if one of us got our bombs off first, it would cause the other column to scatter, so we
    coordinated with each other so that when we turned back in, we would arrive over the target area and release our bombs
    at the same time. After bomb release, we were able to immediately form back up and begin our egress.

    Image Downlod

  8. PITN wrote ...

    -Option to block 3rd person.

    Jarema wrote ...

    Why would you want to do that what is the purpose? If you don't want to use 3rd person then you don't have to but why take it away from everyone? I can't find a just cause for wanting to do that?

    In PvP, I would agree on removing 3rd person. I use it for driving, so that would suck, but in CQC, you can see around and over walls - wouldn't want to fight humans with that ability enabled.

    Don't see much problem with it in BLUFOR COOP, unless it's the exact same issue as above...
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