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Everything posted by G.Kirkland

  1. G.Kirkland

    The Walking Dead

    I think it was great, but i agree with you it is very slow, and i found it being to short but maybe its because its just that good that you dont notice a hour go by
  2. That guy has to be on something ilegal in 30 different countrys. to do something that stupid.
  3. Ive been hearing alot of compatibility issues with it, and took a look at it the other day (looking for a new computer) not only does it look like Vista by quite a bit, but i heard that is has had a few issues sense it came out. Does anyone know whats up? or if there fixes for things like the compatibility issue?
  4. G.Kirkland


    Glad to hear your out of the hospital! do well man.
  5. She is nice... but doesnt make me like weather any more :P Still makes people call out of work when they are due to clock in one hour, for a weather forecast 15 hours away. also doesnt covor up the fact that weather forecast are 50/50 chance of getting right.. even with all the fancy..... women......... Jackie Johnson........................................ what was i talking about again? ah well ;P sure it wasn't important.
  6. Lol that one doesn't get old, i had almost forgotten about that video xD
  7. G.Kirkland

    Jet Thunder

    Wow looks nice, dont think i would buy it tho, might :D
  8. G.Kirkland

    Next computer

    yea i have looked over cyberpowerpc.com l love there stuff, and yea pitn i have to say i love having a laptop, but having a desktop has its advantage. going to check out the velocity's site aswell as the site bernard mentioned Thanks for the help guys :D
  9. lmaoi think it would have been funnier if it had been a wasp or bee ;P
  10. G.Kirkland

    Next computer

    What would everyone's next computer be? I am looking for a new one, i would like to hear the opinions, and thoughts of everyone else's "next" computer
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