Some new commands and scripting options with the 1.62 update. [94918] New: command unit addMagazine[name, ammoCount] [94049] New: terrainIntersectASL command [94001] New: moonIntensity command [94001] New: sunOrMoon command [93958] New: Dropping items while swimming can be disabled with "enableItemsDropping = 0;" in description.ext [93945] New: In gear added bars with ammo count [93945] New: setGearSlotAmmoCount, setIDCAmmoCount, gearIDCAmmoCount, gearSlotAmmoCount gear commands [93652] New: Scripting functions visiblePositionASL and nearestBuilding position [93648] New: Scripting functions ASLToATL and ATLToASL to convert between coordinate systems. [93622] New: Scripting function eyeDirection. [93598] New: Scripting functions eyePos object and aimPos object [93398] New: System chat like player connected/disconnected switched to CCSystem=6 channel. New configuration opportunity disableChannels [90901] New: setUnitRecoilCoefficient command [87840] New: Added scripting command productVersion [87745] New: Cheat Shift+Minus+FPS to allow artificially limit FPS for testing to 40,20,10,5 Full changelog from 1.60 can be found in the 1st post here: