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Everything posted by Bones

  1. What day and time is good for you guys this week?
  2. Ladr6 LAN_WROTE ... What do you do if you have a bunch of GMT that are scattered about? Still "pair" or one? Seems like you would go thru the bomb load pretty quickly like that. Well in that case, I would use a different weapon designed to kill a specific single target (Mavs, Mk82/84, LGB,GBU), remember that CBUs (Mk20, CBU87) are area effect munitions and best used on closely packed groups. There is no point in dropping a single Mk20 with a high burst altitude so that it covers a huge area as the effect will not be very good. Alos check to see what kind of target it is that you are trying to kill, use the pod (if you are carrying one) and take a peek. If it is a soft skinned target then by all means drop a single as you will probably kill it, if its armor I would think twice about dropping a single as you might not get the kill on the first pass and you never really know if you are going to get a second. !yes
  3. Ladr6 LAN_WROTE ... Nevermind... Got it! So Bones, why always in pairs? Or is that just in maybe CCRP? And thanks by the way! You the man! Sorry for the confusion, you dont have to drop them in "pairs" I was just trying to point out that you should always drop at least two because it gets a better effect on target (damaged vs destroyed) as well as a better (ie bigger) blast pattern. You can do this by dropping in "pairs" or "ripple" them off. It does not matter which mode you drop them due to the fact that they are "dumb" bombs and once they are off the rail they are on their own as far as guidance.
  4. suomikeizari LAN_WROTE ... didnt think this would be that popular series, lol :D, i think the Medieval II was best anyone got info about Shogun II? i havent played much TW since Empire.. Shogun 2 goes back to the TW series roots. All the filler that they started putting in with Medieval 2 and Empire has been stripped out. Its a much more enjoyable game similar to Rome IMO.
  5. [WCC LAN_WROTE ... B0zZz3] Im waiting for Rome total war 2 (if they ever make one) Yeah Rome is my fav of the series, but the new Shogun 2 is not far behind. Anyone up for some Rome MP next week?
  6. Ask and ye shall recieve: Cluster Munitions Table
  7. I have them all and I too think that they are the best RTS series out on the market. I am really enjoying Shogun 2 at the moment.
  8. Bones


    From last nights training flight. Sitting on the tarmac going over proper frequency input selection and how to use the CDU after receiving JTAC TGT coords.
  9. Chaz LAN_WROTE ... Bones thanks for the good lesson on the CDU/JTAC and radio comms. After you left, I reinstalled my HOTAS software and have been issue free for a few hours now. Yeah man it was a good time. Next week hopefully we can get airborne and drop iron on target! !yes
  10. Bones


    Chaz LAN_WROTE ... More Mud Hen pics. Damn, I'm starting to think they put more detail into this non-flyable bird than the A-10! Nice shots Chaz, see you guys tonight.
  11. Chaz LAN_WROTE ... Bones, with the 3 hour timezone difference, what time do you plan on staying up til? I will not be able to get on til probably 11-11:30pm EST (8-8:30 PST). Maybe a little earlier. Oh man I forgot about the time difference. That really puts a monkey wrench in the whole process. Lets shoot for 11 EST this Thursday and see how it goes. I figure since Blud is very green with this sim we would start of on familiarizing him with the cockpit and the startup procedures. If time permits we can get him airborne and start teaching him how to trim the A-10. So Blud if you read this (and I know you will) get your x52 profile in order and go over the startup procedures in the tutorials. !yes
  12. Chaz LAN_WROTE ... Unable to join tonight. I'll be around Wed, Thurs, and Friday nights plus Saturday day. Lets shoot for Thursday as I will be out of town this weekend.
  13. P.S First Training will be tonight at 9pm EST. Meet me in the appropriate TS channel 15 min prior (8:45pm EST).
  14. Ok Gents, I figure now that I have some time and that I feel reasonably comfortable in the Mighty Hawg it is time to pass on some of my knowledge and experience to those of you who are eager to learn to pilot this deadly beast. I have been testing out some great MP training missions designed by one of the best mission designers of Eagle Dynamics products and I must say that they are top notch work. I would like to hold a dedicated "Training Night" once a week where I can take up 2 pilots and put them through the basics of the A-10s systems. This is going to be a "first come, first served" type of deal as anymore then two pilots will be too much for me to handle at the same time. My hope, is that once we get a few guys on point then you can start to help out with the training and we can accommodate more people at the same time. I do have some small requirements that I ask anyone who is thinking about taking me up on this great training experience. I need you guys to get your HOTAS/Controls setup prior to any training. Everyone has a different setup and I can only give you a few recommendations in this area. You need to find what works for you and your rig. I also suggest that you make a print out of all your controls/key commands as there will be quite a few and having that little piece of paper can be a life saver while in flight. Lastly, you need to sit through all the included tutorial missions at least once. I know that they are long and somewhat boring but they will speed your training along, how do you think I learned it! DRAGON'S TRAINING PACK
  15. Outlanders LAN_WROTE ... Hey guys, the winter is coming. First ep is everywhere! Watched it lastnight and I am pleased. I can't wait for more.
  16. Bones

    DCS roll call

    Dogfaceman LAN_WROTE ... Dogfaceman reporting in with DCS A-10, certainly plenty to absorb in this sim . . . . Yeah man I planning on returning to DCS: A10C this week, have found some great training missions that we can all use to get familiar with the Hawg. Stay tuned for details.
  17. V3teran LAN_WROTE ... Is there anyway to get the game to work in 1920*1080 widescreen without black borders without buying that stupid aeyes widescreen mod? Also whenever i go to outside view the game becomes corrupted and crashes,i am using zerks hires 3d pit,desert storm theater and paytiles.... No pit will get rid of the black borders in AF in the 2d Pit. It a limitation of the sims code, however Aeyes 3d Pits do get rid of them.
  18. V3teran LAN_WROTE ... i dont think there is one unless u play FF,theres noway im paying for aeyes widescreen,it shoulda been implemented for free. Well seeing as he did this on his own, and does not work for Lead Pursuit (the guys behind Falcon: AF) I have no problems paying him the small amount he asks for his outstanding pits. Right now with the exchange rate the going price for each one of his AF pits is around $17, if you cant manage to give the guy the thanks he deserves (by paying him for his work and time) then I guess you are going to be stuck with the stock AF pits.
  19. Outlanders LAN_WROTE ... Nice. Here what Battlefield 3 executive producer Patrick Bach says - ?So for our target of what we want to hit, we are now using the more powerful platform to try and prove what we see gaming being in the future rather than using the lowest common denominator, instead of developing it for the consoles and then just adding higher resolution textures and anti-aliasing for the PC version. We?re do it the other way around, we start with the highest-end technology that we can come up with and then scale it back to the consoles.? Great news. I figure by the time this is released I will be due for a new video card anyway so this is perfectly fine by me. !clap
  20. The full 12 Minute Trailer has been unlocked and released. [yt=640,390]2zw8SmsovJc?hd=1[/yt]
  21. Another awesome trailer to drool over! [yt=640,390]TfrrAp1blaM?hd=1[/yt]
  22. Nice Chaz!!! Love the F/A-18 wallpaper, I use that same one in my rotation too!
  23. Robocop LAN_WROTE ... This game really frustrates me and im not flying it much now. Robocop do mind elaborating? I fly FC2 (F15, Mig29, and the SU-27) quite a bit and maybe I can help you out with whatever it is that you are having trouble with.
  24. As Iffn has stated, you can fly other airframes but no "authentic" cockpits for them.
  25. Here is the first 15min of the upcoming HBO series "Game of Thrones" based upon "A Song of Ice and Fire" , a series of epic fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin. [yt=640,390]JQykXOukM2Q?hd=1[/yt]
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