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=VG= Nvram

VG Clan Alumni
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Posts posted by =VG= Nvram

  1. leader!"
    I hate this line. A leader that is not questioned is a commander. No one likes commanders... they're annoying.
    I have and will allways question my leader if someone is doing it wrong. and if i am leader i would expect ANYONE to question me. If im doing something wrong i dont give two craps about being embarrassed, i dont want them to get killed for my idiotic idea's. This is why people die, they fear telling there leader "You sir, are an idiot!"
    I belive its the best way to prove your point, and should be done whenever it is required.
    If a leader gets embarrassed because he did something wrong and someone told him about it? God thats just stupid.. He should take it on the chin and lead them to victory...
    I dont respect a leader who gets embarrased cause he was questioned but didn't care much about getting his men killed.

    This: Only leaders who could explain WHY and What are legit the more the guys talk to each other the safer they are and better coordinated they are

    in the rest i go 1000% with Gaz

    @GAZ: we are not good infantry, in most missions most of us die and we usually also fail the missions, it doesnt matter how good you are on insurgency or domination, as said before they are just casual play, yes you can learn to shoot there but it doesn't help much because the AI wont work in the same way and they wont have the same armament. <-- We fail because half the time FTL dosent?t realy listen to his guys, we get dropped WAY off target (like that rocked one got almost 1000m away dropped while the was no enemy inf for ~15 min)

  2. Body armour alone front:


    Low-vis standalone


    Vel-Tye Hugger NSW MJK
    Coldsteel Tomahawk
    KC 13 Flare
    Eagle/allied SFLCS issued canteenpouch MJK
    Eagle/allied SFLCS issued quad M4 (2x2) MJK
    2 PTW Mags 30rds

    Vel-Tye low vis chestrig MJK
    Eagle/allied Utility SFLCS issued MJK
    Blackwater double grenade pouch MJK
    SOG Sealpup
    MK 141 Mod 0 grenade
    CAT tourniquet
    Sig 226 GBB
    4 cd PTW Mags 30rds
    Team Tecom xp Funke

    Mich 2001
    Norotos 3 hole
    IFF Flag
    Ms 2000 Distress marker
    Missing: 2 S&S V Lights,
    Contour HD
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